HII Dedicates 22nd Habitat for Humanity Home Sponsored by Newport News Shipbuilding
HII (NYSE: HII) and its Newport News Shipbuilding division celebrated the dedication of their 22nd Habitat for Humanity home on March 24, 2025. The three-bedroom, 1,200-square-foot home, located in Newport News' Southeast community, was built by shipyard volunteers in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg.
The home was dedicated in memory of Jim Cochran, a retired shipbuilder with over 40 years of service and longtime Habitat volunteer. The homebuyer, Chaneka, will purchase the home through a 30-year, no-interest mortgage, following Habitat's 'hand up, not hand out' philosophy. The mortgage payments will be reinvested to build more homes for qualifying families.
HII (NYSE: HII) e la sua divisione Newport News Shipbuilding hanno celebrato la dedicazione della loro 22a casa per Habitat for Humanity il 24 marzo 2025. La casa, con tre camere da letto e una superficie di 1.200 piedi quadrati, si trova nella comunità Southeast di Newport News ed è stata costruita da volontari del cantiere navale in collaborazione con Habitat for Humanity Peninsula e Greater Williamsburg.
La casa è stata dedicata in memoria di Jim Cochran, un costruttore navale in pensione con oltre 40 anni di servizio e un volontario di lunga data per Habitat. L'acquirente della casa, Chaneka, acquisterà l'abitazione tramite un mutuo trentennale senza interessi, seguendo la filosofia di Habitat 'una mano tesa, non un'elemosina'. I pagamenti del mutuo saranno reinvestiti per costruire altre case per famiglie che ne hanno diritto.
HII (NYSE: HII) y su división Newport News Shipbuilding celebraron la dedicación de su 22ª casa para Habitat for Humanity el 24 de marzo de 2025. La casa, de tres habitaciones y 1,200 pies cuadrados, está ubicada en la comunidad Southeast de Newport News y fue construida por voluntarios del astillero en colaboración con Habitat for Humanity Peninsula y Greater Williamsburg.
La casa fue dedicada en memoria de Jim Cochran, un constructor naval retirado con más de 40 años de servicio y un voluntario de larga data de Habitat. La compradora de la casa, Chaneka, adquirirá la vivienda a través de una hipoteca a 30 años sin intereses, siguiendo la filosofía de Habitat 'una mano amiga, no una limosna'. Los pagos de la hipoteca se reinvertirán para construir más casas para familias que califiquen.
HII (NYSE: HII)와 그 뉴포트 뉴스 조선소 부문은 2025년 3월 24일 제22호 Habitat for Humanity 주택의 헌정식을 기념했습니다. 세 개의 침실과 1,200평방피트 규모의 이 집은 뉴포트 뉴스의 동남쪽 커뮤니티에 위치하며, 조선소 자원봉사자들이 Habitat for Humanity Peninsula 및 Greater Williamsburg와 협력하여 건축했습니다.
이 집은 40년 이상 근무한 은퇴 조선공이자 오랜 Habitat 자원봉사자인 Jim Cochran의 기억을 기리기 위해 헌정되었습니다. 주택 구매자 Chaneka는 Habitat의 '도움의 손길, 구걸이 아닌' 철학에 따라 무이자 30년 모기지를 통해 집을 구매할 것입니다. 모기지 상환금은 자격을 갖춘 가족을 위한 추가 주택 건설에 재투자됩니다.
HII (NYSE: HII) et sa division Newport News Shipbuilding ont célébré la dédicace de leur 22ème maison pour Habitat for Humanity le 24 mars 2025. La maison de trois chambres, d'une superficie de 1 200 pieds carrés, est située dans la communauté Southeast de Newport News et a été construite par des bénévoles du chantier naval en collaboration avec Habitat for Humanity Peninsula et Greater Williamsburg.
