HII Names Steve Powell as Corporate Vice President and Treasurer
HII (NYSE: HII), a global all-domain defense provider, has announced that Steve Powell will become the company's next corporate vice president and treasurer, effective Jan. 1, 2025. Powell, currently HII's assistant treasurer for banking and capital markets, will succeed D.R. "Rick" Wyatt, who is retiring after over 40 years of service. In his new role, Powell will be responsible for various financial aspects of the company, including banking, corporate finance, cash management, insurance, and pension trust asset management.
Powell has been with HII's Treasury Department since 2011 and previously worked at Lockheed Martin and Martin Marietta. He holds a bachelor's degree in chemistry with concentrations in finance, business & economics from St. Lawrence University and an MBA from Virginia Tech. Powell will report directly to Executive Vice President and CFO Tom Stiehle.
HII (NYSE: HII), un fornitore globale di difesa in tutti i settori, ha annunciato che Steve Powell sarà il prossimo vice presidente aziendale e tesoriere dell'azienda, a partire dal 1 gennaio 2025. Powell, attualmente tesoriere assistente di HII per il settore bancario e i mercati dei capitali, succederà a D.R. "Rick" Wyatt, che vanno in pensione dopo oltre 40 anni di servizio. In questo nuovo ruolo, Powell sarà responsabile di vari aspetti finanziari dell'azienda, tra cui il settore bancario, la finanza aziendale, la gestione della liquidità, l'assicurazione e la gestione degli attivi del fondo pensione.
Powell è stato con il Dipartimento del Tesoro di HII dal 2011 e ha precedentemente lavorato presso Lockheed Martin e Martin Marietta. Possiede una laurea in chimica con specializzazioni in finanza, business ed economia presso la St. Lawrence University e un MBA dalla Virginia Tech. Powell riferirà direttamente a Tom Stiehle, Vice Presidente Esecutivo e CFO.
HII (NYSE: HII), un proveedor global de defensa en todos los dominios, ha anunciado que Steve Powell se convertirá en el próximo vicepresidente corporativo y tesorero de la empresa, efectivo a partir del 1 de enero de 2025. Powell, que actualmente es tesorero asistente de HII para banca y mercados de capitales, sucederá a D.R. "Rick" Wyatt, quien se retira después de más de 40 años de servicio. En su nuevo rol, Powell será responsable de varios aspectos financieros de la compañía, incluidos la banca, las finanzas corporativas, la gestión de efectivo, los seguros y la administración de activos del fondo de pensiones.
Powell ha estado en el Departamento del Tesoro de HII desde 2011 y anteriormente trabajó en Lockheed Martin y Martin Marietta. Tiene una licenciatura en química con concentraciones en finanzas, negocios y economía de la Universidad de St. Lawrence y un MBA de Virginia Tech. Powell reportará directamente a Tom Stiehle, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y CFO.
HII (NYSE: HII)는 전방위 방산 제공업체로서 Steve Powell이 다음 기업 부사장 및 재무담당자로 임명될 것이라고 발표했습니다. 이는 2025년 1월 1일자로 시행됩니다. 현재 HII의 은행 및 자본 시장 담당 보조 재무담당자인 Powell은 40년 이상 근무한 D.R. "Rick" Wyatt의 뒤를 이어 취임하게 됩니다. Powell은 새로운 역할에서 은행업무, 기업 금융, 자금 관리, 보험 및 연금 신탁 자산 관리 등 다양한 재무적 측면을 책임지게 됩니다.
Powell은 2011년부터 HII 재무부에서 근무해 왔으며, 그 전에 Lockheed Martin과 Martin Marietta에서 일했습니다. 그는 St. Lawrence University에서 화학 학사 학위를, Virginia Tech에서 MBA를 취득했습니다. Powell은 Tom Stiehle, 수석 부사장 겸 CFO에게 직접 보고할 것입니다.
HII (NYSE: HII), un fournisseur mondial de défense couvrant tous les domaines, a annoncé que Steve Powell deviendra le prochain vice-président corporate et trésorier de l'entreprise, à compter du 1er janvier 2025. Powell, actuellement trésorier adjoint d'HII pour les banques et les marchés des capitaux, succédera à D.R. "Rick" Wyatt, qui prendra sa retraite après plus de 40 ans de service. Dans son nouveau rôle, Powell sera responsable de divers aspects financiers de l'entreprise, y compris la banque, la finance d'entreprise, la gestion de la trésorerie, l'assurance et la gestion des actifs de fonds de pension.
