HII’s Newport News Shipbuilding Division Recognized with 2024 Virginia Governor’s Volunteerism and Community Service Award
HII's Newport News Shipbuilding division has been awarded the 2024 Governor's Volunteerism & Community Service Award by Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin. The division, which is the largest industrial employer in Virginia, was recognized for its community service initiatives. NNS shipbuilders contribute thousands of volunteer hours annually through various activities including American Red Cross blood drives, Virginia Peninsula Foodbank support, and Habitat for Humanity projects. Since 2002, they've helped build 21 homes. The division also runs STEM mentoring programs like GEMS and YEM, providing guidance to middle school students and offering career awareness programs for high school students in maritime careers.
La divisione Newport News Shipbuilding di HII è stata premiata con il Governor's Volunteerism & Community Service Award 2024 dal Governatore della Virginia, Glenn Youngkin. Questa divisione, che è il più grande datore di lavoro industriale in Virginia, è stata riconosciuta per le sue iniziative di servizio alla comunità. I costruttori navali di NNS contribuiscono annualmente con migliaia di ore di volontariato attraverso varie attività, tra cui raccolte di sangue della Croce Rossa Americana, supporto alla Virginia Peninsula Foodbank e progetti per Habitat for Humanity. Dal 2002, hanno aiutato a costruire 21 abitazioni. La divisione gestisce anche programmi di mentoring STEM come GEMS e YEM, fornendo orientamento agli studenti delle scuole medie e offrendo programmi di sensibilizzazione professionale per gli studenti delle scuole superiori nelle carriere marittime.
La división Newport News Shipbuilding de HII ha recibido el Premio al Voluntariado y Servicio Comunitario del Gobernador 2024 por parte del Gobernador de Virginia, Glenn Youngkin. Esta división, que es el mayor empleador industrial en Virginia, fue reconocida por sus iniciativas de servicio comunitario. Los constructores navales de NNS aportan miles de horas de voluntariado al año a través de diversas actividades, incluidos los donativos de sangre de la Cruz Roja Americana, el apoyo al Virginia Peninsula Foodbank y proyectos de Habitat for Humanity. Desde 2002, han ayudado a construir 21 viviendas. La división también organiza programas de tutoría STEM como GEMS y YEM, brindando orientación a estudiantes de secundaria y ofreciendo programas de sensibilización profesional para estudiantes de preparatoria en carreras marítimas.
HII의 뉴포트 뉴스 조선소 부서는 버지니아주 주지사 글렌 영킨으로부터 2024년 자원봉사 및 커뮤니티 서비스 상을 수상했습니다. 이 부서는 버지니아에서 가장 큰 산업 고용주로, 지역 사회 봉사 이니셔티브로 인정받았습니다. NNS 조선공은 매년 다양한 활동을 통해 수천 시간의 자원봉사 시간을 기여하고 있으며, 여기에는 미국 적십자 혈액 수집, 버지니아 페닌슐라 푸드뱅크 지원, 그리고 인류를 위한 서식지가 포함됩니다. 2002년 이후, 그들은 21채의 주택을 건설하는 데 도움을 주었습니다. 이 부서는 또 GEMS 및 YEM과 같은 STEM 멘토링 프로그램을 운영하여 중학생들에게 안내를 제공하고, 해양 경력을 위한 고등학생 대상 직업 인식 프로그램을 제공합니다.
La division Newport News Shipbuilding de HII a reçu le Prix du Volontariat et du Service Communautaire du Gouverneur 2024 du Gouverneur de Virginie, Glenn Youngkin. Cette division, qui est le plus grand employeur industriel de Virginie, a été reconnue pour ses initiatives de service communautaire. Les constructeurs navals de NNS contribuent chaque année avec des milliers d'heures de bénévolat à travers diverses activités, notamment des collectes de sang de la Croix-Rouge américaine, le soutien à la Virginia Peninsula Foodbank et des projets pour Habitat for Humanity. Depuis 2002, ils ont aidé à construire 21 maisons. La division gère également des programmes de mentorat STEM tels que GEMS et YEM, offrant des conseils aux collégiens et proposant des programmes de sensibilisation aux carrières pour les lycéens dans les métiers maritimes.
