HII’s Ingalls Shipbuilding Hosts Student Maritime Welding Competition

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HII's Ingalls Shipbuilding division hosted its second annual Project MFG Maritime Welding Competition, featuring 19 local students from area high schools and career technical programs. The two-hour event tested contestants' welding proficiency, requiring them to follow precise instructions while demonstrating knowledge of welding techniques, safety procedures, and equipment handling.

The competition aimed to highlight the importance of skilled trades in manufacturing and encourage students to pursue careers critical to the nation's industrial base. Winners received prizes and all participants received contingent employment offers from Ingalls. The top two winners were invited to participate in Project MFG's National Maritime Championship in the spring.

First place went to Devin Chanthivong from Alma Bryant High School, who expressed surprise and excitement about his potential future at Ingalls. The event served as a platform for students to showcase their talents and for industry representatives to connect with emerging talent, emphasizing the significance of vocational education in meeting modern workforce demands.

La divisione Ingalls Shipbuilding di HII ha ospitato la sua seconda edizione annuale del Project MFG Maritime Welding Competition, con la partecipazione di 19 studenti locali provenienti da scuole superiori e programmi tecnici professionali. L'evento di due ore ha messo alla prova le abilità di saldatura dei concorrenti, richiedendo loro di seguire istruzioni precise mentre dimostravano conoscenze sulle tecniche di saldatura, procedure di sicurezza e gestione delle attrezzature.

La competizione mirava a evidenziare l'importanza delle professioni qualificate nella produzione e a incoraggiare gli studenti a intraprendere carriere fondamentali per la base industriale del paese. I vincitori hanno ricevuto premi e tutti i partecipanti hanno ricevuto offerte di lavoro contingentate da Ingalls. I primi due vincitori sono stati invitati a partecipare al Campionato Nazionale Marittimo di Project MFG in primavera.

Il primo posto è andato a Devin Chanthivong della Alma Bryant High School, che ha espresso sorpresa ed entusiasmo per il suo potenziale futuro presso Ingalls. L'evento ha offerto una piattaforma agli studenti per mostrare i propri talenti e per i rappresentanti dell'industria di connettersi con i talenti emergenti, sottolineando l'importanza dell'istruzione professionale nel soddisfare le esigenze del mercato del lavoro moderno.

La división Ingalls Shipbuilding de HII organizó su segunda competencia anual de soldadura marítima Project MFG, participando 19 estudiantes locales de escuelas secundarias y programas técnicos. El evento de dos horas puso a prueba la competencia en soldadura de los concursantes, exigiendo que siguieran instrucciones precisas mientras demostraban conocimiento sobre técnicas de soldadura, procedimientos de seguridad y manejo de equipos.

La competencia tuvo como objetivo resaltar la importancia de los oficios calificados en la manufactura y animar a los estudiantes a seguir carreras críticas para la base industrial del país. Los ganadores recibieron premios y todos los participantes obtuvieron ofertas de empleo contingentes de Ingalls. Los dos mejores ganadores fueron invitados a participar en el Campeonato Nacional Marítimo de Project MFG en primavera.

El primer lugar fue para Devin Chanthivong de la Alma Bryant High School, quien expresó sorpresa y emoción por su posible futuro en Ingalls. El evento sirvió como una plataforma para que los estudiantes mostraran sus talentos y para que los representantes de la industria se conectaran con nuevos talentos, enfatizando la importancia de la educación vocacional para satisfacer las demandas modernas del mercado laboral.

HII의 Ingalls 조선 부문은 두 번째 연례 Project MFG 해양 용접 대회를 개최하여 지역 고등학교 및 직업 기술 프로그램의 19명의 학생들이 참가했습니다. 2시간 동안 진행된 이 행사에서는 참가자들의 용접 능력을 시험하며, 정확한 지침을 따르면서 용접 기술, 안전 절차 및 장비 조작에 대한 지식을 보여주어야 했습니다.

