ERCOT Board approves moving ahead to finalize CenterPoint Energy's emergency generation proposal; Company's actions will lower bills for Houston-area customers and help avoid regional energy shortfall

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CenterPoint Energy (CNP) received ERCOT Board approval for its emergency generation proposal to address Texas' energy shortfall. The company will deploy 15 large emergency generation units (27MW-32MW each) to the San Antonio region by Summer 2025 for up to two years, providing approximately 450MW of power.

Key aspects of the proposal include:

  • CNP will make no revenue or profit from these units during the ERCOT service period
  • Greater Houston-area customers will see approximately $2 monthly bill reduction by 2027
  • Each unit can power about 30,000 homes
  • The units will be located at San Antonio substations

The proposal represents a solution to help meet Texas' immediate energy needs while providing bill relief to Houston-area customers through rate reductions and cost foregoing. After the two-year ERCOT service period, CNP will explore future market opportunities, including sub-leasing these units to third parties.

CenterPoint Energy (CNP) ha ricevuto l'approvazione del Consiglio ERCOT per la sua proposta di generazione di emergenza per affrontare la carenza energetica del Texas. L'azienda installerà 15 grandi unità di generazione di emergenza (da 27MW a 32MW ciascuna) nella regione di San Antonio entro l'estate del 2025 per un periodo di massimo due anni, fornendo circa 450MW di energia.

Gli aspetti chiave della proposta includono:

  • CNP non genererà ricavi o profitti da queste unità durante il periodo di servizio ERCOT
  • I clienti dell'area di Houston vedranno una riduzione della bolletta di circa $2 al mese entro il 2027
  • Ogni unità può alimentare circa 30.000 abitazioni
  • Le unità saranno posizionate presso le sottostazioni di San Antonio

La proposta rappresenta una soluzione per soddisfare le immediate esigenze energetiche del Texas, offrendo al contempo un sollievo sulle bollette ai clienti dell'area di Houston attraverso riduzioni tariffarie e rinunce ai costi. Dopo il periodo di servizio di due anni con ERCOT, CNP esplorerà future opportunità di mercato, inclusa la sublocazione di queste unità a terzi.

CenterPoint Energy (CNP) recibió la aprobación de la Junta de ERCOT para su propuesta de generación de emergencia para abordar la escasez de energía en Texas. La empresa desplegará 15 grandes unidades de generación de emergencia (de 27MW a 32MW cada una) en la región de San Antonio para el verano de 2025 durante un máximo de dos años, proporcionando aproximadamente 450MW de energía.

Los aspectos clave de la propuesta incluyen:

  • CNP no obtendrá ingresos ni beneficios de estas unidades durante el período de servicio de ERCOT
  • Los clientes del área de Houston verán una reducción de aproximadamente $2 en su factura mensual para 2027
  • Cada unidad puede alimentar aproximadamente 30,000 hogares
  • Las unidades estarán ubicadas en las subestaciones de San Antonio

La propuesta representa una solución para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades energéticas inmediatas de Texas, al mismo tiempo que proporciona alivio en las facturas a los clientes del área de Houston a través de reducciones tarifarias y renuncias de costos. Después del período de servicio de dos años con ERCOT, CNP explorará futuras oportunidades en el mercado, incluida la subarrendamiento de estas unidades a terceros.

CenterPoint Energy (CNP)는 텍사스의 에너지 부족 문제를 해결하기 위한 긴급 발전 제안에 대해 ERCOT 이사회의 승인을 받았습니다. 이 회사는 2025년 여름까지 샌안토니오 지역에 15개의 대형 긴급 발전 유닛 (각 27MW-32MW)을 배치하여 최대 2년 동안 약 450MW의 전력을 공급할 예정입니다.

