NOVUS Leverages Ginkgo Bioworks to Develop Innovative Feed Additives for Animal Agriculture

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Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA) has announced a new partnership with NOVUS International to develop advanced feed additives for the animal agriculture industry. The collaboration aims to create more efficient enzymes that can be produced cost-effectively using Ginkgo Enzyme Services. This initiative is designed to address the challenges faced by the agricultural sector, including rising feed costs and tightening margins.

The partnership focuses on improving the health and performance of livestock, particularly chickens, pigs, and cows. By leveraging Ginkgo's research innovation platform and NOVUS's animal feed application knowledge, the companies aim to bring cutting-edge technologies to market that enhance the sustainability and efficiency of animal production systems. This collaboration is expected to support producers in delivering nutritious and affordable animal products to consumers while addressing economic, environmental, and regulatory challenges.

Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA) ha annunciato una nuova partnership con NOVUS International per sviluppare additivi alimentari avanzati per l'industria agro-alimentare. La collaborazione mira a creare enzimi più efficienti che possono essere prodotti in modo conveniente utilizzando i Servizi Enzymatici di Ginkgo. Questa iniziativa è pensata per affrontare le sfide che il settore agricolo deve affrontare, inclusi l'aumento dei costi dei mangimi e il restringimento dei margini.

La partnership si concentra su migliorare la salute e le prestazioni del bestiame, in particolare polli, maiali e vacche. Sfruttando la piattaforma di innovazione nella ricerca di Ginkgo e la conoscenza applicativa di NOVUS nel campo dei mangimi per animali, le aziende mirano a portare sul mercato tecnologie all'avanguardia che migliorano la sostenibilità e l'efficienza dei sistemi di produzione animale. Questa collaborazione è prevista per sostenere i produttori nell'offrire prodotti animali nutrienti e a prezzi accessibili ai consumatori, affrontando nel contempo sfide economiche, ambientali e normative.

Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA) ha anunciado una nueva asociación con NOVUS International para desarrollar aditivos alimentarios avanzados para la industria de la agricultura animal. La colaboración tiene como objetivo crear enzimas más eficientes que puedan producirse de manera rentable utilizando los Servicios de Enzimas de Ginkgo. Esta iniciativa está diseñada para abordar los desafíos que enfrenta el sector agrícola, incluyendo el aumento de los costos de los piensos y los márgenes cada vez más ajustados.

La asociación se centra en mejorar la salud y el rendimiento del ganado, en particular pollos, cerdos y vacas. Al aprovechar la plataforma de innovación en investigación de Ginkgo y el conocimiento de aplicación de alimentos para animales de NOVUS, las empresas buscan llevar al mercado tecnologías de vanguardia que mejoren la sostenibilidad y la eficiencia de los sistemas de producción animal. Se espera que esta colaboración apoye a los productores en la entrega de productos animales nutritivos y asequibles a los consumidores, mientras aborda los desafíos económicos, ambientales y regulatorios.

징코 바이오웍스(Ginkgo Bioworks, NYSE: DNA)는 동물 농업 산업을 위한 첨단 사료 첨가제를 개발하기 위해 NOVUS International과 새로운 파트너십을 체결했다고 발표했습니다. 이 협력의 목표는 보다 효율적인 효소를 생산하는 것으로, 징코 효소 서비스를 통해 비용 효율적으로 생산될 수 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 급증하는 사료 비용과 마진 축소를 포함하여 농업 부문이 직면한 도전 과제를 해결하기 위해 설계되었습니다.

파트너십은 가축의 건강 및 성능 개선에 중점을 두고 있으며, 특히 닭, 돼지, 소에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 징코의 연구 혁신 플랫폼과 NOVUS의 동물 사료 응용 지식을 활용하여, 두 회사는 동물 생산 시스템의 지속 가능성과 효율성을 향상시키는 첨단 기술을 시장에 선보일 계획입니다. 이 협력은 생산자가 경제적, 환경적, 규제적 도전 과제를 해결하는 동시에 소비자에게 영양가 있고 적절한 가격의 동물 제품을 제공하는 데 도움을 줄 것으로 기대됩니다.

Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA) a annoncé un nouveau partenariat avec NOVUS International pour développer des additifs alimentaires avancés pour l'industrie de l'agriculture animale. La collaboration vise à créer des enzymes plus efficaces qui peuvent être produites de manière rentable grâce aux Services Enzymatiques de Ginkgo. Cette initiative est conçue pour relever les défis auxquels est confronté le secteur agricole, y compris l'augmentation des coûts des aliments et la réduction des marges.

