Moderna and Coursera Launch Free Course on mRNA Technology

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Moderna (NASDAQ:MRNA) and Coursera (NYSE:COUR) have partnered to launch a free online course called 'mRNAs as Medicines'. This three-module course, designed by Moderna experts, offers a comprehensive understanding of mRNA medicines, their functionality, and potential applications. The initiative aims to address the growing demand for STEM skills and close the workforce readiness gap.

The course covers topics such as protein and mRNA structure, their roles in the body, and how mRNA medicines can prevent and treat diseases. It's accessible to anyone registered as a Coursera learner, including students, scientists, and medical professionals. This collaboration aligns with both companies' commitments to advancing scientific education and fostering innovation, while addressing the projected need to fill 3.5 million STEM jobs in the U.S. by 2025.

Moderna (NASDAQ:MRNA) e Coursera (NYSE:COUR) hanno collaborato per lanciare un corso online gratuito intitolato 'mRNA come Medicinali'. Questo corso di tre moduli, progettato da esperti di Moderna, offre una comprensione completa dei medicinali a base di mRNA, della loro funzionalità e delle potenziali applicazioni. L'iniziativa mira a soddisfare la crescente domanda di competenze STEM e a colmare il divario nella preparazione della forza lavoro.

Il corso tratta argomenti come la struttura delle proteine e dell'mRNA, i loro ruoli nel corpo e come i medicinali a base di mRNA possano prevenire e curare le malattie. È accessibile a chiunque sia registrato come studente su Coursera, inclusi studenti, scienziati e professionisti della salute. Questa collaborazione è in linea con l'impegno di entrambe le aziende per far progredire l'istruzione scientifica e sostenere l'innovazione, affrontando nel contempo la prevista necessità di riempire 3,5 milioni di posti di lavoro STEM negli Stati Uniti entro il 2025.

Moderna (NASDAQ:MRNA) y Coursera (NYSE:COUR) se han unido para lanzar un curso en línea gratuito llamado 'ARNm como Medicamentos'. Este curso de tres módulos, diseñado por expertos de Moderna, ofrece una comprensión integral de los medicamentos de ARNm, su funcionalidad y posibles aplicaciones. La iniciativa busca satisfacer la creciente demanda de habilidades STEM y cerrar la brecha en la preparación de la fuerza laboral.

El curso cubre temas como la estructura de proteínas y ARNm, sus roles en el cuerpo y cómo los medicamentos de ARNm pueden prevenir y tratar enfermedades. Es accesible para cualquier persona registrada como aprendiz en Coursera, incluidos estudiantes, científicos y profesionales de la salud. Esta colaboración se alinea con los compromisos de ambas empresas de avanzar en la educación científica y fomentar la innovación, al tiempo que aborda la necesidad proyectada de llenar 3,5 millones de puestos de trabajo STEM en EE.UU. para 2025.

모더나 (NASDAQ:MRNA)와 코세라 (NYSE:COUR)가 'mRNA를 이용한 의약품'이라는 무료 온라인 강좌를 출시하기 위해 파트너십을 맺었습니다. 이 3개 모듈로 구성된 강좌는 모더나 전문가들이 설계했으며, mRNA 의약품의 기능 및 잠재적 응용에 대한 포괄적인 이해를 제공합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 STEM 기술에 대한 증가하는 수요를 충족하고 노동력 준비의 격차를 해소하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

이 과정은 단백질과 mRNA 구조, 이들이 신체에서 하는 역할, 그리고 mRNA 의약품이 질병을 예방하고 치료하는 방법과 같은 주제를 다룹니다. 코세라 학습자로 등록된 누구나 접근할 수 있으며, 학생, 과학자 및 의료 전문가를 포함합니다. 이 협력은 두 회사의 과학 교육의 발전혁신 촉진에 대한 의지와 일치하며, 2025년까지 미국에서 350만 개의 STEM 일자리를 채우기 위한 예상 수요를 해결하는 데 기여합니다.

Moderna (NASDAQ:MRNA) et Coursera (NYSE:COUR) ont établi un partenariat pour lancer un cours en ligne gratuit intitulé 'les ARNm en tant que médicaments'. Ce cours en trois modules, conçu par des experts de Moderna, propose une compréhension complète des médicaments à base d'ARNm, de leur fonctionnement et de leurs applications potentielles. L'initiative vise à répondre à la demande croissante de compétences STEM et à réduire l'écart de préparation de la main-d'œuvre.