제안의 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • CNP는 ERCOT 서비스 기간 동안 이 유닛들로부터 수익이나 이익을 얻지 않습니다
  • 휴스턴 지역 고객들은 2027년까지 월 청구서가 약 $2 줄어들 것입니다
  • 각 유닛은 약 30,000 가구에 전력을 공급할 수 있습니다
  • 유닛들은 샌안토니오 변전소에 위치할 것입니다

이 제안은 텍사스의 즉각적인 에너지 요구를 충족시키는 동시에 요금 인하와 비용 포기를 통해 휴스턴 지역 고객들에게 청구서 경감을 제공하는 해결책을 나타냅니다. 2년의 ERCOT 서비스 기간 후, CNP는 이러한 유닛을 제3자에게 하청하는 것을 포함하여 미래의 시장 기회를 탐색할 것입니다.

CenterPoint Energy (CNP) a reçu l'approbation du conseil d'administration d'ERCOT pour sa proposition de génération d'urgence afin de faire face à la pénurie d'énergie au Texas. L'entreprise déploiera 15 grandes unités de génération d'urgence (de 27MW à 32MW chacune) dans la région de San Antonio d'ici l'été 2025 pour une durée maximale de deux ans, fournissant environ 450MW d'énergie.

Les principaux aspects de la proposition incluent :

  • CNP ne réalisera aucun revenu ni bénéfice de ces unités pendant la période de service ERCOT
  • Les clients de la région de Houston verront une réduction de leur facture d'environ 2 $ par mois d'ici 2027
  • Chaque unité peut alimenter environ 30 000 foyers
  • Les unités seront situées dans les sous-stations de San Antonio

La proposition représente une solution pour répondre aux besoins énergétiques immédiats du Texas tout en offrant un soulagement des factures aux clients de la région de Houston grâce à des réductions tarifaires et à des abandons de coûts. Après la période de service ERCOT de deux ans, CNP explorera de futures opportunités de marché, y compris la sous-location de ces unités à des tiers.

CenterPoint Energy (CNP) hat die Genehmigung des ERCOT-Vorstands für seinen Notstromerzeugungsantrag zur Bekämpfung des Energieengpasses in Texas erhalten. Das Unternehmen wird bis zum Sommer 2025 15 große Notstromerzeugungseinheiten (jeweils 27MW-32MW) in der Region San Antonio bereitstellen, um bis zu zwei Jahre lang etwa 450MW Strom zu liefern.

Wichtige Aspekte des Vorschlags umfassen:

  • CNP wird während der ERCOT-Dienstzeit keinen Umsatz oder Gewinn aus diesen Einheiten erzielen
  • Kunden im Großraum Houston werden bis 2027 mit einer monatlichen Rechnungsreduzierung von etwa $2 rechnen können
  • Jede Einheit kann etwa 30.000 Haushalte mit Strom versorgen
  • Die Einheiten werden an Umspannwerken in San Antonio stationiert

Der Vorschlag stellt eine Lösung dar, um den unmittelbaren Energiebedarf in Texas zu decken und gleichzeitig den Kunden im Raum Houston durch Tarifsenkungen und Kostenverzicht Entlastung bei den Rechnungen zu bieten. Nach dem zweijährigen ERCOT-Dienstzeitraum wird CNP zukünftige Marktchancen, einschließlich der Untervermietung dieser Einheiten an Dritte, prüfen.

  • Bill reduction of $2/month for Houston customers by 2027
  • Addition of 450MW emergency power capacity to Texas grid
  • No additional costs to customers for future unit operations
  • Future revenue potential through sub-leasing units after ERCOT period
  • No immediate bill relief (reductions start by 2027)
  • Temporary solution to two years
  • No revenue generation from units during ERCOT period


CenterPoint Energy's (CNP) emergency generation agreement with ERCOT represents a strategic regulatory maneuver with mixed financial implications. By deploying 15 large generation units (approximately 450MW total capacity) to the San Antonio region for up to two years, CNP is making a calculated sacrifice of near-term revenue to potentially secure longer-term regulatory goodwill in Texas.

The financial impact on Houston customers appears modest – approximately $2 monthly bill reduction by 2027 on a typical 1,000 kWh bill that currently averages around $115. This represents less than a 2% decrease. However, the cumulative customer savings across 2.8 million accounts could exceed $130 million over the full period.

