2023-2024 Cummins Sustainability Progress Report: Leading Through the Energy Transition

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Cummins Inc. (CMI) has released its 2023-2024 Sustainability Progress Report, highlighting the company's commitment to environmental sustainability and innovation. Key points include:

1. PLANET 2050 strategy aims to reduce absolute GHG emissions from facilities by 50% and from newly sold products by 25% by 2030.

2. Destination Zero product decarbonization strategy focuses on advancing cleaner engine-based solutions and developing zero-emissions technologies.

3. 24 onsite solar projects completed in 2023, reducing over 14,486 metric tons of CO2e annually.

4. Partnership with Chevron U.S.A. Inc. to improve access to alternative and renewable fuels.

5. Cummins Water Works program has helped over 1.2 million people and generated 6.9 billion gallons in annual water benefits since 2021.

Cummins Inc. (CMI) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto di Progresso sulla Sostenibilità 2023-2024, sottolineando l'impegno dell'azienda per la sostenibilità ambientale e l'innovazione. Punti chiave includono:

1. La strategia PLANET 2050 mira a ridurre le emissioni di GHG assoluti dalle strutture del 50% e dai prodotti venduti recentemente del 25% entro il 2030.

2. La strategia di decarbonizzazione dei prodotti Destination Zero si concentra sullo sviluppo di soluzioni basate su motori più puliti e sulla tecnologia a emissioni zero.

3. 24 progetti solari in loco completati nel 2023, riducendo oltre 14.486 tonnellate metriche di CO2e annualmente.

4. Collaborazione con Chevron U.S.A. Inc. per migliorare l'accesso ai carburanti alternativi e rinnovabili.

5. Il programma Cummins Water Works ha aiutato oltre 1,2 milioni di persone e ha generato 6,9 miliardi di galloni di benefici idrici annuali dal 2021.

Cummins Inc. (CMI) ha publicado su Informe de Progreso en Sostenibilidad 2023-2024, destacando el compromiso de la empresa con la sostenibilidad ambiental y la innovación. Puntos clave incluyen:

1. La estrategia PLANET 2050 tiene como objetivo reducir las emisiones absolutas de GHG de las instalaciones en un 50% y de los productos nuevos vendidos en un 25% para 2030.

2. La estrategia de descarbonización de productos Destination Zero se centra en avanzar hacia soluciones basadas en motores más limpios y desarrollar tecnologías de cero emisiones.

3. Se completaron 24 proyectos solares en el lugar en 2023, reduciendo más de 14,486 toneladas métricas de CO2e anualmente.

4. Asociación con Chevron U.S.A. Inc. para mejorar el acceso a combustibles alternativos y renovables.

5. El programa Cummins Water Works ha ayudado a más de 1.2 millones de personas y ha generado 6.9 mil millones de galones en beneficios hídricos anuales desde 2021.

커민스 주식회사 (CMI)는 2023-2024 지속 가능성 진행 보고서를 발표하여 환경 지속 가능성과 혁신에 대한 회사의 의지를 강조했습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. PLANET 2050 전략은 2030년까지 시설에서의 온실가스(GHG) 절대 배출량을 50%, 새로 판매된 제품에서의 배출량을 25% 줄이는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

2. Destination Zero 제품 탈탄소화 전략은 더 깨끗한 엔진 기반 솔루션을 발전시키고 제로 배출 기술을 개발하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다.

3. 2023년에 완료된 24개의 현장 태양광 프로젝트로 매년 14,486톤 이상의 CO2e가 줄어들었습니다.

4. Chevron U.S.A. Inc.와의 파트너십은 대체 및 재생 가능 연료에 대한 접근성을 개선하는 데 도움을 줍니다.

5. Cummins Water Works 프로그램은 2021년 이후 120만 명 이상에게 도움을 주었고 연간 69억 갤런의 물 혜택을 생성했습니다.

Cummins Inc. (CMI) a publié son Rapport sur les Progrès en matière de Durabilité 2023-2024, soulignant l'engagement de l'entreprise envers la durabilité environnementale et l'innovation. Les points clés incluent:

1. La stratégie PLANET 2050 vise à réduire les émissions de GES absolues des installations de 50% et celles des nouveaux produits vendus de 25% d'ici 2030.

2. La stratégie de décarbonisation des produits Destination Zero se concentre sur l'avancement de solutions basées sur des moteurs plus propres et le développement de technologies à zéro émission.

3. 24 projets solaires sur site achevés en 2023, réduisant plus de 14 486 tonnes métriques de CO2e par an.

4. Partenariat avec Chevron U.S.A. Inc. pour améliorer l'accès aux carburants alternatifs et renouvelables.

5. Le programme Cummins Water Works a aidé plus de 1,2 million de personnes et généré 6,9 milliards de gallons de bénéfices en matière d'eau depuis 2021.

Cummins Inc. (CMI) hat seinen Nachhaltigkeitsfortschrittsbericht 2023-2024 veröffentlicht, der das Engagement des Unternehmens für Umwelt-Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation hervorhebt. Wichtige Punkte sind:

1. Die PLANET 2050-Strategie zielt darauf ab, die absoluten Treibhausgasemissionen (GHG) von Einrichtungen bis 2030 um 50% und von neu verkauften Produkten um 25% zu reduzieren.

2. Die Produktdekarbonisierungsstrategie Destination Zero konzentriert sich darauf, sauberere motorbasierte Lösungen voranzutreiben und Technologien mit null Emissionen zu entwickeln.

3. 2023 wurden 24 vor Ort durchgeführte Solarprojekte abgeschlossen, die jährlich über 14.486 metrische Tonnen CO2e einsparen.

