Many Older Multifamily Properties Struggle To Provide Reliable Wi-Fi, According To Parks Associates

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Parks Associates' new research, Scaling Connectivity for Multifamily Properties, reveals significant challenges in maintaining reliable Wi-Fi connections in older multifamily properties. The study shows that 82% of properties 10+ years old report difficulties, compared to only 13% of newer properties. This white paper, developed with Xfinity Communities, highlights the importance of next-gen managed Wi-Fi solutions for older MDUs (multidwelling units) facing infrastructure barriers.

Key findings include:

  • Lack of suitable pre-existing networking infrastructure is a top barrier for IoT deployment in MDUs
  • Many properties don't own the wiring infrastructure, making new connectivity deployments costly or unfeasible
  • Older properties are less likely to offer smart amenities due to infrastructure challenges

The research emphasizes that robust, property-wide connectivity is important for modern multifamily living and remaining competitive in the rental market. Investing in internet infrastructure can provide new revenues, improve resident experiences, and simplify property management operations.

La nuova ricerca di Parks Associates, Scalare la Connettività per Proprietà Multifamiliari, rivela sfide significative nel mantenere connessioni Wi-Fi affidabili in proprietà multifamiliari più vecchie. Lo studio mostra che l'82% delle proprietà con più di 10 anni riporta difficoltà, rispetto solo al 13% delle proprietà più recenti. Questo white paper, sviluppato con Xfinity Communities, sottolinea l'importanza di soluzioni Wi-Fi gestite di nuova generazione per gli MDU (unità abitative multiple) più vecchie che affrontano barriere infrastrutturali.

I principali risultati includono:

  • La mancanza di un'infrastruttura di rete preesistente adeguata è una delle principali barriere per il deployment dell'IoT negli MDU
  • Molte proprietà non possiedono l'infrastruttura cablata, rendendo costosi o impraticabili i nuovi deployment di connettività
  • Le proprietà più vecchie sono meno propense a offrire servizi smart a causa delle sfide infrastrutturali

La ricerca sottolinea che una connettività robusta e diffusa è importante per una vita multifamiliare moderna e per rimanere competitivi nel mercato degli affitti. Investire nell'infrastruttura internet può generare nuove entrate, migliorare l'esperienza dei residenti e semplificare le operazioni di gestione della proprietà.

La nueva investigación de Parks Associates, Escalando la Conectividad para Propiedades Multifamiliares, revela desafíos significativos para mantener conexiones Wi-Fi confiables en propiedades multifamiliares más antiguas. El estudio muestra que el 82% de las propiedades de más de 10 años informa dificultades, en comparación con solo el 13% de las propiedades más nuevas. Este documento técnico, desarrollado con Xfinity Communities, destaca la importancia de soluciones de Wi-Fi gestionadas de próxima generación para las MDU (unidades de vivienda múltiple) que enfrentan barreras de infraestructura.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • La falta de infraestructura de red preexistente adecuada es una de las principales barreras para el despliegue de IoT en las MDU
  • Muchas propiedades no poseen la infraestructura de cableado, lo que hace que los nuevos despliegues de conectividad sean costosos o inviables
  • Las propiedades más antiguas son menos propensas a ofrecer comodidades inteligentes debido a los desafíos de infraestructura

La investigación enfatiza que una conectividad robusta y generalizada es importante para la vida multifamiliar moderna y para seguir siendo competitivos en el mercado de alquileres. Invertir en infraestructura de internet puede proporcionar nuevos ingresos, mejorar las experiencias de los residentes y simplificar las operaciones de gestión de la propiedad.

Parks Associates의 새로운 연구인 다세대 주택의 연결성 확장은 오래된 다세대 주택에서 신뢰할 수 있는 Wi-Fi 연결을 유지하는 데 중요한 어려움이 있음을 드러냅니다. 연구 결과 10년 이상 된 주택의 82%가 어려움을 보고하고, 반면 신규 주택은 단 13%에 불과합니다. Xfinity Communities와 함께 개발된 이 백서에서는 인프라 장벽에 직면한 노후 MDU(다세대 주택)를 위한 차세대 관리형 Wi-Fi 솔루션의 중요성을 강조합니다.