For investors, this arrangement creates a complex value proposition:

  • CNP absorbs certain 2024 storm and vegetation management costs while foregoing revenue from these assets
  • The company builds significant political capital with Texas regulators and lawmakers
  • After the two-year period, CNP retains valuable generation assets that can be monetized through sub-leasing or other market mechanisms
  • The transaction may provide regulatory support for CNP's broader rate cases and infrastructure investments

This move positions CNP as a cooperative player in Texas's energy challenges, potentially creating a more favorable regulatory environment for its core transmission and distribution business. The arrangement also establishes a concerning precedent where utilities might be expected to contribute assets without compensation during grid emergencies.

For long-term investors, this represents CNP sacrificing short-term earnings for regulatory relationship-building in a state where political relationships significantly impact utility economics. The market will likely view this as a prudent strategic decision despite the near-term earnings impact.

CenterPoint's 15 large emergency generation units will help ERCOT meet current and future energy needs for the San Antonio region for up to two years starting in Summer 2025

Greater Houston-area customers will see bill relief related to this transaction of approximately $2 less per month by 2027

Subject to final approvals, CenterPoint will make no revenue or profit off the proposal to help ERCOT and the State of Texas

HOUSTON, Feb. 25, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- As part of a commitment to help meet the State of Texas' immediate energy needs, CenterPoint Energy welcomed today's approval by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) Board to move ahead with finalizing CenterPoint's proposal to utilize 15 large emergency generation units to help address the state's generation shortfall concerns. Under its proposal, CenterPoint will make no revenue or profit from these 15 units while helping ERCOT and the State of Texas. CenterPoint's 2.8 million Greater Houston-area electric customers will also benefit from the arraignment by seeing lower monthly bills related to this transaction by 2027.

As outlined before the ERCOT Board today, and subject to finalization of mutually agreed upon documentation among the relevant parties, including ERCOT and the service provider/operator of the emergency generation units, CenterPoint will send the 15 large emergency generation units to the San Antonio area by summer 2025, for up to two years, which will help the state and ERCOT offset a projected energy shortfall.

As an outcome of this proposal, CenterPoint would make its Houston Electric customers whole for the portion of the units that they have been billed for to date through a combination of rate reductions and foregoing other costs (such as some 2024 storm and vegetation management costs).

The cost of these large temporary generation units will be removed from CenterPoint's Houston Electric rates once they leave the CenterPoint service area in the coming months. The average Houston Electric customer (who uses 1,000 kWh/month) will see a reduction in bills of an estimated $2/month related to this transaction by 2027.

The 15 units (ranging from 27MW to 32MW) can each power approximately 30,000 homes and were originally acquired to help protect customers against the impacts of extreme weather like Winter Storm Uri.

"All of us at CenterPoint work hard every day to find solutions that benefit our many different stakeholders. This proposal is an unprecedented contribution of value to the state at a key inflection point in the Texas energy market. This unique, commonsense, Texas-driven solution will reduce our customers' electric bills and address the state's projected power needs for the next few years. We want to especially thank the ERCOT board, and all our state and local elected leaders for their strong support as we continue to work together to finalize this smart and forward-looking solution that provides bill relief to our customers while helping meet the ever-growing energy needs of our vibrant Texas economy," said Jason Wells, President and Chief Executive Officer of CenterPoint Energy.

Working Together Toward a Commonsense, Texas-Focused Solution
Over the last six months, CenterPoint engaged in discussions with ERCOT staff, elected leaders and other parties on the role of large temporary generation units, which culminated in this unique proposal.

