Innovid Wins AdExchanger Award for Most Innovative TV Advertising Technology
Innovid (NYSE:CTV) has won the 2024 AdExchanger Award for 'Most Innovative TV Advertising Technology' for its groundbreaking Harmony initiative. Launched in April 2024, Harmony aims to optimize the CTV advertising ecosystem by improving efficiency, enhancing transparency, reducing carbon emissions, and providing better viewing experiences.
The initiative includes Harmony Direct, which streamlines workflows for guaranteed, non-biddable CTV media, and Harmony Frequency, which provides DSPs with frequency intelligence across a brand's entire media portfolio. This recognition highlights Innovid's commitment to transforming TV advertising into an ecosystem that benefits advertisers, publishers, and viewers alike.
Innovid's CEO, Zvika Netter, expressed pride in the award and optimism about the future of advertising. The company's independent software platform offers cross-platform ad serving, data-driven creative, and measurement services for connected TV (CTV), linear, and digital advertising.
Innovid (NYSE:CTV) ha vinto il premio 'Most Innovative TV Advertising Technology' agli AdExchanger Award 2024 per la sua iniziativa innovativa Harmony. Lanciata nell'aprile del 2024, Harmony mira a ottimizzare l'ecosistema della pubblicità CTV migliorando l'efficienza, aumentando la trasparenza, riducendo le emissioni di carbonio e offrendo esperienze di visualizzazione migliori.
L'iniziativa comprende Harmony Direct, che semplifica i flussi di lavoro per i media CTV garantiti e non acquistabili, e Harmony Frequency, che fornisce ai DSP informazioni sulla frequenza attraverso l'intero portafoglio media di un marchio. Questo riconoscimento evidenzia l'impegno di Innovid a trasformare la pubblicità televisiva in un ecosistema che beneficia pubblicitari, editori e spettatori.
Il CEO di Innovid, Zvika Netter, ha espresso orgoglio per il premio e ottimismo per il futuro della pubblicità. La piattaforma software indipendente dell'azienda offre servizi di pubblicità cross-platform, creatività guidata dai dati e misurazione per la pubblicità su TV connessa (CTV), lineare e digitale.
Innovid (NYSE:CTV) ha ganado el premio 'Most Innovative TV Advertising Technology' en los AdExchanger Award 2024 por su innovador iniciativa Harmony. Lanzada en abril de 2024, Harmony tiene como objetivo optimizar el ecosistema publicitario de CTV mejorando la eficiencia, aumentando la transparencia, reduciendo las emisiones de carbono y proporcionando mejores experiencias de visualización.
La iniciativa incluye Harmony Direct, que agiliza los flujos de trabajo para medios de CTV garantizados y no subastables, y Harmony Frequency, que proporciona a los DSP información sobre la frecuencia a través de todo el portafolio de medios de una marca. Este reconocimiento resalta el compromiso de Innovid de transformar la publicidad televisiva en un ecosistema que beneficie tanto a anunciantes como a editores y espectadores.
El CEO de Innovid, Zvika Netter, expresó su orgullo por el premio y optimismo por el futuro de la publicidad. La plataforma de software independiente de la empresa ofrece servicios de publicidad multiplataforma, creatividad impulsada por datos y servicios de medición para la publicidad en TV conectada (CTV), lineal y digital.
Innovid (NYSE:CTV)는 '가장 혁신적인 TV 광고 기술'에 대한 2024년 AdExchanger Award를 수상했습니다. 이 혁신적인 하모니 이니셔티브는 2024년 4월에 시작되어 CTV 광고 생태계를 최적화하는 것을 목표로 하며, 효율성을 개선하고 투명성을 향상시키며 탄소 배출량을 줄이고 더 나은 시청 경험을 제공합니다.
이 이니셔티브에는 보장된 비입찰 CTV 미디어의 워크플로를 간소화하는 하모니 다이렉트와 브랜드의 전체 미디어 포트폴리오에 걸쳐 DSP에 주파수 인사이트를 제공하는 하모니 주파수가 포함되어 있습니다. 이 인식은 광고주, 게시자 및 시청자 모두에게 혜택을 주는 TV 광고 생태계로의 혁신에 대한 Innovid의 헌신을 강조합니다.
Innovid의 CEO인 Zvika Netter는 이 상에 대한 자부심과 광고의 미래에 대한 낙관을 표명했습니다. 회사의 독립 소프트웨어 플랫폼은 연결된 TV(CTV), 선형 및 디지털 광고에 대한 크로스 플랫폼 광고 제공, 데이터 기반 창의성 및 측정 서비스를 제공합니다.
