Desktop Health® Announces Flexcera® Smile Ultra+ Dental Resin Validated for All-on-X Implant Provisionals

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Desktop Health, a brand of Desktop Metal, Inc. (NYSE: DM), has validated its Flexcera® Smile Ultra+ dental resin for use in All-on-X implant provisionals. This FDA 510(k) cleared nanoceramic polymer is now indicated for implant-supported denture provisionals, offering a cost-effective and efficient solution for dental professionals.

Key points:

  • Flexcera Smile Ultra+ prints quickly and accurately on various 3D printers
  • A single kilogram bottle can produce up to 50 All-on-X arches
  • Print time for a full set of arches is about 20-30 minutes
  • The global dental implant and prosthetics market is expected to reach $16B by 2029
  • Dental professionals report increased case acceptance rates using this technology

Desktop Health, un marchio di Desktop Metal, Inc. (NYSE: DM), ha validato la sua resina dentale Flexcera® Smile Ultra+ per l'uso in provvisori di impianti All-on-X. Questo polimero nanoceramico, approvato dalla FDA con autorizzazione 510(k), è ora indicato per provvisori di dentiere supportati da impianti, offrendo una soluzione conveniente ed efficiente per i professionisti del settore dentale.

Punti chiave:

  • Flexcera Smile Ultra+ si stampa rapidamente e con precisione su vari stampanti 3D
  • Una bottiglia da un chilogrammo può produrre fino a 50 arcate All-on-X
  • Il tempo di stampa per un set completo di arcate è di circa 20-30 minuti
  • Il mercato globale degli impianti dentali e delle protesi è previsto raggiungere i 16 miliardi di dollari entro il 2029
  • I professionisti dentali riportano tassi di accettazione dei casi aumentati utilizzando questa tecnologia

Desktop Health, una marca de Desktop Metal, Inc. (NYSE: DM), ha validado su resina dental Flexcera® Smile Ultra+ para su uso en provisionales de implantes All-on-X. Este polímero nanocerámico, aprobado por la FDA con una autorización 510(k), ahora está indicado para provisionales de dentaduras soportados por implantes, ofreciendo una solución rentable y eficiente para los profesionales dentales.

Puntos clave:

  • Flexcera Smile Ultra+ se imprime de manera rápida y precisa en varias impresoras 3D
  • Una botella de un kilogramo puede producir hasta 50 arcos All-on-X
  • El tiempo de impresión para un conjunto completo de arcos es de aproximadamente 20-30 minutos
  • Se espera que el mercado global de implantes dentales y prótesis alcance los 16 mil millones de dólares para 2029
  • Los profesionales dentales informan tasas de aceptación de casos aumentadas al utilizar esta tecnología

Desktop Health, Desktop Metal, Inc. (NYSE: DM)의 브랜드로, Flexcera® Smile Ultra+ 치과 수지를 All-on-X 임플란트 임시 보철물에 사용하기 위해 검증했습니다. 이 FDA 510(k) 승인을 받은 나노세라믹 폴리머는 이제 임플란트 지지형 의치 임시 보철물에 적합하며, 치과 전문가들에게 비용 효율적이고 효율적인 솔루션을 제공합니다.

주요 사항:

  • Flexcera Smile Ultra+는 다양한 3D 프린터에서 신속하고 정확하게 인쇄됩니다
  • 1킬로그램 병 하나로 최대 50개의 All-on-X 아치가 생성될 수 있습니다
  • 전체 아치 세트의 인쇄 시간은 약 20-30분입니다
  • 2029년까지 글로벌 치과 임플란트 및 보철 시장은 160억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상됩니다
  • 치과 전문가들은 이 기술을 사용하여 사례 수용률이 증가했다고 보고합니다

Desktop Health, une marque de Desktop Metal, Inc. (NYSE: DM), a validé sa résine dentaire Flexcera® Smile Ultra+ pour une utilisation dans les provisoires de implants All-on-X. Ce polymère nanocéramique, approuvé par la FDA avec un certificat 510(k), est désormais indiqué pour les provisoires de dentiers soutenus par des implants, offrant une solution rentable et efficace pour les professionnels dentaires.

