Clearwater Provides an Update of Impact on Operations From Hurricane Helene

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Clearwater Paper (NYSE: CLW), a leading supplier of bleached paperboard and consumer tissue, has provided an update on the impact of Hurricane Helene on its operations. The company temporarily suspended operations at its Augusta, Georgia paperboard facility and Shelby, North Carolina tissue facility due to the storm's effects.

Fortunately, there was no serious damage to equipment, and both facilities are now resuming operations. Arsen Kitch, President and CEO, emphasized that the company's top priorities are the safety of its employees and ramping up operations to service customers. He expressed gratitude to the Augusta and Shelby teams for their efforts to safely resume production while dealing with the storm's personal impacts.

Clearwater Paper (NYSE: CLW), un fornitore leader di cartone sbiancato e tessuti per uso domestico, ha fornito un aggiornamento sull'impatto dell'uragano Helene sulle sue operazioni. L'azienda ha temporaneamente sospeso le operazioni presso il suo stabilimento di cartone di Augusta, Georgia e stabilimento di tessuti di Shelby, Carolina del Nord a causa degli effetti della tempesta.

Fortunatamente, non ci sono stati danni seri all'attrezzatura, e entrambi gli stabilimenti stanno ora riprendendo le operazioni. Arsen Kitch, Presidente e CEO, ha sottolineato che le principali priorità dell'azienda sono la sicurezza dei dipendenti e il ripristino delle operazioni per servire i clienti. Ha espresso gratitudine ai team di Augusta e Shelby per i loro sforzi nel riprendere in sicurezza la produzione mentre affrontano gli effetti personali della tempesta.

Clearwater Paper (NYSE: CLW), un proveedor líder de papel encerado y productos de papel para el consumidor, ha proporcionado una actualización sobre el impacto del huracán Helene en sus operaciones. La compañía suspendió temporalmente las operaciones en su planta de cartón en Augusta, Georgia y en la planta de papel en Shelby, Carolina del Norte debido a los efectos de la tormenta.

Afortunadamente, no hubo daños graves en el equipo, y ambas plantas están ahora reiniciando sus operaciones. Arsen Kitch, Presidente y CEO, enfatizó que las principales prioridades de la empresa son la seguridad de sus empleados y el incremento de las operaciones para atender a los clientes. Expresó su agradecimiento a los equipos de Augusta y Shelby por sus esfuerzos para reanudar la producción de manera segura mientras lidian con los impactos personales de la tormenta.

클리어워터 페이퍼 (NYSE: CLW)는 표백 처리된 종이판과 소비자용 티슈의 주요 공급업체로, 허리케인 헬렌이 자사 운영에 미친 영향을 업데이트했습니다. 회사는 폭풍의 영향으로 조지아주 오거스타의 종이판 공장노스캐롤라이나주 쉘비의 티슈 공장에서의 운영을 일시적으로 중단했습니다.

다행히도 장비에 심각한 피해는 없었으며, 두 시설은 현재 운영을 재개하고 있습니다. 아르센 키치 사장 겸 CEO는 회사의 최우선 과제가 직원들의 안전고객 서비스를 위한 운영 재개임을 강조했습니다. 그는 폭풍의 개인적 영향에 대처하면서 안전하게 생산을 재개하기 위한 오거스타 및 쉘비 팀의 노고에 감사의 뜻을 전했습니다.

Clearwater Paper (NYSE: CLW), un fournisseur de premier plan de carton blanchi et de papier pour usage domestique, a fourni une mise à jour sur l'impact de l'ouragan Helene sur ses opérations. L'entreprise a temporairement suspendu ses activités dans son usine de carton d'Augusta, en Géorgie et dans son site de tissus de Shelby, en Caroline du Nord en raison des effets de la tempête.

Heureusement, il n'y a eu aucun dommage sérieux aux équipements, et les deux sites reprennent leurs activités maintenant. Arsen Kitch, Président et CEO, a souligné que les principales priorités de l'entreprise sont la safety de ses employés et la relance des opérations pour servir les clients. Il a exprimé sa gratitude aux équipes d'Augusta et de Shelby pour leurs efforts afin de reprendre en toute sécurité la production tout en gérant les impacts personnels de la tempête.

