ECD Auto Design Partners with Mercy Full Projects to Support Animal Welfare

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ECD Auto Design, a leader in custom classic luxury vehicles, has partnered with Mercy Full Projects, a Tampa-based non-profit dedicated to animal rescue and adoption. This collaboration aims to support animal welfare and raise awareness for pet adoption. Key highlights include:

  • ECD is providing funding for Mercy Full Projects' rescue operations and animal care
  • A joint photo and video shoot featuring ECD's custom Land Rover Defenders and adoptable dogs was conducted
  • The resulting visuals will be used in an upcoming social media campaign to promote pet adoption
  • The partnership aligns with ECD's commitment to community involvement and family values
  • Mercy Full Projects reports that ECD's support has significantly impacted their ability to rescue more animals

The campaign, launching this month, aims to inspire pet adoption and support for local animal rescue efforts.

ECD Auto Design, un leader nei veicoli di lusso classici personalizzati, ha collaborato con Mercy Full Projects, una nonprofit con sede a Tampa dedicata al salvataggio e all'adozione di animali. Questa collaborazione mira a sostenere il benessere degli animali e a promuovere la consapevolezza per l'adozione di animali domestici. Tra i punti salienti ci sono:

  • ECD sta fornendo fondi per le operazioni di salvataggio e la cura degli animali di Mercy Full Projects
  • È stata realizzata una sessione fotografica e video con i Defender personalizzati di ECD e cani adottabili
  • Le immagini risultanti verranno utilizzate in una prossima campagna sui social media per promuovere l'adozione di animali domestici
  • La partnership è in linea con l'impegno di ECD verso il coinvolgimento della comunità e i valori familiari
  • Mercy Full Projects riporta che il supporto di ECD ha avuto un impatto significativo sulla loro capacità di salvare più animali

La campagna, che partirà questo mese, mira a ispirare l'adozione di animali domestici e a sostenere gli sforzi di salvataggio degli animali locali.

ECD Auto Design, líder en vehículos de lujo clásicos personalizados, se ha asociado con Mercy Full Projects, una organización sin fines de lucro con sede en Tampa dedicada al rescate y adopción de animales. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo apoyar el bienestar animal y crear conciencia sobre la adopción de mascotas. Los aspectos más destacados son:

  • ECD está proporcionando financiamiento para las operaciones de rescate y cuidado de animales de Mercy Full Projects
  • Se realizó una sesión de fotos y videos conjunta con los Land Rover Defenders personalizados de ECD y perros adoptables
  • Las imágenes resultantes se utilizarán en una próxima campaña en redes sociales para promover la adopción de mascotas
  • La asociación está alineada con el compromiso de ECD hacia la participación comunitaria y los valores familiares
  • Mercy Full Projects informa que el apoyo de ECD ha impactado significativamente su capacidad para rescatar más animales

La campaña, que se lanzará este mes, tiene como objetivo inspirar la adopción de mascotas y apoyar los esfuerzos de rescate animal locales.

ECD 오토 디자인은 맞춤 클래식 럭셔리 차량의 선두주자로, 동물 구조 및 입양에 전념하는 탬파 기반 비영리 단체 메르시 풀 프로젝트와 파트너십을 맺었습니다. 이번 협업은 동물 복지를 지원하고 반려동물 입양에 대한 인식을 높이는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • ECD는 Mercy Full Projects의 구조 작업 및 동물 관리에 자금을 지원하고 있습니다
  • ECD의 맞춤형 랜드로버 디펜더와 입양 가능한 개들이 포함된 공동 사진 및 비디오 촬영이 진행되었습니다
  • 결과물은 반려동물 입양을 촉진하기 위한 소셜 미디어 캠페인에 사용될 예정입니다
  • 이번 파트너십은 ECD의 지역 사회 참여 및 가족 가치에 대한 헌신과 일치합니다
  • Mercy Full Projects는 ECD의 지원이 더 많은 동물을 구조할 수 있는 능력에 상당한 영향을 미쳤다고 보고하고 있습니다

이번 캠페인은 이번 달에 시작되며, 반려동물 입양을 장려하고 지역 동물 구조 노력을 지원하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

ECD Auto Design, un leader dans le domaine des véhicules de luxe classiques sur mesure, s'est associé à Mercy Full Projects, une organisation à but non lucratif basée à Tampa, dédiée au sauvetage et à l'adoption d'animaux. Cette collaboration vise à soutenir le bien-être animal et à sensibiliser à l'adoption d'animaux de compagnie. Les points forts incluent :

  • ECD finance les opérations de sauvetage et de soin des animaux de Mercy Full Projects
  • Un shooting photo et vidéo commun avec les Land Rover Defenders sur mesure d'ECD et des chiens adoptables a été réalisé
  • Les visuels résultants seront utilisés dans une prochaine campagne sur les réseaux sociaux pour promouvoir l'adoption d'animaux de compagnie
  • Le partenariat s'inscrit dans l'engagement d'ECD envers l'implication dans la communauté et les valeurs familiales
  • Mercy Full Projects rapporte que le soutien d'ECD a eu un impact significatif sur leur capacité à sauver plus d'animaux

La campagne, qui sera lancée ce mois-ci, vise à inspirer l'adoption d'animaux de compagnie et à soutenir les efforts locaux de sauvetage animal.

