Innovid Releases “Holiday Shoppable Advertising Unwrapped” Guide
Innovid (NYSE:CTV), an independent software platform for advertising across connected TV (CTV), linear, and digital, has released 'Holiday Shoppable Advertising Unwrapped'. This guide provides data-backed insights and best practices for creating effective shoppable ads during the holiday season and beyond.
Key highlights include:
- Interactive CTV advertising drove 92 seconds more engagement vs. standard pre-roll and 10X the engagement rate of standard video
- Tips for effective shoppable ad experiences across various verticals
- Real-world case studies demonstrating the impact of shoppable ads on holiday advertising performance, ROAS, and sales
Innovid CMO Dani Cushion emphasized the current opportunity for advertisers to leverage CTV for transforming viewers into active shoppers.
Innovid (NYSE:CTV), una piattaforma software indipendente per la pubblicità su TV connessa (CTV), lineare e digitale, ha pubblicato 'Pubblicità Festive Shoppable Svelate'. Questa guida offre approfondimenti basati su dati e migliori pratiche per creare annunci shoppable efficaci durante la stagione delle festività e oltre.
Tra i punti salienti troviamo:
- La pubblicità interattiva su CTV ha generato 92 secondi di coinvolgimento in più rispetto ai pre-roll standard e 10 volte il tasso di coinvolgimento dei video standard
- Consigli per esperienze pubblicitarie shoppable efficaci in diversi settori
- Studi di caso reali che dimostrano l'impatto degli annunci shoppable sulle performance pubblicitarie festive, sul ROAS e sulle vendite
Il CMO di Innovid, Dani Cushion, ha sottolineato l'attuale opportunità per gli inserzionisti di sfruttare il CTV per trasformare gli spettatori in acquirenti attivi.
Innovid (NYSE:CTV), una plataforma de software independiente para publicidad en televisión conectada (CTV), lineal y digital, ha lanzado 'Publicidad Navideña Shoppable Revelada'. Esta guía proporciona información respaldada por datos y mejores prácticas para crear anuncios shoppable efectivos durante la temporada navideña y más allá.
Los puntos clave incluyen:
- La publicidad interactiva en CTV generó 92 segundos más de interacción en comparación con los pre-roll estándar y 10 veces la tasa de interacción de los videos estándar
- Consejos para experiencias de anuncios shoppable efectivas en diversos sectores
- Estudios de caso del mundo real que demuestran el impacto de los anuncios shoppable en el rendimiento publicitario navideño, el ROAS y las ventas
Dani Cushion, CMO de Innovid, enfatizó la oportunidad actual para los anunciantes de aprovechar el CTV para transformar a los espectadores en compradores activos.
Innovid (NYSE:CTV), 연결된 TV(CTV), 선형 및 디지털 광고를 위한 독립 소프트웨어 플랫폼이 '홀리데이 쇼핑 가능한 광고 공개'를 출시했습니다. 이 안내서는 연말 시즌 및 그 이후에 효과적인 쇼핑 가능한 광고를 만들기 위한 데이터 기반 통찰력과 모범 사례를 제공합니다.
주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:
- 인터랙티브 CTV 광고는 표준 프리롤 광고보다 92초 더 많은 참여를 유도했으며, 표준 비디오의 참여율보다 10배 높았습니다
- 다양한 분야의 효과적인 쇼핑 광고 경험을 위한 팁
- 쇼핑 가능한 광고가 연말 광고 성과, ROAS 및 판매에 미치는 영향을 보여주는 실제 사례 연구
Innovid의 CMO인 Dani Cushion은 광고주가 CTV를 활용하여 시청자를 적극적인 쇼핑객으로 전환할 수 있는 현재의 기회를 강조했습니다.
Innovid (NYSE:CTV), une plateforme logicielle indépendante pour la publicité sur la télévision connectée (CTV), linéaire et numérique, a publié 'Publicité Shoppable de Noël Dévoilée'. Ce guide fournit des informations basées sur des données et des meilleures pratiques pour créer des annonces shoppables efficaces pendant la saison des fêtes et au-delà.
