Gray Announces Two General Manager Retirements

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Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) announced the retirements of two veteran broadcasters. Laura Long, General Manager of KNOE in Monroe, Louisiana, will retire on October 4, 2024. Rick Dean, General Manager of KXII in Sherman, Texas, will retire on December 31, 2024.

Long's 35-year career included roles at CBS and KNOE, where she led the station to numerous awards and maintained its #1 position in the Monroe/El Dorado market. Dean's 45-year career began in radio before joining KXII-TV in 1985, where he rose to General Manager in 2002. Under his leadership, KXII won multiple broadcasting awards.

Gray's COO, Sandy Breland, praised both executives for their leadership and commitment to excellence. The company will search for well-qualified successors to lead these legacy television stations.

Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) ha annunciato il pensionamento di due storici broadcaster. Laura Long, Direttore Generale di KNOE a Monroe, Louisiana, andrà in pensione il 4 ottobre 2024. Rick Dean, Direttore Generale di KXII a Sherman, Texas, andrà in pensione il 31 dicembre 2024.

La carriera di Long di 35 anni ha incluso ruoli in CBS e KNOE, dove ha guidato la stazione a numerosi premi e ha mantenuto la sua posizione di #1 nel mercato di Monroe/El Dorado. La carriera di Dean, lunga 45 anni, è iniziata in radio prima di unirsi a KXII-TV nel 1985, dove è diventato Direttore Generale nel 2002. Sotto la sua leadership, KXII ha vinto diversi premi nel broadcasting.

Il COO di Gray, Sandy Breland, ha elogiato entrambi i dirigenti per la loro leadership e l'impegno verso l'eccellenza. L'azienda cercherà successori ben qualificati per guidare queste stazioni televisive storiche.

Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) anunció el retiro de dos veteranos locutores. Laura Long, Gerente General de KNOE en Monroe, Luisiana, se retirará el 4 de octubre de 2024. Rick Dean, Gerente General de KXII en Sherman, Texas, se retirará el 31 de diciembre de 2024.

La carrera de Long de 35 años incluyó roles en CBS y KNOE, donde llevó a la estación a numerosos premios y mantuvo su posición #1 en el mercado de Monroe/El Dorado. La carrera de Dean, que abarca 45 años, comenzó en la radio antes de unirse a KXII-TV en 1985, donde ascendió a Gerente General en 2002. Bajo su liderazgo, KXII ganó múltiples premios en radiodifusión.

El COO de Gray, Sandy Breland, elogió a ambos ejecutivos por su liderazgo y compromiso con la excelencia. La empresa buscará sucesores bien calificados para dirigir estas estaciones de televisión de legado.

그레이 미디어 (NYSE: GTN)는 두 명의 베테랑 방송인의 은퇴 소식을 발표했습니다. 로라 롱, 루이지애나주 몬로에 위치한 KNOE의 총지배인이 2024년 10월 4일에 은퇴할 예정입니다. 릭 딘, 텍사스주 셔먼에 있는 KXII의 총지배인이 2024년 12월 31일에 은퇴합니다.

롱의 35년 커리어는 CBS와 KNOE에서의 역할을 포함하며, 그녀는 이 방송국을 여러 상으로 이끌었고 몬로/엘도라도 시장에서 1위 자리를 유지했습니다. 딘의 45년 경력은 라디오에서 시작되어 1985년 KXII-TV에 합류한 후 2002년 총지배인으로 승진했습니다. 그의 리더십 아래 KXII는 여러 방송상을 수상했습니다.

그레이의 COO인 샌디 브릴랜드는 두 임원 모두의 리더십과 우수성에 대한 헌신을 칭찬했습니다. 회사는 이러한 레거시 방송국을 이끌어갈 잘 자격을 갖춘 후임자를 찾을 것입니다.

Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) a annoncé le départ à la retraite de deux animateurs chevronnés. Laura Long, directrice générale de KNOE à Monroe, en Louisiane, prendra sa retraite le 4 octobre 2024. Rick Dean, directeur général de KXII à Sherman, au Texas, prendra sa retraite le 31 décembre 2024.

La carrière de Long, qui s'est étendue sur 35 ans, a inclus des postes chez CBS et KNOE, où elle a conduit la station à de nombreux prix et maintenu sa position de n°1 sur le marché de Monroe/El Dorado. La carrière de Dean, qui a duré 45 ans, a commencé à la radio avant de rejoindre KXII-TV en 1985, où il est devenu directeur général en 2002. Sous sa direction, KXII a remporté de nombreux prix de diffusion.

Le COO de Gray, Sandy Breland, a salué les deux dirigeants pour leur leadership et leur engagement envers l'excellence. L'entreprise cherchera des successeurs bien qualifiés pour diriger ces chaînes de télévision emblématiques.

Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) kündigte die Pensionierung zweier langjähriger Rundfunkmitarbeiter an. Laura Long, Generaldirektorin von KNOE in Monroe, Louisiana, wird am 4. Oktober 2024 in den Ruhestand gehen. Rick Dean, Generaldirektor von KXII in Sherman, Texas, wird am 31. Dezember 2024 in den Ruhestand gehen.