ECD Auto Design, ein führendes Unternehmen für maßgeschneiderte klassische Luxusfahrzeuge, hat sich mit Mercy Full Projects, einer gemeinnützigen Organisation mit Sitz in Tampa, die sich dem Tierschutz und der Adoption widmet, zusammengetan. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, das Wohl der Tiere zu unterstützen und das Bewusstsein für die Adoption von Haustieren zu schärfen. Wesentliche Höhepunkte sind:

  • ECD stellt Mittel für die Rettungsoperationen und die Tierpflege von Mercy Full Projects bereit
  • Ein gemeinsames Foto- und Videoshooting mit den maßgeschneiderten Land Rover Defenders von ECD und adoptierbaren Hunden wurde durchgeführt
  • Die daraus resultierenden Bilder werden in einer bevorstehenden Kampagne in sozialen Medien zur Förderung der Haustieradoption verwendet
  • Die Partnerschaft steht im Einklang mit ECDs Engagement für die Gemeinschaft und familiäre Werte
  • Mercy Full Projects berichtet, dass die Unterstützung von ECD einen erheblichen Einfluss auf ihre Fähigkeit hatte, mehr Tiere zu retten

Die Kampagne, die in diesem Monat startet, zielt darauf ab, zur adoption von Haustieren zu inspirieren und die lokalen Tierschutzbemühungen zu unterstützen.

  • Partnership with Mercy Full Projects enhances ECD Auto Design's corporate social responsibility profile
  • Collaboration provides increased visibility for ECD's custom vehicles through the social media campaign
  • Alignment with animal welfare cause may appeal to potential customers who value socially responsible companies
  • None.

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KISSIMMEE, Fla., Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ECD Auto Design, the world-renowned leader in custom classic luxury vehicles, is proud to announce its support of Mercy Full Projects, a non-profit organization located in Tampa, FL, dedicated to rescuing and finding homes for animals in need. This collaboration marks a significant step in ECD's ongoing commitment to giving back to the community, with a special focus on animal welfare.

ECD Auto Design is honored to support Mercy Full Projects, by helping to fund critical rescue operations and care for animals in need. The two organizations recently teamed up for a photo and video shoot to raise awareness for the cause, using ECD's custom-built classic Land Rover Defender as a unique platform to highlight the importance of pet adoption. CLICK HERE for photo and video assets.

The shoot took place at a local dog park, where ECD's luxurious Defenders served as the perfect backdrop for a group of dogs that are currently adoptable from Mercy Full Projects. The heartwarming visuals captured during this shoot will be featured in an upcoming social media campaign aimed at encouraging pet adoption and promoting the incredible work Mercy Full Projects does in the community.

"We are thrilled to partner with Mercy Full Projects and contribute to such a meaningful cause," said Scott Wallace, CEO of ECD Auto Design. "At ECD, we believe in giving back and making a difference. Supporting Mercy Full Projects not only aligns with our family values but also allows us to use our one-of-one vehicles and social media followers to showcase and help bring visibility to animals in need. We always stress the value of our families, including our four-legged members that bring so much joy and companionship to us."

Mercy Full Projects is equally enthusiastic about the partnership. "ECD Auto Design's support has been invaluable," said Heydi Acuna, President and Founder at Mercy Full Projects. "Their financial contribution has directly impacted our ability to rescue more animals, and the visibility gained from our joint photo and video shoot will help us reach a broader audience with our message of compassion and care for all animals."

The campaign, set to launch this month, will feature stunning visuals from the photo and video shoot, showcasing the rescued dogs in and around ECD's iconic Defenders. This campaign aims to inspire others to adopt pets and support local animal rescue efforts.

About Mercy Full Projects

Mercy Full Projects is a non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating, and finding homes for animals in need. Based in Florida, the organization relies on donations and community support to carry out its mission of providing compassion and care to all animals. Mercy Full Projects also engages in educational initiatives to promote responsible pet ownership and animal welfare.

For more information about this incredible organization and how to help make an impact, visit Mercy Full Projects.

About ECD Auto Design

ECD, a public company trading under ECDA on the Nasdaq, is a creator of restored luxury vehicles that combines classic English beauty with modern performance. Currently, ECD restores Land Rovers Defenders, Land Rover Series IIA, the Range Rover Classic, Jaguar E-Type, and the Ford Mustang. Each vehicle produced by ECD is fully bespoke, a one-off that is designed by the client through an immersive luxury design experience and hand-built from the ground up in 2,200 hours by master-certified Automotive Service Excellence (“ASE”) craftsmen. The company was founded in 2013 by three British “gear heads’ whose passion for classic vehicles is the driving force behind exceptionally high standards for quality, custom luxury vehicles. ECD’s global headquarters, known as the “Rover Dome,” is a 100,000-square-foot facility located in Kissimmee, Florida that is home to 90 talented craftsmen and technicians, who hold a combined 61 ASE and five master level certifications. ECD has an affiliated logistics center in the U.K. where its seven employees work to source and transport 25-year-old work vehicles back to the U.S. for restoration. For more information, visit

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What is the purpose of ECD Auto Design's partnership with Mercy Full Projects?

ECD Auto Design has partnered with Mercy Full Projects to support animal welfare, fund rescue operations, and raise awareness for pet adoption through a joint photo and video shoot featuring ECD's custom Land Rover Defenders.

How is ECD Auto Design (ECDA) supporting Mercy Full Projects?

ECD Auto Design is providing financial support to fund Mercy Full Projects' rescue operations and animal care. They also collaborated on a photo and video shoot to create content for a social media campaign promoting pet adoption.

When will the ECD Auto Design and Mercy Full Projects campaign launch?

The social media campaign featuring visuals from the joint photo and video shoot is set to launch in September 2024, aiming to inspire pet adoption and support for local animal rescue efforts.

What type of vehicles were used in the ECD Auto Design and Mercy Full Projects photo shoot?

ECD Auto Design's custom-built classic Land Rover Defenders were used as the backdrop for the photo and video shoot featuring adoptable dogs from Mercy Full Projects.

ECD Automotive Design, Inc.


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