Annual inReach SOS report emphasizes the value of Garmin satellite communication devices

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Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) has released its 2024 inReach SOS Report, showcasing emergency response trends from their satellite communication devices throughout the past year. The report reveals that users across six continents and three oceans triggered SOS messages for various incidents.

Key findings include:

  • Hiking and backpacking were the top activities requiring SOS assistance, followed by driving and motorcycling
  • Injuries remained the primary cause for SOS messages, with an increase in medical issues
  • Weather events and wildlife encounters led to more SOS triggers
  • Nearly 50% of SOS messages were activated for others rather than the device owner
  • Users achieved self-rescue in nearly 12% of cases with Garmin Response guidance

In 2024, Garmin expanded its technology with inReach Messenger Plus, enabling users to exchange photo and voice messages in off-grid situations, providing important information to emergency responders.

Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto SOS inReach 2024, che mette in evidenza le tendenze della risposta alle emergenze dai loro dispositivi di comunicazione satellitare nell'ultimo anno. Il rapporto rivela che utenti di sei continenti e tre oceani hanno attivato messaggi SOS per vari incidenti.

I principali risultati includono:

  • Escursionismo e backpacking sono state le attività principali che hanno richiesto assistenza SOS, seguite da guida e motociclismo
  • Le lesioni sono rimaste la causa principale dei messaggi SOS, con un aumento dei problemi medici
  • Eventi meteorologici e incontri con la fauna selvatica hanno portato a un maggior numero di attivazioni SOS
  • Quasi il 50% dei messaggi SOS è stato attivato per altri piuttosto che per il proprietario del dispositivo
  • Gli utenti hanno raggiunto il soccorso autonomo in quasi il 12% dei casi con la guida di Garmin Response

Nel 2024, Garmin ha ampliato la sua tecnologia con inReach Messenger Plus, che consente agli utenti di scambiare foto e messaggi vocali in situazioni fuori rete, fornendo informazioni importanti ai soccorritori.

Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) ha lanzado su Informe SOS inReach 2024, que muestra las tendencias de respuesta a emergencias de sus dispositivos de comunicación por satélite durante el último año. El informe revela que usuarios de seis continentes y tres océanos activaron mensajes SOS por diversos incidentes.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • El senderismo y el mochilero fueron las principales actividades que requirieron asistencia SOS, seguidas por la conducción y el motociclismo
  • Las lesiones siguieron siendo la causa principal de los mensajes SOS, con un aumento de problemas médicos
  • Eventos climáticos y encuentros con la fauna llevaron a más activaciones de SOS
  • Casi el 50% de los mensajes SOS fueron activados para otros en lugar del propietario del dispositivo
  • Los usuarios lograron el auto-rescate en casi el 12% de los casos con la guía de Garmin Response

En 2024, Garmin amplió su tecnología con inReach Messenger Plus, permitiendo a los usuarios intercambiar fotos y mensajes de voz en situaciones fuera de la red, proporcionando información importante a los socorristas.

가민 (NYSE: GRMN)은 2024년 inReach SOS 보고서를 발표하며, 지난 1년 동안의 위성 통신 장치에서의 긴급 대응 경향을 보여주었습니다. 이 보고서는 6개 대륙과 3개 해양의 사용자들이 다양한 사건에 대해 SOS 메시지를 발송했음을 밝혔습니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 하이킹과 배낭 여행이 SOS 지원을 요구하는 주요 활동으로, 그 다음은 운전과 오토바이 타기였습니다.
  • 부상이 SOS 메시지의 주요 원인으로 남아 있으며, 의료 문제의 증가가 있었습니다.
  • 기상 사건과 야생 동물과의 만남이 더 많은 SOS 발동으로 이어졌습니다.
  • 거의 50%의 SOS 메시지가 장치 소유자가 아닌 다른 사람을 위해 발송되었습니다.
  • 사용자들은 Garmin Response의 안내를 통해 거의 12%의 경우에 자력 구조를 달성했습니다.

2024년에는 가민이 inReach Messenger Plus로 기술을 확장하여, 사용자가 오프 그리드 상황에서 사진 및 음성 메시지를 교환할 수 있도록 하여, 긴급 구조대에게 중요한 정보를 제공했습니다.

Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) a publié son Rapport SOS inReach 2024, mettant en avant les tendances de réponse aux urgences de ses dispositifs de communication par satellite au cours de l'année écoulée. Le rapport révèle que des utilisateurs de six continents et trois océans ont déclenché des messages SOS pour divers incidents.

