From Vision To Impact: Celebrating Leadership at the IBG Summit

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Expedia Group hosted its 2nd annual Inclusion Business Group (IBG) Summit in September, bringing together global IBG leaders for two days in Austin. The summit focused on driving inclusion and belonging across the organization and creating lasting impact through actionable outcomes. IBGs are strategic groups sponsored by the Inclusion & Diversity team, advancing inclusion for underrepresented identities at Expedia Group.

The summit's goals included increasing strategic alignment between inclusion and diversity goals, IBG goals, and business objectives. It featured over 15 sessions, including discussions with leadership and panels with IBG Executive Sponsors. Attendees reported a 100% increase in sentiments of belonging. The event emphasized the importance of IBGs in fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment, providing employees a platform to connect and support one another.

Expedia Group ha ospitato il suo secondo summit annuale del gruppo di lavoro per l'inclusione (IBG) a settembre, riunendo leader globali dell'IBG per due giorni ad Austin. Il summit si è concentrato su promuovere l'inclusione e il senso di appartenenza all'interno dell'organizzazione e creare un impatto duraturo attraverso risultati concreti. Gli IBG sono gruppi strategici sponsorizzati dal team Inclusione e Diversità, che avanzano l'inclusione per identità sottorappresentate in Expedia Group.

Gli obiettivi del summit includevano aumentare l'allineamento strategico tra gli obiettivi di inclusione e diversità, gli obiettivi IBG e quelli aziendali. Ha presentato oltre 15 sessioni, comprese discussioni con la leadership e panel con sponsor esecutivi dell'IBG. I partecipanti hanno riportato un aumento del 100% nei sentimenti di appartenenza. L'evento ha sottolineato l'importanza degli IBG nel promuovere un ambiente di lavoro diversificato e inclusivo, fornendo ai dipendenti una piattaforma per connettersi e sostenersi a vicenda.

Expedia Group organizó su segundo cumbre anual del Grupo de Negocios Inclusivos (IBG) en septiembre, reuniendo a líderes globales del IBG durante dos días en Austin. La cumbre se centró en fomentar la inclusión y el sentido de pertenencia en toda la organización y en crear un impacto duradero a través de resultados prácticos. Los IBGs son grupos estratégicos patrocinados por el equipo de Inclusión y Diversidad, promoviendo la inclusión de identidades subrepresentadas en Expedia Group.

Los objetivos de la cumbre incluyeron aumentar la alineación estratégica entre los objetivos de inclusión y diversidad, los objetivos del IBG y los objetivos comerciales. Contó con más de 15 sesiones, incluyendo discusiones con la dirección y paneles con patrocinadores ejecutivos del IBG. Los asistentes reportaron un aumento del 100% en los sentimientos de pertenencia. El evento enfatizó la importancia de los IBGs en la promoción de un ambiente laboral diverso e inclusivo, proporcionando a los empleados una plataforma para conectarse y apoyarse mutuamente.

익스피디아 그룹은 9월에 두 번째 연례 포용 비즈니스 그룹(IBG) 정상 회담을 개최하여 글로벌 IBG 리더들을 오스틴에서 이틀 동안 한자리에 모였습니다. 이 정상 회담은 조직 전반에 걸쳐 포용성과 소속감 증진에 초점을 맞추고 실행 가능한 결과를 통해 지속 가능한 영향을 창출하는 데 중점을 두었습니다. IBG는 익스피디아 그룹에서 소외된 정체성을 가진 사람들의 포용을 진전시키는 포용성과 다양성 팀이 후원하는 전략적 그룹입니다.

정상 회담의 목표에는 포용성과 다양성 목표, IBG 목표 및 비즈니스 목표 간의 전략적 정렬 증대가 포함되었습니다. 리더십과의 토론 및 IBG 집행 후원자와의 패널을 포함하여 15개 이상의 세션이 마련되었습니다. 참석자들은 소속감의 100% 증가를 보고했습니다. 이 행사는 다양한 포용적인 근무 환경을 조성하는 IBG의 중요성을 강조하며 직원들이 서로 연결하고 지원할 수 있는 플랫폼을 제공합니다.

