Bhutan Telecom Boosts Network Capabilities with Ciena

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Bhutan Telecom, the leading telecommunications provider in Bhutan, is deploying Ciena's (NYSE: CIEN) coherent routing solutions to meet increasing bandwidth demands and improve customer experience. The implementation includes Ciena's 5164, 8110, and 8114 routers, which will enhance connectivity and reduce latency, especially for edge cloud applications.

The deployment addresses the post-pandemic surge in digital content consumption and renewed interest from tourists. Ciena's routers were remotely deployed, tested, and turned up by Ciena Services, who also custom-designed the network. The 5164 Router is suitable for space-constrained locations, while the temperature-hardened 8114 Router is ideal for Bhutan's varying climate conditions.

Bhutan Telecom, il principale fornitore di telecomunicazioni in Bhutan, sta implementando le soluzioni di routing coerente di Ciena (NYSE: CIEN) per soddisfare l'aumento della domanda di banda larga e migliorare l'esperienza dei clienti. L'implementazione include i router 5164, 8110 e 8114 di Ciena, che miglioreranno la connettività e ridurranno la latenza, specialmente per le applicazioni edge cloud.

Il deployment affronta l'impennata nel consumo di contenuti digitali post-pandemia e il rinnovato interesse da parte dei turisti. I router di Ciena sono stati installati, testati e attivati a distanza dai servizi di Ciena, che hanno anche progettato su misura la rete. Il Router 5164 è adatto per spazi ristretti, mentre il Router 8114, resistente alle temperature, è ideale per le condizioni climatiche variabili del Bhutan.

Bhutan Telecom, el principal proveedor de telecomunicaciones de Bután, está desplegando las soluciones de enrutamiento coherente de Ciena (NYSE: CIEN) para satisfacer el creciente aumento de la demanda de ancho de banda y mejorar la experiencia del cliente. La implementación incluye los enrutadores 5164, 8110 y 8114 de Ciena, que mejorarán la conectividad y reducirán la latencia, especialmente para aplicaciones de nube en el borde.

El despliegue aborda el aumento del consumo de contenido digital post-pandemia y el renovado interés de los turistas. Los enrutadores de Ciena fueron desplegados, probados y activados de forma remota por los servicios de Ciena, que también diseñaron la red a medida. El enrutador 5164 es adecuado para ubicaciones con espacio limitado, mientras que el enrutador 8114, resistente a temperaturas extremas, es ideal para las variadas condiciones climáticas de Bután.

부탄 통신은 부탄의 주요 통신 제공업체로서 Ciena (NYSE: CIEN)의 일관된 라우팅 솔루션을 배포하여 증가하는 대역폭 수요에 대응하고 고객 경험을 개선하고 있습니다. 이번 구현에는 Ciena의 5164, 8110 및 8114 라우터가 포함되어 있으며, 이는 연결성을 향상시키고 지연 시간을 줄이는 데 특히 엣지 클라우드 애플리케이션에 유리합니다.

이 배포는 팬데믹 이후 디지털 콘텐츠 소비의 급증과 외국 관광객의 renewed 관심을 다루고 있습니다. Ciena의 라우터는 Ciena 서비스팀에 의해 원격으로 배포, 테스트 및 활성화되었습니다, 네트워크도 맞춤 설계하였습니다. 5164 라우터는 공간이 제한된 장소에 적합하고, 온도에 강한 8114 라우터는 부탄의 다양한 기후 조건에 이상적입니다.

Bhutan Telecom, le principal fournisseur de télécommunications au Bhoutan, déploie les solutions de routage cohérent de Ciena (NYSE: CIEN) pour répondre à l'augmentation des demandes de bande passante et améliorer l'expérience client. La mise en œuvre comprend les routeurs 5164, 8110 et 8114 de Ciena, qui amélioreront la connectivité et réduiront la latence, en particulier pour les applications cloud à la périphérie.

Ce déploiement répond à la hausse de la consommation de contenu numérique post-pandémie et à un nouvel intérêt de la part des touristes. Les routeurs de Ciena ont été déployés, testés et activés à distance par les services de Ciena, qui ont également conçu le réseau sur mesure. Le routeur 5164 est adapté aux emplacements à espace limité, tandis que le routeur 8114, résistant aux températures, est idéal pour les conditions climatiques variées du Bhoutan.

Bhutan Telecom, der führende Telekommunikationsanbieter in Bhutan, setzt Ciena's (NYSE: CIEN) kohärente Routing-Lösungen ein, um den steigenden Bandbreitenbedarf zu decken und das Kundenerlebnis zu verbessern. Die Implementierung umfasst die Router 5164, 8110 und 8114 von Ciena, die die Konnektivität verbessern und die Latenz verringern, insbesondere für Edge-Cloud-Anwendungen.

Das Deployment adressiert den Anstieg des digitalen Inhaltsverbrauchs nach der Pandemie und das erneute Interesse von Touristen. Die Router von Ciena wurden fernüberwacht, getestet und von Ciena Services aktiviert, die auch das Netzwerk maßgeschneidert entworfen haben. Der Router 5164 ist für Platzmangel geeignet, während der temperaturbeständige Router 8114 ideal für die wechselhaften klimatischen Bedingungen Bhutans ist.

