HII Moves Enterprise (CVN 80) for First Time, Enabling Construction of Two Aircraft Carriers at Once
HII's Newport News Shipbuilding division has successfully moved the mid-body hull section of the Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier Enterprise (CVN 80), enabling concurrent assembly of two aircraft carriers in the same dry dock. The operation involved flooding the dock with over 100 million gallons of water for Enterprise's first float. The shipyard plans to begin assembling Doris Miller (CVN 81) in early next year, marking a historic first for simultaneous construction of two Gerald R. Ford-class carriers. Enterprise is notably the first aircraft carrier designed and built entirely using digital tools, with visual work instructions on laptops and tablets replacing traditional paper drawings.
La divisione Newport News Shipbuilding di HII ha spostato con successo la sezione centrale dello scafo del portaerei della classe Gerald R. Ford Enterprise (CVN 80), consentendo l'assemblaggio simultaneo di due portaerei nello stesso bacino di carenaggio. L'operazione ha comportato l'allagamento del bacino con oltre 100 milioni di galloni d'acqua per il primo galleggiamento dell'Enterprise. Il cantiere navale prevede di iniziare l'assemblaggio del Doris Miller (CVN 81) all'inizio del prossimo anno, segnando un primo storico per la costruzione simultanea di due portaerei della classe Gerald R. Ford. L'Enterprise è particolarmente nota per essere la prima portaerei progettata e costruita interamente utilizzando strumenti digitali, con istruzioni di lavoro visive su computer portatili e tablet che sostituiscono i tradizionali disegni cartacei.
La división Newport News Shipbuilding de HII ha trasladado con éxito la sección del casco de media longitud del portaviones de clase Gerald R. Ford Enterprise (CVN 80), permitiendo el ensamblaje simultáneo de dos portaviones en el mismo dique seco. La operación involucró inundar el dique con más de 100 millones de galones de agua para el primer flotador del Enterprise. El astillero planea comenzar a ensamblar el Doris Miller (CVN 81) a principios del próximo año, marcando un primer histórico para la construcción simultánea de dos portaviones de clase Gerald R. Ford. El Enterprise es notablemente el primer portaviones diseñado y construido completamente utilizando herramientas digitales, con instrucciones de trabajo visuales en laptops y tabletas que reemplazan los dibujos en papel tradicionales.
HII의 뉴포트 뉴스 조선소 부문은 제럴드 R. 포드급 항공모함 기업 (CVN 80)의 중간 부분 선체를 성공적으로 이동시켜 같은 드라이 도크에서 두 척의 항공모함을 동시 조립할 수 있게 되었습니다. 이 작업은 기업의 첫 번째 플로트 위해 도크에 1억 갤론 이상의 물을 채우는 것을 포함했습니다. 조선소는 내년 초에 도리스 밀러 (CVN 81)의 조립을 시작할 계획이며, 이는 두 척의 제럴드 R. 포드급 항공모함을 동시에 건조하는 역사적인 첫 사례가 됩니다. 기업은 전통적인 종이 도면을 대체하여 노트북과 태블릿에서 비주얼 작업 지침을 사용하는 디지털 도구로 전적으로 설계되고 건조된 첫 번째 항공모함입니다.
La division Newport News Shipbuilding de HII a réussi à déplacer la section centrale de la coque du porte-avions de classe Gerald R. Ford Enterprise (CVN 80), permettant l'assemblage simultané de deux porte-avions dans le même dock. L'opération a impliqué de remplir le dock avec plus de 100 millions de gallons d'eau pour le premier flottement de l'Enterprise. Le chantier naval prévoit de commencer l'assemblage du Doris Miller (CVN 81) au début de l'année prochaine, marquant une première historique pour la construction simultanée de deux porte-avions de classe Gerald R. Ford. L'Enterprise est notablement le premier porte-avions conçu et construit entièrement à l'aide d'outils numériques, avec des instructions de travail visuelles sur ordinateurs portables et tablettes remplaçant les dessins traditionnels sur papier.
Die Abteilung Newport News Shipbuilding von HII hat erfolgreich den Mittelrumpf des Gerald R. Ford-Klasse Flugzeugträgers Enterprise (CVN 80) bewegt, was die gleichzeitige Montage von zwei Flugzeugträgern im selben Trockendock ermöglicht. Bei der Operation wurde das Dock mit über 100 Millionen Gallonen Wasser geflutet, um das erste Float der Enterprise zu ermöglichen. Das Werft plant, Anfang nächsten Jahres mit dem Bau des Doris Miller (CVN 81) zu beginnen, was einen historischen ersten Schritt für die gleichzeitige Konstruktion von zwei Gerald R. Ford-Klasse Trägers darstellt. Die Enterprise ist bemerkenswerterweise der erste Flugzeugträger, der vollständig mit digitalen Werkzeugen entworfen und gebaut wurde, wobei visuelle Arbeitsanweisungen auf Laptops und Tablets die traditionellen Papierskizzen ersetzen.
- First-ever concurrent construction of two Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers in same dry dock
- Implementation of innovative digital design and construction methods
- Successful execution of CVN 80/81 two-ship contract modification from 2019
- None.
NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Nov. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HII (NYSE: HII) announced today that its Newport News Shipbuilding division has successfully transferred the mid-body hull section of Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier Enterprise (CVN 80), allowing the shipyard to begin the concurrent assembly of two Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers in the same dry dock.
The evolution began Thursday, Oct. 31 with the controlled process of slowly filling the dry dock with more than 100 million gallons of water, marking the first time CVN 80 has been floated. It was then transferred to the west end of the dry dock, where construction on the ship will continue.
Early next year, the shipyard expects to commence assembling Doris Miller (CVN 81) in the east end of the dry dock, marking a historic first that two Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers will be under construction in the dry dock at the same time. The dual construction of Enterprise (CVN 80) and Doris Miller (CVN 81) is enabled by the successful implementation of the CVN 80/81 two-ship contract modification awarded in 2019 and modifications made to the dry dock by NNS with investment by HII and the U.S. Navy.
Photos and a video accompany this release are available at: https://hii.com/news/hii-moves-enterprise-cvn-80-for-first-time-enabling-construction-of-two-aircraft-carriers-at-once/.
“It is only fitting for this Enterprise, CVN 80, to be part of a historic first at NNS, considering the previous Enterprise, CVN 65, was the world’s first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, proudly built here at the shipyard,” said Les Smith, NNS vice president Enterprise (CVN 80), Doris Miller (CVN 81) and future aircraft carrier programs. “Thousands of dedicated shipbuilders are working with urgency on these aircraft carriers that we know will play a vital role in the Navy’s fleet.”
NNS is the only shipyard capable of designing, building and refueling nuclear-powered aircraft carriers for the Navy. Enterprise is the first aircraft carrier designed digitally and built digitally using visual work instructions on laptops and tablets rather than paper drawings.
About HII
HII is a global, all-domain defense provider. HII’s mission is to deliver the world’s most powerful ships and all-domain solutions in service of the nation, creating the advantage for our customers to protect peace and freedom around the world.
As the nation’s largest military shipbuilder, and with a more than 135-year history of advancing U.S. national security, HII delivers critical capabilities extending from ships to unmanned systems, cyber, ISR, AI/ML and synthetic training. Headquartered in Virginia, HII’s workforce is 44,000 strong. For more information, visit:
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- HII on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/WeAreHII
Todd Corillo
(757) 688-3220
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/c8c59113-50a5-478e-815d-088d32e86254

When did HII move the Enterprise (CVN 80) aircraft carrier for the first time?
What makes the Enterprise (CVN 80) construction unique for HII?