CenterPoint Energy makes publicly available the independent third-party review by PA Consulting Group about the company'sHurricane Beryl response

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CenterPoint Energy has released an independent review by PA Consulting Group regarding its Hurricane Beryl response, which includes 77 recommendations for improving storm readiness, response, and communications. The company has already completed or is implementing 51 recommendations through its Greater Houston Resiliency Initiative (GHRI), with 18 completed and 33 in progress. Key completed actions include replacing the outage map, revising communication strategies, and acquiring additional generators. In-progress improvements focus on expanding TripSaver® reclosers installation, increasing composite poles usage, and revising tree trimming cycles. The remaining 26 recommendations are under evaluation for future implementation.

CenterPoint Energy ha pubblicato una revisione indipendente del PA Consulting Group riguardante la sua risposta all'uragano Beryl, che include 77 raccomandazioni per migliorare la preparazione, la risposta e le comunicazioni in caso di tempesta. L'azienda ha già completato o sta implementando 51 raccomandazioni attraverso la sua Iniziativa di Resilienza della Grande Houston (GHRI), con 18 completate e 33 in corso. Tra le azioni completate ci sono la sostituzione della mappa delle interruzioni, la revisione delle strategie comunicative e l'acquisto di generatori aggiuntivi. I miglioramenti in corso si concentrano sull'espansione dell'installazione dei recloser TripSaver®, sull'aumento dell'uso dei pali compositi e sulla revisione dei cicli di potatura degli alberi. Le restanti 26 raccomandazioni sono in fase di valutazione per una futura implementazione.

CenterPoint Energy ha publicado una revisión independiente del PA Consulting Group sobre su respuesta al huracán Beryl, que incluye 77 recomendaciones para mejorar la preparación, la respuesta y las comunicaciones durante la tormenta. La empresa ya ha completado o está implementando 51 recomendaciones a través de su Iniciativa de Resiliencia de Gran Houston (GHRI), con 18 finalizadas y 33 en proceso. Las acciones completadas clave incluyen la sustitución del mapa de cortes, la revisión de las estrategias de comunicación y la adquisición de generadores adicionales. Las mejoras en curso se centran en expandir la instalación de reclosers TripSaver®, aumentar el uso de postes compuestos y revisar los ciclos de poda de árboles. Las restantes 26 recomendaciones están bajo evaluación para una futura implementación.

CenterPoint Energy는 허리케인 베릴에 대한 대응에 관한 PA Consulting Group의 독립적인 검토 결과를 발표했으며, 여기에는 폭풍 준비 태세, 대응 및 통신을 향상시키기 위한 77개의 권장 사항이 포함되어 있습니다. 이 회사는 이미 ¿51개의 권장 사항을 완료했거나 텍사스 대휴스턴 회복력 이니셔티브(GHRI)를 통해 구현하고 있습니다. 완료된 18개와 진행 중인 33개의 권장 사항이 있습니다. 완료된 주요 조치로는 정전 지도 교체, 커뮤니케이션 전략 개정 및 추가 발전기 확보가 있습니다. 진행 중인 개선 사항은 TripSaver® 리클로저 설치 확대, 복합재 기둥 사용 증가, 나무 가지치기 주기 개정에 중점을 둡니다. 나머지 26개의 권장 사항은 향후 구현을 위해 평가 중입니다.

CenterPoint Energy a publié un examen indépendant du PA Consulting Group concernant sa réponse à l'ouragan Beryl, qui comprend 77 recommandations pour améliorer la préparation, la réponse et les communications en cas de tempête. L'entreprise a déjà complété ou est en train de mettre en œuvre 51 recommandations à travers son initiative de résilience de la Grande Houston (GHRI), avec 18 terminées et 33 en cours. Parmi les actions clés terminées, on trouve le remplacement de la carte des coupures, la révision des stratégies de communication et l'acquisition de générateurs supplémentaires. Les améliorations en cours se concentrent sur l'expansion de l'installation des réclosers TripSaver®, l'augmentation de l'utilisation de poteaux composites et la révision des cycles d'élagage des arbres. Les 26 recommandations restantes sont en cours d'évaluation pour une mise en œuvre future.

