FOX News Channel’s Harris Faulkner to Present Town Hall on Women’s Issues Featuring Former President Donald Trump on October 16th

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FOX News Channel's Harris Faulkner will host a town hall with former President Donald Trump on October 16th at 11 AM/ET on 'The Faulkner Focus'. The event, pre-taped on October 15th in Cumming, Georgia, will feature an all-female audience and focus on women's issues ahead of the election.

Key topics include economy, abortion, immigration, and health care, identified as top concerns for female voters in a September 2024 FOX News poll. Faulkner, a six-time Emmy Award winner, emphasizes the importance of understanding candidates' stances on issues affecting women, who constitute the largest group of registered and active voters in the US.

FOX News Channel has extended a standing invitation to Vice President Harris for a similar townhall event. The network continues to lead in cable news viewership, attracting nearly 50% of the audience and showing strong appeal among Democrat and Independent viewers.

Harris Faulkner del FOX News Channel ospiterà un incontro pubblico con l'ex presidente Donald Trump il 16 ottobre alle 11 AM/ET su 'The Faulkner Focus'. L'evento, registrato il 15 ottobre a Cumming, Georgia, avrà un pubblico interamente femminile e si concentrerà su problemi femminili in vista delle elezioni.

I temi principali includono economia, aborto, immigrazione e assistenza sanitaria, identificati come le maggiori preoccupazioni per le elettrici in un sondaggio del FOX News di settembre 2024. Faulkner, vincitrice di sei Emmy Awards, sottolinea l'importanza di comprendere le posizioni dei candidati su questioni che interessano le donne, che rappresentano il gruppo più numeroso di elettori registrati e attivi negli Stati Uniti.

Il FOX News Channel ha esteso un invito permanente alla vicepresidente Harris per un evento simile. La rete continua a guidare la classifica della visione della notizie via cavo, attirando quasi il 50% del pubblico e mostrando un forte appeal tra gli elettori Democratici e Indipendenti.

Harris Faulkner de FOX News Channel será la moderadora de un encuentro con el ex presidente Donald Trump el 16 de octubre a las 11 AM/ET en 'The Faulkner Focus'. El evento, grabado el 15 de octubre en Cumming, Georgia, contará con una audiencia completamente femenina y se centrará en temas femeninos de cara a las elecciones.

Los temas clave incluyen economía, aborto, inmigración y atención médica, identificados como las principales preocupaciones de las votantes en una encuesta de FOX News de septiembre de 2024. Faulkner, ganadora de seis premios Emmy, enfatiza la importancia de comprender las posiciones de los candidatos sobre cuestiones que afectan a las mujeres, quienes constituyen el grupo más grande de votantes registrados y activos en EE.UU.

FOX News Channel ha extendido una invitación permanente a la vicepresidenta Harris para un evento similar. La red sigue liderando la audiencia de noticias por cable, atrayendo casi el 50% de la audiencia y mostrando un fuerte atractivo entre votantes demócratas e independientes.

FOX 뉴스 채널의 해리스 폴크너가 10월 16일 오전 11시/ET에 '더 폴크너 포커스'에서 전 대통령 도널드 트럼프와 타운홀 미팅을 진행합니다. 이 행사는 10월 15일 조지아주 커밍에서 사전 녹화되며, 여성만의 청중이 참석하고 선거를 앞두고 여성 문제에 초점을 맞출 것입니다.

주요 주제에는 경제, 낙태, 이민 및 건강 관리가 포함되며, 이는 2024년 9월 FOX 뉴스 여론 조사에서 유권자 여성들이 가장 우려하는 문제로 identified되었습니다. 6회 에미상 수상자인 폴크너는 여성 유권자들에게 영향을 미치는 문제에 대한 후보자들의 입장을 이해하는 것이 중요하다고 강조합니다. 여성들은 미국에서 등록 유권자 및 적극적인 유권자 중 가장 큰 그룹을 차지합니다.

FOX 뉴스 채널은 해리스 부통령에게 비슷한 타운홀 행사에 대한 지속적인 초대를 연장했습니다. 이 네트워크는 케이블 뉴스 시청률에서 여전히 선두를 달리고 있으며, 거의 50%의 시청자를 유치하고 있으며 민주당원과 독립 유권자들 사이에서 강한 매력을 보이고 있습니다.

Harris Faulkner du FOX News Channel animera une réunion publique avec l'ancien président Donald Trump le 16 octobre à 11h AM/ET dans 'The Faulkner Focus'. L'événement, pré-enregistré le 15 octobre à Cumming, en Georgie, sera composé d'un public exclusivement féminin et mettra l'accent sur les questions féminines à l'approche des élections.

Les sujets clés incluent l'économie, l'avortement, l'immigration et les soins de santé, identifiés comme les principales préoccupations des électrices dans un sondage FOX News de septembre 2024. Faulkner, six fois lauréate d'un Emmy Award, souligne l'importance de comprendre les positions des candidats sur les questions affectant les femmes, qui constituent le groupe le plus important d'électeurs inscrits et actifs aux États-Unis.

FOX News Channel a adressé une invitation permanente à la vice-présidente Harris pour un événement similaire. Le réseau continue de dominer l'audience des nouvelles câblées, attirant près de 50 % de l'audience et montrant un fort attrait parmi les électeurs démocrates et indépendants.

Harris Faulkner vom FOX News Channel wird am 16. Oktober um 11 Uhr ET eine Townhall-Veranstaltung mit dem ehemaligen Präsidenten Donald Trump auf 'The Faulkner Focus' moderieren. Die Veranstaltung, die am 15. Oktober in Cumming, Georgia, aufgezeichnet wurde, wird ein weibliches Publikum haben und sich auf Frauenfragen im Vorfeld der Wahlen konzentrieren.

