First High-School Education Group Announces Receipt of Preliminary Non-Binding "Going Private" Proposal

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First High-School Education Group (OTCQB:FHSEY) has received a preliminary non-binding 'going private' proposal from its founder, chairman, and CEO, along with other investors. The Buyer Group proposes to acquire all outstanding Class A ordinary shares, including those represented by ADSs, for US$0.05 per Share or US$0.15 per ADS in cash. This offer represents a premium of 354.5% to the closing price on August 1, 2024, and significant premiums to recent volume-weighted average prices. The Board plans to form a special committee of independent directors to evaluate the proposal. Shareholders are cautioned that no definitive agreement has been reached, and there's no assurance the transaction will be approved or completed.

Il First High-School Education Group (OTCQB:FHSEY) ha ricevuto una proposta preliminare non vincolante di 'andare privato' dal suo fondatore, presidente e CEO, insieme ad altri investitori. Il Gruppo Acquirente propone di acquisire tutte le azioni ordinarie di classe A, comprese quelle rappresentate da ADS, per US$0,05 per azione o US$0,15 per ADS in contanti. Questa offerta rappresenta un premio del 354,5% rispetto al prezzo di chiusura del 1 agosto 2024, e premi significativi rispetto ai recenti prezzi medi ponderati per volume. Il Consiglio prevede di formare un comitato speciale di direttori indipendenti per valutare la proposta. Gli azionisti sono avvertiti che non è stato raggiunto alcun accordo definitivo e non c'è alcuna garanzia che la transazione venga approvata o completata.

El First High-School Education Group (OTCQB:FHSEY) ha recibido una propuesta preliminar no vinculante de 'convertirse en privado' de su fundador, presidente y CEO, junto con otros inversionistas. El Grupo Comprador propone adquirir todas las acciones ordinarias de Clase A, incluidas las representadas por ADS, por US$0.05 por acción o US$0.15 por ADS en efectivo. Esta oferta representa un premio del 354.5% sobre el precio de cierre del 1 de agosto de 2024, y premios significativos en comparación con los recientes precios promedios ponderados por volumen. La Junta planea formar un comité especial de directores independientes para evaluar la propuesta. Se advierte a los accionistas que no se ha alcanzado ningún acuerdo definitivo y no hay garantía de que la transacción sea aprobada o completada.

First High-School Education Group (OTCQB:FHSEY)는 창립자, 회장 및 CEO와 다른 투자자들로부터 '비상장 회사 전환'에 대한 비구속적인 초기 제안을 받았습니다. 구매 그룹은 모든 발행된 A급 보통주, ADS로 나타나는 주식을 포함하여, 주당 US$0.05 또는 ADS당 US$0.15에 현금으로 인수할 것을 제안하고 있습니다. 이 제안은 2024년 8월 1일 종가에 비해 354.5%의 프리미엄을 나타내며, 최근의 거래량 가중 평균 가격에 비해 상당한 프리미엄을 제공합니다. 이사회는 제안을 평가하기 위해 독립 이사들로 구성된 특별 위원회를 구성할 계획입니다. 주주들에게는 최종 계약이 체결되지 않았으며, 거래가 승인되거나 완료될 것이라는 보장이 없음을 주의하라고 경고하고 있습니다.

Le First High-School Education Group (OTCQB:FHSEY) a reçu une proposition préliminaire non contraignante de 'devenir privé' de son fondateur, président et PDG, ainsi que d'autres investisseurs. Le Groupe Acheteur propose d'acquérir toutes les actions ordinaires de Classe A, y compris celles représentées par des ADS, pour 0,05 $ US par action ou 0,15 $ US par ADS en espèces. Cette offre représente un prime de 354,5% par rapport au cours de clôture du 1er août 2024, et des primes significatives par rapport aux prix moyens pondérés récents. Le Conseil prévoit de former un comité spécial de directeurs indépendants pour évaluer la proposition. Les actionnaires sont avertis qu'aucun accord définitif n'a été conclu et qu'il n'y a aucune garantie que la transaction sera approuvée ou finalisée.

