DZS Files Q2 2024 Financial Results

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DZS (OTC: DZSI) has filed Q2 2024 financial results, marking a defining period for the company. Key highlights include:

- Orders increased 6% YoY to $38 million in Q2 2024
- Revenue remained flat at $31 million in Q2 2024
- GAAP gross margin improved to 33.6% in Q2 2024
- GAAP operating expenses decreased to $28 million in Q2 2024
- Net income: $23 million GAAP in Q2 2024
- Cash balance of $8 million at the end of Q2 2024

The company has divested its Asia business and acquired NetComm, focusing on optimizing cost structure and monetizing $75 million of paid inventory. DZS will host an earnings call on September 5, 2024, to discuss restated results and provide insights on recent developments.

DZS (OTC: DZSI) ha presentato i risultati finanziari del secondo trimestre 2024, segnando un momento cruciale per l'azienda. I punti salienti includono:

- Gli ordini sono aumentati del 6% rispetto all'anno precedente, raggiungendo 38 milioni di dollari nel Q2 2024
- I ricavi sono rimasti stabili a 31 milioni di dollari nel Q2 2024
- Il margine lordo GAAP è migliorato al 33,6% nel Q2 2024
- Le spese operative GAAP sono diminuite a 28 milioni di dollari nel Q2 2024
- Reddito netto: 23 milioni di dollari GAAP nel Q2 2024
- Saldo di cassa di 8 milioni di dollari alla fine del Q2 2024

L’azienda ha ceduto la sua attività in Asia e acquisito NetComm, concentrandosi sull'ottimizzazione della struttura dei costi e sulla monetizzazione di 75 milioni di dollari di inventario pagato. DZS ospiterà una call sugli utili il 5 settembre 2024, per discutere i risultati rettificati e fornire informazioni sugli sviluppi recenti.

DZS (OTC: DZSI) ha presentado los resultados financieros del segundo trimestre de 2024, marcando un período definitorio para la compañía. Los aspectos destacados incluyen:

- Los pedidos aumentaron un 6% interanual a 38 millones de dólares en el Q2 2024
- Los ingresos se mantuvieron estables en 31 millones de dólares en el Q2 2024
- El margen bruto GAAP mejoró al 33,6% en el Q2 2024
- Los gastos operativos GAAP disminuyeron a 28 millones de dólares en el Q2 2024
- Ingreso neto: 23 millones de dólares GAAP en el Q2 2024
- Saldo de efectivo de 8 millones de dólares al final del Q2 2024

La compañía ha desinvertido su negocio en Asia y adquirido NetComm, centrando sus esfuerzos en optimizar la estructura de costos y monetizar 75 millones de dólares en inventario pagado. DZS llevará a cabo una conferencia de ganancias el 5 de septiembre de 2024, para discutir los resultados rectificados y proporcionar información sobre los desarrollos recientes.

DZS (OTC: DZSI)가 2024년 2분기 재무 결과를 발표하며 회사의 중대한 시기를 알렸습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

- 2024년 2분기 주문이 작년 대비 6% 증가하여 3,800만 달러에 이릅니다.
- 2024년 2분기 수익은 3,100만 달러로 보합세를 유지합니다.
- GAAP 총 마진은 2024년 2분기에 33.6%로 개선되었습니다.
- GAAP 운영 비용은 2024년 2분기에 2,800만 달러로 감소했습니다.
- 순이익: 2024년 2분기 GAAP 기준 2,300만 달러
- 2024년 2분기 말 현금 잔액은 800만 달러입니다.

회사는 아시아 사업을 매각하고 NetComm을 인수하여 비용 구조 최적화 및 7,500만 달러의 유료 재고 수익화에 집중하고 있습니다. DZS는 2024년 9월 5일에 수익 콜을 개최하여 수정된 결과를 논의하고 최근 개발에 대한 통찰력을 제공할 예정입니다.

DZS (OTC: DZSI) a publié les résultats financiers du deuxième trimestre 2024, marquant une période décisive pour l'entreprise. Les points saillants incluent :

- Les commandes ont augmenté de 6 % par rapport à l'année précédente, atteignant 38 millions de dollars au T2 2024
- Les revenus sont restés stables à 31 millions de dollars au T2 2024
- La marge brute GAAP s'est améliorée à 33,6 % au T2 2024
- Les dépenses opérationnelles GAAP ont diminué à 28 millions de dollars au T2 2024
- Bénéfice net : 23 millions de dollars GAAP au T2 2024
- Solde de trésorerie de 8 millions de dollars à la fin du T2 2024

L'entreprise a cédé son activité en Asie et acquis NetComm, en se concentrant sur l'optimisation de la structure des coûts et la monétisation de 75 millions de dollars de stocks payés. DZS organisera une conférence sur les résultats le 5 septembre 2024, pour discuter des résultats révisés et fournir des informations sur les développements récents.

