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Covia contributes to the Wildlife Habitat Council's white paper on 'Enhancing Habitats for Reptiles and Amphibians', showcasing their commitment to protecting native turtle species and other conservation projects worldwide.
Covia contribuisce al white paper del Consiglio per l'Habitat della Fauna Selvatica su 'Migliorare gli habitat per rettili e anfibi', dimostrando il loro impegno nella protezione delle specie native di tartarughe e altri progetti di conservazione a livello mondiale.
Covia contribuye al libro blanco del Consejo para el Hábitat de la Vida Silvestre sobre 'Mejorar los hábitats para reptiles y anfibios', mostrando su compromiso con la protección de las especies nativas de tortugas y otros proyectos de conservación a nivel mundial.
Covia는 '파충류 및 양서류 서식지 개선'에 관한 야생동물 서식지 위원회의 백서에 기여하며 세계적인 보전 프로젝트와 함께 토착 거북 종 보호에 대한 그들의 헌신을 보여줍니다.
Covia contribue au livre blanc du Conseil pour l'Habitat de la Faune Sauvage sur 'Améliorer les habitats pour les reptiles et amphibiens', démontrant ainsi leur engagement à protéger les espèces de tortues natives et d'autres projets de conservation à l'échelle mondiale.
Covia trägt zum Weißbuch des Wildlife Habitat Councils über 'Verbesserung der Lebensräume für Reptilien und Amphibien' bei, und zeigt damit ihr Engagement für den Schutz heimischer Schildkrötenarten und andere Naturschutzprojekte weltweit.
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / April 18, 2024 / Covia
Covia is proud to have contributed to the Wildlife Habitat Council's (WHC) white paper entitled "Enhancing Habitats for Reptiles and Amphibians." This comprehensive document showcases Covia's Nepheline Syenite Operations in Havelock, Ontario, and its commitment to protecting native turtle species, including snapping turtles, Blanding's turtles, spotted turtles and painted turtles. It also highlights various other reptile and amphibian conservation projects at other company sites around the world.
What is the white paper about that Covia contributed to?
Covia contributed to the Wildlife Habitat Council's white paper on 'Enhancing Habitats for Reptiles and Amphibians'.
Which turtle species are highlighted in the white paper?
The white paper highlights native turtle species, including snapping turtles, Blanding's turtles, spotted turtles, and painted turtles.
Where are Covia's Nepheline Syenite Operations located?
Covia's Nepheline Syenite Operations are located in Havelock, Ontario.
What can be found in the white paper?
The white paper showcases Covia's commitment to protecting native turtle species and other reptile and amphibian conservation projects at company sites worldwide.