Q32 Bio Presents Results from SIGNAL-AA Part A Clinical Trial Evaluating Bempikibart in Patients with Alopecia Areata at the 2025 American Academy of Dermatology Meeting

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Q32 Bio (Nasdaq: QTTB) presented additional results from Part A of its SIGNAL-AA Phase 2a clinical trial evaluating bempikibart in patients with alopecia areata at the 2025 AAD Meeting. The trial demonstrated encouraging improvements in SALT reduction at week 24 and continued effects after dosing cessation.

Key findings include:

  • 16% mean SALT score reduction in bempikibart group vs 2% in placebo at week 24 (p=0.045)
  • Continued response improvement through week 36 despite only 24 weeks of treatment
  • Two patients showed ongoing responses at week 55, suggesting potential remittive effects
  • Favorable safety profile with no Grade 3 or higher treatment-related adverse events

The company plans to initiate an open-label extension study and SIGNAL-AA Part B in 1H'25, with topline data expected in 1H'26. Part B will include a loading dosing regimen and longer treatment period of 36 weeks with follow-up through week 52.

Q32 Bio (Nasdaq: QTTB) ha presentato risultati aggiuntivi della Parte A del suo studio clinico di fase 2a SIGNAL-AA che valuta bempikibart in pazienti con alopecia areata durante il Meeting AAD 2025. Lo studio ha dimostrato miglioramenti incoraggianti nella riduzione del punteggio SALT alla settimana 24 e effetti continuativi dopo la cessazione del trattamento.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • Riduzione media del punteggio SALT del 16% nel gruppo bempikibart rispetto al 2% nel gruppo placebo alla settimana 24 (p=0.045)
  • Continua miglioramento della risposta fino alla settimana 36 nonostante solo 24 settimane di trattamento
  • Due pazienti hanno mostrato risposte continuative alla settimana 55, suggerendo potenziali effetti remittivi
  • Profilo di sicurezza favorevole senza eventi avversi correlati al trattamento di Grado 3 o superiore

L'azienda prevede di avviare uno studio di estensione in aperto e la Parte B di SIGNAL-AA nella prima metà del '25, con dati preliminari attesi nella prima metà del '26. La Parte B includerà un regime di dosaggio di carico e un periodo di trattamento più lungo di 36 settimane con follow-up fino alla settimana 52.

Q32 Bio (Nasdaq: QTTB) presentó resultados adicionales de la Parte A de su ensayo clínico de fase 2a SIGNAL-AA que evalúa bempikibart en pacientes con alopecia areata en la reunión AAD 2025. El ensayo demostró mejoras alentadoras en la reducción del puntaje SALT a la semana 24 y efectos continuos después de la suspensión del tratamiento.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • Reducción media del puntaje SALT del 16% en el grupo de bempikibart frente al 2% en el placebo a la semana 24 (p=0.045)
  • Mejora continua de la respuesta hasta la semana 36 a pesar de solo 24 semanas de tratamiento
  • Dos pacientes mostraron respuestas continuas a la semana 55, sugiriendo efectos potencialmente remisorios
  • Perfil de seguridad favorable sin eventos adversos relacionados con el tratamiento de Grado 3 o superior

La empresa planea iniciar un estudio de extensión en abierto y la Parte B de SIGNAL-AA en la primera mitad del '25, con datos preliminares esperados en la primera mitad del '26. La Parte B incluirá un régimen de dosificación de carga y un período de tratamiento más largo de 36 semanas con seguimiento hasta la semana 52.

Q32 Bio (Nasdaq: QTTB)는 2025 AAD 회의에서 bempikibart를 사용한 탈모증 환자를 대상으로 한 SIGNAL-AA 2a상 임상 시험 A파트의 추가 결과를 발표했습니다. 이 시험은 24주 차에 SALT 점수 감소에서 고무적인 개선을 보여주었고, 투약 중단 후에도 지속적인 효과를 나타냈습니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 24주 차에서 bempikibart 그룹의 평균 SALT 점수 감소 16% 대 위약 그룹의 2% (p=0.045)
  • 치료가 24주만 진행되었음에도 불구하고 36주 차까지 지속적인 반응 개선
  • 55주 차에 두 명의 환자가 지속적인 반응을 보여주어 잠재적인 완화 효과를 시사
  • 3등급 이상의 치료 관련 부작용이 없는 우수한 안전성 프로필

회사는 '25년 상반기에 개방형 연장 연구와 SIGNAL-AA B파트를 시작할 계획이며, 26년 상반기에 주요 데이터가 예상됩니다. B파트는 로딩 용량 요법과 36주 동안의 장기 치료 기간을 포함하고 52주 차까지 추적 관찰을 진행할 예정입니다.

