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Getlink announces the appointment of Anne-Sophie de Faucigny as Chief Communication Officer effective October 1, 2022. She will join the Executive Committee and report to CEO Yann Leriche. With over 20 years of experience in communication strategy and institutional relations, de Faucigny previously led Institutional and Media Relations at Bpifrance and has held positions in various communication firms. This strategic hire aims to enhance Getlink's corporate and financial communications as the company pursues further growth.
Getlink SE reports a total of 550,000,000 ordinary shares issued as of 31 August 2022. The theoretical number of voting rights is 749,854,177, with 740,450,209 exercisable voting rights excluding shares with suspended voting rights. The company affirms that ordinary shares with double voting rights require a two-year holding period in registered form.
Getlink SE has initiated a liquidity and market monitoring contract with BNP Paribas Exane, effective from September 5, 2022 to December 31, 2022, renewable annually. This contract supports the promotion of Getlink shares on the Euronext Paris market, involving 219,003 shares and an allocation of 15,653,495.15 euros. Additionally, the previous liquidity contract with Oddo has been terminated, effective September 2, 2022, which had previously included 503,215 shares and 10,482,627.04 euros as resources.
Getlink reported a strong performance in H1 2022, achieving €577 million in revenue, a 76% increase year-on-year. EBITDA rose to €309 million (+206%). The Eurotunnel segment drove growth with €474 million in revenue (+81%), while ElecLink generated €35 million in its initial weeks. Cash on hand was €597 million. However, operating expenses increased by €37 million, and finance costs rose €62 million due to inflation. CEO Yann Leriche expressed optimism but highlighted geopolitical uncertainties necessitating caution.
Getlink reported strong traffic figures for June 2022, with Le Shuttle Freight transporting 125,672 trucks, a 9% increase year-over-year. For passenger vehicles, 203,296 were transported, marking a significant 288% growth compared to June 2021. Since the start of the year, approximately 767,000 trucks and 872,000 passenger vehicles have crossed the Channel. The traffic figures for July 2022 are set to be released on August 9, 2022.
The liquidity agreement between Getlink SE and Oddo BHF reported as of June 30, 2022, shows a balance of 503,215 Getlink shares and EUR 10,482,627.04 in cash. This represents an increase in shares and cash compared to December 31, 2019, when there were 420,000 shares and EUR 9,667,348.08. From January 1 to June 30, 2020, there were 4,453 buy and 4,204 sell transactions, with 3,305,454 shares purchased for EUR 52,979,906.80 and 3,122,239 shares sold for EUR 50,607,588.96.
Getlink's unaccompanied freight service, launched in September 2021, has experienced consistent growth, notably accelerating since March 2022, transporting over 1,000 trailers. This service aligns with the Group's diversification strategy and offers sustainable logistics solutions, generating 40 times less CO2 than traditional ferries. It addresses key supply chain challenges, including decarbonisation and rising fuel costs. Supported by the Group's customs expertise, this service operates 24/7 and emphasizes speed and flexibility.
Getlink SE reported its total number of ordinary shares as 550,000,000 with a theoretical voting rights total of 748,865,713 as of