Desktop Health® Announces Flexcera® Family Resins Validated for LuxCreo 3D Printers

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Desktop Health, part of Desktop Metal, Inc. (NYSE: DM), has announced that its Flexcera family resins are now qualified for use with LuxCreo 3D printers. Flexcera resins, which are FDA 510(k) cleared, MDR certified, and CE marked, are used for 3D printing various dental applications including implant supported dentures, veneers, crowns, bridges, and removable dentures.

The partnership expands LuxCreo's offerings beyond aligners, surgical guides, and night guards to include premium dental resins for restorative, cosmetic, implant, and denture applications. This collaboration is expected to benefit from the growing dental 3D printing market, projected to reach $8.1B by 2029 with a 19% CAGR from 2023 to 2029.

Desktop Health, parte di Desktop Metal, Inc. (NYSE: DM), ha annunciato che le sue resine della famiglia Flexcera sono ora qualificate per l'uso con le stampanti 3D LuxCreo. Le resine Flexcera, che sono approvate dalla FDA 510(k), certificate MDR e marchiate CE, vengono utilizzate per la stampa 3D in diverse applicazioni dentali tra cui dentiere supportate da impianti, faccette, corone, ponti e dentiere removibili.

Questa partnership amplia l'offerta di LuxCreo oltre agli allineatori, alle guide chirurgiche e ai bite notturni, includendo resine dentali premium per applicazioni restaurative, cosmetiche, di impianto e protesiche. Si prevede che questa collaborazione beneficerà del crescente mercato della stampa 3D dentale, che si prevede raggiungerà $8,1 miliardi entro il 2029 con un CAGR del 19% dal 2023 al 2029.

Desktop Health, que forma parte de Desktop Metal, Inc. (NYSE: DM), ha anunciado que sus resinas de la familia Flexcera están ahora calificadas para su uso con impresoras 3D LuxCreo. Las resinas Flexcera, que están autorizadas por la FDA 510(k), certificadas por MDR y marcadas CE, se utilizan para la impresión 3D en diversas aplicaciones dentales, incluyendo denture soportadas por implantes, carillas, coronas, puentes y dentaduras removibles.

La asociación amplía la oferta de LuxCreo más allá de alineadores, guías quirúrgicas y protectores nocturnos, para incluir resinas dentales premium para aplicaciones restaurativas, estéticas, de implantes y dentaduras. Se espera que esta colaboración se beneficie del creciente mercado de impresión 3D dental, que se proyecta alcanzará $8.1 mil millones para 2029 con un CAGR del 19% del 2023 al 2029.

데스크탑 헬스(Desktop Health)는 데스크탑 메탈(Desktop Metal, Inc.)의 일부로 (NYSE: DM), 럭스크레오 3D 프린터에서 사용할 수 있도록 플렉세라(Flexcera) 가족 수지가 인증되었다고 발표했습니다. 플렉세라 수지는 FDA 510(k) 승인, MDR 인증, CE 마크를 받은 제품으로, 임플란트를 지원하는 의치, 비니어, 크라운, 브릿지, removable denture 등 다양한 치과 응용 분야에 사용됩니다.

이번 파트너십은 럭스크레오의 제품 라인을 교정기, 수술 가이드 및 야간 보호대를 넘어서, 복원, 미용, 임플란트 및 의치 응용을 위한 프리미엄 치과 수지까지 확장합니다. 이 협업은 2023년부터 2029년까지 19%의 연평균 성장률(CAGR)로 2029년까지 81억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상되는 성장하는 치과 3D 프린팅 시장의 혜택을 받을 것으로 예상됩니다.

Desktop Health, qui fait partie de Desktop Metal, Inc. (NYSE: DM), a annoncé que ses résines de la famille Flexcera sont désormais qualifiées pour une utilisation avec les imprimantes 3D LuxCreo. Les résines Flexcera, qui sont certifiées FDA 510(k), certifiées MDR et marquées CE, sont utilisées pour l'impression 3D dans diverses applications dentaires, y compris prothèses soutenues par implants, facettes, couronnes, bridges et prothèses amovibles.

Ce partenariat élargit l'offre de LuxCreo au-delà des aligneurs, des guides chirurgicaux et des protège-dents de nuit pour inclure des résines dentaires premium pour des applications restauratives, esthétiques, d'implants et de prothèses. Cette collaboration devrait bénéficier de la croissance du marché de l'impression 3D dentaire, qui devrait atteindre 8,1 milliards de dollars d'ici 2029 avec un taux de croissance annuel composé (CAGR) de 19 % entre 2023 et 2029.