Q32 Bio (Nasdaq: QTTB) a présenté des résultats supplémentaires de la Partie A de son essai clinique de phase 2a SIGNAL-AA évaluant bempikibart chez des patients atteints d'alopécie areata lors de la réunion AAD 2025. L'essai a démontré des améliorations encourageantes dans la réduction du score SALT à la semaine 24 et des effets persistants après l'arrêt du traitement.

Les principales conclusions incluent:

  • Réduction moyenne du score SALT de 16% dans le groupe bempikibart contre 2% dans le groupe placebo à la semaine 24 (p=0.045)
  • Amélioration continue de la réponse jusqu'à la semaine 36 malgré seulement 24 semaines de traitement
  • Deux patients ont montré des réponses continues à la semaine 55, suggérant des effets potentiellement remittifs
  • Profil de sécurité favorable sans événements indésirables liés au traitement de Grade 3 ou supérieur

L'entreprise prévoit de lancer une étude d'extension en ouvert et la Partie B de SIGNAL-AA au cours du premier semestre de '25, avec des données préliminaires attendues au cours du premier semestre de '26. La Partie B comprendra un schéma posologique de charge et une période de traitement plus longue de 36 semaines avec un suivi jusqu'à la semaine 52.

Q32 Bio (Nasdaq: QTTB) hat auf dem AAD Meeting 2025 zusätzliche Ergebnisse aus Teil A seiner SIGNAL-AA Phase 2a klinischen Studie zur Bewertung von bempikibart bei Patienten mit Alopecia areata vorgestellt. Die Studie zeigte ermutigende Verbesserungen bei der SALT-Reduktion in der Woche 24 und anhaltende Effekte nach Behandlungsabbruch.

Wichtige Ergebnisse umfassen:

  • 16% durchschnittliche SALT-Punktreduzierung in der bempikibart-Gruppe im Vergleich zu 2% in der Placebo-Gruppe in Woche 24 (p=0.045)
  • Fortgesetzte Verbesserung der Reaktion bis Woche 36 trotz nur 24 Wochen Behandlung
  • Zwei Patienten zeigten in Woche 55 anhaltende Reaktionen, was auf potenzielle remittierende Effekte hindeutet
  • Positives Sicherheitsprofil ohne behandlungsbedingte unerwünschte Ereignisse der Stufe 3 oder höher

Das Unternehmen plant, in der ersten Hälfte von '25 eine offene Erweiterungsstudie und SIGNAL-AA Teil B zu starten, wobei die ersten Daten in der ersten Hälfte von '26 erwartet werden. Teil B wird ein Lade-Dosierungsschema und eine längere Behandlungsdauer von 36 Wochen mit Follow-up bis Woche 52 umfassen.

  • Statistically significant 16% SALT score reduction vs 2% placebo at week 24 (p=0.045)
  • Durable response with continued improvement after treatment cessation through week 55
  • Clean safety profile with no Grade 3+ treatment-related adverse events
  • Strong patient interest with multiple requests to re-initiate treatment
  • Development program on track with two studies planned for 1H'25
  • Modest efficacy with only 16% mean SALT reduction at week 24
  • Small trial size with only 41 patients in modified intent-to-treat population
  • Only 9% of patients achieved SALT score ≤20 at week 24


Q32 Bio's SIGNAL-AA Part A trial results for bempikibart in alopecia areata (AA) demonstrate statistically significant efficacy with a 16% mean SALT score reduction versus 2% for placebo (p=0.045) at week 24. While this primary endpoint was met with statistical significance, the 16% efficacy margin appears modest compared to other AA treatments on market.

The most compelling aspect is the durability of response after treatment cessation. Despite only 24 weeks of dosing, improvements continued through week 36 in the formal follow-up period, with some patients showing ongoing responses through week 55 – approximately 7 months post-treatment. This suggests potential disease-modifying properties, which would be a significant differentiator in the alopecia market.

In patients with severe disease (baseline SALT 50-95), efficacy was more pronounced with a 25% SALT reduction at week 24. The safety profile appears favorable with no Grade 3+ treatment-related adverse events or related viral infections.

The mechanistic data showing reductions in Th2 biomarkers (TARC, IgE, eosinophils) and expected modulation of T-cells supports the dual IL-7/TSLP inhibition mechanism. This suggests bempikibart is working as designed to restore immune homeostasis.