Powell travaille au sein du département des finances d'HII depuis 2011 et a précédemment travaillé chez Lockheed Martin et Martin Marietta. Il détient un diplôme en chimie avec des concentrations en finance, commerce et économie de l'Université de St. Lawrence ainsi qu'un MBA de Virginia Tech. Powell fera rapport directement à Tom Stiehle, vice-président exécutif et CFO.
HII (NYSE: HII), ein globaler Anbieter von Verteidigungslösungen in allen Bereichen, hat angekündigt, dass Steve Powell zum nächsten stellvertretenden Unternehmenspräsidenten und Schatzmeister des Unternehmens ernannt wird, mit Wirkung vom 1. Januar 2025. Powell, der derzeit stellvertretender Schatzmeister von HII für Bank- und Kapitalmärkte ist, wird D.R. "Rick" Wyatt nachfolgen, der nach über 40 Jahren im Dienst in den Ruhestand geht. In seiner neuen Rolle wird Powell für verschiedene finanzielle Aspekte des Unternehmens verantwortlich sein, einschließlich Bankgeschäfte, Unternehmensfinanzierung, Cash-Management, Versicherungen und Verwaltung der Pensionsfondsvermögen.
Powell ist seit 2011 im Schatzamt von HII tätig und hat zuvor bei Lockheed Martin und Martin Marietta gearbeitet. Er hat einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Chemie mit Schwerpunkten in Finanzen, Wirtschaft und Betriebswirtschaft von der St. Lawrence University sowie einen MBA von der Virginia Tech. Powell wird direkt an Tom Stiehle, den Executive Vice President und CFO, berichten.
- Appointment of experienced internal candidate Steve Powell as new corporate VP and treasurer
- Smooth transition plan with new appointment effective Jan. 1, 2025
- None.
NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Sept. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Global all-domain defense provider HII (NYSE: HII) announced today that Steve Powell, HII’s assistant treasurer for banking and capital markets, will become the company’s next corporate vice president and treasurer, effective Jan. 1, 2025. Powell will succeed D.R. “Rick” Wyatt, who will retire at the end of this year after more than four decades of service with the company.
In this role, Powell will be responsible for banking and credit, corporate finance, cash management and forecasting, insurance and risk management, M&A valuation and financing, investments and trusts, capital structure, capital markets, rating agency relationships, short-term investments, and pension trust asset management. Powell will report directly to Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Tom Stiehle.
“Rick is the last HII ‘plank owner,’ one of the initial set of corporate officers that stood up the company, and we are extremely thankful for his leadership that helped build and shape the company we know as HII today,” Stiehle said. “Steve has held his current position within HII’s Treasury Department since the spin from Northrop Grumman, and is uniquely qualified with intimate, extensive experience and knowledge of HII customers, products and services, stakeholders, capital markets, personnel, processes and treasury operations.”
Powell has held his current position within HII’s Treasury Department since 2011. Prior to joining HII, he worked at Lockheed Martin and Martin Marietta for 11 years in both corporate treasury and operations finance. Powell holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry with additional concentrations in finance, business & economics from St. Lawrence University and a Master of Business Administration from Virginia Tech.
Photos accompanying this release are available at: https://hii.com/news/hii-names-steve-powell-as-corporate-vice-president-and-treasurer/.
About HII
HII is a global, all-domain defense provider. HII’s mission is to deliver the world’s most powerful ships and all-domain solutions in service of the nation, creating the advantage for our customers to protect peace and freedom around the world. As the nation’s largest military shipbuilder, and with a more than 135-year history of advancing U.S. national security, HII delivers critical capabilities extending from ships to unmanned systems, cyber, ISR, AI/ML and synthetic training. Headquartered in Virginia, HII’s workforce is 44,000 strong. For more information, visit:
- HII on the web: https://www.HII.com/
- HII on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeamHII
- HII on X: https://www.twitter.com/WeAreHII
- HII on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/WeAreHII
Danny Hernandez
(202) 264-7143
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/54f16e95-38fa-441d-b000-43eb5afe4a5e

Who is HII's new corporate vice president and treasurer?
When will Steve Powell assume his new role at HII (NYSE: HII)?
Who is Steve Powell replacing as treasurer at HII?