  • Deployment of Ciena's coherent routing solutions to meet increasing bandwidth demands
  • Improved customer experience, especially for edge cloud applications
  • Enhanced connectivity and reduced latency for Bhutan Telecom's network
  • Custom-designed network solution by Ciena Services
  • Expansion of digital infrastructure to support Bhutan's transformation into a digital society
  • None.

Bhutan Telecom's deployment of Ciena's coherent routing solutions marks a significant step in modernizing their network infrastructure. The implementation of the 5164, 8110 and 8114 routers addresses critical challenges in Bhutan's unique geographical context. The 5164 Router's space-efficient design is particularly suitable for Bhutan's landlocked terrain, while the temperature-hardened 8114 Router adapts to the country's varied climate conditions.

This upgrade will likely result in reduced network latency and improved bandwidth capacity, important for supporting emerging technologies like edge cloud applications. The move aligns with the global trend of network modernization to meet increasing demands for cloud services and residential connectivity. For Bhutan Telecom, this investment positions them to better serve both local communities and tourists, potentially opening new revenue streams in the digital economy.

Bhutan Telecom's network upgrade reflects broader market trends in telecom infrastructure development. Post-pandemic, there's been a sustained shift towards remote work and digital content consumption, driving demand for robust, low-latency networks. This move positions Bhutan Telecom to capitalize on these trends and potentially increase market share.

The focus on improving connectivity for tourists is particularly noteworthy. As tourism recovers, offering high-quality digital services could become a significant differentiator for Bhutan, potentially boosting its appeal as a destination. This aligns with the global trend of 'smart tourism', where connectivity plays a important role in enhancing visitor experiences. Long-term, this infrastructure investment could contribute to Bhutan's digital transformation, potentially attracting tech-savvy businesses and supporting economic diversification beyond traditional sectors.

Ciena routers will help meet bandwidth demands, simplify network infrastructure and improve customer experience

THIMPHU, Bhutan--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The leading provider of telecommunications and Internet services in the Kingdom of Bhutan, Bhutan Telecom is deploying Ciena’s (NYSE: CIEN) coherent routing solutions to support booming traffic demands. With Ciena’s 5164, 8110 and 8114 routers, Bhutan Telecom will improve the customer experience especially as its customers move towards new technologies like edge cloud applications.

Karma Tshewang, Technical Director, Bhutan Telecom said: “Post pandemic, the local community continues to work, play and leverage digital content in the comfort of their homes. We’re also seeing renewed interest from connected tourists to the world’s happiest country. Hyperconnectivity is set to be a game-changer in helping transform Bhutan into a digital society and we’re working with Ciena to improve connectivity and reduce latency.”

Ciena’s 5164, 8110 and 8114 coherent routers were remotely deployed, tested and turned up by Ciena Services, who also custom designed the provider’s network. Developed specifically for space-constrained locations, Ciena’s 5164 Router is perfect for landlocked Bhutan, while Ciena’s temperature-hardened 8114 Router is suitable for Bhutan, which experiences varying temperatures. In addition, with the 8110 Coherent Aggregation Router, Bhutan Telecom can help with reducing network latency, improving the quality of experience for users.

Amit Malik, Vice President and Sales Leader, Ciena India & South Asia, said: “Market dynamics are accelerating the push for cloud, and residential connectivity that together drives the need to leverage IP network modernization to capitalize on these new opportunities. With Ciena’s purpose-built coherent routers, Bhutan Telecom is improving the customer experience and cementing its role as a leading provider.”

About Bhutan Telecom

Bhutan Telecom Limited (BTL) is the leading provider of telecommunications and Internet services in the Kingdom of Bhutan. Besides fixed line telephony, it provides GSM Mobile services under its flagship brand B-Mobile, and Internet Services under the brand name of DrukNet. It is the leading provider of both mobile telephony and Internet services in the country, and the only fixed line telephony services provider in the country.

About Ciena

Ciena (NYSE: CIEN) is a global leader in networking systems, services, and software. We build the most adaptive networks in the industry, enabling customers to anticipate and meet ever-increasing digital demands. For three-plus decades, Ciena has brought our humanity to our relentless pursuit of innovation. Prioritizing collaborative relationships with our customers, partners, and communities, we create flexible, open, and sustainable networks that better serve all users—today and into the future. For updates on Ciena, follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, the Ciena Insights blog, or visit

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Press Contact: Chua Wei Wei

Ciena Corporation

+65 9833 2654

Investor Contact: Gregg Lampf

Ciena Corporation

+1 (410) 694-5700

Source: Ciena Corporation


What routers is Bhutan Telecom deploying from Ciena (CIEN)?

Bhutan Telecom is deploying Ciena's 5164, 8110, and 8114 coherent routers to enhance their network capabilities.

How will Ciena's (CIEN) routers benefit Bhutan Telecom's customers?

Ciena's routers will improve customer experience by enhancing connectivity, reducing latency, and supporting new technologies like edge cloud applications.

Why is Bhutan Telecom upgrading its network infrastructure with Ciena (CIEN) solutions?

Bhutan Telecom is upgrading to meet post-pandemic digital content demands, support connected tourists, and transform Bhutan into a digital society.

What are the specific advantages of Ciena's (CIEN) 5164 and 8114 routers for Bhutan Telecom?

The 5164 Router is ideal for space-constrained locations in landlocked Bhutan, while the 8114 Router is temperature-hardened, suitable for Bhutan's varying climate conditions.

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