Zu den zentralen Themen gehören Wirtschaft, Abtreibung, Einwanderung und Gesundheitsversorgung, die in einer Umfrage von FOX News im September 2024 als die größten Anliegen weiblicher Wähler identifiziert wurden. Faulkner, eine sechsmalige Emmy-Preisträgerin, betont die Wichtigkeit des Verständnisses der Positionen der Kandidaten zu Themen, die Frauen betreffen, da diese die größte Gruppe registrierter und aktiver Wähler in den USA ausmachen.

Der FOX News Channel hat der Vizepräsidentin Harris eine ständige Einladung zu einer ähnlichen Townhall-Veranstaltung ausgesprochen. Das Netzwerk bleibt führend in der Zuschauerzahl von Kabelnachrichten und zieht fast 50 % des Publikums an, mit großer Anziehungskraft bei demokratischen und unabhängigen Zuschauern.

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One-Hour Town Hall to Feature All-Female Audience in Cumming, Georgia and Air on “The Faulkner Focus” at 11 AM/ET

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- FOX News Channel’s (FNC) Harris Faulkner will present a town hall with Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump focusing on issues impacting women ahead of the election and news of the day at Reid Barn in Cumming, Georgia. The event, which will be held with an audience entirely composed of women, will pre-tape on October 15th and air on October 16th on The Faulkner Focus (11 AM-12 PM/ET). FOX News has a standing invitation to Vice President Harris for a townhall event of equal stature which has been extended to her campaign multiple times since she became a candidate for president in August.

In commenting on the town hall, Faulkner said, “Women constitute the largest group of registered and active voters in the United States, so it is paramount that female voters understand where the presidential candidates stand on the issues that matter to them most. I am looking forward to providing our viewers with an opportunity to learn more about where former President Trump stands on these topics.”

According to a September 2024 FOX News poll, the top issues impacting female voters are economy, abortion, immigration and health care. During the pre-taped one-hour town hall, Trump will discuss these concerns and others facing female voters as well as how he would address these issues.

Faulkner joined FNC in 2005 and currently serves as the anchor of The Faulkner Focus and a founding co-host of Outnumbered. At 11 AM/ET, The Faulkner Focus features interviews with top newsmakers and analysts and is cable news’ most-watched program in the timeslot, averaging nearly 2 million viewers. Outnumbered features an ensemble of four female panelists and one male breaking down the day’s headlines from all perspectives and dominates the competition at 12 PM/ET with 1.8 million viewers. Both programs outpace broadcast program’s NBC’s TODAY Third Hour, TODAY with Hoda & Jenna, The Kelly Clarkson Show, NBC News Daily, ABC’s GMA3, CBS’ The Talk and The Drew Barrymore Show.

As the first Black woman to helm back-to-back weekday cable news programs, Faulkner has also played integral roles in FNC’s election coverage over the last several cycles. She is the lead of the network’s “Voter’s Voices” segments and recently presented a series titled, ”Families in Focus,” where she interviewed the family members of the then-presidential candidates during the 2024 primaries. Additionally, Faulkner has hosted a variety of primetime specials and townhalls focused on current events, including forums focused on policing in America, the ongoing conversation of justice in the country and education during the COVID-19 pandemic, among other topics.

In June 2020, Faulkner presented the first one-on-one cable news interview with then-President Donald Trump following the murder of George Floyd. The sit-down, which was her second interview with Trump, focused on the civil unrest following George Floyd’s death in police custody and the president’s stance on civil rights. She also conducted the last interview with Trump on July 13 a few hours before the attempted assassination on him in Butler, PA.

A six-time Emmy Award winner and New York Times bestselling author, Faulkner has also been featured as one of AdWeek’s “Women Trailblazers” in 2020 and named to WORTH Magazine’s "Groundbreakers" list, which honors 50 influential women worldwide for breaking barriers in their industries. In May 2021, Faulkner was honored by Variety’s New York Women’s Impact Report and in November 2021, the Multicultural Media and Correspondents Association honored Faulkner as Its Broadcast Journalist of the Year. Additionally, Harris received the 2023 P.O.W.E.R. Women of the Year Award and recently was honored by She Leads America with the Congressional Christian Women of Distinction Award.

FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service and has been the number one network in basic cable for the last eight years and the most-watched television news channel for more than 22 consecutive years, currently attracting nearly 50% of the cable news viewing audience according to Nielsen Media Research. Notably, Nielsen/MRI Fusion has consistently shown FNC to be the network of choice for more Democrat and Independent viewers, with the most politically diverse audience in cable news. Additionally, a 2023 New York Times/Siena College poll found FNC as the leading single source of news for voters across the country. Owned by Fox Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 70 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top 10 programs in the genre.

FOX News Channel Media Contacts:

Connor Smith: 212-301-3879 or

Sofie Watson: 212.301.3818 or

Source: FOX News Channel


When and where will the FOX News town hall with Donald Trump air?

The town hall will air on October 16th at 11 AM/ET on 'The Faulkner Focus' on FOX News Channel (FOX).

What is the focus of the FOX News town hall with Donald Trump?

The town hall will focus on women's issues and news of the day, addressing topics like economy, abortion, immigration, and health care that are important to female voters.

Who will be in the audience for the FOX News town hall with Donald Trump?

The audience will be entirely composed of women, reflecting the event's focus on issues impacting female voters.

Has FOX News invited other presidential candidates for similar town halls?

Yes, FOX News has extended a standing invitation to Vice President Harris for a townhall event of equal stature.

What are the top issues impacting female voters according to the FOX News poll?

According to a September 2024 FOX News poll, the top issues impacting female voters are economy, abortion, immigration, and health care.

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