Forrester’s 2025 Budget Planning Guides: Leaders Across Functions, Industries, And Geographies Intend To Spend More In 2025

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Forrester's 2025 Budget Planning Guides reveal that leaders across functions, industries, and geographies plan to increase spending in 2025. Despite economic challenges, 91% of global tech decision-makers and 87% of global marketing decision-makers anticipate budget increases. The guides recommend focusing on cross-functional efforts for connected experiences, AI governance, and trust capabilities. Areas to reduce investment include purposeless journey-mapping and bespoke tech stacks. Leaders are advised to experiment with platform teams and quantum security. The guides emphasize the importance of strategic investments that benefit the entire organization and establish long-term trust with customers and partners.

Le guide alla pianificazione del budget 2025 di Forrester rivelano che i leader di diverse funzioni, settori e aree geografiche pianificano di aumentare la spesa nel 2025. Nonostante le sfide economiche, il 91% dei decisori tecnologici globali e l'87% dei decisori di marketing globali si aspettano aumento dei budget. Le guide raccomandano di concentrarsi su sforzi interfunzionali per esperienze connesse, governance dell'AI e capacità di fiducia. Le aree in cui ridurre gli investimenti includono la mappatura dei percorsi senza scopo e le tecnologie personalizzate. Si consiglia ai leader di sperimentare con i team della piattaforma e la sicurezza quantistica. Le guide sottolineano l'importanza di investimenti strategici che beneficiano l'intera organizzazione e stabiliscono una fiducia a lungo termine con clienti e partner.

Las guías de planificación de presupuesto 2025 de Forrester revelan que los líderes de diversas funciones, industrias y geografías planean aumentar el gasto en 2025. A pesar de los desafíos económicos, el 91% de los tomadores de decisiones tecnológicas globales y el 87% de los tomadores de decisiones de marketing globales anticipan aumentos en los presupuestos. Las guías recomiendan centrarse en esfuerzos interfuncionales para experiencias conectadas, gobernanza de la IA y capacidades de confianza. Las áreas donde se debe reducir la inversión incluyen la mapeo de caminos sin propósito y los stacks tecnológicos personalizados. Se aconseja a los líderes experimentar con equipos de plataforma y seguridad cuántica. Las guías enfatizan la importancia de inversiones estratégicas que beneficien a toda la organización y establezcan una confianza a largo plazo con clientes y socios.

포레스터의 2025 예산 계획 가이드는 여러 기능, 산업 및 지리적 영역의 리더들이 2025년 지출을 증가시킬 계획이라고 밝힙니다. 경제적 어려움에도 불구하고, 전 세계 기술 의사 결정자의 91%전 세계 마케팅 의사 결정자의 87%가 예산 증가를 예상하고 있습니다. 가이드는 연결된 경험을 위한 부서 간 협력 노력, AI 거버넌스, 신뢰 능력에 집중할 것을 권장합니다. 투자 축소 영역으로는 목적 없는 여정 매핑과 맞춤형 기술 스택이 포함됩니다. 리더들은 플랫폼 팀양자 보안과 실험하는 것을 권장받고 있습니다. 가이드는 전체 조직에 혜택을 주고 고객 및 파트너와의 장기적인 신뢰를 구축하는 전략적 투자 의 중요성을 강조합니다.

Les guides de planification budgétaire 2025 de Forrester révèlent que les leaders de différentes fonctions, secteurs et géographies prévoient de augmenter les dépenses en 2025. Malgré les défis économiques, 91% des décideurs technologiques mondiaux et 87% des décideurs marketing mondiaux anticipent des augmentations de budget. Les guides recommandent de se concentrer sur des efforts interfonctionnels pour des expériences connectées, la gouvernance de l'IA et des capacités de confiance. Les domaines dans lesquels réduire les investissements incluent la cartographie de parcours sans but et les technologies personnalisées. Les dirigeants sont conseillés à expérimenter avec des équipes de plateforme et la sécuité quantique. Les guides soulignent l'importance des investissements stratégiques qui profitent à l'ensemble de l'organisation et établissent une confiance à long terme avec les clients et partenaires.