주요 발견사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 적절한 사전 구축 네트워크 인프라의 부족은 MDU에서 IoT 배포의 주요 장벽 중 하나입니다
  • 많은 주택이 배선 인프라를 소유하지 않아 새로운 연결 배포가 비용이 많이 들거나 불가능해집니다
  • 오래된 주택은 인프라 문제로 인해 스마트 편의 시설을 제공할 가능성이 낮습니다

연구는 현대 다세대 주택 생활에 있어 강력하고 전반적인 연결성이 중요하며, 임대 시장에서 경쟁력을 유지하는 데 필요하다고 강조합니다. 인터넷 인프라에 대한 투자로 새로운 수익을 창출하고, 거주자 경험을 개선하며, 자산 관리 작업을 간소화할 수 있습니다.

La nouvelle recherche de Parks Associates, Élargissement de la Connectivité pour les Propriétés Multifamiliales, révèle des défis significatifs pour maintenir des connexions Wi-Fi fiables dans les propriétés multifamiliales plus anciennes. L'étude montre que 82 % des propriétés âgées de plus de 10 ans rencontrent des difficultés, contre seulement 13 % des propriétés plus récentes. Ce livre blanc, développé en partenariat avec Xfinity Communities, souligne l'importance de solutions Wi-Fi gérées de nouvelle génération pour les MDU (unités d'habitation multiples) plus anciennes confrontées à des barrières d'infrastructure.

Les principales conclusions incluent :

  • Le manque d'infrastructure réseau préexistante adaptée est un des principaux obstacles au déploiement de l'IoT dans les MDU
  • De nombreuses propriétés ne possèdent pas l'infrastructure de câblage, rendant coûteux ou irréalistes les nouveaux déploiements de connectivité
  • Les propriétés plus anciennes sont moins susceptibles d'offrir des commodités intelligentes en raison des défis liés à l'infrastructure

La recherche souligne qu'une connectivité robuste à l'échelle de la propriété est essentielle pour une vie multifamiliale moderne et pour rester compétitif sur le marché locatif. Investir dans l'infrastructure Internet peut générer de nouveaux revenus, améliorer l'expérience des résidents et simplifier les opérations de gestion des propriétés.

Die neue Forschung von Parks Associates, Skalierung der Konnektivität für Mehrfamilienhäuser, zeigt erhebliche Herausforderungen bei der Aufrechterhaltung zuverlässiger Wi-Fi-Verbindungen in älteren Mehrfamilienhäusern. Die Studie zeigt, dass 82% der über 10 Jahre alten Immobilien Schwierigkeiten melden, im Vergleich zu nur 13% der neueren Immobilien. Dieses White Paper, das in Zusammenarbeit mit Xfinity Communities entwickelt wurde, hebt die Bedeutung von Next-Gen-Managed-Wi-Fi-Lösungen für ältere MDU (Mehrfamilien-Einheiten) hervor, die mit Infrastrukturbarrieren konfrontiert sind.

Wesentliche Erkenntnisse umfassen:

  • Die mangelnde vorhandene Netzwerkinfrastruktur ist eine der Hauptbarrieren für den IoT-Einsatz in MDUs
  • Viele Immobilien besitzen die Verkabelungsinfrastruktur nicht, wodurch neue Konnektivitätsbereitstellungen kostspielig oder unpraktikabel werden
  • Ältere Immobilien bieten aufgrund von Infrastrukturproblemen weniger wahrscheinlich smarte Annehmlichkeiten an

Die Forschung betont, dass eine robuste, umfassende Konnektivität für modernes Wohnen in Mehrfamilienhäusern wichtig ist, um im Mietmarkt wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben. Investitionen in die Internetinfrastruktur können neue Einnahmen generieren, das Wohnerlebnis verbessern und die Betriebsabläufe des Immobilienmanagements vereinfachen.

  • None.
  • None.

New white paper addresses next-gen Wi-Fi solutions for multifamily property owners and managers

DALLAS, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Parks Associates today announced new research, Scaling Connectivity for Multifamily Properties, revealing 82% of multifamily properties that are 10 or more years old and offer Wi-Fi report difficulty maintaining network connections. By comparison, only 13% of newer properties report the same problems.

The white paper, developed in partnership with Xfinity Communities, a division of Comcast Corporation serving multifamily properties, highlights the challenges facing older MDU (multidwelling unit) properties in deploying and supporting modern networking and IoT solutions. Scaling Connectivity for Multifamily Properties also details current methods and recent innovations that existing properties can leverage to overcome these issues to deliver reliable and high-quality smart building benefits to their residents.

