Cemex celebrates 25 years of biodiversity conservation and restoration at El Carmen Nature Reserve

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Cemex marks the 25th anniversary of its El Carmen Nature Reserve, a 130,000-hectare wilderness spanning between Mexico and the United States. The reserve, comparable in size to Los Angeles, stands as one of North America's most biodiverse areas.

The reserve hosts an impressive biodiversity including:

  • 1,500 plant species
  • 289 bird species
  • 81 reptile and amphibian species
  • 80 mammal species

A notable achievement is the successful rewilding project that reintroduced 117 American bison, marking their first breeding cycle in 2023 after a century's absence. The reserve has also reestablished desert bighorn sheep, pronghorn antelope, and desert mule deer populations, while housing one of Mexico's largest black bear communities.

El Carmen has received the Wildlife Habitat Council's Gold Conservation Certification, the highest recognition from the Council. The initiative enhances ecosystem CO2 removal capacity through increased biomass stocks, supporting Cemex's commitment to a nature-positive, carbon-neutral future.

Cemex celebra il 25° anniversario della sua Riserva Naturale El Carmen, una wilderness di 130.000 ettari che si estende tra il Messico e gli Stati Uniti. La riserva, paragonabile per dimensioni a Los Angeles, è una delle aree più biodiversificate del Nord America.

La riserva ospita una biodiversità impressionante che include:

  • 1.500 specie di piante
  • 289 specie di uccelli
  • 81 specie di rettili e anfibi
  • 80 specie di mammiferi

Un risultato notevole è il riuscito progetto di rinaturalizzazione che ha reintrodotto 117 bisonti americani, segnando il loro primo ciclo di riproduzione nel 2023 dopo un secolo di assenza. La riserva ha anche ristabilito le popolazioni di pecore bighorn del deserto, antilopi pronghorn e cervi mulo del deserto, ospitando una delle più grandi comunità di orsi neri del Messico.

El Carmen ha ricevuto il Gold Conservation Certification dal Wildlife Habitat Council, il massimo riconoscimento del Consiglio. L'iniziativa aumenta la capacità di rimozione del CO2 degli ecosistemi attraverso l'aumento delle riserve di biomassa, sostenendo l'impegno di Cemex per un futuro positivo per la natura e carbon-neutral.

Cemex celebra el 25º aniversario de su Reserva Natural El Carmen, un área silvestre de 130,000 hectáreas que se extiende entre México y Estados Unidos. La reserva, comparable en tamaño a Los Ángeles, es una de las áreas más biodiversas de América del Norte.

La reserva alberga una impresionante biodiversidad que incluye:

  • 1,500 especies de plantas
  • 289 especies de aves
  • 81 especies de reptiles y anfibios
  • 80 especies de mamíferos

Un logro notable es el exitoso proyecto de rewilding que reintrodujo 117 bisontes americanos, marcando su primer ciclo de cría en 2023 después de un siglo de ausencia. La reserva también ha restablecido poblaciones de ovejas bighorn del desierto, antílopes pronghorn y ciervos mula del desierto, albergando una de las comunidades de osos negros más grandes de México.

El Carmen ha recibido la Gold Conservation Certification del Wildlife Habitat Council, el más alto reconocimiento del Consejo. La iniciativa mejora la capacidad de eliminación de CO2 del ecosistema mediante el aumento de las reservas de biomasa, apoyando el compromiso de Cemex con un futuro positivo para la naturaleza y carbono neutral.

Cemex는 멕시코와 미국 사이에 걸쳐 있는 130,000헥타르의 야생지인 엘 카르멘 자연 보호구역의 25주년을 기념합니다. 이 보호구역은 로스앤젤레스와 비슷한 크기로, 북미에서 가장 생물다양성이 풍부한 지역 중 하나입니다.

이 보호구역은 다음과 같은 인상적인 생물다양성을 자랑합니다:

  • 1,500종의 식물
  • 289종의 조류
  • 81종의 파충류와 양서류
  • 80종의 포유류

눈에 띄는 성과는 117마리의 미국 들소를 재도입한 성공적인 재자연화 프로젝트로, 100년 간의 부재 끝에 2023년에 첫 번식 주기를 맞이했습니다. 이 보호구역은 또한 사막 큰뿔양, 프롱혼 영양, 사막 멀록 사슴의 개체수를 재확립했으며, 멕시코에서 가장 큰 검은곰 공동체 중 하나를 수용하고 있습니다.

엘 카르멘은 Wildlife Habitat Council로부터 Gold Conservation Certification을 받았으며, 이는 이 위원회의 최고 인정입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 생태계의 CO2 제거 능력을 증가된 생물량 저장량을 통해 향상시키며, Cemex의 자연 친화적이고 탄소 중립적인 미래에 대한 약속을 지원합니다.

Cemex célèbre le 25ème anniversaire de sa Réserve Naturelle El Carmen, une wilderness de 130 000 hectares s'étendant entre le Mexique et les États-Unis. La réserve, comparable en taille à Los Angeles, est l'une des zones les plus biodiversifiées d'Amérique du Nord.

La réserve abrite une biodiversité impressionnante comprenant:

  • 1 500 espèces de plantes
  • 289 espèces d'oiseaux
  • 81 espèces de reptiles et d'amphibiens
  • 80 espèces de mammifères

Un succès notable est le projet de réensauvagement qui a réintroduit 117 bisons américains, marquant leur premier cycle de reproduction en 2023 après un siècle d'absence. La réserve a également rétabli les populations de mouflons du désert, d'antilope pronghorn et de cerfs mulets du désert, tout en abritant l'une des plus grandes communautés d'ours noirs du Mexique.