Les principales conclusions comprennent:

  • La randonnée et le trekking étaient les principales activités nécessitant une assistance SOS, suivies de la conduite et de la moto
  • Les blessures sont restées la principale cause des messages SOS, avec une augmentation des problèmes médicaux
  • Les événements météorologiques et les rencontres avec la faune ont conduit à davantage de déclenchements de SOS
  • Près de 50 % des messages SOS ont été activés pour d'autres plutôt que pour le propriétaire de l'appareil
  • Les utilisateurs ont réussi à se sauver eux-mêmes dans près de 12 % des cas avec l'aide de Garmin Response

En 2024, Garmin a élargi sa technologie avec inReach Messenger Plus, permettant aux utilisateurs d'échanger des photos et des messages vocaux dans des situations hors réseau, fournissant des informations importantes aux secouristes.

Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) hat seinen SOS-Bericht inReach 2024 veröffentlicht, der die Trends bei der Notfallreaktion von ihren Satellitenkommunikationsgeräten im vergangenen Jahr zeigt. Der Bericht zeigt, dass Nutzer auf sechs Kontinenten und drei Ozeanen SOS-Nachrichten für verschiedene Vorfälle ausgelöst haben.

Wichtige Ergebnisse umfassen:

  • Wandern und Rucksackreisen waren die Hauptaktivitäten, die SOS-Hilfe benötigten, gefolgt von Autofahren und Motorradfahren
  • Verletzungen blieben die Hauptursache für SOS-Nachrichten, mit einem Anstieg medizinischer Probleme
  • Wetterereignisse und Begegnungen mit Wildtieren führten zu mehr SOS-Auslösungen
  • Fast 50% der SOS-Nachrichten wurden für andere Personen und nicht für den Gerätebesitzer aktiviert
  • Benutzer erreichten in fast 12% der Fälle mit der Anleitung von Garmin Response eine Selbstrettung

Im Jahr 2024 erweiterte Garmin seine Technologie mit inReach Messenger Plus, das es Benutzern ermöglicht, in netzunabhängigen Situationen Fotos und Sprachnachrichten auszutauschen und wichtige Informationen an die Rettungskräfte bereitzustellen.

  • Launch of enhanced inReach Messenger Plus with photo and voice messaging capabilities
  • Global coverage across 6 continents and 3 oceans
  • 12% successful self-rescue rate reducing emergency response costs
  • Increasing incidents related to medical issues and weather events
  • Rising number of SOS activations in dirt biking and rafting activities

Garmin report offers key insights and information into SOS trends from around the world

OLATHE, Kan., Feb. 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) today released its 2024 inReach® SOS Report, highlighting trends involving SOS incidents reported to Garmin Response℠ during the past calendar year. The report provides insights into the activities and locations of adventurers who find themselves in need of emergency help. Since 2011, inReach satellite technology1 has helped hikers, explorers, hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts stay in touch globally with two-way text messaging, location tracking and critical SOS emergency response services. That technology was expanded in 2024 with the release of inReach Messenger Plus, allowing users to exchange photo and voice messages while off the grid, which can provide essential information to emergency responders when seconds count.

Here are some key takeaways from the 2024 report:

  • Users across six continents and three oceans triggered an inReach SOS message for a wide variety of incidents.
  • Response missions varied from local emergency services on remote highways to highly technical helicopter rescues.
  • People sent an SOS message the most during hiking and backpacking activities, followed by driving and motorcycling. There was also an increase in dirt biking and rafting incidents.
  • Injuries were again the top cause for SOS messages with the biggest increase in medical issues like altitude sickness, heart problems and gastrointestinal issues.
  • Weather events such as wildfires, flash floods and hurricanes resulted in more SOS message triggers, as did encounters with wildlife like bears and rattlesnakes.
  • Many SOS messages were for the user; however, nearly one-half were for another member in the user's party or a third-party individual.
  • With the help of professionally trained Garmin Response staff, inReach users were able to self-rescue nearly 12% of the time.

Click here to read the entire 2024 report. 

How inReach SOS works with Garmin Response

Thanks to a dedicated SOS button and 100% global Iridium® satellite network coverage, Garmin inReach users can quickly send an SOS message should an emergency occur. Once an SOS message is triggered, even if the user takes no other action, the device sends a distress message to Garmin Response, a 24/7 staffed professional emergency response coordination center. Garmin Response will communicate with the user, their listed emergency contacts, search and rescue organizations and other available local resources. They provide updates to users and emergency contacts on the response effort, including confirmation when help is on the way, and remain available as the incident is being resolved.