"A lack of suitable pre-existing networking infrastructure is a top barrier holding MDUs back from widely deploying IoT," said Jennifer Kent, VP, Research, Parks Associates. "Additionally, many properties do not own the wiring infrastructure, making new connectivity deployments costly or not feasible. As a result, older properties are far less likely to offer smart amenities and those that do encounter significant challenges due to their existing infrastructure."

Next-gen managed Wi-Fi solutions are key for existing properties looking to roll out IoT solutions but faced with these infrastructure barriers. Next-gen Wi-Fi systems are also designed to be scalable, allowing properties to expand services as technology advances and residents' technology needs evolve.

"Robust, property-wide connectivity is the foundation of modern multifamily living – it's no longer optional, it's a competitive imperative," said Ilan Eframian, Vice President of Xfinity Communities. "By unlocking the potential of existing infrastructure and adopting cutting-edge solutions and systems, property owners can elevate their communities, enhance operational efficiency, and foster long-term loyalty with residents."

Investment in a robust internet infrastructure is crucial for remaining competitive in the rental market, and current solutions allow existing properties to upgrade their amenities now, which can provide new revenues, improve resident experiences, and simplify property management operations.

"To attract long-term residents, properties must be prepared to offer the amenities and features their tenants value—connected systems and solutions that deliver a premium living experience," Kent said.

Parks Associates will highlight this research and more at its upcoming Smart Spaces: Apartments, Hospitality, and Community Living in Dallas, September 24-25 at the Renaissance Dallas Richardson Hotel. Event sponsors include ADT Multifamily; Cox Communities; Nice; Vantiva; Xfinity Communities; Kwikset; Calix; Homebase, a Quext Company; SmartRent; SkyBell; DojoNetworks; WireStar Networks; Zentra Access; and Salto.

To schedule an interview with an analyst or to request specific data, please contact Mindi Sue Sternblitz-Rubenstein at or 972-490-1113.

About Parks Associates
Parks Associates, a woman-founded and certified business, is an internationally recognized market research and consulting company specializing in emerging consumer technology products and services. Founded in 1986, Parks Associates provides business intelligence and research services through its proprietary methodologies developed over decades, including quarterly surveys of 10,000 internet households.

Follow Parks Associates on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

About Xfinity Communities
Xfinity Communities provides residents, property managers, owners and developers with a smarter living experience that differentiates properties with customized solutions. Offering a better network, better entertainment and better service to multifamily properties, senior villages and college dwellings, Xfinity Communities properties deliver an end-to-end service throughout the resident's technology lifecycle. Xfinity Communities is transforming more than 189,000 properties and 14.7 million units across the country. For more information visit Xfinity Communities or follow us on LinkedIn.

About Comcast Corporation
Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA) is a global media and technology company. From the connectivity and platforms we provide, to the content and experiences we create, our businesses reach hundreds of millions of customers, viewers, and guests worldwide. We deliver world-class broadband, wireless, and video through Xfinity, Comcast Business, and Sky; produce, distribute, and stream leading entertainment, sports, and news through brands including NBC, Telemundo, Universal, Peacock, and Sky; and bring incredible theme parks and attractions to life through Universal Destinations & Experiences.

SOURCE Parks Associates


What percentage of older multifamily properties struggle with Wi-Fi connectivity according to Parks Associates?

According to Parks Associates' research, 82% of multifamily properties that are 10 or more years old and offer Wi-Fi report difficulty maintaining network connections.

How does Wi-Fi connectivity in older properties compare to newer ones?

The research shows that 82% of properties 10+ years old report difficulties with Wi-Fi connectivity, compared to only 13% of newer properties.

What is the main barrier for IoT deployment in multidwelling units (MDUs)?

The top barrier holding MDUs back from widely deploying IoT is a lack of suitable pre-existing networking infrastructure.

How can older multifamily properties overcome connectivity challenges?

Older properties can overcome connectivity challenges by adopting next-gen managed Wi-Fi solutions, which are designed to be scalable and allow properties to expand services as technology advances and residents' needs evolve.

Why is investing in robust internet infrastructure important for multifamily properties?

Investing in robust internet infrastructure is important for remaining competitive in the rental market, providing new revenues, improving resident experiences, and simplifying property management operations.

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