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Eurotunnel Le Shuttle reported carrying over 100,000 passenger vehicles between Folkestone and Coquelles during the Christmas and New Year period. This represents a 20% increase compared to the previous year, with a peak of 24,742 cars over the weekend of December 16-18, marking the best December weekend performance since 2019. The company highlights the low carbon emissions of its shuttle service, promoting its eco-friendly reputation.
Getlink SE reported its share capital comprises 550,000,000 ordinary shares with a nominal value of €0.40 each. As of
Getlink SE (Euronext Paris: GET) reported on November 9, 2022, the total number of ordinary shares in issue, amounting to 550,000,000, with a theoretical number of voting rights totaling 678,926,316. Notably, there are 669,466,653 exercisable voting rights, excluding shares with suspended voting rights. The company's share capital consists of ordinary shares with a nominal value of €0.40 each, and a double voting right is applicable to shares held in registered form for a minimum of two years.
Getlink has noted Eiffage's announcement on October 26, regarding its acquisition of shares from TCI Fund Management. This deal aims to make Eiffage the largest shareholder with 18.79% of Getlink's capital. Jacques Gounon, Chairman of Getlink, expressed enthusiasm for Eiffage's increasing stake, viewing it as a continuation of their long-term interest since 2018. Getlink operates the Eurotunnel, facilitating significant trade between the UK and the EU, and is committed to environmental sustainability through various initiatives.
In the third quarter of 2022, Getlink reported a remarkable revenue increase of 109% year-on-year, reaching €466.1 million. Key contributors included Eurotunnel with a 71% increase to €325.8 million, driven by a surge in passenger traffic. ElecLink, which commenced operations in May 2022, generated €107.4 million in its first full quarter. The group also aims for a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2025 as part of its Environmental Plan.
Getlink SE (Euronext Paris: GET) reported as of
Getlink has unveiled its Energy Efficiency Action plan, aimed at reducing its carbon footprint by 30% by 2025. The plan is aligned with the French 2019-2025 Environment Plan and has already achieved nearly 40 GWh annual savings on traction electricity. Key actions include lowering heating settings and promoting eco-driving, which may lead to an additional 9% savings by 2024. Getlink's commitment to eco-responsibility is emphasized, as it aims to educate stakeholders on sustainable practices and maintain its role as a leader in low-carbon transport.