HII Christens Virginia-Class Attack Submarine Arkansas (SSN 800)

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HII christened the Virginia-class submarine Arkansas (SSN 800) at Newport News Shipbuilding division. The submarine's sponsors are six women from the historic Little Rock Nine, who were the first African American students to attend the previously all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas during desegregation in 1957.

Sponsor Carlotta Walls LaNier performed the traditional bottle-breaking ceremony. Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro delivered the keynote address, emphasizing Arkansas's submarine force capabilities and its connection to its namesake's proud legacy.

Arkansas is the 27th Virginia-class submarine and the 13th to be delivered by Newport News Shipbuilding. The vessel features advanced capabilities including enhanced firepower, maneuverability, and stealth, contributing to the U.S. Navy's submarine force.

HII ha battezzato il sottomarino di classe Virginia Arkansas (SSN 800) presso il cantiere navale di Newport News. Le madrine del sottomarino sono sei donne del gruppo storico Little Rock Nine, le prime studentesse afroamericane a frequentare la Central High School, precedentemente riservata ai bianchi, a Little Rock, Arkansas, durante la desegregazione nel 1957.

La madrina Carlotta Walls LaNier ha eseguito la tradizionale cerimonia di rottura della bottiglia. Il Segretario della Marina Carlos Del Toro ha tenuto il discorso principale, sottolineando le capacità della forza sottomarina dell'Arkansas e il suo legame con l'orgogliosa eredità che porta il nome.

Arkansas è il 27° sottomarino di classe Virginia e il 13° a essere consegnato da Newport News Shipbuilding. Il vascello presenta capacità avanzate tra cui potenza di fuoco migliorata, manovrabilità e stealth, contribuendo così alla forza sottomarina della Marina degli Stati Uniti.

HII bautizó el submarino de clase Virginia Arkansas (SSN 800) en la división de Newport News Shipbuilding. Las patrocinadoras del submarino son seis mujeres del histórico grupo Little Rock Nine, quienes fueron las primeras estudiantes afroamericanas en asistir a la Central High School, que antes era solo para blancos, en Little Rock, Arkansas, durante la desegregación en 1957.

La patrocinadora Carlotta Walls LaNier llevó a cabo la tradicional ceremonia de romper la botella. El Secretario de la Marina, Carlos Del Toro, pronunció el discurso principal, enfatizando las capacidades de la fuerza submarina de Arkansas y su conexión con el orgulloso legado que lleva su nombre.

Arkansas es el 27º submarino de clase Virginia y el 13º que será entregado por Newport News Shipbuilding. El barco cuenta con capacidades avanzadas, incluyendo mayor potencia de fuego, maniobrabilidad y sigilo, contribuyendo a la fuerza submarina de la Armada de Estados Unidos.

HII는 뉴포트 뉴스 조선소에서 바다표범급 잠수함 Arkansas (SSN 800)의 명명식을 진행했습니다. 잠수함의 후원자는 역사적인 리틀 록 나인 소속의 6명의 여성으로, 이들은 1957년 아칸소주 리틀 록의 중앙 고등학교에서 처음으로 아프리카계 미국인 학생으로서 등록한 학생들입니다.

후원자 카를로타 월스 라니어가 전통적인 병 깨기 의식을 수행했습니다. 카를로스 델 토로 해군 장관은 주제를 발표하며 아칸소의 잠수함 전력 능력과 이의 이름 붙여진 유산 간의 연결성을 강조했습니다.

아칸소는 27번째 바다표범급 잠수함이며, 뉴포트 뉴스 조선소에서 13번째로 인도됩니다. 이 선박은 향상된 화력, 기동성 및 스텔스 기능 등을 포함한 고급 기능을 갖추어 미국 해군의 잠수함 전력에 기여하고 있습니다.

HII a baptisé le sous-marin de classe Virginia Arkansas (SSN 800) au chantier naval de Newport News. Les marraines du sous-marin sont six femmes du groupe historique Little Rock Nine, qui furent les premières étudiantes afro-américaines à fréquenter la Central High School, auparavant réservée aux blancs, à Little Rock, Arkansas, lors de la déségrégation en 1957.

La marraine Carlotta Walls LaNier a effectué la traditionnelle cérémonie de la bouteille. Le secrétaire de la Marine, Carlos Del Toro, a prononcé le discours d'ouverture, soulignant les capacités de la force sous-marine de l'Arkansas et son lien avec l'héritage fier de son nom.

L'Arkansas est le 27ème sous-marin de classe Virginia et le 13ème à être livré par Newport News Shipbuilding. Le vaisseau dispose de capacités avancées, y compris une puissance de feu améliorée, une manœuvrabilité et une furtivité, contribuant ainsi à la force sous-marine de la Marine des États-Unis.