DZS (OTC: DZSI) hat die Finanzzahlen für das zweite Quartal 2024 veröffentlicht, was einen nachhaltigen Zeitraum für das Unternehmen kennzeichnet. Zu den wichtigsten Punkten gehören:

- Die Bestellungen stiegen im Jahresvergleich um 6% auf 38 Millionen Dollar im Q2 2024
- Der Umsatz blieb mit 31 Millionen Dollar im Q2 2024 konstant
- Die GAAP-Bruttomarge verbesserte sich im Q2 2024 auf 33,6%
- Die GAAP-Betriebskosten sanken im Q2 2024 auf 28 Millionen Dollar
- Nettogewinn: 23 Millionen Dollar GAAP im Q2 2024
- Barguthaben von 8 Millionen Dollar zum Ende des Q2 2024

Das Unternehmen hat sein Geschäft in Asien abgestoßen und NetComm akquiriert, um sich auf die Optimierung der Kostenstruktur und die Monetarisierung von 75 Millionen Dollar an bezahltem Lagerbestand zu konzentrieren. DZS wird am 5. September 2024 eine Gewinnkonferenz abhalten, um die neu formulierten Ergebnisse zu diskutieren und Einblicke in die aktuellen Entwicklungen zu geben.

  • Orders increased 6% year-over-year to $38 million in Q2 2024
  • GAAP gross margin improved to 33.6% in Q2 2024 from 32.7% in Q2 2023
  • GAAP operating expenses decreased to $28 million in Q2 2024 from $31 million in Q2 2023
  • GAAP Net income of $23 million in Q2 2024
  • Divestiture of Asia business expected to improve gross margin
  • Acquisition of NetComm expected to be accretive and yield positive sales synergy
  • Revenue decreased 21% year-over-year to $59 million in 1H 2024
  • Non-GAAP gross margin decreased to 34.5% in Q2 2024 from 36.2% in Q2 2023
  • Adjusted EBITDA loss of $7 million in Q2 2024
  • Non-GAAP EPS loss of $0.28 in Q2 2024
  • Cash balance of only $8 million at the end of Q2 2024
  • Softness in capital spending by service providers noted for 2H 2023 and 1H 2024

DZS's Q2 2024 results show a mixed financial picture. Orders increased by 6% year-over-year, but revenue decreased by 21% in 1H 2024. The company's GAAP gross margin improved to 33.6%, up from 32.7% in Q2 2023. However, non-GAAP gross margin declined to 34.5% from 36.2%. Positively, operating expenses were reduced by 27%, showing effective cost management. The net income of $23 million GAAP is noteworthy, but the adjusted non-GAAP loss of $11 million raises concerns. The cash balance of $8 million seems low, especially with $75 million in paid inventory. This inventory situation needs careful monitoring for potential cash flow issues.

DZS's strategic moves in Q2 2024 are reshaping its business focus. The divestiture of the Asia business allows concentration on North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Australia and New Zealand markets, potentially improving gross margins. The acquisition of NetComm is expected to be accretive and is already showing positive cross-selling synergies. This could enhance DZS's product portfolio and market reach. The company's focus on high-quality broadband access solutions aligns with growing global demand for reliable connectivity. However, the softness in service provider capital spending noted for 2H 2023 and 1H 2024 is a concern, as it may impact future revenue growth. The emphasis on converting $150 million of scheduled backlog and numerous active trials to orders will be important for future performance.

DZS's Q2 2024 results reflect broader industry trends. The softness in capital spending by service providers aligns with global economic uncertainties and potential market saturation in some regions. However, DZS's focus on broadband everywhere positions it well for long-term growth as digital transformation continues globally. The improvement in GAAP gross margin suggests potential for better profitability as market conditions improve. The reduction in operating expenses by 27% demonstrates adaptability to market challenges. The positive cross-selling synergy from the NetComm acquisition indicates potential for market share growth. Investors should watch for the conversion of the $75 million paid inventory to cash, as this could significantly impact the company's financial health and stock performance in the near term.