Le cours aborde des sujets tels que la structure des protéines et de l'ARNm, leurs rôles dans le corps et comment les médicaments à base d'ARNm peuvent prévenir et traiter les maladies. Il est accessible à toute personne inscrite en tant qu'apprenant sur Coursera, y compris les étudiants, les scientifiques et les professionnels de la santé. Cette collaboration est en ligne avec les engagements des deux entreprises à faire progresser l'éducation scientifique et à favoriser l'innovation, tout en répondant au besoin prévu de combler 3,5 millions d'emplois STEM aux États-Unis d'ici 2025.

Moderna (NASDAQ:MRNA) und Coursera (NYSE:COUR) haben sich zusammengeschlossen, um einen kostenlosen Online-Kurs mit dem Titel 'mRNAs als Medikamente' zu starten. Dieser dreiteilige Kurs, der von Experten von Moderna entwickelt wurde, bietet ein umfassendes Verständnis der mRNA-Medikamente, ihrer Funktionsweise und potenzieller Anwendungen. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, der wachsenden Nachfrage nach STEM-Fähigkeiten gerecht zu werden und die Kluft in der Berufsqualifikation zu schließen.

Der Kurs behandelt Themen wie die Struktur von Proteinen und mRNA, ihre Rollen im Körper und wie mRNA-Medikamente Krankheiten vorbeugen und behandeln können. Er ist für jeden, der als Coursera-Lerner registriert ist, einschließlich Studierender, Wissenschaftler und medizinischer Fachkräfte, zugänglich. Diese Zusammenarbeit steht im Einklang mit dem Engagement beider Unternehmen, wissenschaftliche Bildung voranzutreiben und Innovation zu fördern, während sie gleichzeitig auf den prognostizierten Bedarf eingeht, bis 2025 in den USA 3,5 Millionen STEM-Jobs zu besetzen.

  • Free access to educational content on cutting-edge mRNA technology
  • Potential to attract talent and increase awareness about Moderna's technology
  • Addressing the growing demand for STEM skills
  • Enhancing Moderna's reputation as an industry leader in mRNA technology
  • None.

This partnership between Moderna and Coursera marks a significant step in democratizing knowledge about mRNA technology. The free course, 'mRNAs as Medicines', offers a unique opportunity for global learners to understand the intricacies of this groundbreaking medical advancement. The collaboration addresses the critical need for STEM education, particularly in light of the projected 3.5 million STEM job openings by 2025.

From a scientific perspective, this initiative could accelerate research and innovation in mRNA technology. By educating a broader audience, we might see an influx of new ideas and approaches in the field. However, it's important to note that while this course will increase awareness, it won't directly lead to immediate scientific breakthroughs or financial gains for Moderna. The long-term impact on Moderna's pipeline and potential collaborations remains to be seen.

This strategic move by Moderna and Coursera aligns with the growing trend of corporate social responsibility in the tech and biotech sectors. By offering free education on cutting-edge technology, both companies are enhancing their brand image and potentially widening their talent pools. For Moderna, this could translate into increased public trust and a larger pool of informed investors who understand their technology platform.

However, the immediate financial impact on either company is likely to be minimal. The real value lies in the long-term benefits of fostering a more educated workforce and public. For Coursera, this high-profile partnership could attract more learners to their platform, potentially increasing their user base and course completions, which are key metrics for their business model. Investors should view this as a long-term strategic investment in human capital rather than a short-term revenue driver.

Companies share joint commitment to leveraging technology for STEM education

Accessible education on cutting-edge science and technology represents critical step toward closing workforce readiness gap

CAMBRIDGE, MA and MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA / ACCESSWIRE / August 14, 2024 / Moderna, Inc. (NASDAQ:MRNA) and Coursera (NYSE:COUR) today announced a partnership to launch mRNAs as Medicines, a three-module course designed by experts at Moderna that offers a comprehensive understanding of mRNA medicines, how they work and their potential applications. mRNAs as Medicines is available for free to individuals who register as Coursera learners.

"At Moderna, we obsess over learning and believe when education is accessible, it can transform our lives and communities," said Tracey Franklin, Chief Human Resources Officer of Moderna. "By partnering with Coursera to offer this free course to everyone, we can help people deepen their understanding of mRNA science, how it represents a new era of medicine, and its power to positively impact human health."

