Demonstrating DoorDash’s Impact in Growing and Empowering Canadian Communities

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DoorDash Canada's first Community Impact Report reveals significant benefits for merchants, Dashers, and consumers. Key findings include:

- One in 10 local merchants say they wouldn't be in business without DoorDash
- 72% of businesses agree DoorDash improves their overall revenue
- 73% of consumers tried new restaurants through DoorDash, with 90% ordering again
- 97% of Dashers value the flexibility to choose when, where, and how they work
- 93% of consumers agree DoorDash reduces the burden of cooking when short on time

The report highlights DoorDash's role in fostering business growth, building customer loyalty, creating flexible earning opportunities, and making life more convenient for Canadians.

Il primo Rapporto di Impatto sulla Comunità di DoorDash Canada rivela benefici significativi per commercianti, Dashers e consumatori. I risultati principali includono:

- Uno su dieci commercianti locali afferma che non sarebbe in attività senza DoorDash
- Il 72% delle aziende concorda sul fatto che DoorDash migliora il loro fatturato complessivo
- Il 73% dei consumatori ha provato nuovi ristoranti tramite DoorDash, con il 90% che ordina di nuovo
- Il 97% dei Dashers apprezza la flessibilità nella scelta di quando, dove e come lavorare
- Il 93% dei consumatori concorda sul fatto che DoorDash riduce il peso della cucina quando si ha poco tempo

Il rapporto evidenzia il ruolo di DoorDash nel favorire la crescita delle attività, costruire la fedeltà dei clienti, creare opportunità di guadagno flessibili e rendere la vita più comoda per i canadesi.

El primer Informe de Impacto Comunitario de DoorDash Canadá revela beneficios significativos para comerciantes, Dashers y consumidores. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

- Uno de cada diez comerciantes locales dice que no estaría en el negocio sin DoorDash
- El 72% de las empresas coinciden en que DoorDash mejora sus ingresos generales
- El 73% de los consumidores probaron nuevos restaurantes a través de DoorDash, y el 90% ordenó de nuevo
- El 97% de los Dashers valora la flexibilidad de elegir cuándo, dónde y cómo trabajar
- El 93% de los consumidores están de acuerdo en que DoorDash reduce la carga de cocinar cuando se tiene poco tiempo

El informe destaca el papel de DoorDash en el fomento del crecimiento empresarial, la construcción de lealtad del cliente, la creación de oportunidades de ingresos flexibles y la facilitación de la vida para los canadienses.

DoorDash 캐나다의 첫 번째 지역 사회 영향 보고서는 상점, Dashers 및 소비자에게 상당한 혜택을 보여줍니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

- 10명의 지역 상인 중 한 명은 DoorDash가 없었다면 사업을 지속할 수 없다고 말합니다
- 72%의 기업이 DoorDash가 전반적인 수익을 향상시킨다고 동의합니다
- 73%의 소비자는 DoorDash를 통해 새로운 식당을 시도했으며, 그 중 90%가 다시 주문했습니다
- 97%의 Dashers는 언제, 어디서, 어떻게 일할지를 선택할 수 있는 유연성을 소중히 여깁니다
- 93%의 소비자는 DoorDash가 시간이 부족할 때 요리 부담을 줄인다고 동의합니다

보고서는 DoorDash가 비즈니스 성장 촉진, 고객 충성도 구축, 유연한 수익 기회 창출, 및 캐나다인들에게 보다 편리한 생활을 제공하는 역할을 강조합니다.

Le premier Rapport d'Impact Communautaire de DoorDash Canada révèle des bénéfices significatifs pour les commerçants, les Dashers et les consommateurs. Les résultats clés incluent:

- Un commerçant local sur dix affirme qu'il ne serait pas en affaire sans DoorDash
- 72% des entreprises s'accordent à dire que DoorDash améliore leur chiffre d'affaires global
- 73% des consommateurs ont essayé de nouveaux restaurants via DoorDash, avec 90% qui commandent à nouveau
- 97% des Dashers apprécient la flexibilité de choisir quand, où et comment travailler
- 93% des consommateurs s'accordent à dire que DoorDash réduit le fardeau de la cuisine lorsqu'ils manquent de temps

Le rapport met en lumière le rôle de DoorDash dans la promotion de la croissance des entreprises, la fidélisation des clients, la création d'opportunités de revenus flexibles et la facilitation de la vie pour les Canadiens.

Der erste Community Impact Report von DoorDash Kanada zeigt bedeutende Vorteile für Händler, Dashers und Verbraucher auf. Wichtige Erkenntnisse sind:

- Einer von zehn lokalen Händlern gibt an, ohne DoorDash nicht im Geschäft zu sein
- 72% der Unternehmen stimmen zu, dass DoorDash ihren Gesamtumsatz verbessert
- 73% der Verbraucher haben über DoorDash neue Restaurants ausprobiert, wobei 90% erneut bestellt haben
- 97% der Dashers schätzen die Flexibilität, zu wählen, wann, wo und wie sie arbeiten
- 93% der Verbraucher stimmen zu, dass DoorDash die Kochlast verringert, wenn man wenig Zeit hat

Der Bericht hebt die Rolle von DoorDash bei der Förderung des Unternehmenswachstums, dem Aufbau von Kundenloyalität, der Schaffung flexibler Verdienstmöglichkeiten und der Erleichterung des Lebens für Kanadier hervor.

  • 11% of merchants say they wouldn't be in business today without DoorDash
  • 72% of businesses agree DoorDash improves their overall revenue
  • 73% of consumers tried new restaurants through DoorDash, with 90% ordering again
  • 93% of Dashers agree dashing provides more flexibility compared to other jobs
  • 68% of Dashers say dashing helps them meet their financial goals
  • DoorDash saved Canadian users an estimated 30 million hours in 2023
  • None.

