HII Launches Amphibious Transport Dock Harrisburg (LPD 30)

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HII's Ingalls Shipbuilding division has successfully launched the first LPD Flight II, San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship Harrisburg (LPD 30). This marks a significant milestone in the ship's journey towards operational readiness. The Ingalls team moved Harrisburg from land to the company's floating dry dock using translation railcars and completed final prep work for launch.

Ingalls Shipbuilding President Kari Wilkinson emphasized the importance of this launch in supporting national security and fielding capability to U.S. Navy and Marine Corps partners. The launch follows a recent amphibious multi-ship procurement contract for three San Antonio-class ships (LPD 33-35) and a contract modification for the next America-class large-deck amphibious ship (LHA 10). Ingalls currently has two Flight II LPDs under construction, including Harrisburg (LPD 30) and Pittsburgh (LPD 31), with pre-construction activities underway for Philadelphia (LPD 32).

La divisione Ingalls Shipbuilding di HII ha lanciato con successo il primo LPD Flight II, nave da trasporto anfibio classe San Antonio Harrisburg (LPD 30). Questo segna una pietra miliare significativa nel percorso della nave verso la prontezza operativa. Il team di Ingalls ha spostato Harrisburg dalla terra al bacino galleggiante dell'azienda utilizzando carri ferroviari di traduzione e ha completato i preparativi finali per il lancio.

Il presidente di Ingalls Shipbuilding, Kari Wilkinson, ha sottolineato l'importanza di questo lancio a supporto della sicurezza nazionale e per fornire capacità ai partner della Marina degli Stati Uniti e del Corpo dei Marines. Il lancio segue un recente contratto per l'acquisto di navi anfibie multi-nave per tre navi classe San Antonio (LPD 33-35) e una modifica di contratto per la prossima nave anfibia di grande ponte classe America (LHA 10). Attualmente, Ingalls ha due LPD Flight II in costruzione, inclusa Harrisburg (LPD 30) e Pittsburgh (LPD 31), con attività di pre-costruzione in corso per Philadelphia (LPD 32).

La división Ingalls Shipbuilding de HII ha lanzado con éxito el primer LPD Flight II, barco de transporte anfibio de clase San Antonio Harrisburg (LPD 30). Esto marca un hito significativo en el viaje del barco hacia la preparación operativa. El equipo de Ingalls trasladó a Harrisburg de la tierra al dique seco flotante de la empresa utilizando vagones de traducción y completó los trabajos finales de preparación para el lanzamiento.

La presidenta de Ingalls Shipbuilding, Kari Wilkinson, enfatizó la importancia de este lanzamiento en el apoyo a la seguridad nacional y en proporcionar capacidades a los socios de la Marina y el Cuerpo de Marines de EE. UU. El lanzamiento sigue a un reciente contrato de adquisición multi-nave para tres barcos de clase San Antonio (LPD 33-35) y una modificación de contrato para el próximo barco anfibio de gran cubierta de clase America (LHA 10). Actualmente, Ingalls tiene dos LPD Flight II en construcción, incluida Harrisburg (LPD 30) y Pittsburgh (LPD 31), con actividades de pre-construcción en marcha para Philadelphia (LPD 32).

HII의 잉걸스 조선소는 첫 번째 LPD Flight II인 샌안토니오급 수륙 양용 수송선 해리스버그 (LPD 30)를 성공적으로 진수했습니다. 이는 조선소의 작전 준비태세를 향한 중요한 이정표가 됩니다. 잉걸스 팀은 해리스버그를 육상에서 회사의 부유식 드라이 도크로 이동시키기 위해 변환 레일카를 사용했고, 진수 준비 작업을 완료했습니다.

잉걸스 조선소의 사장 카리 윌킨슨은 이 진수의 중요성을 강조하며 미 해군과 해병대 파트너들에게 국가 안보를 지원하고 능력을 제공하는 데 기여하고 있다고 밝혔습니다. 이번 진수는 최근 세 척의 샌안토니오급 선박(LPD 33-35)을 위한 수륙 양용 다선 계약과 차기 아메리카급 대형 수륙 양용 선박(LHA 10)에 대한 계약 수정에 이어 이루어졌습니다. 현재 잉걸스는 해리스버그 (LPD 30)와 피츠버그 (LPD 31)를 포함하여 두 척의 Flight II LPD를 건조 중이며, 필라델피아 (LPD 32) 건설 준비 작업이 진행 중입니다.

La division Ingalls Shipbuilding de HII a lancé avec succès le premier LPD Flight II, navire de transport amphibie de classe San Antonio, Harrisburg (LPD 30). Cela représente une étape importante dans le parcours du navire vers sa préparation opérationnelle. L'équipe d'Ingalls a déplacé Harrisburg du sol vers le dock flottant de l'entreprise à l'aide de chariots de translation et a terminé les préparatifs finaux pour le lancement.

La présidente d'Ingalls Shipbuilding, Kari Wilkinson, a souligné l'importance de ce lancement pour soutenir la sécurité nationale et fournir des capacités aux partenaires de la Marine et du Corps des Marines des États-Unis. Le lancement fait suite à un récent contrat d'acquisition multi-navires pour trois navires de classe San Antonio (LPD 33-35) et à une modification de contrat pour le prochain navire amphibie de grande classe America (LHA 10). Actuellement, Ingalls a deux LPD Flight II en cours de construction, y compris Harrisburg (LPD 30) et Pittsburgh (LPD 31), avec des activités de pré-construction en cours pour Philadelphie (LPD 32).