Longs 35-jährige Karriere umfasste Rollen bei CBS und KNOE, wo sie die Station zu zahlreichen Auszeichnungen führte und ihre #1-Position im Markt von Monroe/El Dorado hielt. Deans 45-jährige Karriere begann im Radio, bevor er 1985 zu KXII-TV kam, wo er 2002 zum Generaldirektor aufstieg. Unter seiner Führung gewann KXII mehrere Rundfunkauszeichnungen.

Der COO von Gray, Sandy Breland, lobte beide Führungskräfte für ihre Leitung und ihr Engagement für Exzellenz. Das Unternehmen wird nach gut qualifizierten Nachfolgern suchen, um diese traditionsreichen Fernsehsender zu leiten.

  • KNOE maintained its #1 position in the Monroe/El Dorado market under Laura Long's leadership
  • KXII won numerous broadcasting awards during Rick Dean's tenure
  • Both retiring managers have long careers and extensive experience in the broadcasting industry
  • Loss of two experienced General Managers from key markets

ATLANTA, Oct. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) today announced the retirements of two veteran broadcasters. In Monroe, Louisiana, Laura Long is retiring as the General Manager of KNOE effective October 4, 2024. In Sherman, Texas, Rick Dean will retire as the General Manager of KXII effective December 31, 2024.

Laura Long began her television career 35 years ago in Monroe, after earning a degree from the University Louisiana Monroe.   She started at Cablevision in 1992 where she rose to General Sales Manager.   In 1999, she was hired as Local Sales Manager at WUPL, the CBS O&O station in New Orleans, and then promoted to the role of General Sales Manager at WTOG in Tampa.   In 2006, CBS named Long VP/Station Manager/Director of Sales at WTOG and in 2010 she rose to VP/General Manager.   Returning to Monroe in 2014 to be closer to family brought her to KNOE and Gray Media as VP/General Manager.   During her tenure in Monroe the team at KNOE won numerous broadcasting awards and continues to be the #1 station in the Monroe/El Dorado market.   Laura created a lasting legacy at KNOE through a culture of learning that launched many first-time journalists and broadcasters into successful careers across the county.

Rick Dean started his media career in 1979 at a Radio station in Oklahoma City.   His radio career spanned six years as he worked his way from sales into sales management with three different stations.   In 1985, he joined KXII-TV and worked for multiple owners until Gray acquired the station in 1999.   During his tenure with KXII, Rick worked as an Account Executive, Assistant Sales Manager, and General Sales Manager until being promoted to General Manager in 2002.   Throughout his career, KXII won countless awards from the Oklahoma Association of Broadcasters in both Radio and Television and the Texas Association of Broadcasters in Television, as well as Oklahoma and Texas Associated Press awards and three Regional Edward R. Murrow awards.   Gray Media recognizes his great contributions to the community, our company, and the team members he mentored in the last 45 years.

“Laura and Rick exemplify the high quality of leadership and commitment to excellence this company strives for in each of our stations,” Gray’s Chief Operating Officer Sandy Breland said. “On behalf of Gray, I thank them for their years of service and wish them the best in their retirement.”

Gray will carefully search for well-qualified successors to lead these legacy television stations, both of which are strong institutions in their local markets.

About Gray Media:

Gray Media, or Gray, is a multimedia company headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, formally known as Gray Television, Inc.  The company is the nation’s largest owner of top-rated local television stations and digital assets serving 113 television markets that collectively reach approximately 36 percent of US television households. The portfolio includes 77 markets with the top-rated television station and 100 markets with the first and/or second highest rated television station, as well as the largest Telemundo Affiliate group with 43 markets totaling nearly 1.5 million Hispanic TV Households.  The company also owns Gray Digital Media, a full-service digital agency offering national and local clients digital marketing strategies with the most advanced digital products and services.  Gray’s additional media properties include video production companies Raycom Sports, Tupelo Media Group, and PowerNation Studios, and studio production facilities Assembly Atlanta and Third Rail Studios. Gray owns a majority interest in Swirl Films. For more information, please visit

Gray Contact:

Sandy Breland, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, 404-266-8333


When will Laura Long retire as General Manager of KNOE for Gray Media (GTN)?

Laura Long will retire as General Manager of KNOE in Monroe, Louisiana, effective October 4, 2024.

What is the retirement date for Rick Dean, General Manager of KXII for Gray Media (GTN)?

Rick Dean will retire as General Manager of KXII in Sherman, Texas, effective December 31, 2024.

How long was Laura Long's career in broadcasting before retiring from Gray Media (GTN)?

Laura Long had a 35-year career in broadcasting before her retirement from Gray Media.

How many years did Rick Dean work at KXII-TV before his retirement from Gray Media (GTN)?

Rick Dean worked at KXII-TV for 39 years, joining the station in 1985 before his retirement from Gray Media in 2024.

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