"We're excited to welcome Moderna to the Coursera platform as the demand for STEM skills continues to grow around the world," said Marni Baker-Stein, Chief Content Officer at Coursera. "By offering the ‘mRNAs as Medicines' course for free, we are empowering learners worldwide to gain an in-depth understanding of the revolutionary and life-saving mRNA technology directly from Moderna experts. This initiative not only supports current and aspiring medical professionals, it makes it easier and more affordable for anyone to start their learning journey in this critical field."

mRNA can teach the body how to make its own medicines in the form of proteins. Through mRNAs as Medicines, learners will explore the structure of proteins and mRNAs, how they are made, and their roles in the body. The course also examines the properties of classic, small molecule medicines and how technological advances can enable the use of proteins and mRNAs as therapeutic agents. Additionally, it explores how mRNA medicines have the potential to prevent and treat diseases, including their applications as vaccines, therapies and treatments for genetic disorders and regenerative medicine. The course will be available to learners globally.

An estimated 3.5 million STEM jobs will need to be filled in the U.S. by 2025, and Moderna and Coursera remain committed to advancing scientific education and innovation. Offering the course for free to registered Coursera learners significantly enhances its accessibility, allowing students, scientists and medical professionals interested in continued education, and all learners to gain a valuable understanding of mRNA technology. Moderna and Coursera are both guided by a deep commitment to making a positive impact on society. Whether by addressing the social determinants of health or broadening access to educational opportunities worldwide, both Companies strive to help close the inequality gap and foster a better future for all.

About Moderna

Moderna is a leader in the creation of the field of mRNA medicine. Through the advancement of mRNA technology, Moderna is reimagining how medicines are made and transforming how we treat and prevent disease for everyone. By working at the intersection of science, technology and health for more than a decade, the company has developed medicines at unprecedented speed and efficiency, including one of the earliest and most effective COVID-19 vaccines.

Moderna's mRNA platform has enabled the development of therapeutics and vaccines for infectious diseases, immuno-oncology, rare diseases and autoimmune diseases. With a unique culture and a global team driven by the Moderna values and mindsets to responsibly change the future of human health, Moderna strives to deliver the greatest possible impact to people through mRNA medicines. For more information about Moderna, please visit and connect with us on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.

About Coursera

Coursera was launched in 2012 by two Stanford Computer Science professors, Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller, with a mission to provide universal access to world-class learning. It is now one of the largest online learning platforms in the world, with 155 million registered learners as of June 30, 2024. Coursera partners with over 325 leading university and industry partners to offer a broad catalog of content and credentials, including courses, Specializations, Professional Certificates, Guided Projects, and bachelor's and master's degrees. Institutions around the world use Coursera to upskill and reskill their employees, citizens, and students in fields such as data science, technology, and business. Coursera became a Delaware public benefit corporation and a B Corp in February 2021.

Moderna Contacts

Chris Ridley
Global Head of Media
1 617-800-3651

Lavina Talukdar
Senior Vice President & Head of Investor Relations
1 617-209-5834

Coursera Contacts

Jessyka Faison
PR Manager, Consumer & Product
(313) 585-3646

SOURCE: Moderna, Inc.

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What is the new course launched by Moderna and Coursera about mRNA technology?

Moderna (MRNA) and Coursera have launched 'mRNAs as Medicines', a free three-module course designed by Moderna experts to provide comprehensive understanding of mRNA medicines, their functionality, and potential applications.

How can I access the 'mRNAs as Medicines' course offered by Moderna (MRNA)?

The 'mRNAs as Medicines' course is available for free to individuals who register as Coursera learners. It can be accessed through the Coursera platform.

What topics does Moderna's (MRNA) 'mRNAs as Medicines' course cover?

The course covers the structure of proteins and mRNAs, their roles in the body, how mRNA medicines work, and their potential applications in preventing and treating diseases, including vaccines, therapies, and treatments for genetic disorders.

Why are Moderna (MRNA) and Coursera offering this free course on mRNA technology?

The companies aim to address the growing demand for STEM skills, close the workforce readiness gap, and enhance accessibility to education on cutting-edge science and technology. They project 3.5 million STEM jobs will need to be filled in the U.S. by 2025.

Coursera, Inc.


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