DALLAS, Sept. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DZS (OTC: DZSI), a developer of Networking and Connectivity solutions enabling broadband everywhere, today announced it has filed Q2 2024 financial results.

“The second quarter of 2024 represented a defining period for DZS,” said Charlie Vogt, President and CEO, DZS. “Foremost, we are now current with all restated and delayed Form 10-Q and 10-K filings with the SEC through Q2 2024. From a sales and financial performance perspective, we continue to make progress with our key priorities of 1) creating high-quality, differentiated broadband access solutions for our valued customers, 2) delivering product on-time, 3) optimizing our cost structure and 4) monetizing $75 million of paid inventory. The divestiture of our Asia business in April of this year has enabled us to focus on the North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Australia and New Zealand regions and is expected to improve our gross margin. Our acquisition of NetComm in June is expected to be an accretive transaction. We are already experiencing positive cross-selling sales synergy, and we expect the second half of 2024 and 2025 to yield positive sales and inventory conversion results. On Thursday, Sept. 5th at 10:00 a.m. CDT, we will provide a fulsome report that will give customers, suppliers, investors and employees insights relative to what has been accomplished over the past 15 months and our outlook for the future.”

Q2 and 1H 2024 Financial Highlights (Year-over-year comparable is net of Asia business, which was divested in April 2024 and is now considered discontinued operations.)

  • Orders of $38 million compared to $36 million in Q2 2023, an increase of 6%, and $67 million in 1H 2024 compared to $72 million in 1H 2023, a decrease of 7%
  • Revenue of $31 million compared to $31 million in Q2 2023, and $59 million in 1H 2024 compared to $75 million in 1H 2023, a decrease of $21%
  • GAAP gross margin of 33.6% compared to 32.7% in Q2 2023, and 39.2% in 1H 2024 compared to 36.3% in 1H 2023
  • Non-GAAP gross margin1 of 34.5% compared to 36.2% in Q2 2023, and 39.8% in 1H 2024 compared to 38.1% in 1H 2023
  • GAAP operating expenses of $28 million compared to $31 million in Q2 2023, and $51 in 1H 2024 million compared to $66 million in 1H 2023
  • Non-GAAP operating expenses1 of $18 million compared to $24 million in Q2 2023, and $35 million in 1H 2024 compared to $48 million in 1H 2023, a decrease of 27%
  • Net income: $23 million GAAP and $(11) million adjusted non-GAAP1 in Q2 2024, and $9 million GAAP and $(14) million adjusted non-GAAP1 in 1H 2024
  • Adjusted EBITDA1 loss of $(7) million compared to $(13) million in Q2 2023, and loss of $(11) million in 1H 2024 compared to loss of $(20) million in 1H 2023
  • Diluted Net EPS of $.61 on a GAAP basis compared to $(.72) in Q2 2023, and $.25 on a GAAP basis in 1H 2024 compared to $(1.37) in 1H 2023
  • Non-GAAP EPS loss1 of $(.28) compared to $(.35) in Q2 2023, and $(.39) in 1H 2024 compared to $(.53) in 1H 2023
  • Cash balance of $8 million at the end of Q2 2024
  • Paid inventory of $75 million at the end of Q2 2024

(1)   Item represents a non-GAAP financial measure; see discussion below, as well as a reconciliation to the comparable GAAP measure in the financial tables in this earnings press release.

“As Charlie mentioned, during our earnings call later this week we will share in more detail the various changes and enhancements that have occurred since our last earnings call in early 2023,” said Misty Kawecki, CFO, DZS. “Our priority throughout the restatement and delayed reporting process has been thoroughness. While we are disappointed with the length of time it took to complete this process, including the cost, this chapter is now behind us. While we will learn from the past, our focus is looking forward. Despite the softness in capital spending by service providers, especially during the 2H 2023 and 1H 2024, we improved profitability with favorable gross margin and optimized our cost structure by 29% year-over-year. We remain laser-focused on the conversion of approximately $150 million of scheduled backlog, converting our numerous active trials to orders, cultivating a robust sales pipeline and converting $75 million of paid inventory to cash.”

As previously disclosed, DZS will host an earnings call to discuss restated results, which will include all of 2022, 2023, the financial results for the first and second quarters of 2024, and the divestiture of its Asia business along with its recent acquisition of NetComm.