Desktop Health, Teil von Desktop Metal, Inc. (NYSE: DM), hat bekannt gegeben, dass seine Flexcera-Familienharze nun für die Verwendung mit LuxCreo 3D-Druckern qualifiziert sind. Die Flexcera-Harze, die von der FDA 510(k) zugelassen, MDR-zertifiziert und CE-gekennzeichnet sind, werden für den 3D-Druck in verschiedenen zahnmedizinischen Anwendungen verwendet, darunter implantatgestützte Prothesen, Veneers, Kronen, Brücken und herausnehmbare Prothesen.

Die Partnerschaft erweitert das Angebot von LuxCreo über Aligner, chirurgische Führungen und Nachtwachen hinaus und umfasst Premium-Zahnharze für restorative, kosmetische, Implantat- und Prothesenanwendungen. Es wird erwartet, dass diese Zusammenarbeit von dem wachsenden Markt für zahnmedizinisches 3D-Drucken profitieren wird, der bis 2029 voraussichtlich 8,1 Milliarden US-Dollar erreichen wird, mit einer jährlichen Wachstumsrate (CAGR) von 19% von 2023 bis 2029.

  • Expansion of Flexcera resin compatibility to LuxCreo 3D printers, increasing market reach
  • FDA 510(k) clearance, MDR certification, and CE marking for Flexcera resins, ensuring regulatory compliance
  • Potential growth opportunity in the dental 3D printing market, projected to reach $8.1B by 2029 with 19% CAGR
  • None.


The validation of Flexcera resins for LuxCreo 3D printers marks a significant expansion in the dental 3D printing market. This collaboration enhances LuxCreo's capabilities, moving beyond orthodontics into cosmetic, restorative and removable indications. The $8.1 billion market projection by 2029, with a 19% CAGR, underscores the growing demand for 3D-printed dental prosthetics.

The FDA 510(k) clearance, MDR certification and CE marking of Flexcera resins ensure regulatory compliance, potentially accelerating market adoption. This partnership could disrupt traditional dental prosthetic manufacturing, offering faster, more customized solutions at competitive prices. However, the long-term durability and patient acceptance of these 3D-printed prosthetics will be important factors to monitor for sustained market growth.

This collaboration between Desktop Health and LuxCreo represents a paradigm shift in dental practice efficiency. The ability to produce high-quality dental prosthetics in-house, as demonstrated by Dr. Dudley's All-on-X restorations, could revolutionize patient care by reducing treatment time and potentially lowering costs.

The expansion of Flexcera to LuxCreo systems broadens the accessibility of advanced dental materials, potentially democratizing high-end dental treatments. However, this may also challenge traditional dental labs, forcing them to adapt or risk obsolescence. The industry should watch for potential shifts in the dental supply chain and the emergence of new business models centered around in-office production of complex dental prosthetics.

While specific financial figures for Desktop Metal (NYSE: DM) aren't provided, this development could positively impact the company's revenue streams. The expansion of Flexcera to LuxCreo printers opens up a new customer base, potentially driving increased resin sales. With the dental 3D printing market projected to reach $8.1 billion by 2029, Desktop Metal is positioning itself to capture a significant share.

Investors should monitor Desktop Metal's future earnings reports for indications of revenue growth in the dental segment. The company's strategy of partnering with multiple 3D printer manufacturers (Carbon, Asiga, now LuxCreo) demonstrates a focus on market penetration rather than hardware exclusivity, which could lead to faster adoption and recurring revenue from resin sales. However, competition in this space is likely to intensify, potentially pressuring margins in the long term.

  • Flexcera is a family of popular, FDA 510(k) cleared nanoceramic polymers used for 3D printing dental cosmetic, restorative and removable indications that deliver functional, beautiful, and affordable dental prosthetics
  • LuxCreo dental 3D printing systems, highly popular for orthodontic applications, will help that brand expand into cosmetic, restorative and removable indications
  • LuxCreo joins a number of third party dental 3D printing hardware brands such as Carbon® and Asiga®, now qualified to 3D print premium Flexcera dental resins, with more platforms to come
  • The Dental 3D Printing Market is poised to reach $8.1B by 2029 with a CAGR of 19% from 2023 to 20291, driven by growth in cosmetic procedures, such as veneers, alongside functional applications such as implant supported and removable dentures

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Desktop Health, the trusted production-grade dental 3D printing brand of Desktop Metal, Inc. (NYSE: DM), is proud to announce that Flexcera family resins are now qualified for use with LuxCreo 3D printers.

Flexcera family resins from Desktop Health are now qualified for use with LuxCreo 3D printers, the latest 3D printer hardware brand to begin offering the popular nanoceramic polymer used for 3D printing cosmetic, restorative, and removable dental prosthetics. (Photo: Business Wire)

Flexcera family resins from Desktop Health are now qualified for use with LuxCreo 3D printers, the latest 3D printer hardware brand to begin offering the popular nanoceramic polymer used for 3D printing cosmetic, restorative, and removable dental prosthetics. (Photo: Business Wire)

Flexcera dental resins are FDA (510)k cleared, MDR certified, and CE marked for 3D printed restoratives, such as provisional implant supported dentures, veneers, crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays, cosmetic snap-on smiles, and removables such as full and partial dentures.