Expedia Group a organisé son deuxième sommet annuel du groupe de travail Inclusivité (IBG) en septembre, réunissant des leaders mondiaux de l'IBG pendant deux jours à Austin. Le sommet s'est concentré sur le renforcement de l'inclusion et du sentiment d'appartenance au sein de l'organisation et la création d'un impact durable grâce à des résultats concrets. Les IBG sont des groupes stratégiques parrainés par l'équipe d'inclusion et de diversité, qui avancent l'inclusion pour les identités sous-représentées au sein d'Expedia Group.

Les objectifs du sommet comprenaient l'augmentation de l'alignement stratégique entre les objectifs d'inclusion et de diversité, les objectifs de l'IBG et les objectifs commerciaux. Il a présenté plus de 15 séances, y compris des discussions avec la direction et des panels avec des sponsors exécutifs de l'IBG. Les participants ont signalé une augmentation de 100% des sentiments d'appartenance. L'événement a souligné l'importance des IBG dans la promotion d'un environnement de travail diversifié et inclusif, offrant aux employés une plateforme pour se connecter et se soutenir mutuellement.

Expedia Group veranstaltete im September den zweiten jährlichen Inclusion Business Group (IBG) Gipfel und brachte globale IBG-Leiter für zwei Tage in Austin zusammen. Der Gipfel konzentrierte sich auf Förderung von Inklusion und Zugehörigkeit in der gesamten Organisation und die Schaffung nachhaltiger Auswirkungen durch umsetzbare Ergebnisse. IBGs sind strategische Gruppen, die vom Team für Inklusion und Vielfalt gesponsert werden und die Inklusion unterrepräsentierter Identitäten bei Expedia Group vorantreiben.

Zu den Zielen des Gipfels gehörte die Erhöhung der strategischen Ausrichtung zwischen Zielen der Inklusion und Vielfalt, IBG-Zielen sowie Geschäftszielen. Es gab über 15 Sitzungen, darunter Diskussionen mit Führungskräften und Podiumsdiskussionen mit IBG-Exekutivsponsoren. Die Teilnehmer berichteten über einen 100%igen Anstieg des Zugehörigkeitsgefühls. Die Veranstaltung hob die Bedeutung der IBGs zur Förderung einer vielfältigen und inklusiven Arbeitsumgebung hervor und bot den Mitarbeitern eine Plattform, um sich zu vernetzen und gegenseitig zu unterstützen.

  • Expedia Group hosted its 2nd annual Inclusion Business Group Summit, demonstrating commitment to diversity and inclusion
  • 100% increase in sentiments of belonging reported by summit attendees
  • IBGs play a vital role in fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment at Expedia Group
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 9, 2024 / Expedia Group:

In September, Expedia Group proudly hosted its 2nd annual Inclusion Business Group (IBG) Summit, bringing together our IBG global leaders from across the globe for two dynamic days in our Austin office. The summit was a powerful opportunity for IBG leaders to collaborate on strategic initiatives, strengthen networks, and enhance their professional development. This year's theme focused on driving inclusion and belonging across our organization and creating a lasting impact through actionable outcomes that connect to the business.

Inclusion Business Groups (IBGs) are strategic, self-organized, and sponsored by the Inclusion & Diversity team. They focus on advancing inclusion, awareness, development, and a sense of belonging for underrepresented identities at Expedia Group. IBGs are vital to our business as they foster a diverse and inclusive work environment, providing employees a platform to connect, share experiences, and support one another, thereby enhancing workplace culture and employee engagement.

The goals of the 2024 IBG Summit were to increase strategic alignment between inclusion and diversity goals, IBG goals and the business; increase sentiments of belonging and awareness onsite for Austin; and empower IBG board members to exemplify leadership qualities while championing inclusive practices. This 2-day summit consisted of over 15 sessions including an "Ask Me Anything" discussion with our Chief People Office, Christine Deputy and a panel featuring our IBG Executive Sponsors.

