CenterPoint Energy lineworkers place in the top 5 percent of utilities at 40th annual International Lineman's Rodeo

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CenterPoint Energy's lineworkers and apprentices competed in the 40th annual International Lineman's Rodeo in Bonner Springs, Kansas. The event attracted over 200 teams from around the world to compete in tasks based on traditional lineman skills. CenterPoint's team placed 6th among investor-owned utilities and 13th overall. Their 2024 Journeyman team also secured 5th place in the Preform Top Tie Replacement event.

The competition included events like the 'hurt man rescue' and pole climb, graded on safety and proficiency. Approximately 227 lineworker teams and 380 apprentices participated from across the United States and Canada. CenterPoint sent three lineworker teams and eight apprentices to represent the company. The company has been participating in this event for over 30 years, highlighting its commitment to skill development and safety in the lineworker trade.

I lavoratori e apprendisti di CenterPoint Energy hanno partecipato al 40° International Lineman's Rodeo annuale a Bonner Springs, Kansas. L'evento ha attirato oltre 200 squadre da tutto il mondo per competere in attività basate su abilità tradizionali da lineman. Il team di CenterPoint si è classificato al 6° posto tra le utility di proprietà degli investitori e al 13° posto in generale. La loro squadra di apprendisti per il 2024 ha inoltre ottenuto il 5° posto nell'evento di sostituzione del Top Tie Preform.

La competizione includeva eventi come il 'salvataggio di un uomo ferito' e la scalata del palo, valutati in base alla sicurezza e alla competenza. Circa 227 squadre di lineman e 380 apprendisti hanno partecipato da tutti gli Stati Uniti e dal Canada. CenterPoint ha inviato tre squadre di lavoratori e otto apprendisti per rappresentare l'azienda. L'azienda partecipa a questo evento da oltre 30 anni, evidenziando il suo impegno per lo sviluppo delle competenze e la sicurezza nel mestiere di lineman.

Los trabajadores y aprendices de CenterPoint Energy compitieron en el 40° International Lineman's Rodeo anual en Bonner Springs, Kansas. El evento atrajo a más de 200 equipos de todo el mundo para competir en tareas basadas en habilidades tradicionales de lineman. El equipo de CenterPoint se clasificó 6° entre las utilidades de propiedad de inversores y 13° en general. Su equipo de Aprendices 2024 también aseguró el 5° lugar en el evento de reemplazo del Top Tie Preform.

La competencia incluyó eventos como el 'rescate de un hombre herido' y la escalada del poste, evaluados en base a la seguridad y competencia. Aproximadamente 227 equipos de lineman y 380 aprendices participaron de los Estados Unidos y Canadá. CenterPoint envió tres equipos de trabajadores y ocho aprendices para representar a la empresa. La compañía ha estado participando en este evento durante más de 30 años, destacando su compromiso con el desarrollo de habilidades y la seguridad en el oficio de lineman.

CenterPoint Energy의 작업자와 견습생들이 캔자스주 본너 스프링스에서 열린 제40회 국제 전선공 로데오에 참가했습니다. 이 행사는 전 세계에서 200개 이상의 팀이 전통적인 전선공 기술에 기반한 작업에서 경쟁하기 위해 모였습니다. CenterPoint 팀은 투자자 소유 공공 유틸리티 중 6위, 전체 13위를 차지했습니다. 그들의 2024 연주자 팀은 또한 Preform Top Tie Replacement 이벤트에서 5위를 차지했습니다.

경쟁에는 '부상자 구조'와 기둥 오르기와 같은 이벤트가 포함되어 있으며, 안전성과 숙련도로 평가됩니다. 약 227개의 전선공 팀과 380명의 견습생이 미국과 캐나다 전역에서 참가했습니다. CenterPoint는 회사를 대표하기 위해 세 개의 전선공 팀과 여덟 명의 견습생을 보냈습니다. 이 회사는 30년 넘게 이 이벤트에 참가하고 있으며, 전선공 직업에서의 기술 개발과 안전에 대한 약속을 강조하고 있습니다.

Les travailleurs et apprentis de CenterPoint Energy ont participé au 40e International Lineman's Rodeo annuel à Bonner Springs, Kansas. L'événement a attiré plus de 200 équipes du monde entier pour concourir dans des tâches basées sur des compétences traditionnelles de lineman. L'équipe de CenterPoint s'est classée 6e parmi les entreprises de services publics détenues par des investisseurs et 13e au total. Leur équipe d'apprentis 2024 a également obtenu la 5e place dans l'événement de remplacement de Top Tie Preform.

La compétition comprenait des événements tels que le 'sauvetage d'un homme blessé' et l'escalade de pôle, notés sur la sécurité et la compétence. Environ 227 équipes de linemen et 380 apprentis ont participé des États-Unis et du Canada. CenterPoint a envoyé trois équipes de travailleurs et huit apprentis pour représenter l'entreprise. L'entreprise participe à cet événement depuis plus de 30 ans, soulignant son engagement en faveur du développement des compétences et de la sécurité dans le métier de lineman.