Parmi les points forts, on trouve :
- La publicité interactive sur CTV a généré 92 secondes d'engagement supplémentaires par rapport aux pré-roll standard et un taux d'engagement 10 fois supérieur à celui des vidéos standard
- Conseils pour des expériences publicitaires shoppables efficaces dans divers secteurs
- Des études de cas réelles démontrant l'impact des annonces shoppables sur les performances publicitaires de Noël, le ROAS et les ventes
Dani Cushion, CMO d'Innovid, a souligné l'opportunité actuelle pour les annonceurs d'exploiter le CTV pour transformer les téléspectateurs en acheteurs actifs.
Innovid (NYSE:CTV), eine unabhängige Softwareplattform für Werbung auf Connected TV (CTV), im linearen und digitalen Bereich, hat 'Holiday Shoppable Advertising Unwrapped' veröffentlicht. Dieser Leitfaden bietet datengestützte Erkenntnisse und Best Practices zur Erstellung effektiver shoppbarer Anzeigen in der Weihnachtszeit und darüber hinaus.
Wichtige Highlights sind:
- Interaktive CTV-Werbung führte im Vergleich zu Standard-Preroll zu 92 Sekunden mehr Engagement und hatte eine 10-fache Engagement-Rate im Vergleich zu Standardvideos
- Tipps für effektive shoppable Anzeigeerfahrungen in verschiedenen Branchen
- Reale Fallstudien, die den Einfluss von shoppable Anzeigen auf die Werbeleistung während der Feiertage, ROAS und Verkäufe demonstrieren
Dani Cushion, CMO von Innovid, betonte die aktuelle Gelegenheit für Werbetreibende, CTV zu nutzen, um Zuschauer in aktive Käufer zu verwandeln.
- Interactive CTV advertising showed 92 seconds more engagement compared to standard pre-roll
- Interactive CTV advertising demonstrated 10X the engagement rate of standard video
- Innovid's guide includes real-world case studies showing positive impact on holiday advertising performance, ROAS, and sales
- None.
Data-Backed Insights & Best Practices to Make Relevant, Engaging, Impactful Shoppable CTV & Digital Ads this Holiday Season & Beyond
Highlights from “Holiday Shoppable Advertising Unwrapped” include:
- Benchmarks on interactive & shoppable ad performance: By analyzing approximately 380 billion global video impressions served on its platform, Innovid found that interactive CTV advertising – of which shoppable is a subset – drove 92 seconds more engagement vs. standard pre-roll and 10X the engagement rate of standard video.
- Tips & tricks for effective shoppable ad experiences: Based on Innovid’s work running thousands of shoppable ads for the world’s largest advertisers, the guide is filled with best practices that can be applied across vertical segments – from the use of action-oriented CTAs, to shortening the number of “clicks” to action, and maximizing QR code time.
- Real-world case studies on the impact of shoppable: The guide features the stories of brands that used CTV shoppable ads to strengthen their holiday advertising performance, increase ROAS, and boost sales.
“Shoppable ads present a remarkable opportunity for advertisers to leverage the largest screen in the house to transform passive viewers into active shoppers,” said Dani Cushion, CMO, Innovid. “This is not a future state – we see thousands of advertisers realize success with this ad format every day. The time for shoppable TV is now.”
To download the full guide, click here.
About Innovid
Innovid (NYSE:CTV) is an independent software platform for the creation, delivery, measurement, and optimization of advertising across connected TV (CTV), linear, and digital. Through a global infrastructure that enables cross-platform ad serving, data-driven creative, and measurement, Innovid offers its clients always-on intelligence to optimize advertising investment across channels, platforms, screens, and devices. Innovid is an independent platform that leads the market in converged TV innovation, through proprietary technology and exclusive partnerships designed to reimagine TV advertising. Headquartered in
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Source: Innovid