HII’s Enlighten Subsidiary Expands Office to Provide Enhanced Support for Big Data Operations and National Security Capabilities

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HII's Enlighten subsidiary has expanded operations with a new office in Columbia, Maryland, enhancing support for big data operations and national security capabilities. The expansion strengthens Enlighten's presence in a region known for technological innovation and talent. The company highlighted multiple high-value contracts with the U.S. Department of Defense and other federal agencies, focusing on cyber defenses, secure communication networks, and data analytics solutions.

Enlighten demonstrated its newest big data analysis offering, IONIC, a cloud-based platform supporting data normalization, enrichment, ingestion, and storage from various sources. IONIC's core applications aid analysts in quickly identifying key information, while specialized analytics driven by AI and ML deliver tailored results. The expansion aims to better serve clients, drive innovation, and contribute to the local community through STEM education initiatives and talent development programs.

La filiale Enlighten di HII ha espanso le operazioni aprendo un nuovo ufficio a Columbia, Maryland, migliorando il supporto per le operazioni di big data e le capacità di sicurezza nazionale. L'espansione rafforza la presenza di Enlighten in una regione conosciuta per l'innovazione tecnologica e il talento. L'azienda ha evidenziato molti contratti di alto valore con il Dipartimento della Difesa degli Stati Uniti e altre agenzie federali, concentrandosi su difese informatiche, reti di comunicazione sicure e soluzioni di analisi dei dati.

Enlighten ha presentato la sua ultima offerta di analisi dei big data, IONIC, una piattaforma basata su cloud che supporta la normalizzazione, l'arricchimento, l'ingestione e l'archiviazione dei dati provenienti da varie fonti. Le applicazioni principali di IONIC aiutano gli analisti a identificare rapidamente le informazioni chiave, mentre analisi specializzate guidate da AI e ML forniscono risultati personalizzati. L'espansione ha l'obiettivo di servire meglio i clienti, stimolare l'innovazione e contribuire alla comunità locale attraverso iniziative di educazione STEM e programmi di sviluppo del talento.

La subsidiaria Enlighten de HII ha expandido sus operaciones con una nueva oficina en Columbia, Maryland, mejorando el apoyo a las operaciones de big data y capacidades de seguridad nacional. La expansión refuerza la presencia de Enlighten en una región conocida por su innovación tecnológica y talento. La empresa destacó múltiples contratos de alto valor con el Departamento de Defensa de EE. UU. y otras agencias federales, enfocándose en defensas cibernéticas, redes de comunicación seguras y soluciones de análisis de datos.

Enlighten presentó su nueva oferta de análisis de big data, IONIC, una plataforma basada en la nube que apoya la normalización, enriquecimiento, ingesta y almacenamiento de datos de diversas fuentes. Las aplicaciones centrales de IONIC ayudan a los analistas a identificar rápidamente información clave, mientras que análisis especializados impulsados por IA y ML ofrecen resultados personalizados. La expansión tiene como objetivo servir mejor a los clientes, impulsar la innovación y contribuir a la comunidad local a través de iniciativas de educación STEM y programas de desarrollo de talento.

HII의 Enlighten 자회사가 운영을 확장하여 메릴랜드주 컬럼비아에 새로운 사무소를 열어 빅 데이터 운영 및 국가 안보 능력 지원을 강화했습니다. 이 확장은 기술 혁신과 인재로 잘 알려진 지역에서 Enlighten의 존재감을 강화합니다. 이 회사는 미국 국방부 및 기타 연방 기관과의 여러 고부가가치 계약을 강조하며 사이버 방어, 안전한 통신 네트워크 및 데이터 분석 솔루션에 중점을 두었습니다.

Enlighten은 다양한 출처의 데이터 정규화, 보강, 수집 및 저장을 지원하는 클라우드 기반 플랫폼인 IONIC을 소개했습니다. IONIC의 핵심 애플리케이션은 분석가들이 중요한 정보를 빠르게 식별할 수 있도록 도와주며, AI와 ML에 의해 주도되는 전문 분석은 맞춤형 결과를 제공합니다. 이번 확장은 고객 서비스 개선, 혁신 촉진, 지역 사회에 대한 기여를 통해 STEM 교육 이니셔티브 및 인재 개발 프로그램을 통해 이루어질 것입니다.