Conference Call Details:
Date: Thursday, September 5, 2024
Time: 11:00 a.m. EDT
Participant Toll-Free: (800) 715-9871
Conference ID: 3713874

About DZS

DZS Inc. (OTC: DZSI) a developer of Networking and Connectivity solutions enabling broadband everywhere.

DZS, the DZS logo, and all DZS product names are trademarks of DZS Inc. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective holders. Specifications, products, and/or product names are all subject to change.

This press release contains forward-looking statements regarding future events and our future results that are subject to the safe harbors created under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements reflect the beliefs and assumptions of the Company’s management as of the date hereof. Words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “goal,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “project,” “seek,” “should,” “target,” “will,” “would,” variations of such words, and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned that these forward-looking statements are only predictions and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. The Company’s actual results could differ materially and adversely from those expressed in or contemplated by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ include, but are not limited to, those risk factors contained in the Company’s SEC filings available at, including without limitation, the Company’s annual report on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and subsequent filings.  In addition, additional or unforeseen effects from the COVID-19 pandemic and the global economic climate may give rise to or amplify many of these risks. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they are made. DZS undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements for any reason.

Non-GAAP Measures

To supplement DZS’s consolidated financial statements presented in accordance with GAAP, DZS reports Adjusted Cost of Revenue, Adjusted Gross Margin, Adjusted Operating Expenses, Adjusted Operating Income (Loss), Adjusted Net Income (including on a per share basis), EBITDA, and Adjusted EBITDA, which are non-GAAP measures DZS believes are appropriate to provide meaningful comparison with, and to enhance an overall understanding of, DZS’s past financial performance and prospects for the future. DZS believes these non-GAAP financial measures provide useful information to both management and investors by excluding specific items that DZS believes are not indicative of core operating results. These items share one or more of the following characteristics: they are unusual and DZS does not expect them to recur in the ordinary course of its business; they do not involve the expenditure of cash; they are unrelated to the ongoing operation of the business in the ordinary course; or their magnitude and timing is largely outside of the Company’s control. Further, each of these non-GAAP measures of operating performance are used by management, as well as industry analysts, to evaluate operations and operating performance and are widely used in the telecommunications and manufacturing industries. Other companies in the telecommunications and manufacturing industries may calculate these metrics differently than DZS does. The presentation of this additional information is not meant to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of financial performance prepared in accordance with GAAP.

DZS defines Adjusted Cost of Revenue as GAAP Cost of Revenue less (i) depreciation and amortization, (ii) stock-based compensation, (iii) restructuring charges, including freight charges and other elevated inventory related costs directly related to the transition to a contract manufacturer, and (iv) the impact of material transactions or events that we believe are not indicative of our core product cost and are not expected to be recurring in nature. We believe Adjusted Cost of Revenue provides the investor more accurate information regarding the actual cost of our products and services, excluding the impact of costs of revenue that are not routine components of our core product cost, for better comparability of our costs of revenue between periods and to other companies.

DZS defines Adjusted Gross Margin as GAAP Gross Margin less (i) depreciation and amortization, (ii) stock-based compensation, (iii) restructuring charges, including freight charges and other elevated inventory related costs directly related to the transition to a contract manufacturer, and (iv) the impact of material transactions or events that we believe are not indicative of our core operating performance and are not expected to be recurring in nature. We believe Adjusted Gross Margin provides the investor more accurate information regarding our core profit margin on sales, excluding the impact of cost of revenue that are not routine components of our core product cost, for better comparability of gross margin between periods and to other companies.

DZS defines Adjusted Operating Expenses as GAAP operating expenses plus or minus (as applicable) (i) depreciation and amortization, (ii) stock-based compensation, and (iii) the impact of material transactions or events that we believe are not indicative of our core operating performance, such as acquisition costs, restructuring and other charges, including termination related benefits, headquarters and facilities relocation, executive transition, restatement related costs, and legal costs related to certain litigation, each of which is not expected to be recurring in nature. We believe Adjusted Operating Expenses provides the investor more accurate information regarding our core operating expenses, which include research and development costs, selling, general and administrative costs, and amortization of intangible assets, excluding the impact of charges that are not routine components of our core operating expenses, for better comparability between periods and to other companies.

DZS defines EBITDA as Net Income (Loss) plus or minus (as applicable) (i) interest expense, net, (ii) income tax provision (benefit), and (iii) depreciation and amortization expense.

