e.l.f. Beauty Releases Its 2024 Impact Report, Emphasizing Its Positioning as a Different Kind of Company

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e.l.f. Beauty (NYSE: ELF) has released its 2024 Impact Report, highlighting its commitment to being a purpose-led and results-driven company. The report outlines progress in supporting positive impacts for people, product, and the planet across its five brands: e.l.f. Cosmetics, e.l.f. SKIN, Keys Soulcare, Well People, and NATURIUM.

Key highlights include:

  • A Board of Directors that is more than 78% women and 44% diverse
  • Exclusion of over 2,500 ingredients from product formulations
  • More than 85% of products made in Fair Trade Certified™ facilities
  • Estimated 400 tons of packaging eliminated annually through lightweighting
  • New commitments for sustainable packaging, including 50% recycled or bio-based content by 2030
  • 100% renewable energy use at directly managed sites
  • Meeting reduction targets for Scope 1 and 2 emissions

e.l.f. Beauty (NYSE: ELF) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto di Impatto 2024, evidenziando il suo impegno ad essere un'azienda orientata agli scopi e ai risultati. Il rapporto delineia i progressi nel sostenere impatti positivi per le persone, i prodotti e il pianeta attraverso i suoi cinque marchi: e.l.f. Cosmetics, e.l.f. SKIN, Keys Soulcare, Well People e NATURIUM.

Tra i principali punti salienti ci sono:

  • Un Consiglio di Amministrazione composto da oltre il 78% da donne e il 44% da membri diversificati
  • Esclusione di oltre 2.500 ingredienti dalle formulazioni dei prodotti
  • Oltre l'85% dei prodotti realizzati in strutture certificate Fair Trade™
  • Circa 400 tonnellate di imballaggi eliminate annualmente tramite l'uso di materiali più leggeri
  • Nuovi impegni per imballaggi sostenibili, inclusi contenuti al 50% riciclati o a base biologica entro il 2030
  • Utilizzo del 100% di energia rinnovabile nei siti gestiti direttamente
  • Raggiungimento degli obiettivi di riduzione per le emissioni di Scopo 1 e 2

e.l.f. Beauty (NYSE: ELF) ha publicado su Informe de Impacto 2024, destacando su compromiso de ser una empresa orientada a propósitos y resultados. El informe detalla los avances en el apoyo a impactos positivos para las personas, los productos y el planeta a través de sus cinco marcas: e.l.f. Cosmetics, e.l.f. SKIN, Keys Soulcare, Well People y NATURIUM.

Los aspectos clave incluyen:

  • Una Junta Directiva que está compuesta por más del 78% de mujeres y 44% de miembros diversos
  • Exclusión de más de 2,500 ingredientes de las formulaciones de productos
  • Más del 85% de los productos fabricados en instalaciones certificadas Fair Trade™
  • Se estima que se eliminan 400 toneladas de empaques anualmente a través de la reducción de peso
  • Nuevos compromisos para empaques sostenibles, incluyendo un 50% de contenido reciclado o de base biológica para 2030
  • Uso del 100% de energía renovable en sitios gestionados directamente
  • Cumplimiento de objetivos de reducción de emisiones de Alcance 1 y 2

e.l.f. Beauty (NYSE: ELF)는 2024년 임팩트 보고서를 발행하며, 목표 지향적이고 결과 중심적인 회사로서의 헌신을 강조했습니다. 이 보고서는 e.l.f. Cosmetics, e.l.f. SKIN, Keys Soulcare, Well People, NATURIUM 등 다섯 개 브랜드를 통해 사람, 제품 및 지구에 긍정적인 영향을 지원하는 데 있어 진전을 설명합니다.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 이사회 구성원의 78% 이상이 여성이며 44%가 다양성을 갖춘 구성원으로 이루어짐
  • 2,500개 이상의 성분을 제품 포뮬레이션에서 제외함
  • 85% 이상의 제품이 공정 거래 인증(Fair Trade Certified™) 시설에서 생산됨
  • 경량화로 연간 약 400톤의 포장재가 제거됨
  • 2030년까지 50% 재활용 또는 생물 기반 콘텐츠를 포함한 지속 가능한 포장을 위한 새로운 약속
  • 직접 관리되는 사이트에서 100% 재생 가능 에너지 사용
  • 범위 1 및 2 배출량 감소 목표 달성

