ChromaDex to Participate in a Fireside Chat at the Lytham Partners Fall 2024 Investor Conference

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ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC), a leader in NAD+ and healthy-aging research, has announced its participation in the Lytham Partners Fall 2024 Investor Conference. CEO Rob Fried will engage in a fireside chat on October 1, 2024, at 1:15 PM ET, moderated by Sean McGowan from Roth Capital Partners. The webcast will be accessible via a provided link and the company's website.

Additionally, Fried and Wesley Yu, VP of Finance, will host virtual one-on-one meetings with investors. Interested parties can arrange meetings through Lytham Partners or register for the event online. This participation underscores ChromaDex's commitment to investor relations and showcases its position in the healthy-aging research sector.

ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC), un leader nella ricerca su NAD+ e l'invecchiamento sano, ha annunciato la sua partecipazione alla Lytham Partners Fall 2024 Investor Conference. Il CEO Rob Fried prenderà parte a una chiacchierata informale il 1 ottobre 2024, alle 13:15 ET, moderata da Sean McGowan di Roth Capital Partners. La diretta web sarà accessibile tramite un link fornito e dal sito web dell'azienda.

Inoltre, Fried e Wesley Yu, VP delle Finanze, ospiteranno incontri virtuali one-on-one con gli investitori. Le parti interessate possono organizzare incontri tramite Lytham Partners o registrarsi per l'evento online. Questa partecipazione sottolinea l'impegno di ChromaDex nei rapporti con gli investitori e mette in evidenza la sua posizione nel settore della ricerca sull'invecchiamento sano.

ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC), un líder en la investigación sobre NAD+ y el envejecimiento saludable, ha anunciado su participación en la Lytham Partners Fall 2024 Investor Conference. El CEO Rob Fried participará en una charla informal el 1 de octubre de 2024, a la 1:15 PM ET, moderada por Sean McGowan de Roth Capital Partners. La transmisión web estará disponible a través de un enlace proporcionado y en el sitio web de la empresa.

Además, Fried y Wesley Yu, VP de Finanzas, llevarán a cabo reuniones virtuales uno a uno con inversores. Las partes interesadas pueden organizar reuniones a través de Lytham Partners o registrarse para el evento en línea. Esta participación subraya el compromiso de ChromaDex con las relaciones con los inversores y destaca su posición en el sector de la investigación sobre el envejecimiento saludable.

ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC), NAD+ 및 건강한 노화 연구의 선두주자,가 Lytham Partners Fall 2024 Investor Conference에 참여한다고 발표했습니다. CEO Rob Fried는 2024년 10월 1일 오후 1시 15분 ET에 Roth Capital Partners의 Sean McGowan이 진행하는 대담에 참여할 것입니다. 웹캐스트는 제공된 링크와 회사 웹사이트를 통해 접근할 수 있습니다.

또한, Fried와 재무 부문 부사장 Wesley Yu는 투자자와의 가상 일대일 미팅을 주최할 것입니다. 관심 있는 분들은 Lytham Partners를 통해 미팅을 조정하거나 온라인으로 이벤트에 등록할 수 있습니다. 이번 참여는 ChromaDex의 투자자 관계에 대한 헌신을 강조하고 건강한 노화 연구 분야에서의 위치를 보여줍니다.

ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC), un leader dans la recherche sur le NAD+ et le vieillissement sain, a annoncé sa participation à la Lytham Partners Fall 2024 Investor Conference. Le CEO Rob Fried participera à une discussion informelle le 1er octobre 2024 à 13h15 ET, modérée par Sean McGowan de Roth Capital Partners. Le webcast sera accessible via un lien fourni et le site web de l'entreprise.

De plus, Fried et Wesley Yu, VP de la finance, organiseront des rencontres virtuelles en tête-à-tête avec les investisseurs. Les parties intéressées peuvent organiser des réunions via Lytham Partners ou s'inscrire en ligne pour l'événement. Cette participation souligne l'engagement de ChromaDex envers les relations avec les investisseurs et met en évidence sa position dans le secteur de la recherche sur le vieillissement sain.

ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC), ein führendes Unternehmen in der NAD+- und gesunden Altersforschung, hat seine Teilnahme an der Lytham Partners Fall 2024 Investor Conference angekündigt. CEO Rob Fried wird am 1. Oktober 2024 um 13:15 Uhr ET an einem informellen Gespräch teilnehmen, moderiert von Sean McGowan von Roth Capital Partners. Der Webcast wird über einen bereitgestellten Link und die Website des Unternehmens verfügbar sein.

Darüber hinaus werden Fried und Wesley Yu, VP Finanzen, virtuelle Einzelgespräche mit Investoren veranstalten. Interessierte Parteien können über Lytham Partners Meetings vereinbaren oder sich online für die Veranstaltung registrieren. Diese Teilnahme unterstreicht das Engagement von ChromaDex in der Investor Relations und zeigt seine Position im Bereich der gesunden Altersforschung.

  • None.
  • None.

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC), the global authority on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) with a focus on healthy-aging research, today announced that Rob Fried, CEO of ChromaDex and Founder of Tru Niagen, will participate in a fireside chat moderated by Sean McGowan, Senior Analyst at Roth Capital Partners, at the Lytham Partners Fall 2024 Investor Conference. Wesley Yu, Vice President of Finance at ChromaDex, and Mr. Fried will also host virtual one-on-one meetings with investors.

Company Webcast

The webcasted fireside chat will take place at 1:15 PM ET on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. The webcast can be accessed at or on the Company's website at The webcast will also be available for replay following the event.

1x1 Meetings

Mr. Fried and Mr. Yu will participate in virtual one-on-one meetings throughout the event. To arrange a meeting with management, please contact Lytham Partners at or register for the event at

Further information on the conference is available at

For additional information on ChromaDex, visit

About ChromaDex:

ChromaDex Corp. (NASDAQ:CDXC) is the global authority on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), with a focus on the science of healthy aging. The ChromaDex team, comprised of world-renowned scientists, works with independent investigators from esteemed universities and research institutions around the globe to uncover the full potential of NAD+. A vital coenzyme found in every cell of the human body, NAD+ declines with age and exposure to other everyday stressors. NAD+ depletion is a contributor to age-related changes in health and vitality.

Setting the benchmark as the gold standard in scientific rigor, safety, quality, and transparency, ChromaDex is the innovator behind its clinically proven flagship ingredient, Niagen (patented nicotinamide riboside, or NR), the most efficient and superior-quality NAD+ booster available.

Niagen is the active ingredient in ChromaDex’s consumer products, sold as the brand Tru Niagen®, the number one healthy-aging NAD+ supplement in the United States. Clinically proven to increase NAD+ levels, Tru Niagen is helping people around the world transform the way they age (available at

ChromaDex’s robust patent portfolio protects NR and other NAD+ precursors. ChromaDex maintains a website at, to which ChromaDex regularly publishes copies of its press releases, news, and financial information.

Based on the top-selling dietary supplement brands by revenue per the largest U.S. e-commerce marketplace (as of 3/1/2023-2/29/2024).

ChromaDex Media Contact:

Kendall Knysch, Senior Director of Media Relations & Partnerships

310-388-6706 ext. 689

ChromaDex Investor Relations Contact:

Ben Shamsian

Lytham Partners


Source: ChromaDex Corporation


When is ChromaDex (CDXC) participating in the Lytham Partners Fall 2024 Investor Conference?

ChromaDex (CDXC) is participating in the Lytham Partners Fall 2024 Investor Conference on October 1, 2024. CEO Rob Fried will be part of a fireside chat at 1:15 PM ET on that day.

How can investors access ChromaDex's (CDXC) fireside chat at the Lytham Partners conference?

Investors can access ChromaDex's (CDXC) fireside chat webcast at or on the company's website at The webcast will also be available for replay after the event.

Who will be representing ChromaDex (CDXC) at the Lytham Partners Fall 2024 Investor Conference?

Rob Fried, CEO of ChromaDex and Founder of Tru Niagen, will participate in the fireside chat. Both Fried and Wesley Yu, Vice President of Finance at ChromaDex, will host virtual one-on-one meetings with investors.

How can investors arrange one-on-one meetings with ChromaDex (CDXC) management during the conference?

Investors can arrange one-on-one meetings with ChromaDex (CDXC) management by contacting Lytham Partners at or by registering for the event at

ChromaDex Corporation


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