HII Strengthens Partnership with Old Dominion University with Opening of Newport News Shipbuilding Onsite Office

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HII's Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) division is strengthening its partnership with Old Dominion University (ODU) by opening an onsite NNS office in ODU's Engineering Systems building. The collaboration focuses on engineering, business, technology, modeling and simulation, student engagement, and the future of shipbuilding.

This initiative builds upon NNS's role as the lead industry sponsor of the Monarch Accelerator Program to Engineering (MAP-to-E), which aims to increase engineering and engineering technology majors and degrees, particularly from underrepresented communities in Hampton Roads.

The new office allows ODU students to connect directly with NNS for internships, co-ops, full-time employment, professional development, and mentoring opportunities. Currently, over 22% of NNS's engineering workforce are ODU graduates. NNS also sponsors the NNS Scholars program, providing academic scholarships to qualified students in engineering, business, or computer science.

La divisione Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) di HII sta rafforzando la sua collaborazione con l'Università Old Dominion (ODU) aprendo un ufficio NNS presso l'edificio dei Sistemi di Ingegneria dell'ODU. La collaborazione si concentra su ingegneria, economia, tecnologia, modellazione e simulazione, coinvolgimento degli studenti e il futuro della costruzione navale.

Questa iniziativa si basa sul ruolo di NNS come principale sponsor industriale del Monarch Accelerator Program to Engineering (MAP-to-E), che mira a incrementare il numero di studenti e laureati in ingegneria e tecnologia ingegneristica, in particolare provenienti da comunità sottorappresentate a Hampton Roads.

Il nuovo ufficio consente agli studenti dell'ODU di collegarsi direttamente con NNS per stage, tirocini, impiego a tempo pieno, sviluppo professionale e opportunità di mentoring. Attualmente, oltre il 22% della forza lavoro ingegneristica di NNS è composta da laureati dell'ODU. NNS sponsorizza anche il programma NNS Scholars, che offre borse di studio accademiche a studenti qualificati in ingegneria, economia o informatica.

La división Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) de HII está fortaleciendo su asociación con la Universidad Old Dominion (ODU) al abrir una oficina de NNS en el edificio de Sistemas de Ingeniería de ODU. La colaboración se enfoca en ingeniería, negocios, tecnología, modelado y simulación, compromiso estudiantil y el futuro de la construcción naval.

Esta iniciativa se basa en el papel de NNS como patrocinador principal de la industria del Monarch Accelerator Program to Engineering (MAP-to-E), que tiene como objetivo Aumentar la cantidad de estudiantes y grados en ingeniería y tecnología de ingeniería, particularmente de comunidades subrepresentadas en Hampton Roads.

La nueva oficina permite a los estudiantes de ODU conectarse directamente con NNS para pasantías, cooperativas, empleo a tiempo completo, desarrollo profesional y oportunidades de mentoría. Actualmente, más del 22% de la fuerza laboral de ingeniería de NNS son graduados de ODU. NNS también patrocina el programa NNS Scholars, proporcionando becas académicas a estudiantes calificados en ingeniería, negocios o ciencias de la computación.

HII의 뉴포트 뉴스 조선소(NNS) 부문은 올드 도미니언 대학교(ODU)와의 파트너십을 강화하고 있습니다. ODU의 공학 시스템 건물에 NNS 사무소를 열었습니다. 이 협력은 공학, 비즈니스, 기술, 모델링 및 시뮬레이션, 학생 참여, 조선업의 미래에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 NNS가 몬арх 가속기 프로그램(MAP-to-E)에서 주 산업 후원사로서의 역할을 기반으로 하며, 이 프로그램은 공학 및 공학 기술 전공과 학위를 증가시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 특히 해먼드 로드의 소외된 커뮤니티에서.

새로운 사무실은 ODU 학생들이 NNS와 직접 연결되어 인턴십, 협동 교육, 정규직, 전문 개발 및 멘토링 기회를 찾는 데 도움을 줍니다. 현재 NNS의 공학 인력의 22% 이상이 ODU 졸업생입니다. NNS는 또한 공학, 비즈니스 또는 컴퓨터 과학에서 자격이 있는 학생들에게 학술 장학금을 제공하는 NNS Scholars 프로그램을 후원합니다.

La division Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) de HII renforce son partenariat avec l'Université Old Dominion (ODU) en ouvrant un bureau NNS dans le bâtiment des Systèmes d'Ingénierie de l'ODU. La collaboration se concentre sur l'ingénierie, les affaires, la technologie, la modélisation et la simulation, l'engagement des étudiants et l'avenir de la construction navale.

Cette initiative repose sur le rôle de NNS en tant que principal sponsor industriel du Monarch Accelerator Program to Engineering (MAP-to-E), qui vise à augmenter le nombre de majeures et de diplômes en ingénierie et en technologie de l'ingénierie, en particulier pour les communautés sous-représentées à Hampton Roads.

Le nouveau bureau permet aux étudiants de l'ODU de se connecter directement avec NNS pour des stages, des coopérations, des emplois à temps plein, le développement professionnel et des opportunités de mentorat. Actuellement, plus de 22 % de la main-d'œuvre en ingénierie de NNS sont des diplômés de l'ODU. NNS sponsorise également le programme NNS Scholars, offrant des bourses académiques à des étudiants qualifiés en ingénierie, en affaires ou en informatique.

Die Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) Abteilung von HII verstärkt ihre Partnerschaft mit der Old Dominion University (ODU), indem sie ein NNS-Büro im Ingenieursgebäude der ODU eröffnet. Die Zusammenarbeit konzentriert sich auf Ingenieurwesen, Wirtschaft, Technologie, Modellierung und Simulation, Studentenengagement sowie die Zukunft des Schiffbaus.