Below, read reflections from some of our attendees and organizers who shared their sentiments on the experience.

"At this year's summit, we made an impact by developing as well as empowering our IBGs as leaders who are integral to our mission, fostering a community that truly reflects the diversity of the travelers we serve, and sharing the authentic well-traveled stories of our communities to amplify our commitment to an inclusive travel ecosystem. Sentiments of belonging for summit attendees went up by 100%.

So how do I try to sum up in one word the months of preparation and planning for the second IBG Summit at Expedia Group? One word comes to mind: unforgettable. Executing this summit was a true honor and shows what we can accomplish when our teams as well as stakeholders come together to rally behind our EG value to include consciously."

Guishard Revan, Global Senior Manager, Inclusion and Diversity

"Gandhi said "Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization."

Last week was a true testament to this life philosophy. Expedia Group hosted our 2nd annual IBG Summit in Austin. I was honored to attend as Global Partnerships Chair of our Latinx at Expedia & Allies for Development (LEAD) IBG. Joining over 70 EG leaders from around the world, including the rest of the LEAD Board was truly an amazing experience to witness.
IBGs or also known as Employee Resource Groups are at the cornerstone of building an inclusive workplace. Employees must feel safe, supported, and empowered, and we are committed to doing this at Expedia Group."

Melissa Cano, Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist

"I am feeling extremely grateful to have spent this week with our amazing IBG board members, advocating, brainstorming, and advancing our impactful work in the inclusion and diversity space at Expedia Group. Being part of this group has been one of the most fulfilling experiences. 

Expedia Group has IBGs focused on giving underrepresented groups-such as our Asian community, those with disabilities, our Black community, our Latinx community, our Indigenous community, our queer community, veterans, and women-a voice in the company and a seat at the table. There are many reasons why diverse teams excel, and EG is a true testament to that."

Brandon Robbers, Business Development Manager

"We dedicate our time to not only advancing our workplace goals and commitment to inclusion but also our commitment as a brand to break down barriers to travel. Travel is a force for good and everyone should be able to access that opportunity. In a world that is so divisive and so challenging for many, coming together with this group gives me hope."

Mubaraka Malbari, Senior Manager, Marketing

"IBGs open a world of opportunities for our employees. In addition to their day jobs, active members get to stretch some muscles that they normally wouldn't be able to. Development opportunities, increased sense of belonging and community building all lie at the heart of these intersectional communities. The impact of these groups on their members goes beyond boosting their engagement. IBGs truly represent an opportunity to influence the business from all divisions, levels and geographies. This Summit is a testament to the above and those who tried once say there's nothing quite like it."

Francisco Gallego, Global I&D Manager, Inclusion and Diversity

As we wrapped up the IBG Summit, it's important to remember that the work doesn't end here. This summit has been a catalyst for driving real change, but to maintain momentum, we must continue to champion inclusion and diversity in every facet of Expedia Group. Our commitment goes beyond the conversations we've had - it's about turning ideas into action. Together, we'll take the insights, strategies, and partnerships developed at the summit, and use them to create measurable impact throughout the year and beyond.

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SOURCE: Expedia Group

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What was the main focus of Expedia Group's (EXPE) 2nd annual IBG Summit in 2024?

The main focus was driving inclusion and belonging across the organization and creating lasting impact through actionable outcomes that connect to the business.

How did the 2024 IBG Summit impact Expedia Group's (EXPE) employee sentiment?

The summit resulted in a 100% increase in sentiments of belonging for attendees, indicating a positive impact on employee engagement and workplace culture.

What are Inclusion Business Groups (IBGs) at Expedia Group (EXPE)?

IBGs are strategic, self-organized groups sponsored by the Inclusion & Diversity team, focusing on advancing inclusion, awareness, development, and belonging for underrepresented identities at Expedia Group.

How many sessions were held during Expedia Group's (EXPE) 2024 IBG Summit?

The 2-day summit consisted of over 15 sessions, including an 'Ask Me Anything' discussion with the Chief People Officer and a panel featuring IBG Executive Sponsors.

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