Die Arbeiter und Auszubildenden von CenterPoint Energy nahmen am 40. International Lineman's Rodeo in Bonner Springs, Kansas, teil. Die Veranstaltung zog über 200 Teams aus der ganzen Welt an, die in Aufgaben auf der Grundlage traditioneller Lineman-Fähigkeiten konkurrierten. Das Team von CenterPoint belegte den 6. Platz unter den investorengeführten Versorgungsunternehmen und den 13. Platz insgesamt. Ihr Journeyman-Team 2024 sicherte sich außerdem den 5. Platz im Preform Top Tie Replacement Event.

Der Wettbewerb umfasste Veranstaltungen wie die 'Verletztenrettung' und das Pfahlsteigen, die nach Sicherheit und Fachkenntnis bewertet wurden. Ungefähr 227 Lineman-Teams und 380 Auszubildende nahmen aus den ganzen USA und Kanada teil. CenterPoint schickte drei Lineman-Teams und acht Auszubildende, um das Unternehmen zu vertreten. Das Unternehmen nimmt seit über 30 Jahren an dieser Veranstaltung teil und hebt damit sein Engagement für die Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten und die Sicherheit im Beruf des Lineman hervor.

  • CenterPoint Energy's team placed 6th among investor-owned utilities and 13th overall in the competition
  • The 2024 Journeyman team secured 5th place in the Preform Top Tie Replacement event
  • Company's participation in the event for over 30 years demonstrates long-term commitment to skill development
  • None.

With more than 200 competing teams, CenterPoint earns 6th place finish among investor-owned utilities and 13th place overall

HOUSTON, Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- This past weekend, CenterPoint Energy's lineworkers and apprentices competed in the 40th annual International Lineman's Rodeo in Bonner Springs, Kansas. The Lineman's Rodeo attracts the best linemen from around the world to compete in events based on traditional lineman tasks. The event provides valuable opportunities for lineworkers to sharpen their abilities, stay proficient and improve productivity, all while prioritizing safety throughout the competition.

In addition to placing 6th amongst teams from other investor-owned utilities and 13th overall, CenterPoint's 2024 Journeyman team also placed 5th in one of this year's mystery events, the Preform Top Tie Replacement event, which involves using fiberglass Hot Sticks to replace a damaged tie wire.

"This event and the regional and state qualifying rodeos are great avenues for our employees to showcase the complexity of the training, safety processes, and additional skillsets needed to perform this critical job," said Darin Carroll, CenterPoint Senior Vice President of Electric Business. "These competitions are important to the industry, and we are proud of our colleagues who always represent us well."

Approximately 227 lineworker teams and 380 apprentices came together from across the United States and Canada to compete and collaborate with others in the lineworker trade and receive recognition for their skills. CenterPoint sent three lineworker teams, each consisting of two climbers and one groundman, and eight apprentices, to represent the company, along with support staff and judges.

The Lineman's Rodeo includes competitive events like the "hurt man rescue" and the pole climb, which are graded on safety and proficiency. In the hurt man rescue, a 150-pound mannequin, simulating an injured coworker, is "rescued" from the top of a 40-foot pole. The pole climb is a timed event and tests the skills of a lineman by having them climb up then climb down a pole without breaking a raw egg that is carried in their mouth. There are also mystery events that change each year and showcase skills that are less frequently used today but remain essential for linemen. Apprentices also take a written test that measures their knowledge of basic skills.

CenterPoint's skilled workforce has been participating in the International Lineman's Rodeo for more than 30 years.

About CenterPoint Energy, Inc.
As the only investor-owned electric and gas utility based in Texas, CenterPoint Energy, Inc. (NYSE: CNP) is an energy delivery company with electric transmission and distribution, power generation and natural gas distribution operations that serve more than 7 million metered customers in Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Ohio and Texas. With approximately 9,000 employees, CenterPoint Energy and its predecessor companies have been in business for more than 150 years. For more information, visit

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What was CenterPoint Energy's (CNP) performance in the 2024 International Lineman's Rodeo?

CenterPoint Energy placed 6th among investor-owned utilities and 13th overall in the 2024 International Lineman's Rodeo. Their 2024 Journeyman team also secured 5th place in the Preform Top Tie Replacement event.

How many teams participated in the 2024 International Lineman's Rodeo where CenterPoint Energy (CNP) competed?

The 2024 International Lineman's Rodeo had approximately 227 lineworker teams and 380 apprentices participating from across the United States and Canada.

What events were included in the 2024 International Lineman's Rodeo where CenterPoint Energy (CNP) participated?

The 2024 International Lineman's Rodeo included events such as the 'hurt man rescue', pole climb, and mystery events like the Preform Top Tie Replacement. Apprentices also took a written test to measure their knowledge of basic skills.

How long has CenterPoint Energy (CNP) been participating in the International Lineman's Rodeo?

CenterPoint Energy has been participating in the International Lineman's Rodeo for more than 30 years, demonstrating their long-term commitment to the event and lineworker skill development.

CenterPoint Energy, Inc.


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