What our customers are saying about inReach

"I cannot say thanks enough to every single person involved in this entire process. Without the enormous efforts put in by absolutely everyone, I would not be having breakfast again with my friend tomorrow morning."
–James Birch, inReach owner whose friend triggered an SOS message after getting caught in an avalanche

"Sometimes (more often than not) being prepared can end up helping others even more than yourself, and I think there is no better feeling than being able to help when it's needed."
–Adrian Abrahams, inReach user who helped stranded couple on overlanding trip

"Without the inReach, we wouldn't have had any information about what was approaching us that day, and we would have spent much of the valuable time we had hiking out slowly. Not only did we have the threat of fire, we also had trees down on the road, no service and we needed assistance."
–Brittany Farrish, customer who used inReach to escape wildfire

Find your Garmin inReach

  • The inReach Messenger Plus two-way satellite communicator, complete with photo and video messaging and a battery that can last weeks, is handy for anyone who might find themselves without cell service.
  • When the size and weight of the gear matters most, the easy-to-carry inReach Mini 2 is a great option with its lightweight and compact design.
  • Dedicated explorers, mountaineers, and hunters may prefer the rugged GPSMAP® 67i GPS handheld and satellite communicator, which offers TopoActive routable mapping and superior battery life.
  • Road warriors can use the Montana® 710i and 760i GPS navigators, which include a durable touchscreen display and a variety of mounting options for ATVs, motorcycles, bikes and more.
  • For overlanding enthusiasts, the Tread® XL Series is built for every part of the journey and has the on road and off road mapping they need to stay on track.
  • On the water, Garmin offers the inReach Mini 2 Marine Bundle, which includes a powered mount for the boat's helm for easy access when needed. Mariners also utilize the GPSMAP 86sci, which comes with preloaded BlueChart® g3 coastal charts in a water-resistant, floating design.
  • Aviators can send and receive messages right from the cockpit with the Garmin™ Messenger App for smartphones.

Learn more about all of Garmin's inReach-capable devices here.

An active satellite subscription is required for live tracking, messaging, weather forecasts and interactive SOS capabilities. A variety of affordable plans are available. Individuals with a supported device and an active subscription can purchase search and rescue (SAR) insurance plans through Garmin which offer financial reimbursement for qualified search and rescue related expenses2.

Engineered on the inside for life on the outside, Garmin products have revolutionized life for adventurers, athletes, off-road explorers, road warriors and outdoor enthusiasts everywhere. Committed to developing products that enhance experiences, enrich lives and help provide peace of mind, Garmin believes every day is an opportunity to innovate and a chance to beat yesterday. Visit the Garmin Newsroom, email our media team, connect with @garminoutdoor on social, or follow our blog.  

1Active satellite subscription required. Some jurisdictions regulate or prohibit the use of satellite communication devices. It is your responsibility to know and follow all applicable laws in the jurisdiction where the device is intended to be used.
2 SAR insurance is an optional benefit in addition to the emergency coordination response from Garmin Response. SAR insurance is not required for Garmin Response to coordinate a rescue response.

About Garmin International, Inc. Garmin International, Inc. is a subsidiary of Garmin Ltd. (NYSE: GRMN). Garmin Ltd. is incorporated in Switzerland, and its principal subsidiaries are located in the United States, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. Garmin, inReach, GPSMAP, Montana, Tread and BlueChart are registered trademarks, Garmin Pilot is a trademark and Garmin Response is a service mark of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries.

All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

Notice on Forward-Looking Statements:
This release includes forward-looking statements regarding Garmin Ltd. and its business. Such statements are based on management's current expectations. The forward-looking events and circumstances discussed in this release may not occur and actual results could differ materially as a result of known and unknown risk factors and uncertainties affecting Garmin, including, but not limited to, the risk factors listed in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 28, 2024, filed by Garmin with the Securities and Exchange Commission (Commission file number 0001-411180). A copy of such Form 10-K is available at No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and Garmin undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

Brianna Silverman


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SOURCE Garmin International, Inc.


What are the main reasons for SOS activations on Garmin GRMN devices in 2024?

Primary causes were injuries, followed by medical issues like altitude sickness, heart problems, and gastrointestinal issues. Weather events and wildlife encounters also triggered SOS messages.

How successful were Garmin GRMN inReach SOS rescues in 2024?

With Garmin Response staff assistance, users achieved self-rescue in nearly 12% of cases, while other cases required various response missions from local emergency services to helicopter rescues.

What new features did Garmin GRMN add to inReach devices in 2024?

Garmin introduced inReach Messenger Plus, allowing users to send photo and voice messages while off-grid, enhancing communication with emergency responders.

Which activities led to the most SOS activations for Garmin GRMN devices in 2024?

Hiking and backpacking activities triggered the most SOS messages, followed by driving and motorcycling. There was also an increase in dirt biking and rafting incidents.



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