Die Budgetplanungsguide 2025 von Forrester zeigen, dass Führungskräfte aus verschiedenen Funktionen, Branchen und geografischen Regionen planen, die Ausgaben im Jahr 2025 zu erhöhen. Trotz der wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen erwarten 91% der globalen Tech-Entscheider und 87% der globalen Marketing-Entscheider ein Budgetplus. Die Guides empfehlen, sich auf funktionsübergreifende Bemühungen für vernetzte Erlebnisse, KI-Governance und Vertrauensfähigkeiten zu konzentrieren. Bereiche zur Reduzierung der Investitionen umfassen sinnlose Journey-Map-Analysen und maßgeschneiderte Technologiestacks. Führungskräfte wird geraten, mit Plattformteams und Quanten-Sicherheit zu experimentieren. Die Guides betonen die Bedeutung strategischer Investitionen, die der gesamten Organisation zugutekommen und ein langfristiges Vertrauen zu Kunden und Partnern aufbauen.

  • 91% of global tech decision-makers plan for budget increases in 2025
  • 87% of global marketing decision-makers anticipate budget increases in 2025
  • Organizations with strong alignment among marketing, digital, and CX teams report 1.6 times faster revenue growth
  • Aligned organizations report 1.4 times better customer retention
  • High interest rates, tight labor markets, and US election uncertainty persist
  • Pressure to optimize spending and drive efficiencies remains a focus for organizations
  • CX leaders struggle to build momentum and drive action from journey-mapping efforts
  • Bespoke tech stacks and isolated infrastructure require up-front investment to reduce technical debt

Forrester's 2025 Budget Planning Guides reveal a surprisingly optimistic outlook for tech and marketing spending, despite economic uncertainties. This bullish sentiment, particularly in the tech sector, could signal a potential upswing in tech stocks and related ETFs in the coming year.

Key takeaways for investors:

  • Tech sector resilience: With 91% of global tech decision-makers planning budget increases, this could translate to stronger performance for tech companies and their suppliers.
  • Marketing sector growth: 87% of marketing decision-makers anticipating budget increases may benefit digital advertising platforms and marketing technology firms.
  • Cross-functional focus: Companies prioritizing connected experiences report 1.6 times faster revenue growth. This trend could favor integrated software solution providers and customer experience platforms.
  • AI governance investment: Increased focus on AI governance and trust may boost cybersecurity and data management companies.
  • Quantum security: The emphasis on quantum security solutions presents a niche opportunity for investors in this emerging field.

While the overall outlook is positive, investors should remain cautious. The report also highlights areas of decreased investment, such as bespoke tech stacks, which could negatively impact some specialized software providers. Additionally, the focus on optimizing spending suggests that while budgets may increase, companies will be selective in their investments, potentially leading to winners and losers within the tech sector.

Forrester's 2025 Budget Planning Guides present a nuanced financial landscape for investors to navigate. The projected increase in tech and marketing budgets could have significant implications for the stock market, particularly in the technology sector.

Financial considerations:

  • Revenue growth potential: Companies aligning marketing, digital and CX teams report 1.6 times faster revenue growth. This metric could be a key indicator for identifying high-performing stocks in the coming year.
  • Customer retention: The 1.4 times better customer retention reported by aligned companies could translate to more stable recurring revenue streams, a factor that often positively influences stock valuations.
  • Tech stack consolidation: The move away from bespoke tech stacks could benefit large, integrated software providers while potentially hurting smaller, specialized vendors.
  • AI and quantum security investments: These areas of focus may drive increased valuations for companies specializing in AI governance, data security and quantum computing technologies.

However, investors should be wary of overenthusiasm. The report notes that pressure to optimize spending remains, which could lead to more discriminating tech purchases. Additionally, the uncertain macroeconomic environment, including high interest rates and the upcoming US elections, could introduce volatility into the market despite the positive budget outlook.

In summary, while the report suggests a potentially bullish trend for tech and marketing-related stocks in 2025, investors should carefully consider company-specific strategies and their alignment with the identified growth areas before making investment decisions.

Tech leaders are the most bullish when it comes to increased budget expectations in the coming year

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- According to Forrester’s (Nasdaq: FORR) 2025 Budget Planning Guides, leaders intend to spend more in 2025 after a year of restrained budget expectations. Despite high interest rates, tight labor markets, and the uncertainty of US elections, 91% of global tech decision-makers and 87% of global marketing decision-makers are planning for budget increases in the year ahead. Pressure to optimize spending and drive efficiencies remains a focus for organizations, however. As a result, to derive the most value from increased budgets, leaders must invest in cross-functional efforts that have an outsized impact on their firm’s growth.