First-ever Community Impact Report from DoorDash Canada shows one in 10 local merchants would not be in business without the platform

TORONTO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- According to DoorDash Canada’s first-ever Community Impact Report, all three audiences that are key to connecting communities have experienced positive impacts: merchants, Dashers who make the deliveries and consumers.

Based on data collected in 2023, the report indicates local and family-owned merchants that use DoorDash are likely to show better revenue growth and build loyalty with an expanded base of customers, with one in 10 companies saying they would not be in business anymore if not for DoorDash. Meanwhile Dashers overwhelmingly appreciate the flexible earning opportunities it provides and consumers note they get convenient access to the best of their neighbourhoods.

“This report illustrates the tremendous impact that DoorDash has on the diverse communities where we operate across Canada,” says Shilpa Arora, General Manager of DoorDash Canada. “DoorDash is a platform that supports a wide range of merchants in growing and expanding their businesses, gives Dashers from all walks of life flexible earning opportunities, and is making the lives of Canadians more convenient.”

Overwhelmingly, results indicate that when DoorDash is in local communities, businesses grow, consumers access what they need more easily and workers have the flexibility they need to pursue their financial goals.

  • Fostering Business Growth — Nearly three-quarters of businesses surveyed on DoorDash agree that the service helps their business improve their overall revenue, and one in 10 say if not for DoorDash, they would not be in business today. A third of Canadian businesses on DoorDash say it is crucial to their business’ success.
  • Building Customer Loyalty — Nearly three-quarters of DoorDash’s consumers (73%) used the app to order from restaurants they would not have otherwise tried, and of these consumers nine-in-10 ordered from them again and 45% subsequently visited the restaurant in person.
  • Creating Earning Opportunities — DoorDash creates flexible earning opportunities, and nearly all Canadian Dashers (97%) want to protect their ability to choose when, where and how they work — and more than half say they would stop dashing if they lost this flexibility.
  • Making Life Easier — More than nine-in-10 (93%) consumers agree DoorDash reduces the burden of cooking when they don’t have time.

Data presented in the report was compiled through independent surveys of Dashers, merchants and consumers, internal metrics and data on the impacts of DoorDash on these audiences and underserved communities, and case studies of independent merchants that explore the benefits of partnering with DoorDash through a qualitative lens.

Setting up Local Businesses for Success

DoorDash partners with tens of thousands of businesses across Canada, connecting them to millions of customers with efficiency and ease. Many of them are small and family-owned businesses, with nearly 80% of businesses surveyed having only a single location, and almost half (47%) have fewer than 10 employees.

  • One-in-three merchants say DoorDash is critical to the success of their business. If not for DoorDash, 11% of merchants say they wouldn’t be in business today.
  • 72% say DoorDash minimizes the time, cost and logistical burden of providing in-house delivery.
  • 64% say third-party delivery frees their time to concentrate on building their business.
  • 64% say DoorDash helps them gain insight into customer preferences and trends.

Flexible Earning Opportunities

DoorDash is helping Canadians achieve their financial goals, and empowers them to do it on their own terms. Dashers surveyed like to be able to work when they choose, and for how long they want without a boss telling them when and where to show up for work. That kind of flexibility allows them to have other work and responsibilities — the average Dasher spends less than four hours per week on delivery, and 90% deliver fewer than 10 hours per week.

  • 86% of Dashers have another full- or part-time job, are self-employed, students, stay-at-home caregivers or retired.
  • 93% of Dashers agree dashing provides more flexibility compared to other jobs they have had.
  • 68% say dashing helps them meet their financial goals.

Making Life More Convenient

Life is busy, and DoorDash makes it easier for people to spend time doing things they enjoy instead of sweating over a meal or running errands. It is estimated that DoorDash saved Canadian users 30 million hours in 2023. But DoorDash is also there in times of need. Nearly half (47%) used DoorDash to purchase essential items when they were unable to shop in person, and almost 1 in 5 (18%) use DoorDash because they were too sick to leave the house or are living with mobility issues.

  • 93% agree DoorDash reduces the burden of cooking when they don’t have time.
  • 83% say DoorDash gives them more control over their time.
  • 73% use DoorDash to order from stores/restaurants that are too far away.

DoorDash connects millions of people with local businesses, businesses with customers and Dashers across the country with flexible earning opportunities. For more information on the 2023 Canada Community Impact Report, please find the full report here.

For more information, please visit or join the conversation on Instagram @doordash_ca.

About DoorDash

DoorDash (NASDAQ: DASH) is a technology company that connects consumers with their favourite local businesses in more than 30 countries across the globe. Founded in 2013, DoorDash builds products and services to help businesses innovate, grow, and reach more customers. DoorDash is your door to more: The local commerce platform dedicated to enabling merchants to thrive in the convenience economy, giving consumers access to more of their communities, and providing work that empowers.

For more information, please contact

Source: DoorDash


What percentage of businesses say DoorDash (DASH) is important to their success?

According to the report, one-third (33%) of Canadian businesses on DoorDash say it is important to their business' success.

How many hours per week does the average Dasher spend on DoorDash (DASH) deliveries?

The report states that the average Dasher spends less than four hours per week on delivery, with 90% delivering fewer than 10 hours per week.

What percentage of DoorDash (DASH) consumers use the app to order from restaurants they wouldn't have otherwise tried?

The report indicates that 73% of DoorDash's consumers used the app to order from restaurants they would not have otherwise tried.

How many Canadian businesses surveyed on DoorDash (DASH) have only a single location?

According to the report, nearly 80% of businesses surveyed on DoorDash have only a single location.

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