이 경쟁은 제조업에서 숙련된 기술직의 중요성을 강조하고 학생들이 국가 산업 기반에 중요한 경력을 추구하도록 격려하는 것을 목표로 했습니다. 우승자들은 상을 받았고, 모든 참가자는 Ingalls로부터 조건부 취업 제안을 받았습니다. 상위 두 명의 우승자는 봄에 열리는 Project MFG 국가 해양 챔피언십에 초대되었습니다.

1등은 Devin Chanthivong이 Alma Bryant 고등학교에서 차지했으며, 그는 Ingalls에서의 미래에 대해 놀라움과 기대감을 표현했습니다. 이 행사는 학생들이 자신의 재능을 선보일 수 있는 플랫폼이 되었고, 산업 대표들이 신진 인재와 연결될 수 있는 기회를 제공하여 현대 노동 시장의 요구를 충족하는 직업 교육의 중요성을 강조했습니다.

La division Ingalls Shipbuilding de HII a organisé sa deuxième compétition annuelle de soudage maritime Project MFG, réunissant 19 étudiants locaux provenant de lycées et de programmes techniques professionnels. Cet événement de deux heures a mis à l'épreuve les compétences de soudage des participants, leur demandant de suivre des instructions précises tout en démontrant leur connaissance des techniques de soudage, des procédures de sécurité et de la manipulation d'équipements.

La compétition visait à souligner l'importance des métiers qualifiés dans l'industrie manufacturière et à encourager les étudiants à suivre des carrières essentielles pour la base industrielle du pays. Les gagnants ont reçu des prix et tous les participants ont reçu des offres d'emploi conditionnelles de la part d'Ingalls. Les deux premiers gagnants ont été invités à participer au Championnat National Maritime de Project MFG au printemps.

La première place a été attribuée à Devin Chanthivong de l'Alma Bryant High School, qui a exprimé sa surprise et son enthousiasme quant à son avenir potentiel chez Ingalls. L'événement a servi de plateforme aux étudiants pour mettre en avant leurs talents et aux représentants de l'industrie pour se connecter avec de nouveaux talents, soulignant l'importance de l'éducation professionnelle pour répondre aux exigences du marché du travail moderne.

Die Abteilung Ingalls Shipbuilding von HII veranstaltete ihren zweiten jährlichen Project MFG Maritime Welding Competition, an dem 19 lokale Schüler von verschiedenen Oberschulen und Berufsfachschulen teilnahmen. Das zweistündige Event testete die Schweißfähigkeiten der Teilnehmer und erforderte, dass sie präzise Anweisungen befolgten, während sie ihr Wissen über Schweißtechniken, Sicherheitsvorschriften und den Umgang mit Geräten unter Beweis stellten.

Das Ziel des Wettbewerbs war es, die Bedeutung von Fachberufen in der Fertigung hervorzuheben und die Schüler zu ermutigen, Karrieren zu verfolgen, die für die industrielle Basis des Landes entscheidend sind. Die Gewinner erhielten Preise und alle Teilnehmer bekamen bedingte Arbeitsangebote von Ingalls. Die beiden besten Gewinner wurden eingeladen, im Frühjahr am National Maritime Championship von Project MFG teilzunehmen.

Der erste Platz ging an Devin Chanthivong von der Alma Bryant High School, der seine Überraschung und Begeisterung über seine möglichen Zukunft bei Ingalls zum Ausdruck brachte. Die Veranstaltung diente als Plattform für die Schüler, um ihr Talent zu zeigen und für Branchenvertreter, um sich mit aufstrebenden Talenten zu vernetzen, und betonte die Bedeutung der beruflichen Bildung zur Erfüllung der Anforderungen des modernen Arbeitsmarktes.

  • Ingalls Shipbuilding offered contingent employment to all competition participants
  • The competition serves as a recruitment tool for HII to identify and connect with emerging talent
  • Event promotes careers in shipbuilding and skilled trades, potentially securing future workforce for HII
  • None.