DZS defines Adjusted Operating Income (Loss), or Adjusted EBITDA, as GAAP Operating Income (Loss) plus or minus (as applicable) (i) depreciation and amortization, (ii) stock-based compensation, and (iii) the impact of material transactions or events that we believe are not indicative of our core operating performance, such as acquisition costs, restructuring and other charges, including termination related benefits, headquarters and facilities relocation, executive transition, restatement related costs, and legal costs related to certain litigation, each of which is not expected to be recurring in nature. We believe Adjusted Operating Income (Loss) provides the investor more accurate information regarding our core operating Income (Loss), excluding the impact of charges that are not routine components of our core operating expenses, for better comparability between periods and to other companies. The DZS definition of Adjusted Operating Income (Loss) equates to the DZS definition of Adjusted EBITDA.
DZS defines Non-GAAP Net Income (Loss) as GAAP Net Income plus or minus (as applicable) (i) depreciation and amortization, (ii) stock-based compensation, (iii) the impact of material transactions or events that we believe are not indicative of our core operating performance, such as acquisition costs, restructuring and other charges, including termination related benefits and restructuring charges, including freight charges and other elevated inventory related costs directly related to the transition to a contract manufacturer, headquarters and facilities relocation, executive transition, bad debt expense primarily related to a large customer in India, restatement related costs, and legal costs related to certain litigation, each of which is not expected to be recurring in nature, (iv) unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses, (v) a non-GAAP income tax benefit (provision) based on an estimated tax rate applied against forecasted annual non-GAAP income and (vi) i the tax effect of non-GAAP adjustments to Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted EPS. DZS determines non-GAAP income taxes by computing an annual rate for the Company and applying that single rate (rather than multiple rates by jurisdiction) to its consolidated quarterly results. For 2023, the non-GAAP income tax rate was 18.1% and for 2022 the rate was 20.8%. DZS expects that this methodology will provide a consistent rate throughout the year and allow investors to better understand the impact of income taxes on its results. Due to the methodology applied to its estimated annual tax rate, the Company’s estimated tax rate on non-GAAP income will differ from its GAAP tax rate and from its actual tax liabilities. DZS believes Non-GAAP Net Income (Loss) provides the investor more accurate information regarding our core income, excluding the impact of charges that are not routine components of our core product cost or core operating expenses, for better comparability between periods and to other companies.

For further information see:
DZS on Twitter:
DZS on LinkedIn:

Investor Inquiries:
Geoff Burke, SVP Marketing

Financial Statements

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations
($ in thousands, except per share data)
  For the Quarters Ended
  2Q24 1Q24 2Q23
Net revenue $31,066  $27,667  $30,623 
Cost of revenue  20,627   15,054   20,603 
Gross profit  10,439   12,613   10,020 
Operating expenses:      
Research and product development  7,424   7,034   9,874 
Selling, marketing, general and administrative  19,035   14,993   18,804 
Restructuring and other charges  (44)  288   594 
Impairment of long-lived assets  -   -   499 
Amortization of intangible assets  1,190   1,190   1,321 
Total operating expenses  27,605   23,505   31,092 
Operating loss  (17,166)  (10,892)  (21,072)
Interest expense, net  (1,405)  (1,213)  (882)
Bargain purchase gain  41,544   -   - 
Other income (expense), net  (230)  (324)  (146)
Income (loss) before income taxes  22,743   (12,429)  (22,100)
Income tax provision (benefit)  (330)  1,106   504 
Net income (loss) $23,073  $(13,535) $(22,604)
Earnings (loss) per share      
Basic $0.61  $(0.36) $(0.72)
Diluted $0.61  $(0.36) $(0.72)
Weighted average shares outstanding:      
Weighted average shares outstanding used to compute basic net income (loss) per share  37,659   37,399   31,222 
Weighted average shares outstanding used to compute diluted net income (loss) per share  38,035   37,399   31,222 
Reconciliation of net income (loss) to Adjusted EBITDA:      
Net income (loss) $23,073  $(13,535) $(22,604)
Interest expense, net  1,405   1,213   882 
Income tax provision (benefit)  (330)  1,106   504 
Depreciation and amortization  1,604   1,573   1,747 
EBITDA $25,752  $(9,643) $(19,471)
Stock-based compensation  2,310   2,132   3,851 
Acquisition costs  858   52   228 
Litigation and restatement  4,750   2,666   246 
Amortization of capitalized costs  303   303   306 
Bad debt expense, net of recoveries  -   -   260 
Bargain purchase gain  (41,544)  -   - 
Long lived assets impairment  -   -   499 
Restructuring and other charges  74   288   1,151 
Other expense, net  230   324   146 
Adjusted EBITDA $(7,267) $(3,878) $(12,784)