La filiale Enlighten de HII a étendu ses opérations avec un nouveau bureau à Columbia, Maryland, renforçant ainsi le soutien aux opérations de big data et aux capacités de sécurité nationale. Cette expansion renforce la présence d'Enlighten dans une région réputée pour son innovation technologique et ses talents. L'entreprise a mis en avant plusieurs contrats de grande valeur avec le département de la Défense des États-Unis et d'autres agences fédérales, en se concentrant sur les défenses cybernétiques, les réseaux de communication sécurisés et les solutions d'analyse de données.

Enlighten a présenté sa dernière offre d'analyse de big data, IONIC, une plateforme basée sur le cloud qui soutient la normalisation, l'enrichissement, l'ingestion et le stockage des données provenant de diverses sources. Les applications principales d'IONIC aident les analystes à identifier rapidement des informations clés, tandis que les analyses spécialisées, pilotées par l'IA et le ML, fournissent des résultats sur mesure. L'expansion vise à mieux servir les clients, à stimuler l'innovation et à contribuer à la communauté locale grâce à des initiatives d'éducation STEM et à des programmes de développement des talents.

Die Tochtergesellschaft Enlighten von HII hat die Betriebe erweitert, indem sie ein neues Büro in Columbia, Maryland, eröffnet hat, um die Unterstützung für Big-Data-Operationen und nationale Sicherheitsfähigkeiten zu verbessern. Diese Expansion stärkt die Präsenz von Enlighten in einer Region, die für technologische Innovation und Talent bekannt ist. Das Unternehmen hob mehrere hochkarätige Verträge mit dem US-Verteidigungsministerium und anderen Bundesbehörden hervor, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Cyber-Abwehr, sicheren Kommunikationsnetzen und Datenanalyselösungen lag.

Enlighten stellte sein neuestes Angebot zur Big-Data-Analyse, IONIC, vor, eine cloudbasierte Plattform, die die Datennormalisierung, -anreicherung, -aufnahme und -speicherung aus verschiedenen Quellen unterstützt. Die Kernanwendungen von IONIC helfen Analysten, schnell Schlüsselinformationen zu identifizieren, während spezialisierte Analysen, die von KI und ML gesteuert werden, maßgeschneiderte Ergebnisse liefern. Die Expansion zielt darauf ab, die Kunden besser zu bedienen, Innovationen voranzutreiben und zur lokalen Gemeinschaft durch STEM-Bildungsinitiativen und Talententwicklungsprogramme beizutragen.

  • Expansion of operations with new office in Columbia, Maryland
  • Secured multiple high-value contracts with U.S. Department of Defense and federal agencies
  • Demonstrated new big data analysis offering IONIC, enhancing data analytics capabilities
  • Strengthened presence in a region known for technological innovation and talent
  • None.

Enlighten's expansion and launch of IONIC signify a strategic move in the big data analytics space. The IONIC platform's capabilities in data normalization, enrichment and AI/ML-driven analytics position it as a formidable tool for national security operations. Its ability to fuse isolated events for comprehensive situational awareness is particularly noteworthy.

However, the competitive landscape in this sector is intense. Giants like Palantir and IBM already offer similar solutions. Enlighten's success will hinge on its ability to differentiate IONIC and secure high-value contracts consistently. The expansion might boost Enlighten's operational capacity, but its impact on HII's overall financial performance remains to be seen, given the subsidiary's size relative to HII's core shipbuilding business.

While the office expansion and new contracts are positive developments for Enlighten, their immediate financial impact on HII is likely . HII's core business remains shipbuilding, with its Mission Technologies division (including Enlighten) contributing a smaller portion to overall revenue.

Investors should focus on long-term potential rather than short-term gains. The expansion into high-growth areas like cybersecurity and big data analytics could diversify HII's revenue streams and potentially improve profit margins over time. However, without specific financial figures or contract values, it's challenging to quantify the impact. Prudent investors should wait for more concrete financial data in upcoming quarterly reports to assess the true value of this expansion.