La maison a été dédiée à la mémoire de Jim Cochran, un constructeur naval à la retraite avec plus de 40 ans de service et un bénévole de longue date pour Habitat. L'acheteuse de la maison, Chaneka, achètera le logement par le biais d'un prêt hypothécaire de 30 ans sans intérêt, conformément à la philosophie de Habitat 'une main tendue, pas une aumône'. Les paiements hypothécaires seront réinvestis pour construire d'autres maisons pour les familles éligibles.
HII (NYSE: HII) und ihre Division Newport News Shipbuilding feierten am 24. März 2025 die Einweihung ihres 22. Habitat for Humanity Hauses. Das dreizimmerige, 1.200 Quadratfuß große Haus befindet sich in der Southeast-Gemeinschaft von Newport News und wurde von Freiwilligen des Werft in Zusammenarbeit mit Habitat for Humanity Peninsula und Greater Williamsburg gebaut.
Das Haus wurde in Erinnerung an Jim Cochran, einen pensionierten Schiffbauer mit über 40 Jahren Dienstzeit und langjährigen Habitat-Freiwilligen, eingeweiht. Die Hauskäuferin Chaneka wird das Haus über eine 30-jährige, zinslose Hypothek erwerben, gemäß der Philosophie von Habitat 'eine helfende Hand, keine Almosen'. Die Hypothekenzahlungen werden reinvestiert, um weitere Häuser für berechtigte Familien zu bauen.
- Demonstrates long-term community engagement and corporate social responsibility through 22 home sponsorships
- Strengthens local community relations and company reputation in key operational area
- None.
NEWPORT NEWS, Va., March 24, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HII’s (NYSE: HII) Newport News Shipbuilding division joined elected officials and community leaders Friday to dedicate the 22nd Habitat for Humanity home sponsored by the shipyard since 2002.
Shipyard volunteers joined forces with Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg to build the house.
“Our shipbuilders happily trade one hard hat for another to volunteer their time and energy to build these homes after working their full-time jobs,” said Thomasina Wright, NNS vice president of fleet support programs, who spoke on behalf of the shipyard team. “Being a Newport News shipbuilder means you take pride in building our Navy’s nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and submarines. It also means you take pride in building our communities.”
Wright recognized the family of the late Jim Cochran in attendance at the ceremony. Cochran, a retired shipbuilder who dedicated more than 40 years to the shipyard, was a longtime Habitat for Humanity volunteer. NNS dedicated the build of the home in his memory.
The three-bedroom, 1,200-square-foot home is located in the Southeast community of Newport News on land donated by the Newport News Redevelopment and Housing Authority.
Photos accompanying this release are available at: http://hii.com/news/hii-dedicates-22nd-habitat-for-humanity-home-sponsored-by-newport-news-shipbuilding/.
“It is exciting to see a house come to life and celebrate the family who will make it a home,” said Shauntrice Williams, CEO of Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg. “Through the unwavering support of Newport News Shipbuilding, this partnership continues to change lives right here in our community.”
The homebuyer, Chaneka, will purchase the home from Habitat with a 30-year, no-interest mortgage, which illustrates Habitat’s objective to give families a “hand up” rather than a “hand out.” The payments will cycle back into the community so more homes can be built for qualifying families.
Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg is a non-profit organization serving the cities of Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson and Williamsburg and the counties of Charles City, James City, New Kent and York. For more information, visit www.HabitatPGW.org.
About HII
HII is a global, all-domain defense provider. HII’s mission is to deliver the world’s most powerful ships and all-domain solutions in service of the nation, creating the advantage for our customers to protect peace and freedom around the world.
As the nation’s largest military shipbuilder, and with a more than 135-year history of advancing U.S. national security, HII delivers critical capabilities extending from ships to unmanned systems, cyber, ISR, AI/ML and synthetic training. Headquartered in Virginia, HII’s workforce is 44,000 strong. For more information, visit:
- HII on the web: https://www.HII.com/
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Todd Corillo
(757) 688-3220
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/8664d4b0-1906-4d83-a1ef-e31c83e69a12