AI Anxiety Among Marketing Executives Persists; New Survey Shows Majority Feel Negatively About AI

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Fiverr International has released its second annual Marketing Executives report, revealing key trends in the marketing industry. The survey of over 500 U.S. marketing leaders highlights:

  • Increased reliance on freelancers: 69% report higher freelancer utilization, with 63% engaging them in at least one out of four projects.
  • Evolving office dynamics: 87% maintain some form of return-to-office policy, down from 95% in 2023.
  • AI hesitancy: 63% of executives express concerns about AI's impact on their industry.
  • Strategic workforce planning: 70% have transitioned freelancers into full-time roles.

The report also notes that Q2 and Q3 are identified as the most challenging periods, with executives considering outsourcing critical functions during these times. Remote work, flexible hours, and improved retirement benefits are the most common incentives to attract and retain talent.

Fiverr International ha pubblicato il suo secondo rapporto annuale sui dirigenti del marketing, rivelando tendenze chiave nel settore del marketing. L'indagine condotta su oltre 500 leader del marketing negli Stati Uniti evidenzia:

  • Aumentata dipendenza dai freelance: il 69% riporta un maggiore utilizzo di freelance, con il 63% che li coinvolge in almeno uno dei quattro progetti.
  • Dinamiche d'ufficio in evoluzione: l'87% mantiene una qualche forma di politica di ritorno in ufficio, in calo dal 95% nel 2023.
  • Esitazione riguardo all'IA: il 63% dei dirigenti esprime preoccupazioni riguardo all'impatto dell'IA sul loro settore.
  • Pianificazione strategica della forza lavoro: il 70% ha trasferito i freelance in ruoli a tempo pieno.

Il rapporto nota anche che il secondo e il terzo trimestre sono identificati come i periodi più difficili, con i dirigenti che considerano l'esternalizzazione di funzioni critiche durante questi tempi. Il lavoro a distanza, orari flessibili e una migliore pensione sono gli incentivi più comuni per attrarre e trattenere talenti.

Fiverr International ha publicado su segundo informe anual sobre ejecutivos de marketing, revelando tendencias clave en la industria del marketing. La encuesta a más de 500 líderes de marketing de EE. UU. resalta:

  • Aumento de la dependencia de freelancers: el 69% informa un mayor uso de freelancers, con el 63% involucrándolos en al menos uno de cada cuatro proyectos.
  • Dinamismos de oficina en evolución: el 87% mantiene alguna forma de política de regreso a la oficina, bajando del 95% en 2023.
  • Reticencia hacia la IA: el 63% de los ejecutivos expresa preocupaciones sobre el impacto de la IA en su industria.
  • Planificación estratégica de la fuerza laboral: el 70% ha pasado a freelancers a roles a tiempo completo.

El informe también señala que el segundo y el tercer trimestre se identifican como los períodos más desafiantes, con ejecutivos considerando la subcontratación de funciones críticas durante estos tiempos. El trabajo remoto, horarios flexibles y mejores beneficios de jubilación son los incentivos más comunes para atraer y retener talento.

Fiverr International은 두 번째 연간 마케팅 경영진 보고서를 발표하며 마케팅 산업의 주요 트렌드를 드러냈습니다. 500명 이상의 미국 마케팅 리더들을 대상으로 진행된 설문조사는 다음과 같은 내용을 강조합니다:

  • 프리랜서에 대한 의존도 증가: 69%가 프리랜서 활용도가 높아졌다고 보고하며, 63%는 네 개 프로젝트 중 하나 이상의 프로젝트에 프리랜서를 활용하고 있습니다.
  • 사무실 동태의 진화: 87%가 어떤 형태로든 사무실 복귀 정책을 유지하고 있으며, 이는 2023년의 95%에서 감소한 수치입니다.
  • AI에 대한 망설임: 63%의 경영진이 AI가 산업에 미치는 영향에 대해 우려를 표명합니다.
  • 전략적 인력 계획: 70%가 프리랜서를 정규직으로 전환하였습니다.