Important Facts: CenterPoint's Texas Solution for Emergency Generation Units
CenterPoint's leased 15 large emergency generation units will help provide up to approximately 450MW of power to be dispatched by ERCOT to serve Texans in the San Antonio region. Important facts related to the proposal include the following:

  • Lowering Bills for CenterPoint Customers: Costs associated with these units will start to come out of rates for Houston Electric customers in the coming months. Going forward, bills will be reduced by an estimated $2/month by 2027 (for the average customer) related to this transaction. This is based on an average customer who uses approximately 1,000 kWh. Final timing and agreement on the rate reduction must be approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas in Spring 2025.
  • Supporting EROCT/Texas Energy Needs: CenterPoint will send the 15 large (27MW -32MW) units to the Greater San Antonio area in the coming months. By Summer 2025, these units will be located at substations around San Antonio. These units will be available to serve ERCOT for up to two years.  This approximately two-year timeframe could be shortened if transmission projects planned in the South Texas area are completed ahead of schedule.
  • Helping Texas: The Texas-driven solution will provide critical generation capacity for the San Antonio region, avoiding the risk of possible shortfalls. 
  • Forgoing Revenue and Profit for Units: CenterPoint will receive no revenue or profit from the 15 large units for an up to two-year period based on the proposal with ERCOT.
  • Seeking Future Market Opportunities: After the up-to-two-year ERCOT service period, CenterPoint will seek future market opportunities, including sub-leasing these units to third parties.  CenterPoint will continue to not charge customers for these units relating to this future period.

CenterPoint's role in the Texas electricity market
CenterPoint is an electric transmission and distribution company in the Texas market. The company does not own any power plants in the state; does not generate any electricity in the state; and does not purchase electricity on behalf of customers in Texas. It also does not have any electric customers in Texas outside the 12-county Greater Houston area.

About CenterPoint Energy, Inc.
As the only investor-owned electric and gas utility based in Texas, CenterPoint Energy, Inc. (NYSE: CNP) is an energy delivery company with electric transmission and distribution, power generation and natural gas distribution operations that serve more than 7 million metered customers in Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Ohio, and Texas. As of December 31, 2024, the company owned approximately $44 billion in assets. With approximately 9,000 employees, CenterPoint Energy and its predecessor companies have been in business for more than 150 years. For more information, visit

Forward-looking Statements
This news release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used in this news release, the words "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "forecast," "goal," "intend," "may," "objective," "plan," "potential," "predict," "projection," "should," "target," "will," "would" or other similar words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements, which include statements regarding a potential transaction with ERCOT, future bill impacts, and future potential transactions regarding the large emergency generation units, including effectiveness, timing and related matters, are based upon assumptions of management which are believed to be reasonable at the time made and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Actual events and results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Any statements in this news release regarding future events that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. Each forward-looking statement contained in this news release speaks only as of the date of this release. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the provided forward-looking information include risks and uncertainties relating to: (1) the impact of pandemics, including the COVID-19 pandemic; (2) financial market conditions; (3) general economic conditions; (4) the timing and impact of future regulatory and legislative decisions; and (5) other factors, risks and uncertainties discussed in CenterPoint Energy's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2024 and other reports CenterPoint Energy or its subsidiaries may file from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Investors and others should note that we may announce material information using SEC filings and the Investor Relations page of our website, including press releases, public conference calls, webcasts. In the future, we will continue to use these channels to distribute material information about the company and to communicate important information about the company, key personnel, corporate initiatives, regulatory updates, and other matters. Information that we post on our website could be deemed material; therefore, we encourage investors to review the information we post on the Investor Relations page of our website. 

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How much will CenterPoint Energy's emergency generation proposal save Houston customers on their monthly bills?

Houston-area customers using 1,000 kWh/month will see approximately $2 monthly bill reduction by 2027.

When will CenterPoint Energy's emergency generation units be operational in San Antonio?

The 15 emergency generation units will be operational in San Antonio by Summer 2025 for up to two years.

How many homes can each of CNP's emergency generation units power?

Each unit can power approximately 30,000 homes, with capacities ranging from 27MW to 32MW.

What is the total power capacity of CenterPoint Energy's emergency generation units for ERCOT?

The 15 units will provide approximately 450MW of power to the San Antonio region.

How will CenterPoint Energy profit from the emergency generation units during the ERCOT service period?

CenterPoint Energy will make no revenue or profit from these units during the up to two-year ERCOT service period.

Centerpoint Energy Inc


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