Compass Lexecon Enhances Capabilities with Appointment of Prominent Economist Ginger Jin
FTI Consulting (NYSE: FCN) announced that Dr. Ginger Jin has joined its subsidiary Compass Lexecon as an affiliated economist. Dr. Jin, currently serving as the Neil Moskowitz Professor of Economics at the University of Maryland, brings expertise in industrial organization economics, with a focus on mergers and acquisitions in emerging technologies and big data applications in antitrust and consumer protection.
As a former Director of the Bureau of Economics at the Federal Trade Commission, Dr. Jin specializes in analyzing information disparities among economic agents across various industries including retail food safety, health insurance, prescription drugs, e-commerce, and data regulation. She currently serves as a managing editor of the International Journal of Industrial Organization and has been a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research since 2012.
FTI Consulting (NYSE: FCN) ha annunciato che la Dott.ssa Ginger Jin è entrata a far parte della sua filiale Compass Lexecon come economista affiliata. La Dott.ssa Jin, attualmente Professore di Economia Neil Moskowitz presso l'Università del Maryland, porta con sé una vasta esperienza nell'economia dell'organizzazione industriale, con un focus su fusioni e acquisizioni nelle tecnologie emergenti e applicazioni di big data in materia di antitrust e protezione dei consumatori.
Come ex Direttore del Bureau of Economics della Federal Trade Commission, la Dott.ssa Jin si specializza nell'analisi delle disparità informative tra gli agenti economici in vari settori, tra cui la sicurezza alimentare al dettaglio, l'assicurazione sanitaria, i farmaci da prescrizione, l'e-commerce e la regolamentazione dei dati. Attualmente è anche editor managing dell'International Journal of Industrial Organization ed è stata Research Associate del National Bureau of Economic Research dal 2012.
FTI Consulting (NYSE: FCN) anunció que la Dra. Ginger Jin se ha unido a su subsidiaria Compass Lexecon como economista afiliada. La Dra. Jin, que actualmente es la Profesora de Economía Neil Moskowitz en la Universidad de Maryland, aporta experiencia en economía de organización industrial, con un enfoque en fusiones y adquisiciones en tecnologías emergentes y aplicaciones de big data en antimonopolio y protección al consumidor.
Como ex Directora de la Oficina de Economía de la Comisión Federal de Comercio, la Dra. Jin se especializa en analizar las disparidades de información entre agentes económicos en diversas industrias, incluyendo la seguridad alimentaria al por menor, el seguro de salud, los medicamentos recetados, el comercio electrónico y la regulación de datos. Actualmente es editora gerente del International Journal of Industrial Organization y ha sido Investigadora Asociada del National Bureau of Economic Research desde 2012.
FTI Consulting (NYSE: FCN)는 진저 진 박사가 자회사인 컴퍼스 렉슨(Compass Lexecon)에 소속 경제학자로 합류했다고 발표했습니다. 현재 메릴랜드 대학교에서 닐 모스코위츠 경제학 교수로 재직 중인 진 박사는 산업 조직 경제학 분야의 전문성을 가지고 있으며, 신기술과 빅데이터 활용에 대한 인수합병 및 반독점과 소비자 보호에 중점을 두고 있습니다.
연방거래위원회 경제국의 전 국장으로서, 진 박사는 소매 식품 안전, 건강 보험, 처방약, 전자상거래 및 데이터 규제 등 다양한 산업에서 경제 주체 간 정보 불균형을 분석하는 전문성을 보유하고 있습니다. 현재 국제 산업 조직 저널의 편집장을 맡고 있으며, 2012년부터 국가 경제 연구소의 연구원으로 활동하고 있습니다.
FTI Consulting (NYSE: FCN) a annoncé que Dr. Ginger Jin a rejoint sa filiale Compass Lexecon en tant qu'économiste affiliée. Dr. Jin, actuellement Professeur d'Économie Neil Moskowitz à l'Université du Maryland, apporte son expertise en économie d'organisation industrielle, avec un accent sur les fusions et acquisitions dans les technologies émergentes et les applications de big data en matière d'antitrust et de protection des consommateurs.
En tant qu'ancienne Directrice du Bureau de l'Économie de la Commission Fédérale du Commerce, Dr. Jin se spécialise dans l'analyse des disparités d'information entre les agents économiques dans divers secteurs, y compris la sécurité alimentaire au détail, l'assurance santé, les médicaments sur ordonnance, le commerce électronique et la réglementation des données. Elle est actuellement rédactrice en chef du International Journal of Industrial Organization et est associée de recherche au National Bureau of Economic Research depuis 2012.
FTI Consulting (NYSE: FCN) gab bekannt, dass Dr. Ginger Jin als angeschlossene Ökonomin zu ihrer Tochtergesellschaft Compass Lexecon gestoßen ist. Dr. Jin, die derzeit als Neil Moskowitz Professorin für Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der University of Maryland tätig ist, bringt Expertise in der Industrieorganisation mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Fusionen und Übernahmen in aufstrebenden Technologien und Anwendungen von Big Data in den Bereichen Antitrust und Verbraucherschutz mit.
Als ehemalige Direktorin des Bureau of Economics der Federal Trade Commission spezialisiert sich Dr. Jin auf die Analyse von Informationsungleichgewichten zwischen wirtschaftlichen Akteuren in verschiedenen Branchen, darunter Lebensmittelsicherheit im Einzelhandel, Krankenversicherungen, verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente, E-Commerce und Datenregulierung. Derzeit ist sie auch Managing Editor des International Journal of Industrial Organization und ist seit 2012 Research Associate des National Bureau of Economic Research.
- Strategic expansion of expertise in emerging technologies and big data analytics
- Addition of former FTC Bureau of Economics Director strengthens regulatory expertise
- Enhanced capabilities in M&A analysis and antitrust consulting
- None.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: FCN) today announced that Dr. Ginger Jin has affiliated with its subsidiary Compass Lexecon.
Dr. Jin is an expert in industrial organization economics, serving as the Neil Moskowitz Professor of Economics at the University of Maryland, College Park. She has deep expertise in analyzing mergers and acquisitions against the backdrop of emerging technologies and the use of big data in antitrust and consumer protection.
“With the emergence of new technologies and an increased emphasis on data-driven decision making, organizations seek out Compass Lexecon experts like Ginger for solutions tailored to their needs,” said Compass Lexecon Chairman Daniel R. Fischel. “Her arrival strengthens our ability to provide cutting-edge economic analysis to our clients to ensure the best possible outcomes.”
Dr. Jin’s research focuses on resolving information disparities among economic agents to support balanced and efficient outcomes. She has worked across several industries including retail food safety, health insurance, prescription drugs, e-commerce, regulatory inspection, scientific innovation, data regulation and consumer protection. Previously, she served as Director of the Bureau of Economics at the Federal Trade Commission.
Dr. Jin is currently a managing editor of the International Journal of Industrial Organization, an advisory council member of the Journal of Industrial Economics and a board member of the Industrial Organization Society. She has also been a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research since 2012.
Commenting on her affiliation with Compass Lexecon, Dr. Jin said, “This firm is known globally as a powerhouse in economic consulting, and I am proud to join a team of such talented professionals as we deliver expert-driven, quantifiable insights and solutions to clients.”
About FTI Consulting
FTI Consulting, Inc. is a leading global expert firm for organizations facing crisis and transformation, with more than 8,300 employees in 34 countries and territories as of December 31, 2024. The Company generated
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What expertise does Dr. Ginger Jin bring to Compass Lexecon FCN?
What industries has Dr. Jin worked across at FCN's Compass Lexecon?
What significant roles did Dr. Jin hold before joining FCN?