EU Backs Pioneering CO2 Capture Project at Cemex’s Rüdersdorf Cement Plant

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Cemex and Linde have been selected to receive €157 million in funding from the EU Innovation Fund for a pioneering CO2 capture project at Cemex's Rüdersdorf Cement Plant in Germany. The project aims to capture 1.3 million metric tons of CO2 per year, ultimately decarbonizing the site by 2030.

Linde's HISORP® CO2 capture technology will be deployed in a cryogenic-adsorptive process that captures CO2 from the exhaust gas. The liquid CO2 will be transported by rail to an intermediate CO2 Hub and shipped to an offshore storage site in the North Sea. The project's environmental credentials will be enhanced by regional green electricity generation and water recycling.

This initiative is part of Cemex's Future in Action sustainability program, which aims to make the company a net-zero CO2 company by 2050.

Cemex e Linde sono stati selezionati per ricevere 157 milioni di euro di finanziamenti dal Fondo per l'Innovazione dell'UE per un pionieristico progetto di cattura della CO2 presso l'impianto di cemento Rüdersdorf di Cemex in Germania. Il progetto mira a catturare 1,3 milioni di tonnellate metriche di CO2 all'anno, contribuendo alla decarbonizzazione del sito entro il 2030.

La tecnologia di cattura della CO2 HISORP® di Linde sarà impiegata in un processo criogenico-adsorptivo che cattura la CO2 dai gas di scarico. La CO2 liquida sarà trasportata su rotaia verso un hub intermedio di CO2 e successivamente spedita verso un sito di stoccaggio offshore nel Mare del Nord. Le credenziali ambientali del progetto saranno migliorate dalla generazione di elettricità verde regionale e dal riciclo dell'acqua.

Questa iniziativa fa parte del programma di sostenibilità Future in Action di Cemex, che mira a rendere l'azienda una società a emissioni nette di CO2 pari a zero entro il 2050.

Cemex y Linde han sido seleccionados para recibir 157 millones de euros en financiación del Fondo de Innovación de la UE para un innovador proyecto de captura de CO2 en la planta de cemento Rüdersdorf de Cemex en Alemania. El proyecto tiene como objetivo capturar 1,3 millones de toneladas métricas de CO2 al año, contribuyendo a la descarbonización del sitio para 2030.

La tecnología de captura de CO2 HISORP® de Linde se implementará en un proceso criogénico-adsorptivo que captura CO2 de los gases de escape. El CO2 líquido se transportará por ferrocarril a un hub intermedio de CO2 y se enviará a un sitio de almacenamiento en alta mar en el Mar del Norte. Las credenciales ambientales del proyecto se verán mejoradas por la generación de electricidad verde regional y el reciclaje de agua.

Esta iniciativa forma parte del programa de sostenibilidad Future in Action de Cemex, que tiene como objetivo convertir a la empresa en una compañía con emisiones netas de CO2 iguales a cero para el 2050.

Cemex와 Linde는 독일 Rüdersdorf의 Cemex 시멘트 공장에서 혁신적인 CO2 포집 프로젝트를 위해 EU 혁신 기금으로부터 1억 5700만 유로의 자금을 받기로 선정되었습니다. 이 프로젝트는 연간 130만 톤의 CO2를 포집하여 2030년까지 해당 장소의 탈탄소화를 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Linde의 HISORP® CO2 포집 기술은 배기가스에서 CO2를 포집하는 저온 흡착 공정에 적용될 것입니다. 액체 CO2는 철도로 중간 CO2 허브로 운송되며, 북해의 해상 저장 사이트로 배송됩니다. 이 프로젝트의 환경적 신뢰도는 지역 친환경 전력 생성과 물 재활용을 통해 강화될 것입니다.

이 이니셔티브는 Cemex의 Future in Action 지속 가능성 프로그램의 일환이며, 2050년까지 넷 제로 CO2 기업이 되는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Cemex et Linde ont été sélectionnés pour recevoir 157 millions d'euros de financement du Fonds d'Innovation de l'UE pour un projet de capture de CO2 novateur à l'usine de ciment Rüdersdorf de Cemex en Allemagne. Le projet vise à capturer 1,3 million de tonnes métriques de CO2 par an, décarbonisant ainsi le site d'ici 2030.

La technologie de capture de CO2 HISORP® de Linde sera déployée dans un processus cryogénique-adsorptif qui capte le CO2 des gaz d'échappement. Le CO2 liquide sera transporté par rail vers un hub intermédiaire de CO2 et expédié vers un site de stockage en mer du Nord. Les références environnementales du projet seront renforcées par la production d'électricité verte régionale et le recyclage de l'eau.