e.l.f. Beauty (NYSE: ELF) a publié son Rapport d'Impact 2024, mettant en avant son engagement à être une entreprise guidée par un but et axée sur les résultats. Le rapport présente les progrès réalisés pour soutenir des impacts positifs pour les personnes, les produits et la planète à travers ses cinq marques : e.l.f. Cosmetics, e.l.f. SKIN, Keys Soulcare, Well People et NATURIUM.

Les points forts incluent :

  • Un Conseil d'Administration composé de plus de 78% de femmes et 44% de membres diversifiés
  • Exclusion de plus de 2 500 ingrédients des formulations de produits
  • Plus de 85% des produits fabriqués dans des installations certifiées Fair Trade™
  • Environ 400 tonnes d'emballages éliminées chaque année grâce à l'allègement
  • Nouveaux engagements pour des emballages durables, y compris 50% de contenu recyclé ou basé sur la biomasse d'ici 2030
  • Utilisation de 100% d'énergie renouvelable sur les sites gérés directement
  • Atteinte des objectifs de réduction des émissions de Scopes 1 et 2

e.l.f. Beauty (NYSE: ELF) hat ihren Impact-Bericht 2024 veröffentlicht, der ihr Engagement hervorhebt, ein zielorientiertes und ergebnisorientiertes Unternehmen zu sein. Der Bericht skizziert Fortschritte bei der Unterstützung positiver Auswirkungen auf Menschen, Produkte und den Planeten durch ihre fünf Marken: e.l.f. Cosmetics, e.l.f. SKIN, Keys Soulcare, Well People und NATURIUM.

Wichtige Highlights umfassen:

  • Ein Vorstand, der zu mehr als 78% aus Frauen und zu 44% aus diversen Mitgliedern besteht
  • Ausschluss von über 2.500 Inhaltsstoffen aus Produktformulierungen
  • Mehr als 85% der Produkte werden in Fair Trade Certified™ Einrichtungen hergestellt
  • Etwa 400 Tonnen Verpackungsmaterial werden jährlich durch Gewichtsreduktion eingespart
  • Neue Verpflichtungen für nachhaltige Verpackungen, einschließlich 50% recyceltem oder biobasiertem Inhalt bis 2030
  • 100% Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien an direkt betriebenen Standorten
  • Erfüllung der Reduktionsziele für die Emissionen der Scopes 1 und 2
  • Board of Directors composition: 78% women and 44% diverse, unique among public U.S. companies
  • Over 85% of products made in Fair Trade Certified™ facilities
  • Estimated 400 tons of packaging eliminated annually through lightweighting
  • 100% renewable energy use at directly managed sites
  • Meeting reduction targets for Scope 1 and 2 emissions
  • Over five years of exceptional, consistent, industry-leading growth
  • None.

With a commitment to be purpose led and results driven, e.l.f. Beauty outlines progress it’s making for people, product and the planet

OAKLAND, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- e.l.f. Beauty (NYSE: ELF) released its annual Impact Report, outlining the company’s progress in its mission to make the best of beauty accessible to every eye, lip and face.

e.l.f. Beauty Releases Its 2024 Impact Report, Emphasizing Its Positioning as a Different Kind of Company (Graphic: Business Wire)

e.l.f. Beauty Releases Its 2024 Impact Report, Emphasizing Its Positioning as a Different Kind of Company (Graphic: Business Wire)

In this global overview that covers FY 2024 and early FY 2025, e.l.f. Beauty details actions and progress in supporting positive impacts for people, product and the planet across the company’s five brands: e.l.f. Cosmetics, e.l.f. SKIN, Keys Soulcare, Well People and NATURIUM.

e.l.f. Beauty is committed to being a different kind of company, one that is purpose led and results driven, fueled by the belief that anything is possible and a business can both do good and be good. Positivity, inclusivity and accessibility have been built into e.l.f. Beauty’s DNA since its founding.