Points clés :

  • Flexcera Smile Ultra+ s'imprime rapidement et avec précision sur diverses imprimantes 3D
  • Une bouteille d'un kilogramme peut produire jusqu'à 50 arcs All-on-X
  • Le temps d'impression pour un ensemble complet d'arches est d'environ 20-30 minutes
  • Le marché mondial des implants dentaires et des prothèses devrait atteindre 16 milliards de dollars d'ici 2029
  • Les professionnels dentaires signalent des taux d'acceptation des cas accrus grâce à cette technologie

Desktop Health, eine Marke von Desktop Metal, Inc. (NYSE: DM), hat sein Flexcera® Smile Ultra+ Zahnharz für die Verwendung in All-on-X Implantatprovisorien validiert. Dieses von der FDA zugelassene 510(k) Nanokeramik-Polymer ist nun für implantatgestützte Prothesenprovisorien vorgesehen und bietet eine kostengünstige und effiziente Lösung für Zahnärzte.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Flexcera Smile Ultra+ lässt sich schnell und präzise auf verschiedenen 3D-Druckern drucken
  • Eine Ein-Kilogramm-Flasche kann bis zu 50 All-on-X Bögen erzeugen
  • Die Druckzeit für einen vollständigen Satz von Bögen beträgt etwa 20-30 Minuten
  • Der globale Markt für Dentalimplantate und Prothetik wird bis 2029 voraussichtlich 16 Milliarden Dollar erreichen
  • Zahnärzte berichten von erhöhten Fallannahmeraten bei Verwendung dieser Technologie
  • Flexcera Smile Ultra+ resin validated for use in All-on-X implant provisionals, expanding its market potential
  • Cost-effective solution: a single kilogram bottle can produce up to 50 All-on-X arches
  • Rapid production: full set of arches can be printed in 20-30 minutes
  • Validated for use on multiple popular dental 3D printers
  • Dental professionals report increased case acceptance rates (up to 50% for full arch cases)
  • None.

Desktop Health's validation of Flexcera® Smile Ultra+ dental resin for All-on-X implant provisionals marks a significant advancement in the dental 3D printing market. This development addresses a important need in the rapidly growing dental implant and prosthetics sector, which is projected to reach $16 billion by 2029, with a CAGR of 7.5%.

The key implications of this news are:

  • Market Expansion: With over 36 million edentulous Americans, Flexcera Smile Ultra+ is positioned to capture a substantial share of the All-on-X provisional market.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: The ability to produce up to 50 affordable All-on-X arches from a single kilogram bottle significantly reduces production costs, potentially increasing profit margins for dental labs and clinics.
  • Improved Patient Care: The quick print time (20-30 minutes) and compatibility with multiple 3D printers enable same-day dentistry, enhancing patient satisfaction and potentially increasing case acceptance rates.
  • Competitive Advantage: The FDA 510(k) clearance, MDR certification and CE marking provide Desktop Health with a strong regulatory position in the market.

While the news is positive for Desktop Health, investors should consider the competitive landscape and potential for market saturation as 3D printing technology becomes more widespread in dentistry. The company's ability to maintain its technological edge and expand its product line will be important for long-term growth in this dynamic sector.

The validation of Flexcera® Smile Ultra+ for All-on-X implant provisionals presents a significant opportunity for Desktop Metal, Inc. (NYSE: DM) to strengthen its position in the dental 3D printing market. Here's a financial perspective on the news:

  • Revenue Growth Potential: The global dental implant and prosthetics market's projected growth to $16 billion by 2029 offers substantial revenue opportunities for Desktop Metal's Desktop Health division.
  • Margin Expansion: The cost-effectiveness of Flexcera Smile Ultra+ (up to 50 arches per kilogram) could lead to higher profit margins, especially if the company can maintain premium pricing due to its FDA clearance and other certifications.
  • Market Penetration: The compatibility with various 3D printers beyond Desktop Health's own models could accelerate market adoption and potentially lead to increased consumables sales, a key driver of recurring revenue in the 3D printing industry.
  • Customer Acquisition: Testimonials from dental professionals indicating increased case acceptance rates (up to 50% for full arch cases) suggest that Flexcera could be a strong selling point for Desktop Metal's 3D printers, potentially driving hardware sales.