Clearwater Paper (NYSE: CLW), ein führender Anbieter von gebleichtem Karton und Verbrauchertissue, hat ein Update über die Auswirkungen des Hurrikans Helene auf seine Betriebe gegeben. Das Unternehmen hat aufgrund der Auswirkungen des Sturms die Tätigkeiten in seiner Papierfabrik in Augusta, Georgia und der Tissuesfabrik in Shelby, North Carolina vorübergehend eingestellt.

Glücklicherweise gab es keine ernsthaften Schäden an der Ausrüstung, und beide Betriebe nehmen jetzt den Betrieb wieder auf. Arsen Kitch, Präsident und CEO, betonte, dass die obersten Prioritäten des Unternehmens die Sicherheit der Mitarbeiter und die Wiederaufnahme der Betriebe zum Service der Kunden sind. Er drückte seinen Dank an die Teams in Augusta und Shelby für deren Bemühungen aus, die Produktion sicher wieder aufzunehmen, während sie mit den persönlichen Auswirkungen des Sturms umgehen.

  • No serious damage to equipment at affected facilities
  • Operations resuming at both Augusta and Shelby facilities
  • Temporary suspension of operations at Augusta and Shelby facilities due to Hurricane Helene

SPOKANE, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Clearwater Paper Corporation (NYSE: CLW), a premier supplier of bleached paperboard and quality consumer tissue, today announced that it temporarily suspended operations at its Augusta, Georgia paperboard facility and its Shelby, North Carolina tissue facility due to the impacts from Hurricane Helene. There was no serious damage to equipment and both facilities are resuming operations.

“As we deal with the aftermath of this powerful storm, our top priorities remain the safety of our people and ramping up our operations to service our customers,” said Arsen Kitch, president and chief executive officer. “We are deeply grateful to our Augusta and Shelby teams for their tremendous efforts to safely resume production and minimize the impact on our business while personally dealing with the effects of the storm.”

About Clearwater Paper

Clearwater Paper is a premier supplier of paperboard and private brand tissue. The company’s paperboard operations serve quality-conscious printers and packaging converters, with services that include custom sheeting, slitting, and cutting. The company’s tissue operations serve private brand market retail customers including grocery, club, mass merchants, and discount stores. Clearwater Paper’s employees build shareholder value by developing strong relationships through quality and service. For more information on Clearwater Paper, please visit our website at

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended, including statements regarding the suspension of production and resumption of operations at the company’s Georgia and North Carolina facilities and the impacts on employees, assets and customers. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations that are subject to change, and actual results may differ materially from the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include those risks and uncertainties described in the company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and other risks and uncertainties described from time to time in the company’s other public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release and the company does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements based on new developments or changes in the company’s expectations after the date of this press release, except as may be required by law.

For additional information on Clearwater Paper, please visit our website at


Sloan Bohlen

Solebury Strategic Communications



Matt Van Vleet

Clearwater Paper Corporation


Source: Clearwater Paper Corporation


How did Hurricane Helene affect Clearwater Paper (CLW) operations?

Hurricane Helene caused Clearwater Paper (CLW) to temporarily suspend operations at its Augusta, Georgia paperboard facility and Shelby, North Carolina tissue facility. However, there was no serious damage to equipment, and both facilities are now resuming operations.

Which Clearwater Paper (CLW) facilities were impacted by Hurricane Helene?

The Clearwater Paper (CLW) facilities impacted by Hurricane Helene were the Augusta, Georgia paperboard facility and the Shelby, North Carolina tissue facility.

What are Clearwater Paper's (CLW) priorities following Hurricane Helene?

Clearwater Paper's (CLW) top priorities following Hurricane Helene are ensuring the safety of their employees and ramping up operations to service their customers.

Has Clearwater Paper (CLW) resumed operations after Hurricane Helene?

Yes, Clearwater Paper (CLW) is resuming operations at both its Augusta and Shelby facilities after temporarily suspending them due to Hurricane Helene.

Clearwater Paper Corporation


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Paper & Paper Products
Paperboard Mills
United States of America