Cette initiative fait partie du programme de durabilité Future in Action de Cemex, qui vise à faire de l'entreprise une entreprise à zéro émission nette de CO2 d'ici 2050.

Cemex und Linde wurden ausgewählt, um 157 Millionen Euro aus dem Innovationsfonds der EU für ein wegweisendes CO2-Abscheidungsprojekt im Zementwerk Rüdersdorf von Cemex in Deutschland zu erhalten. Ziel des Projekts ist es, jährlich 1,3 Millionen Tonnen CO2 abzuschneiden, um den Standort bis 2030 zu dekarbonisieren.

Die CO2-Abscheidungstechnologie HISORP® von Linde wird in einem kryogenen-adsorptiven Prozess eingesetzt, der CO2 aus den Abgasen abtrennt. Das flüssige CO2 wird per Bahn zu einem Zwischenhub für CO2 transportiert und dann zu einer Offshore-Speicherstelle in der Nordsee verschifft. Die Umweltbilanz des Projekts wird durch die regionale Erzeugung von grünem Strom und Wasserrecycling verbessert.

Diese Initiative ist Teil des Nachhaltigkeitsprogramms Future in Action von Cemex, das darauf abzielt, das Unternehmen bis 2050 zu einer netto null CO2-Emissionen Firma zu machen.

  • Received €157 million in funding from EU Innovation Fund
  • Aims to capture 1.3 million metric tons of CO2 per year
  • Plans to decarbonize the Rüdersdorf site by 2030
  • Implements innovative HISORP® CO2 capture technology
  • Enhances environmental credentials with green electricity and water recycling
  • None.


This pioneering CO2 capture project at Cemex's Rüdersdorf plant represents a significant leap in cement industry decarbonization efforts. The €157 million EU funding underscores the project's importance and potential impact. With a target to capture 1.3 million metric tons of CO2 annually, it's poised to make a substantial dent in the plant's emissions.

The innovative HISORP® technology by Linde is a game-changer, offering a more efficient CO2 capture process directly from emission sources. The project's comprehensive approach, including green electricity generation and water recycling, demonstrates a holistic view of sustainability. However, investors should note that while promising, large-scale CCUS projects can face technical and logistical challenges during implementation.

This initiative aligns with growing regulatory pressures and market demands for lower-carbon cement production. For Cemex, it could potentially lead to competitive advantages and new revenue streams from carbon credits or low-carbon product premiums. The success of this project could set a precedent for the cement industry, potentially influencing future regulations and market standards.

The €157 million EU funding significantly de-risks Cemex's investment in this CCUS project, potentially improving the company's financial outlook. This project aligns with the growing trend of sustainable investing, which could attract ESG-focused investors and potentially lower Cemex's cost of capital in the long term.

While the initial capital expenditure for such projects is substantial, the long-term benefits could be significant. Decarbonization efforts may lead to reduced carbon tax liabilities and potential new revenue streams from low-carbon products. However, investors should consider the project's impact on Cemex's balance sheet and cash flows in the short to medium term.

The success of this project could position Cemex as an industry leader in sustainable cement production, potentially leading to increased market share and improved pricing power. However, the financial returns of CCUS projects are still uncertain and heavily dependent on future carbon pricing and regulatory environments. Investors should closely monitor the project's progress and its impact on Cemex's financial performance and valuation multiples.

MONTERREY, Mexico--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- A consortium comprised of Cemex and Linde, a leading global industrial gases and engineering company, has been selected to receive €157 million in funding from the EU Innovation Fund for a pioneering CO2 capture project at Cemex’s Rüdersdorf Cement Plant in Germany.

The project, Cemex’s largest planned Carbon Capture Use and Storage (CCUS) project to date, aims to capture 1.3 million metric tons of CO2 per year from Rüdersdorf’s cement production, ultimately decarbonizing the site by 2030.

“Our Future in Action climate action strategy is working hard to drive several revolutionary CCUS projects across our global operations,” said Sergio Menéndez, President of Cemex Europe, Middle East, Africa & Asia. “While we are working hard to decarbonize using existing technology (“reduce before capture”), an important component of our Future in Action strategy is to develop breakthrough decarbonization solutions for our industry to reach Net Zero. This project is one of those tools. The Rüdersdorf project is Cemex’s largest CCUS project to date, with all the hallmarks and credentials to make a significant contribution to the decarbonisation of the cement industry.”

At Rüdersdorf, Linde’s pioneering HISORP®, CO2 capture technology will be deployed for the first time in a unique state-of-the-art cryogenic-adsorptive process that captures CO2 from the exhaust gas directly at the emission source. The raw CO2 is then compressed and liquefied so that it meets the purity requirements for subsequent sequestration. Finally, the liquid CO2 product will be transported by rail to an intermediate CO2 Hub and shipped to an offshore storage site in the North Sea for permanent storage.

