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Getlink SE (Paris: GET) announced the total number of ordinary shares in issue as 550,000,000 as of
On February 22, 2023, Getlink SE's Board of Directors announced an upcoming General Meeting for shareholders on April 27, 2023. They proposed a significant dividend of €0.50 per share, a fivefold increase from 2022. This meeting will also see the expiration of directorships for Perrette Rey and Colette Lewiner without renewal. New appointments include Benoît de Ruffray and Marie Lemarié as non-independent directors, aimed at enhancing the Board's expertise in rail construction and finance. The meeting will take place at 10:00 a.m. in Lille, France.
Getlink reported strong 2022 financial results, with consolidated revenue of €1.606 billion, up 107% from the previous year. EBITDA surged to €886 million, a 198% increase, while consolidated net profit reached €252 million, rebounding from a loss of €229 million in 2021. Eurotunnel and ElecLink showed significant growth, with their revenues rising 63% and 421% respectively. Despite facing a potential business rate increase, Getlink maintains an EBITDA target of over €910 million for 2023. The company is committed to environmental initiatives and plans to pay a dividend of €0.50 per share, pending shareholder approval.
As of 31 December 2022, the liquidity account managed by BNP Paribas Exane for GETLINK SE included 314,849 shares and €18,868,323.67. During the half-year, 98 transactions were executed, trading a total of 1,485,779 shares worth €24,605,952. In comparison, the liquidity account on 30 June 2022 had 503,215 shares and €10,482,627.04. The report aligns with AMF decision 2021-01, confirming the validity of liquidity contracts as a market practice.
Getlink has announced the commissioning of the world's most powerful static compensator (STATCOM) connected to a railway electrical traction system in partnership with GE, resulting from a €45 million investment and 5 years of research. This upgrade will double reactive compensation power in the Channel Tunnel, facilitating the operation of up to 16 latest generation trains simultaneously. The improved stability of the electrical network enhances Eurotunnel's infrastructure and opens new growth opportunities for cross-Channel services. The project aims for efficiency and sustainability, supporting a target of 30 million passengers annually by 2030.
Getlink S.E announced a record revenue of €1.606 billion for 2022, marking a 107% increase year-over-year at constant exchange rates. Eurotunnel revenue surged 63% to €1.049 billion, driven by a significant rebound in passenger traffic, with Eurostar passenger numbers up 407% compared to 2021. The ElecLink interconnector generated €420 million since its launch on May 25, 2022. Europorte also reported a 5% increase in revenue to €137 million. The company aims to enhance its sustainability efforts and accelerate growth.
Getlink SE, listed on Euronext Paris under the ticker GET, has reported key share data as of December 31, 2022. The company has a total of 550,000,000 ordinary shares issued with a nominal value of €0.40 each. The theoretical number of voting rights stands at 679,585,385, while the total number of exercisable voting rights, excluding suspended shares, is 670,082,571. Getlink's by-laws allow for double voting rights for shares held in registered form for at least two years, enhancing shareholder influence.