Le partenariat se concentre sur l'amélioration de la santé et des performances du bétail, notamment des poules, des porcs et des vaches. En tirant parti de la plateforme d'innovation en recherche de Ginkgo et des connaissances de NOVUS dans l'application des aliments pour animaux, les entreprises visent à mettre sur le marché des technologies de pointe qui améliorent la sustainabilité et l'efficacité des systèmes de production animale. Cette collaboration devrait aider les producteurs à fournir des produits animaux nutritifs et abordables aux consommateurs tout en répondant à des défis économiques, environnementaux et réglementaires.

Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA) hat eine neue Partnerschaft mit NOVUS International angekündigt, um fortschrittliche Futtermittelzusätze für die Tierhaltungsbranche zu entwickeln. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, effizientere Enzyme zu schaffen, die kosteneffektiv mithilfe der Ginkgo Enzymdienste produziert werden können. Diese Initiative ist darauf ausgelegt, die Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, mit denen der Agrarsektor konfrontiert ist, darunter steigende Futterkosten und sinkende Gewinnmargen.

Der Fokus der Partnerschaft liegt auf der Verbesserung der Gesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit des Viehs, insbesondere von Hühnern, Schweinen und Kühen. Durch die Nutzung der Innovationsplattform von Ginkgo und des Fachwissens von NOVUS im Bereich Futtermittelanwendung zielen die Unternehmen darauf ab, marktgerechte Technologien einzuführen, die die Nachhaltigkeit und Effizienz von Tierproduktionssystemen erhöhen. Diese Zusammenarbeit wird voraussichtlich die Produzenten unterstützen, nahrhafte und erschwingliche Tierprodukte für die Verbraucher bereitzustellen und gleichzeitig wirtschaftlichen, ökologischen und regulatorischen Herausforderungen zu begegnen.

  • Partnership aims to develop cost-effective, efficient enzymes for animal feed additives
  • Potential to enhance sustainability and efficiency in animal production systems
  • Addresses industry challenges such as rising feed costs and tightening margins
  • Combines Ginkgo's enzyme development services with NOVUS's animal feed expertise
  • None.


This partnership between Ginkgo Bioworks and NOVUS International represents a significant development in the animal agriculture industry. By leveraging Ginkgo's enzyme development capabilities, NOVUS aims to create more efficient and cost-effective feed additives, addressing critical challenges in the sector.

The collaboration targets several key areas:

  • Improving livestock health and performance
  • Enhancing sustainability in animal production
  • Addressing rising feed costs and tightening margins
  • Supporting the production of affordable animal products

For Ginkgo Bioworks (DNA), this partnership demonstrates the versatility and commercial potential of its platform. It expands Ginkgo's presence in the agricultural sector, potentially opening up new revenue streams. The project's success could lead to increased demand for Ginkgo's services in this and related industries.

However, investors should note that the development of new enzymes and feed additives is a complex process with uncertain timelines and success rates. While the partnership shows promise, it may take time to translate into significant revenue or profits for Ginkgo.

This collaboration addresses critical challenges in the animal agriculture industry, which has been facing significant pressures:

  • Rising feed costs eroding profit margins
  • Increasing demand for sustainable production methods
  • Need for improved animal health and performance

The development of advanced feed additives could have far-reaching economic implications:

For producers: Potential for reduced costs and improved efficiency, leading to better profit margins. This is important in an industry with typically thin margins.

For consumers: The promise of maintaining affordable prices for meat, milk and eggs, which is essential for food security and inflation control.

For the broader economy: Enhancing the competitiveness of the domestic animal agriculture sector, potentially impacting trade balances and rural economies.

While the economic benefits could be substantial, it's important to note that the timeline for realizing these gains is uncertain and dependent on successful product development and market adoption.

BOSTON and CHESTERFIELD, Mo., Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA), which is building the leading platform for cell programming and biosecurity, announced its new partnership with NOVUS International, an innovator and leader in intelligent nutrition, to develop advanced feed additives designed to meet the evolving needs of the animal agriculture industry. By utilizing Ginkgo Enzyme Services, NOVUS will work with Ginkgo to build more efficient enzymes that can be produced cost-effectively.

With the agricultural sector facing heightened volatility, including rising feed costs and tightening margins, NOVUS is committed to supporting its customers by optimizing the health and performance of livestock. This partnership aims to bring cutting-edge technologies to market, enhancing the sustainability and efficiency of animal production systems. These innovations are intended to improve the overall well-being of chickens, pigs, and cows, thereby supporting producers in delivering nutritious and affordable animal products to consumers.

Abishek Shingote, Associate VP of Global Strategic Marketing, Technology, and Innovation at NOVUS, highlighted the partnership's potential: "With the challenges and volatility facing the agriculture industry, a multifactorial approach is needed for producers to meet their financial goals and end customers to continue to enjoy nutritious and affordable meat, milk, and eggs. This multifactorial approach requires advanced technologies combined with application knowledge. The partnership with Ginkgo Bioworks puts NOVUS on the path to create innovative technologies that support health and performance consistency in chickens, pigs, and cows. The products we're working to develop came out of conversation with NOVUS customers and deep analysis of industry needs. Innovation is at the heart of NOVUS. Sustaining thriving livestock is a challenge, especially against economic, environmental and regulatory headwinds. We make it our mission to find new and novel ways to support our stakeholders and the industry."