The environmental credentials of this full chain CCUS project at Rüdersdorf will be further enhanced and supported by the regional generation of green electricity and the recycling of water obtained from the condensation of exhaust gases.

CCUS is part of the roadmap for Future in Action, Cemex's sustainability and decarbonization program, with the primary objective of becoming a net-zero CO2 company by 2050. Through Future in Action, Cemex has achieved record-breaking progress in reducing its carbon footprint since its launch in 2020.

About Cemex

Cemex is a global construction materials company that is building a better future through sustainable products and solutions. Cemex is committed to achieving carbon neutrality through relentless innovation and industry-leading research and development. Cemex is at the forefront of the circular economy in the construction value chain and is pioneering ways to increase the use of waste and residues as alternative raw materials and fuels in its operations with the help of new technologies. Cemex offers cement, ready-mix concrete, aggregates, and urbanization solutions in growing markets around the world, powered by a multinational workforce focused on providing a superior customer experience enabled by digital technologies. For more information, please visit:

The grant referred to in this press release is subject to the successful completion of the grant preparation process and signing of an EU grant agreement. Except as the context otherwise may require, references in this press release to “Cemex,” ”we,” ”us,” ”our,” refer to Cemex, S.A.B. de C.V. (NYSE: CX) and its consolidated subsidiaries. This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. federal securities laws. Cemex intends these forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe harbor provisions for forward-looking statements in the U.S. federal securities laws. These forward-looking statements reflect Cemex’s current expectations and projections about future events based on Cemex’s knowledge of present facts and circumstances and assumptions about future events, as well as Cemex’s current plans based on such facts and circumstances, unless otherwise indicated. These statements necessarily involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from Cemex’s expectations, including, among others, risks, uncertainties, and assumptions discussed in Cemex’s most recent annual report and detailed from time to time in Cemex’s other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Mexican Stock Exchange (Bolsa Mexicana de Valores), which factors are incorporated herein by reference, which, if materialized, could ultimately lead to Cemex’s expectations, expected results, and/or the project referred in this press release not producing the expected benefits and/or results, including Cemex not reaching a successful agreement to receive the grant. Forward-looking statements should not be considered guarantees of future performance, nor the results or developments are indicative of results or developments in subsequent periods. These factors may be revised or supplemented, and the information contained in this press release is subject to change without notice, but Cemex is not under, and expressly disclaims, any obligation to update or correct this press release or revise any forward-looking statement contained herein, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, or to reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events or circumstances. Any or all of Cemex’s forward-looking statements may turn out to be inaccurate. Accordingly, undue reliance on forward-looking statements should not be placed, as such forward-looking statements speak only as of the dates on which they are made. The content of this press release is for informational purposes only, and you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. There is currently no single globally recognized or accepted, consistent, and comparable set of definitions or standards (legal, regulatory, or otherwise) of, nor widespread cross-market consensus i) as to what constitutes, a ‘green’, ‘social,’ or ‘sustainable’ or having equivalent-labelled activity, product, or asset; or ii) as to what precise attributes are required for a particular activity, product, or asset to be defined as ‘green’, ‘social,’ or ‘sustainable’ or such other equivalent label; or iii) as to climate and sustainable funding and financing activities and their classification and reporting. Therefore, there is little certainty, and no assurance or representation is given that such activities and/or reporting of those activities will meet any present or future expectations or requirements for describing or classifying funding and financing activities as ‘green’, ‘social’, or ‘sustainable’ or attributing similar labels. We expect policies, regulatory requirements, standards, and definitions to be developed and continuously evolve over time.

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Source: Cemex


What is the funding amount Cemex received for its CO2 capture project at Rüdersdorf (CX)?

Cemex and Linde received €157 million in funding from the EU Innovation Fund for the CO2 capture project at Cemex's Rüdersdorf Cement Plant in Germany.

How much CO2 does Cemex plan to capture annually at its Rüdersdorf plant (CX)?

Cemex aims to capture 1.3 million metric tons of CO2 per year from the Rüdersdorf Cement Plant's production.

What is the timeline for Cemex to decarbonize its Rüdersdorf site (CX)?

Cemex plans to ultimately decarbonize the Rüdersdorf site by 2030.

What technology will be used in Cemex's CO2 capture project at Rüdersdorf (CX)?

Linde's HISORP® CO2 capture technology will be deployed in a cryogenic-adsorptive process to capture CO2 from the exhaust gas at the Rüdersdorf plant.

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