However, investors should note that Desktop Metal is still working towards profitability and the impact of this product on the company's overall financial health may take time to materialize. The company's ability to scale production and maintain quality while meeting growing demand will be critical factors to monitor in upcoming financial reports.

The validation of Flexcera® Smile Ultra+ for All-on-X implant provisionals is a game-changer in the dental industry. Here's why this development is significant:

  • Clinical Efficiency: The ability to 3D print All-on-X provisionals in 20-30 minutes dramatically reduces chair time and lab turnaround, enabling same-day dentistry for complex cases.
  • Quality and Aesthetics: Flexcera's nanoceramic polymer technology offers strength and lifelike appearance, important for patient satisfaction during the healing phase.
  • Versatility: With six natural tooth shades and compatibility across multiple 3D printers, Flexcera provides flexibility for personalized patient care.
  • Economic Impact: The cost-effectiveness of Flexcera could make All-on-X treatments more accessible to a broader patient base, potentially expanding the market.
  • Workflow Integration: As intraoral scanners and CAD become more prevalent, Flexcera fits seamlessly into digital dentistry workflows, encouraging adoption by tech-savvy practitioners.

However, it's important to note that while provisionals are crucial, the long-term success of All-on-X treatments depends on the final restoration. Dental professionals will need to ensure that the transition from Flexcera provisionals to final prosthetics is smooth and meets patient expectations. Additionally, as 3D printing becomes more common in dentistry, Desktop Health will need to continually innovate to maintain its competitive edge in this rapidly evolving field.

  • Launched in 2021, Flexcera is a family of popular, FDA 510(k) cleared nanoceramic polymers used for 3D printing restorative and removable dental products
  • Flexcera Smile Ultra+ dental resin is an essential All-on-X product, enabling dental professionals to deliver strong and lifelike implant-supported denture prosthetics quickly for the aging edentulous population
  • The estimated number of edentulous Americans, defined as the complete loss of all teeth, is greater than 36 million
  • The global dental implant and prosthetics market is poised to reach $16B by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 7.5% from 2023 to 2029, driven by increasing number of elderly individuals who often require dental restorations and implants
  • Videos showing dental labs and dentists using Flexcera for All-on-X and other restorative cases can be seen at

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Desktop Health, the trusted production-grade medical 3D printing brand of Desktop Metal, Inc. (NYSE: DM), has validated Flexcera® Smile Ultra+ resin, which is used to 3D print strong and lifelike teeth restorations, for use in dental implantology cases.

Flexcera Smile Ultra+ dental resin is now validated for implant-supported denture provisionals, also known as “All-on-X” prosthetics. All-on-X image courtesy of Absolute Dental Services in Durham, NC. (Photo: Business Wire)

Flexcera Smile Ultra+ dental resin is now validated for implant-supported denture provisionals, also known as “All-on-X” prosthetics. All-on-X image courtesy of Absolute Dental Services in Durham, NC. (Photo: Business Wire)

Flexcera Smile Ultra+ dental resin is an FDA (510)k cleared, MDR certified, and CE marked resin for 3D printed restoratives, such as crowns and bridges, and removables, such as dentures. Now this popular and versatile material is indicated for implant-supported denture provisionals, which is commonly referred to as an “All-on-X” prosthetic. The “X” is a patient-specific variable for how many implants are supporting the denture.

All-on-X provisionals are increasingly a popular same-day dentistry solution for implant specialists and dental laboratories as use of intraoral scanners and computer aided design in dentistry has grown, enabling rapid design and manufacturing. Available in six natural tooth shades and in two bottle sizes, Flexcera Smile Ultra+ has become a go-to product for provisionals as it prints quickly and accurately – giving patients a beautiful, functional smile as they heal for their final restoration.

A full set of Flexcera upper teeth arches costs a fraction of other handmade or milled solutions on the market. A single kilogram bottle of Flexcera Smile Ultra+ delivers up to 50 affordable All-on-X arches. This allows dental professionals to print multiple copies and personalize the patient shades, delivering next-level patient care.