PASCAGOULA, Miss., Oct. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HII’s (NYSE: HII) Ingalls Shipbuilding division hosted their second annual Project MFG Maritime Welding Competition, bringing together 19 local students from area high schools and career technical programs to showcase their welding skills. The competition served as an opportunity to highlight the vital role of skilled trades in the manufacturing industry and encourage students to pursue careers in trades critical to the nation’s industrial base.

“It’s essential that we encourage more young people to pursue careers in shipbuilding and the skilled trades which play a critical role in supporting our nation’s security,” Ingalls Shipbuilding Community Relations Manager Lisa Bradley said. “By investing in these students today, we are connecting with the next generation of talent and ensuring our industry has the workforce we need to remain competitive and meet the challenges of tomorrow.”

The two-hour competition, designed to test the contestants' welding proficiency, required students to follow precise instructions to complete the project while demonstrating their knowledge of welding techniques, safety procedures and equipment handling.

Project MFG_Student_Rob Hebert_October 5, 2024_1

Photos accompanying this release are available at:

Upon the competition's conclusion, the winners were announced based on their performance throughout the competition. The first, second and third place winners received prizes and all of the participants received contingent employment offers from Ingalls. Additionally, the first and second place winners were invited to participate in Project MFG’s National Maritime Championship in the spring.

Below are the winners of this year’s Ingalls Shipbuilding Project MFG Student Maritime Welding Competition:

First Place – Devin Chanthivong, Alma Bryant High School (Mobile, Ala.)

Second Place – Coltin Straub, Alma Bryant High School (Mobile, Ala.)

Third Place (TIE) – Jonah Bell, Moss Point High School (Moss Point, Miss.)

Third Place (TIE) – Dillon Cole, Pascagoula High School (Pascagoula, Miss.)

When asked about his thoughts on winning the competition, Devin Chanthivong, first place winner and senior at Alma Bryant High School said, “Honestly, I had fun! I didn’t expect to win today. I started to learn how to weld in my sophomore year, and now I can see that my future could be at Ingalls.”

The Project MFG Maritime Welding Competition provides a platform for students to showcase their welding talents and for industry representatives to identify and connect with the next generation of talent. It also showcases participants’ skills and the significance of vocational education in meeting the demands of the modern workforce.

As an integrated workforce development and recruitment effort, Project MFG collaborates across communities, the private sector, and government to expand the U.S. industrial base workforce. For more information about the Project MFG Maritime Welding competition, visit

About HII

HII is a global, all-domain defense provider. HII’s mission is to deliver the world’s most powerful ships and all-domain solutions in service of the nation, creating the advantage for our customers to protect peace and freedom around the world.

As the nation’s largest military shipbuilder, and with a more than 135-year history of advancing U.S. national security, HII delivers critical capabilities extending from ships to unmanned systems, cyber, ISR, AI/ML and synthetic training. Headquartered in Virginia, HII’s workforce is 44,000 strong. For more information, visit:


Kimberly K. Aguillard

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What was the purpose of HII's Project MFG Maritime Welding Competition?

The competition aimed to highlight the importance of skilled trades in manufacturing, encourage students to pursue careers in shipbuilding, and provide a platform for HII to identify and connect with emerging talent for their workforce.

How many students participated in HII's welding competition?

19 local students from area high schools and career technical programs participated in HII's Project MFG Maritime Welding Competition.

What did the winners of HII's welding competition receive?

Winners received prizes, and all participants received contingent employment offers from Ingalls Shipbuilding. The first and second place winners were also invited to participate in Project MFG's National Maritime Championship in the spring.

Who won first place in HII's Project MFG Maritime Welding Competition?

Devin Chanthivong from Alma Bryant High School in Mobile, Alabama won first place in HII's Project MFG Maritime Welding Competition.

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