Financial Statements 

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
($ in thousands)
 Jun 30 Dec 31
Assets 2024   2023 
Current assets   
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash$8,137  $15,102 
Accounts receivable - trade, net 40,162   44,816 
Other receivables 691   452 
Inventories 80,149   33,113 
Contract assets 786   825 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 8,026   7,685 
Current assets held for sale -   94,375 
Total current assets 137,951   196,368 
Property, plant and equipment, net 3,275   3,108 
Right-of-use assets from operating leases 4,581   3,661 
Intangible assets, net 27,906   25,065 
Other assets 11,680   13,371 
Non-current assets held for sale -   7,808 
Total assets$185,393  $249,381 
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity   
Current liabilities   
Accounts payable - trade$49,059  $46,003 
Contract liabilities 13,540   14,945 
Operating lease liabilities 2,752   2,732 
Accrued and other liabilities 27,710   32,704 
Current liabilities held for sale -   69,427 
Total current liabilities 93,061   165,811 
Long-term debt 15,674   7,308 
Contract liabilities - non-current 2,381   2,834 
Operating lease liabilities - non-current 3,819   3,994 
Pension liabilities 10,987   11,504 
Other long-term liabilities 2,890   1,797 
Non-current liabilities held for sale -   33,574 
Total liabilities 128,812   226,822 
Stockholders’ equity   
Common stock 36   31 
Additional paid-in capital 315,308   294,863 
Accumulated other comprehensive loss 1,709   (8,447)
Accumulated deficit (260,472)  (263,888)
Total stockholders’ equity 56,581   22,559 
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity$185,393  $249,381 