Flexcera Smile Ultra+ is validated for 3D printing on the following dental printers:

  • Desktop Health® Einstein, Einstein Pro XL, EnvisionOne, and D4K
  • Asiga® Max UV, Max 2, Ultra, and Pro 4K
  • Carbon® M series dental 3D printers

Print time for a full set of Flexcera Smile Ultra+ arches is about 20-30 minutes depending on case requirements and printer used.

Flexcera Smiles a Popular All-on-X Solution

Dental labs and dentists say Flexcera provisionals satisfy an important need for patients.

“We print All-on-X provisionals with Flexcera Smile Ultra+ all day to meet the demand of our digital doctors,” said Frankie Acosta, Owner and Dental Technician, at AA Dental Design, in Murrieta, Calif., which specializes in All-on-X cases and caters only to the digital dentist. “Flexcera printed on Einstein is fast, accurate, is easy to finish – and looks great.”

Dr. Rami Jandali, a board certified Prosthodontist at Amazing Smiles in Southfield, Mich., is able to offer patients with missing or damaged teeth, who struggle with eating and smiling, a same-day service that allows them to walk out of his office with a full set of fully functioning teeth. “We are in the business of changing people’s lives," Dr. Jandali said. “Being able to offer chairside printing while the patient is still in the chair is very achievable with Desktop Health 3D printing workflows. For our practice, it’s game changing.”

Dr. Bruce Smoler of Smoler Smiles in Westland, Mich., also uses Flexcera resin 3D printed on an Einstein desktop printer every day to deliver same-day smiles to patients who require new teeth. “The patient experience is better,” Dr. Smoler said. “The turnaround time is vastly superior and the ability to know right away how a case will look is just remarkable. All of these factors have boosted our case acceptance rate by at least 50% in full arch cases and 20% in single unit crowns.”

To learn more, visit

About Desktop Metal

Desktop Metal (NYSE:DM) is driving Additive Manufacturing 2.0, a new era of on-demand, digital mass production of industrial, medical, and consumer products. Our innovative 3D printers, materials, and software deliver the speed, cost, and part quality required for this transformation. We’re the original inventors and world leaders of the 3D printing methods we believe will empower this shift, binder jetting and digital light processing. Today, our systems print metal, polymer, sand and other ceramics, as well as foam and recycled wood. Manufacturers use our technology worldwide to save time and money, reduce waste, increase flexibility, and produce designs that solve the world’s toughest problems and enable once-impossible innovations. Learn more about Desktop Metal and our #TeamDM brands at

Forward-looking Statements

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including statements about Desktop Metal’s strategic integration and cost savings initiatives, expected restructuring charges, anticipated cost savings, long-term growth, market share, liquidity and profitability, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words “believe,” “project,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “intend,” “strategy,” “future,” “opportunity,” “plan,” “may,” “should,” “will,” “would,” “will be,” “will continue,” “will likely result,” and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause actual future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements in this document, including but not limited to, the risks and uncertainties set forth in Desktop Metal, Inc.'s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. There is no guarantee Desktop Metal will achieve the cost savings it expects. These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and Desktop Metal, Inc. assumes no obligation and does not intend to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

Investor Relations:

(857) 504-1084

Media Relations:

Sarah Webster


Source: Desktop Health


What is Flexcera Smile Ultra+ dental resin used for in dentistry?

Flexcera Smile Ultra+ dental resin is used for 3D printing strong and lifelike teeth restorations, including crowns, bridges, removable dentures, and now All-on-X implant-supported denture provisionals.

How many All-on-X arches can be produced from one bottle of Flexcera Smile Ultra+?

A single kilogram bottle of Flexcera Smile Ultra+ can produce up to 50 All-on-X arches, making it a cost-effective solution for dental professionals.

What is the expected growth of the global dental implant and prosthetics market by 2029?

The global dental implant and prosthetics market is projected to reach $16 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 7.5% from 2023 to 2029.

How has Flexcera Smile Ultra+ impacted case acceptance rates for dental practices?

Dental professionals using Flexcera Smile Ultra+ report increased case acceptance rates, with one practitioner noting a 50% boost in full arch cases and a 20% increase in single unit crowns.

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