Flexcera for LuxCreo, offered on the iLux Pro Dental and 3D printers, is now available for purchase in the United States, United Kingdom, European Economic Area, and Canada. Not all versions of Flexcera may be available in all of these regions.

“We are excited to welcome LuxCreo into the Flexcera family – which will enable this popular brand of dental printers to now offer beautiful, high performance dental prosthetics,” said Lou Azzara, President of Desktop Health. “Everyday, patients around the world are being fitted with custom, affordable implants, dentures and other dental prosthetics that are improving their lives.”

While LuxCreo offers resins for aligners, surgical guides, and night guards, Flexcera now offers LuxCreo's users a premium range of dental resins for restorative, cosmetic, implant and denture applications that provide ideal aesthetic and mechanical properties. LuxCreo is the only 3D printer manufacturer to offer an end-to-end direct printed aligner solution for orthodontists via its iLux Pro Dental and™ dental 3D printers.

The LuxCreo printer is ideal for dental offices with a slightly smaller footprint and build area. Offered in partnership with Glidewell, the largest dental lab in the world, the system will now enable more patients to benefit from Flexcera family resins.

“With Flexcera Smile Ultra+ and Glidewell 3D printing solution in partnership with LuxCreo, our clinic can now offer All-on-X restorations entirely in-house, providing patients with durable, beautiful smiles in a single visit,” said Dr. Dane Dudley DDS of Lompoc Family Dental in Lompoc, Calif.

Dedication to Flexcera 3D Print Quality

Desktop Health is committed to validating Flexcera family resins only on 3D printers that can print the material with excellence and patient-safe compliance. To date, that has included premium high-powered DLP® printers that offer a 385 nm wavelength light engine and deliver on other precision and surface finish requirements.

Passing a suite of ISO testing, Flexcera-approved digital dental workflows deliver accuracy of prints, mechanical properties, and biocompatibility.

The first Flexcera family resins validated for LuxCreo systems are:

  • Flexcera Smile Ultra+ – used for permanent and temporary, 3D printable dental restorations
  • Flexcera Smile – used for removable 3D printable denture teeth
  • Flexcera Base Ultra+ – used for 3D printable full, removable denture bases and partials

All Flexcera for LuxCreo resins are FDA 510(k) cleared, MDR certified, and CE marked.

Learn more about Flexcera at

About Desktop Metal

Desktop Metal (NYSE:DM) is driving Additive Manufacturing 2.0, a new era of on-demand, digital mass production of industrial, medical, and consumer products. Our innovative 3D printers, materials, and software deliver the speed, cost, and part quality required for this transformation. We’re the original inventors and world leaders of the 3D printing methods we believe will empower this shift, binder jetting and digital light processing. Today, our systems print metal, polymer, sand and other ceramics, as well as foam and recycled wood. Manufacturers use our technology worldwide to save time and money, reduce waste, increase flexibility, and produce designs that solve the world’s toughest problems and enable once-impossible innovations. Learn more about Desktop Metal and our #TeamDM brands at

Forward-looking Statements

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including statements about Desktop Metal’s strategic integration and cost savings initiatives, expected restructuring charges, anticipated cost savings, long-term growth, market share, liquidity and profitability, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words “believe,” “project,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “intend,” “strategy,” “future,” “opportunity,” “plan,” “may,” “should,” “will,” “would,” “will be,” “will continue,” “will likely result,” and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause actual future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements in this document, including but not limited to, the risks and uncertainties set forth in Desktop Metal, Inc.'s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. There is no guarantee Desktop Metal will achieve the cost savings it expects. These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and Desktop Metal, Inc. assumes no obligation and does not intend to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

1Dental 3D Printing Market Report, MarketsandMarkets, © April 2024

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Media Relations:

Sarah Webster

(724) 516-2336

Source: Desktop Health


What are Flexcera family resins now compatible with?

Flexcera family resins are now qualified for use with LuxCreo 3D printers, expanding their compatibility beyond previously qualified brands like Carbon and Asiga.

What dental applications can Flexcera resins be used for?

Flexcera resins can be used for 3D printing various dental applications including implant supported dentures, veneers, crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, cosmetic snap-on smiles, and removable full and partial dentures.

What is the projected growth of the dental 3D printing market according to the PR?

The dental 3D printing market is projected to reach $8.1 billion by 2029, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19% from 2023 to 2029.

What regulatory approvals do Flexcera resins have?

Flexcera resins are FDA 510(k) cleared, MDR certified, and CE marked for 3D printed dental restoratives and removables.
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