Diese Initiative baut auf der Rolle von NNS als Hauptsponsor der Industrie für das Monarch Accelerator Program to Engineering (MAP-to-E) auf, das darauf abzielt, die Anzahl der Studiengänge und Abschlüsse in Ingenieurwesen und Ingenieurtechnologie zu erhöhen, insbesondere aus unterrepräsentierten Gemeinschaften in Hampton Roads.

Das neue Büro ermöglicht es den ODU-Studierenden, sich direkt mit NNS zu vernetzen für Praktika, Co-ops, Vollzeitbeschäftigung, berufliche Entwicklung und Mentoring-Möglichkeiten. Aktuell sind über 22 % der Ingenieurarbeitskräfte von NNS Absolventen der ODU. NNS sponsert auch das NNS Scholars Programm, das akademische Stipendien für qualifizierte Studierende in Ingenieurwesen, Wirtschaft oder Informatik bereitstellt.

  • Strengthened partnership between Newport News Shipbuilding and Old Dominion University
  • Potential increase in qualified engineering graduates for NNS workforce
  • Enhanced student access to internships, co-ops, and full-time employment opportunities at NNS
  • 22% of NNS engineering workforce are ODU graduates, indicating successful talent pipeline
  • None.

NORFOLK, Va., Oct. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HII’s (NYSE: HII) Newport News Shipbuilding division is strengthening its collaboration and partnership with Old Dominion University. Leaders from both gathered today to mark the opening of the onsite NNS office located in the ODU Engineering Systems building on the university’s main campus in Norfolk, Va.

NNS President Jennifer Boykin and ODU President Brian O. Hemphill, Ph.D. participated in a ribbon-cutting event Friday to open the new NNS office and highlight the synergy between academia and industry, focused on engineering, business, technology, modeling and simulation, student engagement and the future of shipbuilding.

The onsite office builds upon the 2023 announcement of NNS as the lead industry sponsor of the Monarch Accelerator Program to Engineering (MAP-to-E), which aims to increase the number of engineering and engineering technology majors and degrees, particularly from underrepresented and underserved communities in Hampton Roads.


Photos accompanying this release are available at:

“Newport News Shipbuilding is proud to team with Old Dominion University on the professional development of students — not just in engineering, but university-wide,” Boykin said. “Our close bond demonstrates the impact of industry-education partnerships. Together, we are creating opportunities for future problem solvers, innovators, and leaders. We are bolstering our vibrant Hampton Roads community and we are uniting to help our sailors protect our way of life.”

“Old Dominion University is thrilled to welcome our longtime partner, Newport News Shipbuilding, to campus.” Dr. Hemphill said. “A tremendous resource for our students in engineering, business and supply chain and maritime operations, this office is a true reflection of the manner in which academic and industry partners can thoughtfully and successfully build strong collaborations and synergies to drive economic growth, energize the shipbuilding industry and shape the future workforce of Hampton Roads. This important work is a testament to the commitment and vision of President Boykin and her team, as well as the dedication and expertise of our faculty, researchers and staff.”

The new office allows ODU students to connect directly with NNS in support of internship, co-op, and full-time employment opportunities, as well as professional development and mentoring at NNS.

More than 22% of the engineering workforce at NNS are graduates of Old Dominion University. The shipyard also sponsors the NNS Scholars program, which endows academic scholarships awarded annually to qualified junior, senior and graduate students studying engineering, business or computer science.

About HII

HII is a global, all-domain defense provider. HII’s mission is to deliver the world’s most powerful ships and all-domain solutions in service of the nation, creating the advantage for our customers to protect peace and freedom around the world.

As the nation’s largest military shipbuilder, and with a more than 135-year history of advancing U.S. national security, HII delivers critical capabilities extending from ships to unmanned systems, cyber, ISR, AI/ML and synthetic training. Headquartered in Virginia, HII’s workforce is 44,000 strong. For more information, visit:

About Old Dominion University

Old Dominion University (ODU), located in Norfolk, is Virginia's forward-focused public doctoral research university with more than 24,000 students. A top R1 research institution offering rigorous academics, ODU is recognized nationally for academic excellence, social mobility and access. Military friendly and home to an energetic residential community and robust initiatives that currently contribute $3.8 billion annually to Virginia's economy, ODU is a leader in the commonwealth. Macon & Joan Brock Virginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion University, founded July 1, 2024, represents the most comprehensive health sciences center in the Commonwealth of Virginia.


Todd Corillo 
(757) 688-3220

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What is the purpose of Newport News Shipbuilding's new office at Old Dominion University?

The new NNS office at ODU aims to strengthen collaboration between academia and industry, focusing on engineering, business, technology, modeling and simulation, student engagement, and the future of shipbuilding. It provides direct access for students to internship, co-op, and full-time employment opportunities, as well as professional development and mentoring at NNS.

How does the partnership between HII (NYSE: HII) and Old Dominion University benefit students?

The partnership benefits students by providing access to internships, co-ops, full-time employment opportunities, professional development, and mentoring at Newport News Shipbuilding. It also includes the NNS Scholars program, which offers academic scholarships to qualified students in engineering, business, or computer science.

What is the Monarch Accelerator Program to Engineering (MAP-to-E) sponsored by Newport News Shipbuilding?

The Monarch Accelerator Program to Engineering (MAP-to-E) is an initiative sponsored by Newport News Shipbuilding aimed at increasing the number of engineering and engineering technology majors and degrees, particularly from underrepresented and underserved communities in Hampton Roads.

What percentage of Newport News Shipbuilding's engineering workforce are Old Dominion University graduates?

More than 22% of the engineering workforce at Newport News Shipbuilding are graduates of Old Dominion University, demonstrating a strong talent pipeline between the university and the company.

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