보고서는 또한 2분기와 3분기가 가장 어려운 시기로 지적되며, 경영진이 이러한 기간 동안 주요 기능의 아웃소싱을 고려하고 있다고 언급합니다. 원격 근무, 유연한 시간, 향상된 퇴직 혜택이 인재를 유치하고 유지하는 데 가장 일반적인 인센티브입니다.

Fiverr International a publié son deuxième rapport annuel sur les dirigeants du marketing, révélant des tendances clés dans l'industrie du marketing. L'enquête menée auprès de plus de 500 leaders du marketing aux États-Unis souligne :

  • Dépendance accrue aux freelances : 69 % signalent une utilisation accrue des freelances, avec 63 % les engageant dans au moins un projet sur quatre.
  • Dynamiques de bureau en évolution : 87 % maintiennent une forme de politique de retour au bureau, en baisse par rapport à 95 % en 2023.
  • Hésitation concernant l'IA : 63 % des dirigeants expriment des préoccupations concernant l'impact de l'IA sur leur secteur.
  • Planification stratégique de la main-d'œuvre : 70 % ont transféré des freelances vers des rôles à temps plein.

Le rapport note également que le deuxième et le troisième trimestre sont identifiés comme les périodes les plus difficiles, les dirigeants envisageant d'externaliser des fonctions critiques durant ces périodes. Le travail à distance, les horaires flexibles et les meilleurs avantages de retraite sont les incitations les plus courantes pour attirer et retenir les talents.

Fiverr International hat seinen zweiten jährlichen Bericht über Marketing-Führungskräfte veröffentlicht, der wichtige Trends in der Marketingbranche aufzeigt. Die Umfrage unter über 500 US-Marketingführern hebt hervor:

  • Gestiegene Abhängigkeit von Freelancern: 69% berichten von einem höheren Einsatz von Freelancern, wobei 63% sie in mindestens einem von vier Projekten einbinden.
  • Entwicklung der Bürodynamik: 87% haben eine Art Rückkehrpolitik ins Büro beibehalten, ein Rückgang von 95% im Jahr 2023.
  • Zögerlichkeit gegenüber KI: 63% der Führungskräfte äußern Bedenken hinsichtlich der Auswirkungen von KI auf ihre Branche.
  • Strategische Personalplanung: 70% haben Freelancer in Vollzeitstellen integriert.

Der Bericht merkt auch an, dass das zweite und dritte Quartal als die herausforderndsten Perioden identifiziert werden, wobei Führungskräfte in diesen Zeiten die Auslagerung kritischer Funktionen in Betracht ziehen. Remote-Arbeit, flexible Arbeitszeiten und verbesserte Altersvorsorgeleistungen sind die häufigsten Anreize zur Gewinnung und Bindung von Talenten.

  • None.
  • None.

Fiverr Pro’s Second Annual Marketing Report also finds execs are loosening RTO policies and 69% report an increase in freelancer utilization

NEW YORK, Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fiverr International Ltd. (NYSE: FVRR), the company that is changing how the world works together, today unveiled its second annual Marketing Executives report from Fiverr Pro. Fiverr Pro is Fiverr's premium solution for medium to large businesses seeking top professional talent. The survey of more than 500 marketing leaders in the U.S. uncovers a growing reliance on freelancers to fill crucial gaps, with executives also voicing concerns about the role of AI in their industry and the strategic shift towards a hybrid workforce model blending freelance and full-time talent.

“This annual survey offers a clear and detailed year over year snapshot of the changing priorities within marketing, showing how industry leaders are adapting their strategies to remain competitive. It’s evident that the leaders who use freelancers don’t see them as just a bonus; they’re productivity game-changers. It’s clear that freelancers aren't just here to pick up the slack–they’re here to help you win. In a world where speed and flexibility define success, freelancers are integral to a company’s competitiveness,” said Maya Roisman, General Manager, Fiverr Pro.

