Covia Joins WHC’s Innovative Birdhouse Challenge To Build a Better Future for Wildlife
Covia's Roff Plant has joined the Wildlife Habitat Council's (WHC) Artificial Nesting Structure Challenge by building a custom birdhouse for purple martins. The initiative aims to address the decline of cavity nesting birds due to habitat loss. The custom-built structure features specific dimensions suitable for purple martins, including 2 1/4-inch diameter entrance holes and 6x6x6-inch nesting cavities. The birdhouse, strategically placed near the plant's office entrance, includes custom shingles, stonework from plant materials, and a bird bath. The project demonstrates Covia's commitment to biodiversity, which includes preserving forests, reclaiming land with native species, and protecting endangered species habitats.
Il sito di Roff di Covia ha partecipato alla Sfida delle Strutture per Nidi Artificiali del Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) costruendo una casetta personalizzata per i martin pescatori. L'iniziativa mira a rispondere al declino degli uccelli nidificanti in cavità a causa della perdita di habitat. La struttura costruita su misura presenta dimensioni specifiche adatte per i martin pescatori, comprese aperture di ingresso di 2 1/4 pollici di diametro e cavità per il nido di 6x6x6 pollici. La casetta è posizionata strategicamente vicino all'ingresso dell'ufficio dell'impianto e include tegole personalizzate, lavori in pietra realizzati con materiali dell'impianto e una vasca per uccelli. Questo progetto dimostra l'impegno di Covia per la biodiversità, che comprende la preservazione delle foreste, il recupero di terreni con specie native e la protezione degli habitat delle specie in pericolo.
La planta Roff de Covia se ha unido al Desafío de Estructuras de Nidos Artificiales del Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) construyendo una casita personalizada para los martinetes. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo abordar el declive de las aves que anidan en cavidades debido a la pérdida de hábitat. La estructura hecha a medida presenta dimensiones específicas adecuadas para los martinetes, incluyendo agujeros de entrada de 2 1/4 pulgadas de diámetro y cavidades para anidar de 6x6x6 pulgadas. La casita, colocada estratégicamente cerca de la entrada de la oficina de la planta, incluye tejas personalizadas, trabajo en piedra hecho con materiales de la planta y un baño para aves. El proyecto demuestra el compromiso de Covia con la biodiversidad, que incluye la preservación de bosques, la recuperación de tierras con especies nativas y la protección de hábitats de especies en peligro.
Covia의 Roff 공장은 자연 서식지 협회의 인공 둥지 구조물 도전 과제에 참여하여 자주색 망원경을 위한 맞춤형 새집을 건설했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 서식지 손실로 인한 둥지에 앉는 새들의 감소 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 맞춤형 구조물은 자주색 망원경에 적합한 특정 치수를 특징으로 하며, 2 1/4인치 지름의 입구와 6x6x6인치 둥지 공간을 포함합니다. 새집은 공장 사무실 입구 근처에 전략적으로 배치되며, 맞춤형 기와, 공장 재료로 만든 석재 작업 및 새 목욕탕이 포함되어 있습니다. 이 프로젝트는 Covia의 생물 다양성에 대한 헌신을 나타내며, 여기에는 숲 보존, 자생 식물로 토지 회복 및 멸종 위기 종 서식지 보호가 포함됩니다.
L'usine Roff de Covia a rejoint le Défi des structures de nidification artificielles du Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) en construisant une maison pour oiseaux sur mesure pour les martin-pêcheurs. Cette initiative vise à remédier au déclin des oiseaux nichant dans des cavités en raison de la perte d'habitat. La structure sur mesure présente des dimensions spécifiques adaptées aux martin-pêcheurs, y compris des trous d'entrée de 2 1/4 pouces de diamètre et des cavités de nidification de 6x6x6 pouces. La maison pour oiseaux, placée stratégiquement près de l'entrée du bureau de l'usine, comprend des bardeaux personnalisés, des travaux en pierre réalisés avec des matériaux de l'usine et un bain pour oiseaux. Ce projet démontre l'engagement de Covia envers la biodiversité, qui comprend la préservation des forêts, la réhabilitation des terres avec des espèces indigènes et la protection des habitats des espèces menacées.
Covias Roff-Werk hat sich der Herausforderung von Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) zur Schaffung künstlicher Niststrukturen angeschlossen, indem es ein maßgeschneidertes Vogelhaus für Purpur-Skimmer gebaut hat. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, dem Rückgang von Höhlenbrütern aufgrund von Habitatverlust entgegenzuwirken. Die maßgeschneiderte Struktur verfügt über spezifische Abmessungen, die für Purpur-Skimmer geeignet sind, darunter Eingangslöcher mit einem Durchmesser von 2 1/4 Zoll und Nistkästen mit den Maßen 6x6x6 Zoll. Das Vogelhaus, das strategisch in der Nähe des Eingangs zum Büro des Werks platziert ist, enthält maßgeschneiderte Dachziegel, Steinarbeiten aus Werksmaterial und ein Vogelbad. Das Projekt zeigt Covias Engagement für die Biodiversität, zu dem auch der Erhalt von Wäldern, die Rekultivierung von Flächen mit einheimischen Arten und der Schutz von Habitaten gefährdeter Arten gehört.
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NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / November 19, 2024 / Covia is committed to protecting biodiversity by preserving intact forests, reclaiming land with over
The WHC challenge allowed the plant to showcase its environmental commitment and creativity. It's a fantastic place to attract wildlife, as Travis Smith, Operations Manager for the Roff, Oklahoma Plant, noted that he often sees owls, deer and badgers, among other species, on the property. When Travis presented the project to the Roff team, they were all on board. One team member, who happens to be a talented woodworker, started building a custom birdhouse. Not just any birdhouse; without realizing it, he had begun building a structure for the purple martin, the largest swallow in North America.
The ideal purple martin birdhouse should be light-colored, lightweight, have entrance holes 2 1/4 inches in diameter and nesting cavities that are 6" x 6" x 6". Fortunately, this birdhouse fits the bill perfectly. It features custom shingles and stonework made from materials sourced at the plant. Plus, martins love to perch where they can see open spaces for catching insects, especially near water. To top it off, the birdhouse includes a bird bath held in place by an antler found on the property. It's strategically placed near the plant's office entrance, as the best location is within 100 feet of human activity and 40 feet from buildings or trees.
The house is perched over 8 feet off the ground and features a predator guard to keep pesky critters away. This stunning custom home is perfect for purple martins, but the adult birds don't show up for nesting in Oklahoma until mid-February through May. The team is looking forward to monitoring the box for signs of new inhabitants!
For more information on Covia's commitment to biodiversity, please see our ESG report.

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What is Covia's (CVIA) recent wildlife conservation initiative?
What are the specifications of the purple martin birdhouse built by Covia (CVIA)?