HII hat das U-Boot der Virginia-Klasse Arkansas (SSN 800) bei der Newport News Shipbuilding Division getauft. Die Paten des U-Boots sind sechs Frauen der historischen Gruppe Little Rock Nine, die die ersten afroamerikanischen Schüler waren, die 1957 die zuvor nur weißen Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas während der Rassentrennung besuchten.

Die Patin Carlotta Walls LaNier führte die traditionelle Zeremonie des Flaschenkrachens durch. Der Marine Secretary Carlos Del Toro hielt die Hauptansprache, in der er die Fähigkeiten der U-Boot-Streitkräfte von Arkansas und deren Verbindung zum stolzen Erbe, nach dem es benannt wurde, betonte.

Arkansas ist das 27. U-Boot der Virginia-Klasse und das 13. U-Boot, das von Newport News Shipbuilding ausgeliefert wurde. Das Fahrzeug verfügt über fortschrittliche Fähigkeiten, darunter verbesserte Feuerkraft, Manövrierfähigkeit und Tarnung, die zur U-Boot-Streitkraft der US Navy beitragen.

  • None.
  • None.

NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Dec. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HII (NYSE: HII) today christened Virginia-class submarine Arkansas (SSN 800) at the company’s Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) division.

“Today we celebrate the mighty submarine Arkansas, and we honor bravery and impact: the heroes and heroic moments that shape our future and make us who we are,” NNS President Jennifer Boykin said. “As high school students, the Little Rock Nine exhibited courage, and showed the American people what determination and perseverance look like. Their spirit guided them then, and today SSN 800 will be instilled with this same spirit of courage, determination, and resilience.”

The ship’s sponsors are the six women of the historic group known as the Little Rock Nine, the first African American students to attend all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas during desegregation. NNS honored all nine members during Saturday’s ceremony.

The Little Rock Nine made history in 1957 with their response to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education, declaring racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional. Faced with shouting mobs, threats of violence and hostile state leaders who blocked their way, the teenagers were escorted into the school by federal troops at the direction of President Dwight D. Eisenhower.


Photos accompanying this release are available at:

On behalf of the other members, sponsor Carlotta Walls LaNier performed the traditional honor of breaking a bottle of American sparkling wine across the submarine’s bow during the ceremony. She also addressed the assembled crowd in-person and those joining virtually from around the world, thanking the shipbuilders who have helped construct Arkansas.

“You are part of the crew who built Arkansas,” LaNier said. “Your craftsmanship, your attention to detail, and your support for each other in the workplace made today a reality. Being able to point to something you have done that will outlast and outlive you is a worthy achievement. We offer a grateful nod to each of you who had some part in building Arkansas. Surely, this is an achievement to which you can point with pride.”

Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro provided the keynote address.

Arkansas represents the very best of our submarine force capabilities and will operate confidently with her crew at sea,” Del Toro said. “She will always be propelled by the proud legacy of her namesake, represented here today by three of her courageous sponsors, who overcame tremendous adversity as members of the Little Rock Nine.”

Arkansas is the 27th Virginia-class submarine and the 13th to be delivered by NNS.

"The christening of Arkansas demonstrates the power of innovation and the dedication of our shipbuilders," said Cmdr. Michael Huber, commanding officer of the pre-commissioning unit. “Today, Arkansas is one step closer to sailing away from our shores, building on the brave example set by her sponsors, defending American ideals and protecting freedom around the world."

NNS is one of only two shipyards capable of designing and building nuclear-powered submarines for the U.S. Navy. The advanced capabilities of Virginia-class submarines increase firepower, maneuverability and stealth.

A video of the ceremony, along with additional information on Arkansas, the Little Rock Nine, and the Virginia-class submarine program, can be found at:

About HII

HII is a global, all-domain defense provider. HII’s mission is to deliver the world’s most powerful ships and all-domain solutions in service of the nation, creating the advantage for our customers to protect peace and freedom around the world.

As the nation’s largest military shipbuilder, and with a more than 135-year history of advancing U.S. national security, HII delivers critical capabilities extending from ships to unmanned systems, cyber, ISR, AI/ML and synthetic training. Headquartered in Virginia, HII’s workforce is 44,000 strong. For more information, visit:


Todd Corillo
(757) 688-3220

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


When was the USS Arkansas (SSN 800) submarine christened?

The USS Arkansas (SSN 800) submarine was christened on December 7, 2024, at HII's Newport News Shipbuilding division.

Who are the sponsors of the USS Arkansas (SSN 800)?

The sponsors are six women from the Little Rock Nine, the first African American students who integrated Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957.

What type of submarine is the USS Arkansas (SSN 800)?

The USS Arkansas is a Virginia-class nuclear-powered attack submarine, representing the 27th vessel of its class.

Who performed the bottle-breaking ceremony for the USS Arkansas christening?

Carlotta Walls LaNier, one of the Little Rock Nine members, performed the traditional bottle-breaking ceremony using American sparkling wine.

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