Die Ingalls-Schiffsbauabteilung von HII hat erfolgreich das erste LPD Flight II, ein amphibisches Transportdockschiff der San Antonio-Klasse Harrisburg (LPD 30) zu Wasser gelassen. Dies stellt einen bedeutenden Meilenstein auf dem Weg zur Einsatzbereitschaft des Schiffes dar. Das Ingalls-Team hat Harrisburg vom Land in das schwimmende Trockendock des Unternehmens mit Umsetzwagen bewegt und die letzten Vorbereitungsarbeiten für die Einwaterung abgeschlossen.

Die Präsidentin von Ingalls Shipbuilding, Kari Wilkinson, betonte die Bedeutung dieses Starts zur Unterstützung der nationalen Sicherheit und zur Bereitstellung von Fähigkeiten für die Partner der US Navy und des Marine Corps. Der Start folgt einem kürzlichen amphibischen Multi-Schiff-Beschaffungsvertrag für drei Schiffe der San Antonio-Klasse (LPD 33-35) sowie einer Vertragsänderung für das nächste amphibische Schiff der America-Klasse (LHA 10). Ingalls hat derzeit zwei LPDs der Flight II in Bau, darunter Harrisburg (LPD 30) und Pittsburgh (LPD 31), während die Vorbereitungen für Philadelphia (LPD 32) bereits im Gange sind.

  • Successful launch of the first LPD Flight II, San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship Harrisburg (LPD 30)
  • Recent contract for construction of three additional San Antonio-class ships (LPD 33-35)
  • Contract modification for the next America-class large-deck amphibious ship (LHA 10)
  • Two Flight II LPDs currently under construction (LPD 30 and LPD 31)
  • Pre-construction activities underway for Philadelphia (LPD 32)
  • None.


The launch of Harrisburg (LPD 30) marks a significant milestone in the U.S. Navy's amphibious warfare capabilities. As the first LPD Flight II ship, it represents an evolution in the San Antonio-class, likely incorporating enhanced technologies and efficiencies. This launch, coupled with the recent multi-ship procurement contract, signals a strong commitment to maintaining and expanding the Navy's amphibious fleet.

The successful translation from land to floating dry dock demonstrates HII's advanced shipbuilding capabilities. This process is complex and requires precise engineering, highlighting the company's expertise in large-scale naval construction. The ongoing work on multiple LPDs and the America-class LHA indicates a robust pipeline for HII's Ingalls Shipbuilding division, potentially securing steady revenue streams for years to come.

For investors, this news underscores HII's strong position in the naval defense sector and its ability to execute on major contracts. The multi-ship procurement approach typically leads to cost efficiencies and improved predictability in production schedules, which could positively impact HII's financial performance and stability in the long term.

PASCAGOULA, Miss., Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HII’s (NYSE:HII) Ingalls Shipbuilding division successfully launched on Saturday the first LPD Flight II, San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship Harrisburg (LPD 30), marking one of the first major milestones in the ship’s journey towards operational readiness.

The Ingalls team translated Harrisburg from land to the company’s floating dry dock using translation railcars to support the ship’s movement across the pier. While in the dry dock, the Ingalls team completed final prep work needed for launch.

“We view this launch as a significant step toward fielding capability to our U.S. Navy and Marine Corps partners, and a reminder of the importance of supporting national security,” said Ingalls Shipbuilding President Kari Wilkinson. “As shipbuilders, we are dedicated to this mission.”

LPD 30_Launch_October 05, 2024

Photos accompanying this release are available at:

The launch of LPD 30 follows the recent announcement of the amphibious multi-ship procurement contract for the construction of three San Antonio-class (LPD 17) amphibious ships [LPD 33-35] and a contract modification for the next America-class (LHA 6) large-deck amphibious ship [LHA 10].

Ingalls currently has two Flight II LPDs under construction including Harrisburg (LPD 30) and Pittsburgh (LPD 31). Pre-construction activities are currently underway for the construction of Philadelphia (LPD 32), the 16th ship in the San Antonio-class.

About HII

HII is a global, all-domain defense provider. HII’s mission is to deliver the world’s most powerful ships and all-domain solutions in service of the nation, creating the advantage for our customers to protect peace and freedom around the world.

As the nation’s largest military shipbuilder, and with a more than 135-year history of advancing U.S. national security, HII delivers critical capabilities extending from ships to unmanned systems, cyber, ISR, AI/ML and synthetic training. Headquartered in Virginia, HII’s workforce is 44,000 strong. For more information, visit:


Kimberly K. Aguillard

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What is the significance of HII launching the amphibious transport dock Harrisburg (LPD 30)?

The launch of Harrisburg (LPD 30) marks a significant milestone as it is the first LPD Flight II, San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship. This launch represents progress towards operational readiness and supports national security by providing capability to U.S. Navy and Marine Corps partners.

How many San Antonio-class ships does HII currently have under construction?

HII currently has two Flight II LPDs under construction: Harrisburg (LPD 30) and Pittsburgh (LPD 31). Additionally, pre-construction activities are underway for Philadelphia (LPD 32), which will be the 16th ship in the San Antonio-class.

What recent contracts has HII secured for amphibious ships?

HII recently secured an amphibious multi-ship procurement contract for the construction of three San Antonio-class ships (LPD 33-35) and a contract modification for the next America-class large-deck amphibious ship (LHA 10).

How was the Harrisburg (LPD 30) moved for its launch by HII?

The Ingalls team translated Harrisburg from land to the company's floating dry dock using translation railcars to support the ship's movement across the pier. While in the dry dock, the team completed final prep work needed for launch.

Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc.


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