Q32 Bio is advancing a comprehensive development strategy including an open-label extension and SIGNAL-AA Part B featuring a loading dose regimen, longer 36-week treatment period, and 52-week follow-up. This enhanced protocol could potentially improve upon the modest initial efficacy results while maintaining the promising durability signals.

The SIGNAL-AA Part A results reveal bempikibart's unique immunomodulatory approach targeting both IL-7 and TSLP signaling pathways. What distinguishes these findings is not the 16% mean SALT reduction at week 24 (which is modest compared to JAK inhibitors), but rather the continued improvement after treatment cessation.

This post-treatment response deepening suggests fundamental immune rebalancing rather than mere symptom suppression. The mechanism appears to involve T effector memory cell rebalancing and T regulatory function restoration, creating potentially durable remission—a concept previously demonstrated only in preclinical models but now observed in humans.

The biomarker data confirms mechanism of action with decreases in TARC, IgE, and eosinophils (Th2 pathway markers) alongside expected CD3+ T-cell modulation. This mechanism differs significantly from JAK inhibitors, which broadly suppress cytokine signaling and typically require continuous treatment to maintain effect.

The enhanced protocol for SIGNAL-AA Part B with loading doses (200mg weekly for 4 weeks followed by Q2W maintenance) should accelerate and potentially deepen responses. The 36-week treatment window with 52-week follow-up is strategically designed to better characterize the duration of remission.

While the initial efficacy signal is modest, the safety profile is encouraging with no Grade 3+ treatment-related events. The absence of viral infections is particularly notable given the immunomodulatory mechanism, suggesting bempikibart achieves immune rebalancing without broad immunosuppression—a clinically meaningful differentiation if confirmed in larger trials.

-- Results presented in AAD late-breaker demonstrate bempikibart's encouraging improvement on SALT reduction at week 24 and continued effects after dosing cessation in patients with severe and very severe alopecia areata (AA) --

-- Durable, ongoing responses in multiple patients through week 36 follow-up period and beyond to week 55, despite only 24 weeks of dosing, suggestive of potential for remittive effect; multiple inbound patient requests to re-initiate dosing --

-- In the Phase 2a clinical trial, bempikibart was observed to be safe and well-tolerated, with PK supporting subcutaneous dosing and receptor occupancy data demonstrating desired target engagement; clinical biomarkers showed changes in Th2 biomarkers, and expected on-mechanism changes in T-cells, indicative of potent IL-7 and TSLP inhibition --

-- Bempikibart development program remains on track with open-label extension study to initiate in 1H'25; SIGNAL-AA Part B remains on track for initiation of dosing in 1H'25, with topline data expected in 1H'26 --

WALTHAM, Mass., March 8, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Q32 Bio Inc. (Nasdaq: QTTB) ("Q32 Bio"), a clinical stage biotechnology company focused on developing biologic therapeutics to restore immune homeostasis, today announced additional results from Part A of its SIGNAL-AA Phase 2a clinical trial of bempikibart in patients with alopecia areata (AA) at the 2025 American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Meeting in Orlando, FL. Bempikibart is a fully human anti-IL-7Rα antibody that re-regulates adaptive immune function by blocking IL-7 and TSLP signaling that is in development for the treatment of AA and currently being evaluated in a Phase 2 program.

"We are excited to share the results from our late-breaker at AAD which includes completed 36-week data and extended follow-up of patients in long-term response who voluntarily re-consented for further assessments based on their maintenance or further deepening of responses after the end of the trial," said Jodie Morrison, Chief Executive Officer of Q32 Bio. "These findings demonstrate for the first time in patients the potential of an IL-7Rα antagonist approach to deliver durable and sustained activity and recapitulate over a decade of nonclinical research highlighting the potential of this type of sustained response in multiple animal disease models. Given these exciting findings, we have committed to advancing bempikibart as a potentially differentiated therapy for alopecia areata patients who have had limited treatment choices and, to date, no biologic option available."

"The responses of patients with longstanding and severe disease, not only at 24 weeks but several weeks after treatment withdrawal, is very provocative," said Brett King, M.D., Ph.D., of Dermatology Physicians of Connecticut, and former Associate Professor of Dermatology, Yale University School of Medicine. "If the activity of bempikibart, including the potential to induce a durable, long-term response, and the safety profile are confirmed in upcoming clinical trials, bempikibart has the potential to change the treatment paradigm of alopecia areata."