“Our Impact Report reflects on what e.l.f. Beauty has done to be bold disruptors with a kind heart. We also use this as an opportunity to set new aspirations along with metrics for how we’ll hold ourselves accountable,” said Tarang Amin, Chairman and CEO of e.l.f. Beauty.

Amin added: “As a company, we have enjoyed more than five years of exceptional, consistent, industry-leading growth and it’s incredibly important that we use the wide-reaching platform we have to stand up for what we believe in and use it to make a positive difference.”

e.l.f. Beauty’s strong ethos powers its purpose, purpose powers its people, people power its performance — and performance powers its possibilities.


  • e.l.f. Beauty is the only publicly traded U.S. company — out of ~4,100 — with a Board of Directors that is more than 78% women and 44% diverse.*
  • More than 2,500 ingredients are excluded from our brands’ formulations to exceed FDA and EUCR restrictions. The U.S. FDA only restricts 11 ingredients.
  • Responsible sourcing is an integral part of our operating model with more than 85% of our products made in Fair Trade Certified™ facilities.
  • We continued to progress our efforts on reducing our packaging intensity, estimating 400 tons of packaging to be eliminated per year through lightweighting packaging.
  • We introduced two new commitments towards sustainable packaging, including for 50% of all plastic packaging to contain recycled content or responsibly sourced bio-based content by 2030.
  • We continued to meet our commitment for 100% renewable energy at our directly managed sites and to meet reduction targets set for our Scope 1 and 2 emissions.

To encourage community engagement across e.l.f. Beauty’s intentional and principled work, the company debuted a new corporate website in connection with the FY 2024 Impact Report.

Check out e.l.f. Beauty’s FY 2024 Impact Report.

About e.l.f. Beauty

e.l.f. Beauty (NYSE: ELF) is fueled by a belief that anything is possible. We are a different kind of company that disrupts norms, shapes culture and connects communities, committed to positivity, inclusivity and accessibility. Our mission is clear: to make the best of beauty accessible to every eye, lip and face. e.l.f. Cosmetics, e.l.f. SKIN, Keys Soulcare, Well People and NATURIUM are led by purpose, driven by results and elevated by our superpowers. e.l.f. Beauty has double certifications from both Leaping Bunny and PETA, offers e.l.f. clean and vegan products and proudly stands as the first beauty company with Fair Trade Certified™ facilities. A kind heart is at the center of our ethos: We donate 2% of net profits to organizations that make positive impacts. Learn more at

Source: e.l.f. Beauty


What are the key highlights of e.l.f. Beauty's 2024 Impact Report?

Key highlights include a diverse Board of Directors, exclusion of over 2,500 ingredients from formulations, 85% of products made in Fair Trade Certified facilities, 400 tons of packaging eliminated annually, new sustainable packaging commitments, 100% renewable energy use at managed sites, and meeting emission reduction targets.

How many ingredients does e.l.f. Beauty (ELF) exclude from its product formulations?

e.l.f. Beauty excludes more than 2,500 ingredients from its brands' formulations, which exceeds FDA and EUCR restrictions. For comparison, the U.S. FDA only restricts 11 ingredients.

What is e.l.f. Beauty's (ELF) commitment to sustainable packaging by 2030?

e.l.f. Beauty has committed that 50% of all plastic packaging will contain recycled content or responsibly sourced bio-based content by 2030.

How does e.l.f. Beauty (ELF) ensure responsible sourcing in its production?

More than 85% of e.l.f. Beauty's products are made in Fair Trade Certified™ facilities, making responsible sourcing an integral part of their operating model.

e.l.f. Beauty, Inc.


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