El Carmen a reçu la Gold Conservation Certification du Wildlife Habitat Council, la plus haute reconnaissance du Conseil. L'initiative améliore la capacité d'élimination du CO2 de l'écosystème grâce à l'augmentation des stocks de biomasse, soutenant l'engagement de Cemex envers un avenir positif pour la nature et neutre en carbone.

Cemex feiert den 25. Jahrestag seines El Carmen Naturreservats, einer Wildnis von 130.000 Hektar, die sich zwischen Mexiko und den Vereinigten Staaten erstreckt. Das Reservat, das in der Größe mit Los Angeles vergleichbar ist, gehört zu den biodiversesten Gebieten Nordamerikas.

Das Reservat beherbergt eine beeindruckende Biodiversität, darunter:

  • 1.500 Pflanzenarten
  • 289 Vogelarten
  • 81 Reptilien- und Amphibienarten
  • 80 Säugetierarten

Ein bemerkenswerter Erfolg ist das erfolgreiche Wiederwildnisprojekt, das 117 amerikanische Bisons wieder einführte und 2023 ihren ersten Fortpflanzungszyklus nach einem Jahrhundert Abwesenheit markierte. Das Reservat hat auch die Populationen von Wüsten-Bighorn-Schafen, Pronghorn-Antilopen und Wüsten-Maultierhirschen wiederhergestellt und beherbergt eine der größten Gemeinschaften von Schwarzbären in Mexiko.

El Carmen hat das Gold Conservation Certification des Wildlife Habitat Council erhalten, die höchste Auszeichnung des Rates. Die Initiative erhöht die CO2-Entfernungskapazität des Ökosystems durch erhöhte Biomassevorräte und unterstützt Cemex' Engagement für eine naturpositive und kohlenstoffneutrale Zukunft.

  • None.
  • None.

MONTERREY, Mexico--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Cemex celebrates the 25th anniversary of its El Carmen Nature Reserve on World Wildlife Day, reaffirming its commitment to scientific research, habitat and species conservation and restoration.

Cemex recently launched a rewilding project at El Carmen that successfully reintroduced the American bison, with 117 now residing in the reserve. Photo credit: Melissa Groo

Cemex recently launched a rewilding project at El Carmen that successfully reintroduced the American bison, with 117 now residing in the reserve. Photo credit: Melissa Groo

Spanning 130,000 hectares—an area similar in size to Los Angeles—this nature reserve between Mexico and the United States is one of North America's most biodiverse areas and one of the world's greatest wilderness regions.

"Through our conservation efforts, we are restoring habitats and protecting wildlife and flora in a region vital for biodiversity," said Fernando A. González, CEO of Cemex. "25 years of collaboration with environmental organizations at El Carmen strengthens Cemex’s nature-positive strategy and commitment to a more sustainable future.”

El Carmen encompasses five distinct ecosystems and is home to over 1,500 plant species, 289 bird species, 81 reptile and amphibian species, and 80 mammal species. The reserve has received multiple recognitions, including the Wildlife Habitat Council’s prestigious Gold Conservation Certification, the highest certification awarded by the Council.

Cemex recently launched a rewilding project at El Carmen that successfully reintroduced the American bison, with 117 now residing in the reserve. After a century of absence, the species completed its first breeding cycle, with the first native bison calves born in 2023. Over the last 25 years, El Carmen has also successfully reintroduced other species, including desert bighorn sheep, pronghorn antelope, and desert mule deer, and is home to one of Mexico's largest black bear populations. This rewilding initiative has boosted biodiversity and enhanced the ecosystem's CO2 removal capacity by increasing biomass stocks.

To mark its anniversary, Cemex unveiled a new logo for El Carmen and a revamped dedicated website that captures the nature reserve's vibrant wildlife and biodiversity.

Driven by conservation, restoration, and enhancement efforts, Cemex is committed to making a positive impact and contributing to a nature-positive, carbon-neutral future. The company is focused on conserving biodiversity and ecosystems within and beyond its operations, aiming to mitigate climate change and promote healthy natural habitats.

Uncover the unique biodiversity of Cemex's El Carmen Reserve. Learn more at:

About Cemex

Cemex is a global construction materials company that is building a better future through products and solutions with sustainable attributes. Cemex is committed to achieving carbon neutrality through relentless innovation and industry-leading research and development. Cemex is at the forefront of the circular economy in the construction value chain and is pioneering ways to increase the use of waste and residues as alternative raw materials and fuels in its operations with the help of new technologies. Cemex offers cement, ready-mix concrete, aggregates, and urbanization solutions in growing markets around the world, powered by a multinational workforce focused on providing a superior customer experience enabled by digital technologies. For more information, please visit:

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Source: Cemex, S.A.B. de C.V.


What significant milestone did El Carmen Nature Reserve achieve in 2023?

In 2023, El Carmen Nature Reserve celebrated the first successful breeding cycle of reintroduced American bison, with the first native bison calves born after a century of absence.

How large is Cemex's El Carmen Nature Reserve and what is its significance?

El Carmen spans 130,000 hectares (comparable to Los Angeles) and is one of North America's most biodiverse areas, featuring five distinct ecosystems.

What species have been successfully reintroduced at El Carmen Nature Reserve?

The reserve has successfully reintroduced American bison (117 individuals), desert bighorn sheep, pronghorn antelope, and desert mule deer.

How many species does El Carmen Nature Reserve protect?

El Carmen protects 1,500 plant species, 289 bird species, 81 reptile and amphibian species, and 80 mammal species.

What environmental certification has El Carmen Nature Reserve received?

El Carmen has received the Wildlife Habitat Council's Gold Conservation Certification, the highest certification awarded by the Council.
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