Die Abteilung Newport News Shipbuilding von HII wurde mit dem Governor's Volunteerism & Community Service Award 2024 von Virginias Gouverneur Glenn Youngkin ausgezeichnet. Die Abteilung, die der größte industrielle Arbeitgeber in Virginia ist, wurde für ihre Gemeinschaftsinitiativen anerkannt. NNS-Schiffbauer leisten jährlich tausende von freiwilligen Stunden durch verschiedene Aktivitäten, darunter Blutspenden der Amerikanischen Roten Kreuzes, Unterstützung der Virginia Peninsula Foodbank und Projekte von Habitat for Humanity. Seit 2002 haben sie beim Bau von 21 Häusern geholfen. Die Abteilung führt auch STEM-Mentoring-Programme wie GEMS und YEM durch, die den Schülern der Mittelstufe Anleitung geben und hochschulunabhängige Programme für Schüler im Bereich maritime Karrieren anbieten.
- Recognition with prestigious state-level award strengthens company's reputation
- Largest industrial employer status in Virginia demonstrates market leadership
- Strong community engagement programs enhance corporate social responsibility profile
- None.
NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Nov. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HII’s (NYSE: HII) Newport News Shipbuilding division was recently recognized with the 2024 Governor’s Volunteerism & Community Service Award by Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin. HII is the largest industrial employer in the commonwealth.
NNS received the corporation award in the annual program coordinated by Serve Virginia and the Virginia Service Foundation, acknowledging Virginians who volunteer to make a difference in their communities.
“We are honored to be recognized by Governor Youngkin for the work our shipbuilders do to make our community stronger,” said Xavier Beale, NNS vice president of human resources and trades administration. “Shipbuilding is a noble calling, and we’re proud that their commitment to building the world’s best ships carries over into their efforts to give selflessly of their time and talents.”
Photos accompanying this release are available at: https://hii.com/news/hiis-newport-news-shipbuilding-division-recognized-with-2024-virginia-governors-volunteerism-and-community-service-award/.
NNS shipbuilders contribute thousands of hours of service annually to their local communities through volunteer activities, both those coordinated by the shipyard and independently. Examples of such efforts include hosting American Red Cross blood drives, collecting food and volunteering at the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank, and supporting Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg. Since 2002, NNS volunteers have helped build 21 homes for Habitat for Humanity, with work on a 22nd well underway.
NNS also plays a vital role in preparing underserved students for college and the workforce by offering a range of programs designed to enhance academic and career readiness. Through STEM mentoring programs like Girls with Engineering Minds in Shipbuilding (GEMS) and Young Men Engineers (YEM), NNS shipbuilders volunteer to engage with students, providing guidance and inspiration in science, technology, engineering and math fields at the middle school level.
On-site job experiences and career awareness programs further expose students, especially high school students, to real-world maritime careers, offering invaluable insights into roles in ship design, engineering, and manufacturing. Programs such as Scouts, which embed NNS employees in local career and technical education (CTE) programs throughout the school year, help connect what students are learning in the classroom to industry.
About HII
HII is a global, all-domain defense provider. HII’s mission is to deliver the world’s most powerful ships and all-domain solutions in service of the nation, creating the advantage for our customers to protect peace and freedom around the world.
As the nation’s largest military shipbuilder, and with a more than 135-year history of advancing U.S. national security, HII delivers critical capabilities extending from ships to unmanned systems, cyber, ISR, AI/ML and synthetic training. Headquartered in Virginia, HII’s workforce is 44,000 strong. For more information, visit:
- HII on the web: https://www.HII.com/
- HII on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeamHII
- HII on X: https://www.twitter.com/WeAreHII
- HII on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/WeAreHII
Todd Corillo
(757) 688-3220
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/232896ec-4f21-41da-8538-d8d74babd37d

What award did HII's Newport News Shipbuilding receive in 2024?
How many Habitat for Humanity homes has HII's Newport News Shipbuilding helped build since 2002?