Results from SIGNAL-AA Part A Phase 2a Clinical Trial:

SIGNAL-AA Part A is a Phase 2a, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center clinical trial evaluating bempikibart in adult patients with severe and very severe AA (baseline Severity of Alopecia Tool (SALT) scores of 50-100) treated over 24 weeks, with follow-up through 36 weeks. The trial is being conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of bempikibart 200 mg administered subcutaneously (SC), every-other-week (Q2W) compared to placebo. SIGNAL-AA Part A comprised of 41 patients in the modified intent-to-treat population and 27 in the per protocol population, with a primary endpoint of the mean relative percent change in SALT score at 24 weeks compared with baseline, with follow-up in a 12-week post-treatment period through week 36. Additional data has been collected on patients after week 36, with follow-up on multiple patients through week 55 to date, and additional long-term follow-up ongoing.

Highlights on the per protocol basis from the 2025 AAD late-breaking presentation include:

During the on-treatment window:

  • At week 24: Patients with a SALT score of 50-100 treated with bempikibart (n=23) showed a mean reduction in SALT score of 16% vs a reduction of 2% in the placebo group (n=4). A Wilcoxon Rank Sum test yielded a p-value of 0.045.
  • At week 26: Patients with severe and very severe disease treated with bempikibart showed a mean reduction in SALT score of 18% in the bempikibart group vs a reduction of 2% in the placebo group.
  • At week 24: 9% of bempikibart patients with severe and very severe disease achieved a SALT score less than or equal to 20 compared to 0% in placebo.
  • At week 26: 14% of bempikibart patients with severe and very severe disease achieved a SALT score less than or equal to 20 compared to 0% in placebo.
  • In the subset of patients with severe disease (baseline SALT 50-95):
    • At week 24: patients treated with bempikibart (n=15) showed a mean reduction in SALT score of 25% improving to 27% at week 26.
    • At week 24: 13% of bempikibart patients achieved a achieved a SALT score less than or equal to 20, compared to 0% in placebo, improving to 21% at week 26 vs 0% in the placebo group.

During the post-treatment follow-up period:

Despite only 24 weeks of treatment across bempikibart treated patients, a deepening response, as measured by mean SALT improvement, was observed following dosing cessation (week 24) through the post-treatment follow-up period (week 36), a paradigm believed to be associated with IL-7 on-mechanism modulation of rebalancing T effector memory cells and T regulatory function.

  • At week 36, across patients treated with bempikibart, a mean reduction in SALT score of 20% was observed. In the subset of patients with severe disease, at week 36, the mean reduction in SALT score was 28%.

Additional post-treatment data collection remains ongoing, including longer-term follow-up of patients following the completion of the trial (post 36 weeks). Outreach was made to patients regarding the post-treatment experience and patients willing to participate were re-consented.

  • Amongst patients responding to outreach that completed the treatment period and showed a SALT response during the trial (n=12), all achieved maintenance of response or further hair growth in the post treatment period (post 24 weeks), including after the end of the trial (post 36 weeks).
    • All 12 were confirmed by SALT assessment by the investigator, with a median follow-up of 41 weeks to date (17 weeks post last treatment) with additional follow-up ongoing.
    • Of these, seven patients (7/12) showed additional hair growth by SALT assessment post-treatment, with median follow-up of 44 weeks to date (20 weeks post last treatment) with additional follow-up ongoing.
  • At week 55: two patients demonstrated improved and ongoing responses approximately seven months following dosing cessation, supporting the potential for remittive effect and durability of response with bempikibart.

Bempikibart demonstrated a well-tolerated safety and tolerability profile, with no Grade 3 or higher adverse events related to treatment. Further, no related viral infections were reported in the bempikibart group.

In addition, in the Phase 2a clinical trial, bempikibart at 200mg Q2W SC demonstrated favorable pharmacokinetics (PK) and target engagement as demonstrated by substantial reductions in biomarkers of Th2 and expected modulation of T-cells. The reduction in Th2 biomarkers included TARC, IgE and eosinophils. CD3+ T-cells were reduced as expected with target engagement and IL-7Rα blockade. Q32 Bio believes these results demonstrate that bempikibart is a potent inhibitor of both TSLP and IL-7.

"In addition to the meaningful mean SALT reductions through week 24, we observed deepening responses throughout the follow-up period through week 36 and longer, despite dosing only through 24 weeks, including two patients with continued response at week 55, approximately seven months following dosing cessation," said Jason Campagna, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Medical Officer of Q32 Bio. "Our development program for bempikibart is designed to expand on these results, first with our open-label extension allowing for longer term dosing and follow-up, and second, with SIGNAL-AA Part B which introduces a loading dosing regimen, longer dosing period and longer follow up. SIGNAL-AA Part B is intended to support advancement into pivotal trials upon completion, pending review of the results."