CenterPoint Energy hat eine unabhängige Überprüfung durch die PA Consulting Group zu seiner Antwort auf den Hurrikan Beryl veröffentlicht, die 77 Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung der Sturmvorbereitung, -reaktion und -kommunikation umfasst. Das Unternehmen hat bereits 51 Empfehlungen im Rahmen seiner Greater Houston Resiliency Initiative (GHRI) umgesetzt oder ist dabei, sie umzusetzen, wobei 18 abgeschlossen und 33 in Arbeit sind. Zu den wesentlichen abgeschlossenen Maßnahmen gehören der Austausch der Stromausfallkarte, die Überarbeitung der Kommunikationsstrategien und der Erwerb zusätzlicher Generatoren. Die laufenden Verbesserungen konzentrieren sich auf die Erweiterung der Installation von TripSaver®-Rückschaltern, die Erhöhung der Verwendung von Verbundstoffen und die Überarbeitung der Baumschnittzyklen. Die verbleibenden 26 Empfehlungen werden für die künftige Umsetzung evaluiert.

  • Already completed 18 recommendations for storm response improvement
  • Implementing 33 additional recommendations to enhance grid resilience
  • Installing new TripSaver® reclosers to automate restoration
  • Upgrading to composite poles for better hurricane resistance
  • Expanding generator capacity for emergency response
  • Significant infrastructure upgrades still needed for grid resilience
  • Previous storm response system required extensive overhaul
  • Existing communication systems proved inadequate during Hurricane Beryl


The implementation of PA Consulting Group's recommendations marks a significant operational shift for CenterPoint Energy's storm response capabilities. The completion of 51 out of 77 recommendations demonstrates substantial progress in grid resilience enhancement. Key technical improvements include:

  • Installation of TripSaver® reclosers for automated fault restoration
  • Deployment of composite poles for enhanced wind resistance
  • Strategic undergrounding assessment in vulnerable areas
  • Expanded generator capacity with 230 kW to 5 MW units

The revised vegetation management strategy and implementation of a new storm management tool should materially improve outage response times. The focus on infrastructure hardening, particularly through composite poles and automated systems, positions CNP to better withstand future severe weather events, potentially reducing maintenance costs and improving reliability metrics.

The overhaul of CenterPoint's communication infrastructure represents a important advancement in customer service and emergency response. The replacement of the outage map with a more capable Outage Tracker and enhanced stakeholder engagement protocols addresses major pain points in customer experience. The planned expansion of call center capacity and improved customer contact management through Power Alert Service should significantly reduce information gaps during crisis events. The implementation of a multi-channel feedback system will create a more responsive and accountable utility service model, potentially improving customer satisfaction scores and regulatory relationships.

Expert after-action report outlines 77 recommendations to improve storm response; CenterPoint has already completed or is implementing two-thirds of the recommendations

HOUSTON, Oct. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, CenterPoint Energy made public an independent expert report of its response to Hurricane Beryl, which included 77 recommendations designed to improve readiness, response and communications during future major storms and emergencies.

To date, because of the work associated with the Greater Houston Resiliency Initiative (GHRI) launched on August 5, CenterPoint has already completed, or is in the process of implementing, 51 of the 77 expert recommendations, and is assessing the remaining 26 recommendations to identify additional actions to benefit customers.

PA Consulting Group – a third-party consultancy with deep expertise in issues affecting utilities and other industries – conducted the independent review between July 31 and October 15, 2024. The review included an analysis of customer outage data, asset data, and internal and external communications provided by CenterPoint, and more than 30 interviews with key members of the CenterPoint team, including leadership.

"Following Beryl, we heard loud and clear the calls for change and are acting with urgency to address the challenges our customers faced. As part of our commitment to improve, we sought outside third-party experts to provide us with guidance and feedback, including from PA Consulting Group, a recognized expert in the utility industry. Their independent review is invaluable, and their recommendations will help us make the changes necessary to achieve our goal to build the most resilient coastal grid in the nation," said Jason Wells, President and CEO of CenterPoint. 

Key Resiliency Actions: 18 Recommendations Already Completed

Following the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, CenterPoint launched the first phase of GHRI, and completed all 40 actions ahead of schedule, on August 28. Because of this important work to address customer concerns during this hurricane season, CenterPoint has already completed 18 of the PA Consulting Group's recommendations, including:

  • Replacing the public-facing Outage Map with an Outage Tracker featuring comparable capabilities to the previous version.
  • Revising communication strategies to focus on delivering essential information to customers, including storm preparedness and expectations, while addressing key concerns like estimated restoration times.
  • Utilizing the most effective channels to ensure clear and timely communication.
  • Acquiring additional smaller generators, between 230 kW and 5 MW in size, to enable greater use of temporary generators during future events.
  • Enhancing the coordination and optimization of vegetation resources and crews.
  • Analyzing Beryl's restoration data (e.g., type of pole damage, pole reset durations) that is currently used in the damage prediction models to refine and enhance accuracy of the damage prediction model.