Dan Rosmarin, VP, Commercial, at Ginkgo Bioworks: "Partnering with NOVUS presents an exciting opportunity to apply Ginkgo's enzyme development services in a very important domain. Together, we can accelerate the development of innovative products that offer tangible benefits to the animal agriculture industry, with the potential to enhance both productivity and sustainability. This partnership will leverage Ginkgo's research innovation platform combined with NOVUS's animal feed application knowledge, putting us on the path to create innovative technologies that meet the evolving needs of the livestock industry. We are very excited to see scientific progress already made on this project at Ginkgo and appreciate the opportunity to contribute to NOVUS's next generation of innovative feed additives."

To learn more about how you can bring innovative biological solutions to life, read more at Ginkgo Enzyme Services.

About Ginkgo Bioworks
Ginkgo Bioworks is the leading horizontal platform for cell programming, providing flexible, end-to-end services that solve challenges for organizations across diverse markets, from food and agriculture to pharmaceuticals to industrial and specialty chemicals. Ginkgo Biosecurity is building and deploying the next-generation infrastructure and technologies that global leaders need to predict, detect, and respond to a wide variety of biological threats. For more information, visit and, read our blog, or follow us on social media channels such as X (@Ginkgo and @Ginkgo_Biosec), Instagram (@GinkgoBioworks), Threads (@GinkgoBioworks), or LinkedIn.



NOVUS is the intelligent nutrition company providing solutions for the animal agriculture industry around the world. The company's portfolio includes trace minerals, nutritional enzymes, feed digestibility and meat quality solutions, and methionine supplementation products, as well as a network of experts globally who provide guidance on management best practices. To learn how NOVUS is Made of More™, visit


Forward-Looking Statements of Ginkgo Bioworks
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including statements regarding the capabilities and potential success of the partnership and Ginkgo's cell programming platform. These forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words "believe," "can," "project," "potential," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "intend," "strategy," "future," "opportunity," "plan," "may," "should," "will," "would," "will be," "will continue," "will likely result," and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause actual future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements in this press release, including but not limited to: (i) volatility in the price of Ginkgo's securities due to a variety of factors, including changes in the competitive and highly regulated industries in which Ginkgo operates and plans to operate, variations in performance across competitors, and changes in laws and regulations affecting Ginkgo's business, (ii) the ability to implement business plans, forecasts, and other expectations, and to identify and realize additional business opportunities, (iii) the risk of downturns in demand for products using synthetic biology, (iv) the uncertainty regarding the demand for passive monitoring programs and biosecurity services, (v) changes to the biosecurity industry, including due to advancements in technology, emerging competition and evolution in industry demands, standards and regulations, (vi) the outcome of any pending or potential legal proceedings against Ginkgo, (vii) our ability to realize the expected benefits from and the success of our Foundry platform programs, (viii) our ability to successfully develop engineered cells, bioprocesses, data packages or other deliverables, and (ix) the product development or commercialization success of our customers. The foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties described in the "Risk Factors" section of Ginkgo's annual report on Form 10-K filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on February 29, 2024, Ginkgo's most recent quarterly report on Form 10-Q, and other documents filed by Ginkgo from time to time with the SEC. These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and Ginkgo assumes no obligation and does not intend to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. Ginkgo does not give any assurance that it will achieve its expectations.

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What is the purpose of the partnership between Ginkgo Bioworks and NOVUS International?

The partnership aims to develop advanced feed additives for the animal agriculture industry, focusing on creating more efficient enzymes that can be produced cost-effectively to address challenges like rising feed costs and tightening margins.

How will the Ginkgo Bioworks (DNA) and NOVUS partnership benefit the livestock industry?

The partnership is expected to improve the health and performance of livestock (chickens, pigs, and cows), enhance sustainability and efficiency of animal production systems, and support producers in delivering nutritious and affordable animal products to consumers.

What technologies will be used in the Ginkgo Bioworks (DNA) and NOVUS collaboration?

The collaboration will utilize Ginkgo Enzyme Services and combine Ginkgo's research innovation platform with NOVUS's animal feed application knowledge to develop innovative feed additives.

What specific challenges in the animal agriculture industry is the Ginkgo Bioworks (DNA) and NOVUS partnership addressing?

The partnership is addressing challenges such as rising feed costs, tightening margins, and the need for sustainable and efficient animal production systems in the face of economic, environmental, and regulatory pressures.

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