4. Partnerschaft mit Chevron U.S.A. Inc. zur Verbesserung des Zugangs zu alternativen und erneuerbaren Kraftstoffen.

5. Das Cummins Water Works-Programm hat seit 2021 über 1,2 Millionen Menschen geholfen und jährlich 6,9 Milliarden Gallonen an Wasser-Vorteilen generiert.

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At Cummins, our business and environmental strategies are intentionally and intricately aligned.

by Jonathan Wood, Chief Technology Officer

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 19, 2024 / Cummins Inc.


I came to Cummins because of the opportunity to work on innovative products
that exceed customers' expectations and lessen our impact on the environment. Three decades later, we've made tremendous strides on both fronts and have an exciting future ahead of us.

As Chief Technical Officer (CTO) at Cummins, I get to live out my purpose and passion every day, seeing how our engineering and environmental expertise seamlessly intersects with our commitment to sustainability. That is because the company's approach to sustainability is grounded in our mission of "making people's lives better by powering a more prosperous world."

A more prosperous world goes beyond a financial component to include a world with clean and sustainable air and water, and strong, vibrant communities.


Cummins has a long history of setting ambitious sustainability goals and leading our industry in those efforts. We intend to honor and further that legacy. Our sustainability goals are put into action by PLANET 2050, our environmental sustainability strategy, which seeks to ensure we do our part to address climate change and air emissions, use natural resources in
the most sustainable way and make communities better because we are there. PLANET 2050 includes quantifiable goals for 2030 along with visionary, longer-term aspirations for 2050. We annually report progress against these 2030 goals - to reduce absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from facilities and operations by 50% and reduce scope 3 absolute lifetime GHG emissions from newly sold products by 25% - as well as the other seven goals.


The biggest impact we can make to meet our bold sustainability goals is by continuing to execute our product decarbonization strategy, called Destination Zero. This strategy is a customer-driven, multi- solution approach that advances engine-based solutions now while innovating for the future by developing new zero-emissions solutions for the diverse applications we serve.

Over the past several years, we have acted to increase the understanding and management of the complicated factors impacting climate-related matters while also showing meaningful outcomes that demonstrate our commitment to addressing them. Our industry is heavily impacted by external pacing factors, such as customer adoption of new technologies, stronger GHG-reducing regulations, broader availability of lower-carbon fuels and infrastructure buildout. Those factors are progressing slower than anticipated when we established the goals.

Given the impact of those highly influential pacing factors and increased growth in engine volumes, the 2023 emissions increased from the baseline. However, the company has made progress in decreasing GHG per unit from the prior year. Despite the challenges associated with slower adoption rates of lower- carbon technology solutions, we remain resolute
that our Destination Zero strategy is the right one. By continuing to advance cleaner engine-based solutions and not waiting until 2035 to go to market with fully zero-emissions solutions, we estimate a cumulative carbon reduction impact of greater than 1.4 gigatons - the equivalent of removing all trucks globally from the road for three years.

I invite you to read about our key product launches and partnerships throughout this year's report, particularly those in our innovation story. They are evidence of our strategy in action.


As CTO, my team and I are ultimately responsible for tracking toward and achieving the company's environmental goals, driven by the work our technical and environmental experts do day in and day out and realized by the collective actions of all employees. Our environmental initiatives are critical to our long- term success and the future of our planet, and it takes the right portfolio of talent, technology and tools to get there.


In the environmental section, you will see a transparent assessment of the progress we made in 2023. I want to call out a few key highlights:

  • The company completed 24 onsite solar projects to increase use of renewable energy. The completed projects reduce over 14,486 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) annually. We now have
    66 global sites with solar arrays.

  • We announced a memorandum of understanding with Chevron U.S.A. Inc. to leverage complementary positioning in hydrogen, natural gas and other lower- carbon fuel value chains with plans to improve access to fuel and infrastructure for customers, helping grow the availability of alternative and renewable fuels while reducing emissions.

  • Through partnerships with global nonprofits, including The Nature Conservancy, and WaterAid, Cummins Water Works ended 2023 having helped more than 1.2 million people and generated approximately 6.9 billion gallons in annual water benefits since its 2021 launch. In 2023, the program's annual water benefits far surpassed the company's global water consumption of 972.3 million gallons.

  • For a deeper understanding of these goals, please review the full Environment section.

Read the full 2023-2024 Cummins Sustainability Progress Report

Jonathan Wood, Chief Technology Officer, Cummins.

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Spokesperson: Cummins Inc.

SOURCE: Cummins Inc.

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What are Cummins' (CMI) main sustainability goals for 2030?

Cummins aims to reduce absolute greenhouse gas emissions from facilities and operations by 50% and reduce scope 3 absolute lifetime GHG emissions from newly sold products by 25% by 2030, as part of their PLANET 2050 strategy.

How many solar projects did Cummins (CMI) complete in 2023?

Cummins completed 24 onsite solar projects in 2023, which reduce over 14,486 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent annually. The company now has 66 global sites with solar arrays.

What is Cummins' (CMI) Destination Zero strategy?

Destination Zero is Cummins' product decarbonization strategy, which focuses on advancing cleaner engine-based solutions now while developing new zero-emissions technologies for the future, aiming for a cumulative carbon reduction impact of over 1.4 gigatons.

How many people has Cummins Water Works helped since its launch in 2021?

Cummins Water Works has helped more than 1.2 million people and generated approximately 6.9 billion gallons in annual water benefits since its launch in 2021.

What partnership did Cummins (CMI) announce with Chevron in 2023?

Cummins announced a memorandum of understanding with Chevron U.S.A. Inc. to improve access to alternative and renewable fuels and infrastructure for customers, leveraging their complementary positioning in hydrogen and natural gas value chains.

Cummins Inc.


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