Key Recommendations: 33 In-Progress

CenterPoint launched the second phase of GHRI, which is designed to build on the progress made during the first phase and further improve overall resiliency, communications, and community coordination for the upcoming winter season and the 2025 hurricane season. As part of this effort, CenterPoint is in the process of implementing 33 of the report's recommendations, including:

  • Vastly expanding the installation of TripSaver® (or similar) reclosers across the distribution system to help automate restoration for certain types of faults.
  • Significantly increasing the use of composite poles across our service territory capable of withstanding stronger hurricane-force winds to improve system reliability and resiliency.
  • Revising our tree trimming cycle to be more proactive and responsive to higher-risk vegetation, significantly reducing the risk of outages caused by overgrown vegetation interfering with power lines.
  • Implementing a new storm management tool to increase efficiency in onboarding, tracking, deploying and utilizing out-of-state crews.
  • Assessing benefits and costs of undergrounding in varying sections of the service territory, particularly where reliability has been concerning and other types of hardening will be ineffective.
  • Increasing our call center capacity for storm events and re-training call center agents.
  • Increasing the completeness of customer contact information to enhance restoration time communications during storm events through proactive enrollment in our Power Alert Service so that we can push out real-time updates to customers as information becomes available.
  • Establishing regular engagement with key stakeholders, including local government officials, emergency management agencies, and community organizations to foster strong partnerships and information sharing – including conducting joint planning exercises to advance alignment and coordination during emergencies.

Additional Recommendations Under Evaluation

In addition to the items already being addressed, CenterPoint is also evaluating the 26 new ideas provided by PA Consulting Group, to assess what additional actions can be taken over the coming months as part of the second phase of GHRI, or as part of our long-term resiliency efforts that will be announced in January of 2025.

This includes evaluating:

  • Enhancing the existing tree replacement program to reduce at-risk vegetation.
  • Assessing the feasibility of having a customer communication solution that can both push alerts and receive reports from customers across multiple channels.
  • Implementing a system to gather feedback from stakeholders regarding the effectiveness of communication and outreach strategies. 

The full report can be found here.

The actions CenterPoint has taken, and will continue to take, are designed to address its customers' and other stakeholders' important concerns following Hurricane Beryl by lessening the impact and duration of storm-related outages, improving its restoration efforts and communications, while also advancing the day-to-day reliability of its grid.

About CenterPoint Energy, Inc.
As the only investor-owned electric and gas utility based in Texas, CenterPoint Energy, Inc. (NYSE: CNP) is an energy delivery company with electric transmission and distribution, power generation and natural gas distribution operations that serve more than 7 million metered customers in Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Ohio and Texas. With approximately 9,000 employees, CenterPoint Energy and its predecessor companies have been in business for more than 150 years. For more information, visit 

Forward-looking Statements
This news release, as well as the website pages related to the GHRI, includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used in this news release or the website pages related to the GHRI, the words "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "forecast," "goal," "intend," "may," "objective," "plan," "potential," "predict," "projection," "should," "target," "will" or other similar words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements, which include statements regarding our resiliency investments, and the GHRI, including effectiveness, timing and related matters, are based upon assumptions of management which are believed to be reasonable at the time made and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Actual events and results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Any statements in this news release or the website pages related to GHRI regarding future events that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. Each forward-looking statement contained in this news release or the website pages related to GHRI speaks only as of the date of this release. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the provided forward-looking information include risks and uncertainties relating to: (1) the impact of pandemics, including the COVID-19 pandemic; (2) financial market conditions; (3) general economic conditions; (4) the timing and impact of future regulatory and legislative decisions; and (5) other factors, risks and uncertainties discussed in CenterPoint Energy's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 and CenterPoint's Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2024 and other reports CenterPoint Energy or its subsidiaries may file from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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How many recommendations did PA Consulting Group make for CenterPoint Energy (CNP) after Hurricane Beryl?

PA Consulting Group made 77 recommendations to improve CenterPoint Energy's storm readiness, response, and communications following Hurricane Beryl.

How many recommendations has CenterPoint Energy (CNP) completed or started implementing?

CenterPoint Energy has completed 18 recommendations and is implementing 33 more, totaling 51 out of the 77 recommendations.

What major improvements is CenterPoint Energy (CNP) making to its grid system?

CenterPoint Energy is installing TripSaver® reclosers, increasing composite poles usage, revising tree trimming cycles, and implementing a new storm management tool.

When did PA Consulting Group conduct their review of CenterPoint Energy (CNP)?

PA Consulting Group conducted their independent review between July 31 and October 15, 2024.

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