Key trends from the report include:

  • Freelancers as Essential Team Members: 69% of marketing executives report an increase in freelancer utilization this year, solidifying their role as crucial contributors to team success.
  • Regular Integration: 63% of marketing leaders now engage freelancers on at least one out of every four projects.
  • Bridging Skill Gaps Post-Layoffs: Over a quarter (28%) of executives are turning to freelancers to cover skill gaps resulting from workforce reductions.

Evolving Office Dynamics:

  • RTO Policy Relaxation: 87% of marketing executives we surveyed in 2024 maintain some form of return-to-office policy, a decrease from 95% in 2023. 39% of marketing executives require employees to work in the office at least four days a week, but those who frequently use freelancers tend to allow more flexibility (43%).
  • In Demand Benefits: Remote work, flexible hours, and improved retirement benefits are the most common incentives to attract and retain talent.

Seasonal Challenges and AI Hesitancy:

  • Quarterly Pressure Points: Marketing executives surveyed identify Q2 and Q3 as the most challenging periods (35% and 34% respectively), with over half of marketing executives considering outsourcing brand management and other critical functions to freelancers during these high-stress times.
  • Caution Toward AI: A significant 63% of marketing executives express concerns about the impact of Artificial Intelligence on their industry1.

Strategic Workforce Planning:

  • Freelancer Conversion: 70% of marketing executives have transitioned freelancers into full-time roles, highlighting the long-term value and potential of freelance talent.
  • Talent Recommendation: 99% of Marketing Executives surveyed who frequently use freelancers are likely to recommend hiring freelancers to other marketing leaders.

To access the complete 2024 Marketing Executives Survey Report and gain deeper insights into the evolving role of freelancers in the marketing industry, please visit:

The research was conducted by Censuswide, among a sample of 503 U.S. Marketing Executives (18+, with companies with 50+ employees) who use freelancers. The data was collected between 06.08.2024– 15.08.2024. Censuswide abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society and follows the MRS code of conduct which is based on the ESOMAR principles. Censuswide is also a member of the British Polling Council.

About Fiverr
Fiverr’s mission is to change how the world works together. We exist to democratize access to talent and to provide talent with access to opportunities so anyone can grow their business, brand, or dreams. From small businesses to Fortune 500, around 4 million customers worldwide worked with freelance talent on Fiverr in the past year, ensuring their workforces remain flexible, adaptive, and agile. With Fiverr Pro, large companies can find the right talent and tools, tailored to their needs to help them thrive and grow. On Fiverr, you can find over 700 skills, ranging from programming to 3D design, digital marketing to content creation, from video animation to architecture.

Don’t get left behind - come be a part of the future of work by visiting, read our blog, and follow us on X, Instagram, and Facebook.

Media Contact:
Laura Podesta

‘Slightly Negative’ and ‘Really negative’ answers combined. (Q10. How positive or negative are your feelings on emerging tech (AI and machine learning)?)

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What percentage of marketing executives reported an increase in freelancer utilization in 2024 according to Fiverr's report?

According to Fiverr's 2024 Marketing Executives report, 69% of marketing executives reported an increase in freelancer utilization compared to the previous year.

How has the return-to-office policy changed for marketing executives from 2023 to 2024 based on Fiverr's survey?

Fiverr's survey shows that in 2024, 87% of marketing executives maintain some form of return-to-office policy, which is a decrease from 95% in 2023, indicating a relaxation in RTO policies.

What percentage of marketing executives express concerns about AI's impact on their industry according to Fiverr's report?

Fiverr's report reveals that 63% of marketing executives express concerns about the impact of Artificial Intelligence on their industry.

Which quarters are identified as the most challenging for marketing executives in Fiverr's 2024 survey?

According to Fiverr's 2024 survey, marketing executives identify Q2 and Q3 as the most challenging periods, with 35% and 34% respectively reporting these quarters as high-stress times.

What percentage of marketing executives have transitioned freelancers into full-time roles according to Fiverr's report?

Fiverr's report indicates that 70% of marketing executives have transitioned freelancers into full-time roles, highlighting the long-term value and potential of freelance talent.

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