Financial Statements

Unaudited Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Results from Continuing Operations
($ in thousands, except per share data)
Set forth below are reconciliations of Non-GAAP Cost of Revenue, Non-GAAP Gross Profit, Non-GAAP Operating Expenses, Non-GAAP Operating Income (Loss) (also referred to as Adjusted EBITDA), Non-GAAP Net Income (Loss), and Non-GAAP Net Income (Loss) per Diluted Share to GAAP Cost of Revenue, Gross Profit, Operating Expenses, Operating Income (Loss), Net Income (Loss), and Net Income (Loss) per Diluted Share, respectively, which the Company considers to be the most directly comparable U.S. GAAP financial measures.
  Three Months Ended June 30, 2024 - Continuing Operations
  Cost of
 Gross Profit Gross Margin
Income (Loss)
 Net Income
 Net Income
(Loss) per
Diluted Share
GAAP amount $20,627  $10,439 33.6% $27,605  $(17,166) $23,073  $0.61 
Adjustments to GAAP amounts:              
Depreciation and amortization  (71)  71 0.2%  (1,533)  1,604   1,604   0.04 
Stock-based compensation  (87)  87 0.3%  (2,223)  2,310   2,310   0.06 
Restructuring and other charges  (118)  118 0.4%  44   74   74   - 
Acquisition costs        (858)  858   858   0.02 
Litigation and restatement        (4,750)  4,750   4,750   0.12 
Amortization of capitalized costs        (303)  303   303   0.01 
Bargain purchase gain            (41,544)  (1.09)
Unrealized foreign exchange (gains) losses            236   0.01 
Non-GAAP adjustments to tax rate            (2,145)  (0.06)
Tax effect on Non-GAAP adjustments            (88)  - 
Adjusted (Non-GAAP) amount $20,351  $10,715 34.5% $17,982  $(7,267) $(10,569) $(0.28)
  Three Months Ended June 30, 2023 - Continuing Operations
  Cost of
 Gross Profit Gross Margin
Income (Loss)
 Net Income
 Net Income
(Loss) per
Diluted Share
GAAP amount $20,603  $10,020 32.7% $31,092  $(21,072) $(22,604) $(0.72)
Adjustments to GAAP amounts:              
Depreciation and amortization  (83)  83 0.3%  (1,664)  1,747   1,747   0.06 
Stock-based compensation  (433)  433 1.4%  (3,418)  3,851   3,851   0.12 
Restructuring and other charges  (557)  557 1.8%  (594)  1,151   1,151   0.04 
Acquisition costs        (228)  228   228   0.01 
Litigation and restatement        (246)  246   246   0.01 
Amortization of capitalized costs        (306)  306   306   0.01 
Bad debt expense, net of recoveries        (260)  260   260   0.01 
Long lived assets impairment       $(499) $499  $499  $0.01 
Unrealized foreign exchange (gains) losses            62   - 
Non-GAAP adjustments to tax rate            4,910   0.15 
Tax effect on Non-GAAP adjustments            (1,676)  (0.05)
Adjusted (Non-GAAP) amount $19,530  $11,093 36.2% $23,877  $(12,784) $(11,020) $(0.35)
  Six Months Ended June 30, 2024 - Continuing Operations
  Cost of
 Gross Profit Gross Margin
Income (Loss)
 Net Income
 Net Income
(Loss) per
Diluted Share
GAAP amount $35,681  $23,052 39.2% $51,110  $(28,058) $9,538  $0.25 
Adjustments to GAAP amounts:              
Depreciation and amortization  (142)  142 0.2%  (3,035)  3,177   3,177   0.08 
Stock-based compensation  (76)  76 0.1%  (4,366)  4,442   4,442   0.12 
Restructuring and other charges  (118)  118 0.2%  (244)  362   362   0.01 
Acquisition costs        (910)  910   910   0.02 
Litigation and restatement        (7,416)  7,416   7,416   0.20 
Amortization of capitalized costs        (606)  606   606   0.02 
Bargain purchase gain        -   -   (41,544)  (1.10)
Unrealized foreign exchange (gains) losses            561   0.01 
Non-GAAP adjustments to tax rate            1,374   0.04 
Tax effect on Non-GAAP adjustments            (1,396)  (0.04)
Adjusted (Non-GAAP) amount $35,345  $23,388 39.8% $34,533  $(11,145) $(14,554) $(0.39)
  Six Months Ended June 30, 2023 - Continuing Operations
  Cost of
 Gross Profit Gross Margin
Income (Loss)
 Net Income
 Net Income
(Loss) per
Diluted Share
GAAP amount $47,805  $27,185 36.3% $65,695  $(38,510) $(42,639) $(1.37)
Adjustments to GAAP amounts:              
Depreciation and amortization  (187)  187 0.2%  (3,314)  3,501   3,501   0.11 
Stock-based compensation  (626)  626 0.8%  (7,143)  7,769   7,769   0.25 
Restructuring and other charges  (557)  557 0.7%  (4,746)  5,303   5,303   0.17 
Acquisition costs        (335)  335   335   0.01 
Executive transition        2   (2)  (2)  - 
Litigation and restatement        (476)  476   476   0.01 
Amortization of capitalized costs        (527)  527   527   0.02 
Bad debt expense, net of recoveries        (260)  260   260   0.01 
Long lived assets impairment        (499)  499   499   0.02 
Unrealized foreign exchange (gains) losses            189   0.01 
Non-GAAP adjustments to tax rate            10,678   0.34 
Tax effect on Non-GAAP adjustments            (3,415)  (0.11)
Adjusted (Non-GAAP) amount $46,435  $28,555 38.1% $48,397  $(19,842) $(16,519) $(0.53)


What were DZS's (DZSI) Q2 2024 financial results?

DZS reported Q2 2024 revenue of $31 million, GAAP gross margin of 33.6%, and GAAP net income of $23 million. Orders increased 6% year-over-year to $38 million.

How did DZS's (DZSI) Q2 2024 results compare to Q2 2023?

DZS's Q2 2024 revenue remained flat at $31 million compared to Q2 2023. GAAP gross margin improved from 32.7% to 33.6%, while GAAP operating expenses decreased from $31 million to $28 million.

What strategic changes has DZS (DZSI) made recently?

DZS has divested its Asia business in April 2024 to focus on North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. The company also acquired NetComm in June 2024, expecting positive sales synergy.

When will DZS (DZSI) host its earnings call for Q2 2024 results?

DZS will host an earnings call on Thursday, September 5, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. EDT to discuss Q2 2024 results, restated financials, and recent strategic changes.



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Communication Equipment
Telephone & Telegraph Apparatus
United States of America