Die First High-School Education Group (OTCQB:FHSEY) hat ein vorläufiges unverbindliches 'Privatisierungsangebot' von ihrem Gründer, Vorsitzenden und CEO sowie von anderen Investoren erhalten. Die Käufergruppe schlägt vor, alle ausstehenden A-Klasse-Stammaktien, einschließlich der in ADS vertretenen, für US$0,05 pro Aktie oder US$0,15 pro ADS in bar zu erwerben. Dieses Angebot stellt einen Aufschlag von 354,5% auf den Schlusskurs am 1. August 2024 dar und signifikante Aufschläge gegenüber den jüngsten volumengewichteten Durchschnittspreisen. Der Vorstand plant die Bildung eines sonder Ausschusses unabhängiger Direktoren, um das Angebot zu bewerten. Den Aktionären wird geraten, dass keine endgültige Vereinbarung getroffen wurde und dass keine Garantie besteht, dass die Transaktion genehmigt oder abgeschlossen wird.

  • Offer price represents a 354.5% premium to the last closing price
  • Significant premiums of 269.3% and 320.7% to 7-day and 30-day volume-weighted average prices
  • Potential for shareholders to realize substantial gains on their investment
  • Potential delisting from public markets, reducing liquidity for shareholders
  • Shareholders may lose future upside potential if the company's performance improves
  • Proposed price of $0.15 per ADS indicates low valuation of the company

First High-School Education Group Announces Receipt of Preliminary Non-Binding "Going Private" Proposal

BEIJING, CHINA / ACCESSWIRE / August 2, 2024 / First High-School Education Group Co., Ltd. ("First High-School Education Group" or the "Company") (OTCQB:FHSEY), an education service provider primarily focusing on high schools in Western China, today announced that its board of directors (the "Board") has received a preliminary non-binding proposal letter (the "Proposal") dated August 2, 2024 from Mr. Shaowei Zhang, its founder, chairman of the Board and chief executive officer, Ms. Yu Wu, and Spring River Greater China Fund (collectively, the "Buyer Group") proposing to acquire all of the outstanding Class A ordinary shares of the Company (the "Shares"), including Class A Shares represented by American depositary shares (the "ADSs," each representing three Class A ordinary shares) that are not already owned by the members of the Buyer Group for a purchase price of US$0.05 per Share, or US$0.15 per ADS, in cash in a going private transaction (the "Proposed Transaction"), subject to certain conditions. The price represents (1) a premium of approximately 354.5% to the closing price of the ADS on August 1, 2024, the last trading day prior to the date of the Proposal, and (2) a premium of approximately 269.3% and 320.7% to the volume-weighted average price of the ADSs during the last seven and 30 trading days, respectively. A copy of the Proposal is attached hereto as Annex A .

The Board intends to form a special committee consisting of independent and disinterested directors to consider the Proposal. The Board expects that the special committee will retain independent advisors, including independent financial and legal advisors, to assist it in this process.

The Board cautions the Company's shareholders and others considering trading the Company's securities that the Board has just received the Proposal and has not had an opportunity to carefully review and evaluate the Proposal or make any decision with respect to the Company's response to the Proposal. There can be no assurance that any definitive offer will be made, that any definitive agreement will be executed relating to the Proposed Transaction or that this or any other transaction will be approved or consummated. The Company does not undertake any obligation to provide any updates with respect to this or any other transaction, except as required under applicable law.

About First High-School Education Group

First High-School Education Group is an education service provider primarily focusing on high schools in Western China. The Company aspires to become a leader and innovator of private high school education in China, with the focuses on a comprehensive education management integrating education information consulting, education research project development, education talent management, education technology management, education service management, and general vocational integration development services. For more information, please visit

Safe Harbor Statement

Statements in this press release about future expectations, plans and prospects, as well as any other statements regarding matters that are not historical facts, may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and as defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include, but are not limited to, statements relating to the expected trading commencement and closing dates. The words "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "target," "will," "would" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, including: the uncertainties related to market conditions and the completion of the public offering on the anticipated terms or at all, and other factors discussed in the "Risk Factors" section of the preliminary prospectus filed with the SEC. Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date hereof, and the Company specifically disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

For Investor and Media Inquiries Please Contact:

First High-School Education Group
Tommy Zhou
Chief Financial Officer

Customer Service
Phone: 010-62555966 (9:30-12:00, 13:30-16:00 CST)

Annex A

August 2, 2024

Board of Directors (the " Board ")
First High-School Education Group Co., Ltd. (the " Company ")

No. 1-1, Tiyuan Road, Xishan District

Kunming, Yunnan Province 650228

People's Republic of China

Dear Members of the Board:

Mr. Shaowei Zhang, founder, chairman of the Board and chief executive officer of the Company, Ms. Yu Wu, and Spring River Greater China Fund (the " Buyer Group ", " we " or " us ") are pleased to submit this preliminary non-binding proposal (" Proposal ") in a going private transaction (the " Acquisition "). We have entered into a consortium agreement dated as of the date hereof pursuant to which we have agreed to work with each other exclusively with respect to the Acquisition.

We believe that our Proposal provides an attractive opportunity for the Company's shareholders. Our Proposal include the following key terms:

1. Purchase Price . The proposed consideration payable for each ordinary share of the Company for the Acquisition is US$0.05 in cash, or US$0.15 in cash for each American Depositary Share of the Company (an " ADS ", representing three Class A ordinary shares of the Company) (in each case other than those ADSs or ordinary shares of the Company that are held by the members of the Buyer Group or rolled over in connection with the proposed Acquisition). Our proposal represents a premium of approximately 354.5% to the closing price on the last trading day prior to the date of this proposal, and a premium of approximately 269.3% and 320.7% to the volume-weighted average price during the last 7 and 30 trading days, respectively.

2. Financing . We are confident that we can timely secure adequate financing to consummate the Acquisition.

3. Due Diligence . We will conduct customary due diligence on the Company on an expedited basis. We respectfully request that the Board accommodate our due diligence request.

4. Process . We expect that the Board will establish a special committee comprised of independent and disinterested directors of the Company (the " Special Committee "), who will consider our Proposal, be exclusively authorized to negotiate the proposed Acquisition with us, and make a recommendation to the Board.

5. Definitive Agreements . We stand ready to negotiate and finalize definitive agreements relating to the Acquisition (the " Definitive Agreements ") expeditiously. These documents will provide for customary and appropriate representations, warranties, covenants and conditions for transactions of this type.

6. Confidentiality . We trust you will agree that it is in our best interests to keep our discussions with respect to the Acquisition strictly confidential (unless otherwise required by law) until we have executed the Definitive Agreements or terminated our discussions. We expect to timely file one or more Schedule 13D and/or amendments to disclose information related to the Proposal and the Acquisition as required by the securities laws.

7. No Binding Commitment . This letter constitutes only our preliminary indication of interest and does not constitute any binding offer, agreement or commitment with respect to the Acquisition, which will only result from the execution of the Definitive Agreements and subject to the terms and conditions therein.

In conclusion, we look forward to working with you to successfully complete the Acquisition. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding our Proposal.


/s/ Shaowei Zhang
Shaowei Zhang

/s/ Yu Wu
Yu Wu


Spring River Greater China Fund

/s/ Pengwei Luo
Pengwei Luo

SOURCE: First High-School Education Group Co., Ltd.

View the original press release on


What is the proposed purchase price for First High-School Education Group (FHSEY) shares in the going private transaction?

The Buyer Group proposes to acquire shares for US$0.05 per Share or US$0.15 per ADS in cash.

Who are the members of the Buyer Group proposing to take First High-School Education Group (FHSEY) private?

The Buyer Group consists of Mr. Shaowei Zhang (founder, chairman, and CEO), Ms. Yu Wu, and Spring River Greater China Fund.

What premium does the offer price represent for First High-School Education Group (FHSEY) shareholders?

The offer represents a 354.5% premium to the closing price on August 1, 2024, and premiums of 269.3% and 320.7% to the 7-day and 30-day volume-weighted average prices, respectively.

How will First High-School Education Group's (FHSEY) Board evaluate the going private proposal?

The Board intends to form a special committee of independent directors to consider the proposal, with the assistance of independent financial and legal advisors.



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Education & Training Services
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United States of America