Innovid (NYSE:CTV) a remporté le prix 'Most Innovative TV Advertising Technology' lors des AdExchanger Award 2024 pour son initiative révolutionnaire Harmony. Lancée en avril 2024, Harmony vise à optimiser l'écosystème publicitaire de la CTV en améliorant l'efficacité, en renforçant la transparence, en réduisant les émissions de carbone et en fournissant de meilleures expériences de visionnage.
L'initiative comprend Harmony Direct, qui rationalise les flux de travail pour les médias CTV garantis et non enchérissables, ainsi que Harmony Frequency, qui fournit aux DSP des informations sur la fréquence à travers l'ensemble du portefeuille médiatique d'une marque. Cette reconnaissance met en avant l'engagement d'Innovid à transformer la publicité télévisée en un écosystème bénéfique pour les annonceurs, les éditeurs et les téléspectateurs.
Le PDG d'Innovid, Zvika Netter, a exprimé sa fierté pour cette récompense ainsi que son optimisme quant à l'avenir de la publicité. La plateforme logicielle indépendante de l'entreprise offre des services de diffusion d'annonces multiplateformes, de créativité basée sur les données et de mesure pour la publicité sur la TV connectée (CTV), linéaire et numérique.
Innovid (NYSE:CTV) hat den 'Most Innovative TV Advertising Technology' Preis bei den AdExchanger Award 2024 für seine wegweisende Harmony-Initiative gewonnen. Die im April 2024 gestartete Initiative zielt darauf ab, das CTV-Werbeökosystem zu optimieren, indem die Effizienz verbessert, die Transparenz erhöht, die Kohlenstoffemissionen gesenkt und bessere Seherlebnisse geboten werden.
Die Initiative umfasst Harmony Direct, das die Workflows für garantierte, nicht ersteigerbare CTV-Medien strafft, und Harmony Frequency, das DSPs Frequenzinformationen über das gesamte Medienportfolio einer Marke bereitstellt. Diese Anerkennung unterstreicht Innovids Engagement, die TV-Werbung in ein Ökosystem zu transformieren, das sowohl Werbetreibenden, Verlegern als auch Zuschauern zugutekommt.
Der CEO von Innovid, Zvika Netter, äußerte Stolz auf die Auszeichnung und Optimismus für die Zukunft der Werbung. Die unabhängige Softwareplattform des Unternehmens bietet plattformübergreifendes Anzeigenmanagement, datengestützte Kreativität und Messdienstleistungen für Connected TV (CTV), lineare und digitale Werbung.
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Innovid’s Harmony Initiative Recognized for Driving the Future of Advertising by Keeping TV Open for Everyone & Controlled by No One

Innovid Wins AdExchanger Award for Most Innovative TV Advertising Technology (Graphic: Business Wire)
Launched in April 2024, Harmony brings together industry leaders to optimize CTV at the infrastructure level to improve efficiency and ROI, enhance transparency and control, reduce carbon emissions, and provide better viewing experiences for consumers across CTV and digital.
“This award is a testament to the work we’re doing to transform TV advertising into an ecosystem that benefits the buy-side, sell-side, and most importantly, the viewer,” said Zvika Netter, CEO & Co-Founder, Innovid. “We’re incredibly proud to receive this recognition from AdExchanger and excited to continue innovating and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible for CTV and digital. I've never felt more optimistic about the future of advertising than I am now.”
As part of the initiative, Innovid released Harmony Direct, which streamlines the workflow for guaranteed, non-biddable CTV media to its purest form by removing all friction points, including additional technology hops, fees, and energy waste. Its latest innovation, Harmony Frequency, provides DSPs with frequency intelligence across a brand’s entire media portfolio before they bid – reducing ad waste, strengthening campaign effectiveness, and improving the viewing experience.
The AdExchanger Awards are among the most prestigious in the advertising industry, celebrating excellence and innovation across digital media and marketing. Innovid’s recognition as the “Most Innovative TV Advertising Technology” underscores the company’s commitment to not only drive efficiency, performance, and growth for advertisers and publishers, but to also enhance the viewing experience for consumers.
About Innovid
Innovid (NYSE:CTV) is an independent software platform for the creation, delivery, measurement, and optimization of advertising across connected TV (CTV), linear, and digital. Through a global infrastructure that enables cross-platform ad serving, data-driven creative, and measurement, Innovid offers its clients always-on intelligence to optimize advertising investment across channels, platforms, screens, and devices. Innovid is an independent platform that leads the market in converged TV innovation, through proprietary technology and exclusive partnerships designed to reimagine TV advertising. Headquartered in
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Source: Innovid