Bempikibart Phase 2 Development Program:

Q32 Bio is advancing a comprehensive development program evaluating bempikibart in AA. Based on re-consent rates for continued follow-up and strong interest from SIGNAL-AA Part A patients to re-initiate dosing, Q32 Bio plans to initiate an open-label extension (OLE) following the same bempikibart dosing regimen leveraged in Part A to enable longer-term follow-up of patients. Initiation of the OLE remains on track for the first half of 2025.

In addition, Q32 Bio is advancing bempikibart in the Part B portion of the SIGNAL-AA Phase 2a clinical trial. SIGNAL-AA Part B is an open-label clinical trial, dosing patients with bempikibart for 36 weeks, with follow-up out to 52 weeks, in approximately 20 evaluable patients with severe or very severe AA. Dosing will include an initial loading regimen of 200mg of bempikibart dosed weekly over four weeks, followed by a maintenance dose of 200mg every-other-week over a 32-week period for a total of 36 weeks. Efficacy will be evaluated on the basis of mean percentage change from baseline in SALT scores as well as the proportion of subjects achieving various relative and absolute SALT week 36, with follow-up through week 52. The trial is intended to support advancement into pivotal trials upon completion, pending review of the results. Q32 Bio expects to initiate Part B in the first half of 2025 and report topline data in the first half of 2026.

A copy of the AAD late-breaking presentation is available on the Presentations and Publications page of Q32 Bio's website.

About Q32 Bio

Q32 Bio is a clinical stage biotechnology company whose science targets potent regulators of the adaptive immune system to re-balance immunity in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.

Q32 Bio is advancing bempikibart (ADX-914), a fully human anti-IL-7Rα antibody that re-regulates adaptive immune function for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, in a Phase 2 program. The IL-7 and TSLP pathways have been genetically and biologically implicated in driving several T cell-mediated pathological processes in numerous autoimmune diseases.

For more information, visit

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Forward-Looking Statements

This communication contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended, and other federal securities laws. Any statements contained herein which do not describe historical facts, including, among others, our beliefs, observations, expectations and assumptions regarding the topline data from the SIGNAL-AA Phase 2a and the safety, tolerability, clinical activity, potential efficacy and potential benefits of bempikibart; which involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in such forward-looking statements.

Forward-looking statements are based on management's current beliefs and assumptions, which are subject to risks and uncertainties and are not guarantees of future performance. Such risks and uncertainties include, among others, the risk that additional data, or the results of ongoing data analyses, may not support our current beliefs and expectations for bempikibart, including with respect to the durability of clinical responses, future clinical studies, including that the OLE may not be initiated by the first half of 2025 and that Part B of the SIGNAL-AA Phase 2a clinical trial may not be initiated by the first half of 2025, may not be completed by the first half of 2026 or at all, might be more costly than expected or might not yield anticipated results, and such other risks and uncertainties identified in the Company's periodic, current and other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024 and any subsequent filings with the Commission, which are available at the SEC's website at Any such risks and uncertainties could materially and adversely affect the Company's results of operations and its cash flows, which would, in turn, have a significant and adverse impact on the Company's stock price. We caution you not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made. The Company disclaims any obligation to publicly update or revise any such statements to reflect any change in expectations or in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statements may be based, or that may affect the likelihood that actual results will differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements.


Investors: Brendan Burns
Media: Sarah Sutton
Argot Partners

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What were the key efficacy results of bempikibart (QTTB) in the SIGNAL-AA Phase 2a trial?

Bempikibart showed 16% mean SALT score reduction vs 2% for placebo at week 24 (p=0.045), with continued improvement to 20% reduction at week 36 despite stopping treatment at week 24.

How long did the treatment effects of QTTB's bempikibart last in alopecia areata patients?

Some patients showed durable responses up to week 55 (7 months after treatment cessation), with 12 patients maintaining or improving response post-treatment.

What is the timeline for QTTB's SIGNAL-AA Part B trial of bempikibart?

SIGNAL-AA Part B is set to begin in first half 2025, with topline data expected in first half 2026, including 36 weeks of treatment and follow-up through week 52.

What was the safety profile of bempikibart in the QTTB Phase 2a trial?

Bempikibart demonstrated good tolerability with no Grade 3 or higher treatment-related adverse events and no related viral infections reported.



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