COLUMBIA, Md., Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HII’s (NYSE: HII) Enlighten subsidiary marked a strategic expansion of operations with the opening of a new office facility in Columbia, Maryland, on July 31. The new office will serve as an important hub for innovation, collaboration, and growth across the company’s work with various branches of the U.S. military and national security agencies, as well as Enlighten’s continued leadership in providing solutions for big data analysis.

During the opening, Enlighten highlighted multiple high-value contracts secured with the U.S. Department of Defense and other federal agencies, establishing the company as a trusted leader and partner in national security. These contracts include cutting-edge solutions and projects focused on enhancing cyber defenses, developing secure communication networks, and providing comprehensive data analytics solutions.

The Enlighten team also demonstrated one of the company’s newest offerings in big data analysis: IONIC.

IONIC is a next-generation data analysis solution that offers full visibility across a wide range of data points (e.g., intelligence, infrastructure, operational readiness, and cybersecurity posture). This cloud-based big data platform supports normalization, enrichment, ingestion, and storage of big data from a wide variety of sources. Core applications support query and visualization to help analysts quickly pinpoint key information. Specialized analytics, including those driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), study data and deliver tailored results to narrow the field during an investigation. In response to emerging requirements, these capabilities are developed and delivered at mission speed directly to operational teams. In this environment, previously isolated events can now be fused with others to create a comprehensive situational awareness picture.

Enlighten 01

Photos accompanying this release are available at:

Learn more about IONIC in this video:

“HII is excited to open our new office in Columbia, Maryland,” said Andy Green, executive vice president of HII and president of HII's Mission Technologies division. “This expansion allows Enlighten and HII to better serve our clients while also strengthening our presence in a region known for its technological innovation and talent. We look forward to continuing our growth and contributing to the local community.”

Steve Wagner, who was among WashingtonExec’s “Top Cyber Execs to Watch” in 2023 and leads Enlighten, stated, “The opening of the Columbia office marks a significant milestone for Enlighten. Our team is excited to leverage this new location to drive innovation, support our clients, and achieve new levels of success.”

Enlighten will continue its well-recognized community engagement in Maryland and around the country, supporting STEM education initiatives and fostering local talent through internships and mentorship programs. The Columbia office will further these efforts, providing new opportunities for engagement and development within the community.

About HII
HII is a global, all-domain defense provider. HII’s mission is to deliver the world’s most powerful ships and all-domain solutions in service of the nation, creating the advantage for our customers to protect peace and freedom around the world. As the nation’s largest military shipbuilder, and with a more than 135-year history of advancing U.S. national security, HII delivers critical capabilities extending from ships to unmanned systems, cyber, ISR, AI/ML and synthetic training. Headquartered in Virginia, HII’s workforce is 44,000 strong. For more information, visit:

Greg McCarthy
(202) 302-1202

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What is the purpose of HII's Enlighten subsidiary's new office in Columbia, Maryland?

The new office in Columbia, Maryland, serves as a hub for innovation, collaboration, and growth across Enlighten's work with U.S. military and national security agencies, as well as enhancing its big data analysis capabilities.

What is IONIC, and how does it benefit HII's Enlighten subsidiary?

IONIC is Enlighten's next-generation data analysis solution that offers full visibility across various data points. It's a cloud-based big data platform that supports data normalization, enrichment, ingestion, and storage, helping analysts quickly pinpoint key information and create comprehensive situational awareness.

How is HII (NYSE: HII) contributing to the local community through its Enlighten subsidiary?

HII's Enlighten subsidiary is supporting STEM education initiatives and fostering local talent through internships and mentorship programs. The new Columbia office will provide additional opportunities for community engagement and development.

What types of contracts has HII's Enlighten subsidiary secured with government agencies?

Enlighten has secured high-value contracts with the U.S. Department of Defense and other federal agencies, focusing on enhancing cyber defenses, developing secure communication networks, and providing comprehensive data analytics solutions.

Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc.


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