Forrester’s Budget Planning Guides provide data-backed recommendations for technology and security, B2B and B2C marketing, customer experience (CX), digital strategy, and sales and revenue operations leaders to make sound planning and budgeting decisions for the coming year. The guides also include spending intention benchmarks and recommendations for areas to experiment, deepen investments, and divest budget allocations. Read on for key insights from Forrester’s 2025 Budget Planning Guides.

Areas to increase investment in 2025:

  • Cross-functional efforts to deliver connected experiences. Organizations with strong alignment among their marketing, digital, and CX teams report 1.6 times faster revenue growth than their peers and 1.4 times better customer retention. To ensure alignment, leaders should invest in customer journeys where functional teams and business units have a strong interlock.
  • Capabilities and frameworks for AI governance and trust. As AI deployments become ubiquitous, firms should invest in building policies and frameworks around data access, usage, sharing, storage, and retention to retain customer and employee trust. This also requires security and privacy investments in approaches like advanced encryption, data masking, differential privacy, and data clean rooms.

Areas to decrease investment in 2025:

  • Journey-mapping without a purpose. CX leaders often struggle to build momentum and drive action from their mapping efforts. As a result, they should scale back journey-mapping initiatives that lack a clear objective, an executive champion, or customer insights.
  • Bespoke tech stacks. Leaders should inventory and replace their bespoke applications and isolated infrastructure that only serves one or a few applications. Addressing this sprawl requires up-front investment to reduce technical debt and deliver high-performance IT.

Areas for experimentation in 2025:

  • Platform teams that break down silos and innovate. Platform teams are cross-functional product-centric teams that build and maintain tooling, infrastructure, and services, enabling other IT and business teams to build, deploy, and manage their applications. Platform teams deliver value to stakeholders by improving alignment and eliminating bottlenecks.
  • Quantum security. As cybercriminals amass sensitive data vulnerable to quantum attacks, leaders should follow post-quantum (PQ) cryptographic developments and experiment with PQ security solutions to insulate critical assets and future-proof their organization against data breaches.

“Optimistic budget expectations will serve leaders well as they enter 2025, but they need to be super thoughtful about investing in areas that support their firms’ overall growth,” said Sharyn Leaver, chief research officer at Forrester. “While leaders should continue to experiment with more advanced AI capabilities in 2025, those shouldn’t be the only experiments they pursue. They should prioritize investments that benefit their entire firm and help establish long-term trust with customers and partners. Forrester’s Budget Planning Guides provide detailed guidance on where leaders should invest, pull back, and strategically experiment to succeed amid continual, rapid change.”


  • Explore the Budget Planning Guides hub.
  • Read more about the key areas that technology, marketing, customer experience, and other leaders should prioritize in 2025 to deliver customer value and business results.
  • Register to attend Forrester’s upcoming Budget Planning Guides 2025 webinars for B2B marketing leaders, CX leaders, and technology and security leaders.

About Forrester

Forrester (Nasdaq: FORR) is one of the most influential research and advisory firms in the world. We help leaders across technology, customer experience, digital, marketing, sales, and product functions use customer obsession to accelerate growth. Through Forrester’s proprietary research, consulting, and events, leaders from around the globe are empowered to be bold at work — to navigate change and put their customers at the center of their leadership, strategy, and operations. Our unique insights are grounded in annual surveys of more than 700,000 consumers, business leaders, and technology leaders worldwide; rigorous and objective research methodologies, including Forrester Wave™ evaluations; more than 100 million real-time feedback votes; and the shared wisdom of our clients. To learn more, visit

Ira Kantor

Source: Forrester


What percentage of global tech decision-makers plan to increase budgets in 2025 according to Forrester's report?

According to Forrester's 2025 Budget Planning Guides, 91% of global tech decision-makers plan to increase budgets in 2025.

What are the key areas Forrester recommends for increased investment in 2025?

Forrester recommends increasing investment in cross-functional efforts to deliver connected experiences, and capabilities and frameworks for AI governance and trust.

What areas does Forrester suggest decreasing investment in for 2025?

Forrester suggests decreasing investment in journey-mapping without a clear purpose and bespoke tech stacks that serve only one or a few applications.

What experimental areas does Forrester recommend for 2025 in its Budget Planning Guides?

Forrester recommends experimenting with platform teams that break down silos and innovate, and quantum security solutions to protect against future data breaches.

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