Baidu Announces Completion of US$2 Billion Offering of Zero Coupon Exchangeable Bonds
Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) has successfully completed a US$2 billion zero coupon exchangeable bonds offering due 2032. The bonds, sold in offshore transactions to non-U.S. persons under Regulation S, will not bear regular interest or accrete in principal value.
Key features of the bonds include:
- Maturity date: March 12, 2032
- Initial exchange ratio: 1,107.0457 Shares per US$100,000 principal amount
- Initial exchange price: HK$702.13 per Share (43% premium over HK$491.00)
- Exchange restrictions: No exchange permitted in first year
Baidu may deliver Group shares (HKEX: 9961) instead of cash upon exchange. The proceeds will be used for debt repayment, interest payments, and general corporate purposes. The bonds are now trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange's Open Market segment.
Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) ha completato con successo un'offerta di obbligazioni convertibili senza cedola da 2 miliardi di dollari con scadenza nel 2032. Le obbligazioni, vendute in transazioni offshore a soggetti non statunitensi ai sensi della Regolamentazione S, non porteranno interessi regolari né aumenteranno di valore nominale.
Le principali caratteristiche delle obbligazioni includono:
- Data di scadenza: 12 marzo 2032
- Rapporto di cambio iniziale: 1.107,0457 azioni per ogni 100.000 dollari di valore nominale
- Prezzo di cambio iniziale: HK$702,13 per azione (premio del 43% rispetto a HK$491,00)
- Restrizioni sul cambio: Nessun cambio consentito nel primo anno
Baidu può consegnare azioni di Group (HKEX: 9961) invece di contante al momento del cambio. I proventi saranno utilizzati per il rimborso del debito, pagamenti di interessi e scopi aziendali generali. Le obbligazioni sono ora scambiate nel segmento Open Market della Borsa di Francoforte.
Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) ha completado con éxito una oferta de bonos convertibles sin cupón de 2 mil millones de dólares con vencimiento en 2032. Los bonos, vendidos en transacciones offshore a personas no estadounidenses bajo la Regulación S, no devengarán intereses regulares ni aumentarán en valor nominal.
Las características clave de los bonos incluyen:
- Fecha de vencimiento: 12 de marzo de 2032
- Relación de conversión inicial: 1.107,0457 acciones de por cada 100.000 dólares de valor nominal
- Precio de conversión inicial: HK$702,13 por acción de (prima del 43% sobre HK$491,00)
- Restricciones de conversión: No se permite la conversión en el primer año
Baidu puede entregar acciones de Group (HKEX: 9961) en lugar de efectivo al momento de la conversión. Los ingresos se utilizarán para el pago de deudas, pagos de intereses y fines corporativos generales. Los bonos ahora se negocian en el segmento Open Market de la Bolsa de Frankfurt.
바이두 (NASDAQ: BIDU)는 2032년 만기인 20억 달러 규모의 제로 쿠폰 전환사채 발행을 성공적으로 완료했습니다. 이 채권은 Regulation S에 따라 미국 외의 개인에게 오프쇼어 거래로 판매되며, 정기 이자를 지급하지 않거나 원금 가치가 증가하지 않습니다.
채권의 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:
- 만기일: 2032년 3월 12일
- 초기 전환 비율: 100,000달러의 원금에 대해 주식 1,107.0457주
- 초기 전환 가격: 주식당 HK$702.13 (HK$491.00 대비 43% 프리미엄)
- 전환 제한: 첫 해에는 전환이 허용되지 않음
바이두는 전환 시 현금 대신 Group 주식(HKEX: 9961)을 제공할 수 있습니다. 수익금은 부채 상환, 이자 지급 및 일반 기업 목적에 사용됩니다. 이 채권은 현재 프랑크푸르트 증권거래소의 오픈 마켓 세그먼트에서 거래되고 있습니다.
Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) a réussi à finaliser une offre d'obligations échangeables sans coupon de 2 milliards de dollars arrivant à échéance en 2032. Les obligations, vendues dans des transactions offshore à des personnes non américaines selon la Réglementation S, ne porteront pas d'intérêts réguliers et n'augmenteront pas en valeur nominale.
Les principales caractéristiques des obligations incluent:
- Date d'échéance: 12 mars 2032
- Taux de conversion initial: 1.107,0457 actions pour 100.000 dollars de montant nominal
- Prix de conversion initial: HK$702,13 par action (prime de 43 % par rapport à HK$491,00)
- Restrictions de conversion: Aucune conversion autorisée la première année
Baidu peut livrer des actions de Group (HKEX: 9961) au lieu de liquidités lors de la conversion. Les produits seront utilisés pour le remboursement de dettes, le paiement d'intérêts et des fins générales d'entreprise. Les obligations se négocient désormais sur le segment Open Market de la Bourse de Francfort.
Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) hat erfolgreich ein 2 Milliarden US-Dollar schweres Angebot von nullverzinslichen wandelbaren Anleihen mit Fälligkeit im Jahr 2032 abgeschlossen. Die Anleihen wurden in Offshore-Transaktionen an nicht-amerikanische Personen gemäß Regulation S verkauft und tragen keine regelmäßigen Zinsen oder erhöhen den Nennwert.
Die wichtigsten Merkmale der Anleihen sind:
- Fälligkeitstermin: 12. März 2032
- Ursprüngliches Umtauschverhältnis: 1.107,0457 Aktien pro 100.000 US-Dollar Nennwert
- Ursprünglicher Umtauschpreis: HK$702,13 pro Aktie (43% Prämie gegenüber HK$491,00)
- Umtauschbeschränkungen: Im ersten Jahr ist kein Umtausch erlaubt
Baidu kann bei einem Umtausch Aktien der Group (HKEX: 9961) anstelle von Bargeld liefern. Die Erlöse werden zur Rückzahlung von Schulden, Zinszahlungen und allgemeinen Unternehmenszwecken verwendet. Die Anleihen werden jetzt im Open Market-Segment der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse gehandelt.
- Zero coupon structure eliminates regular interest payment obligations
- Successful raise of US$2 billion strengthens financial position
- 43% exchange premium indicates strong market confidence
- Flexibility to settle in shares provides strategic optionality
- Adds US$2 billion to total debt obligations
- Potential future cash drain upon bond maturity or early exchange
- Risk of value fluctuation in shares affecting settlement costs
Baidu's $2 billion zero coupon exchangeable bond offering represents a sophisticated financial engineering move with several strategic implications. These bonds, maturing in 2032, don't bear regular interest—a significant advantage in today's interest rate environment as it eliminates periodic cash outflows for debt servicing.
The exchangeable feature into shares (with an initial exchange price of
The carefully structured exchange limitations (no exchanges in the first year, conditional exchanges until six months before maturity) protect Baidu from immediate cash outlays while providing a gradual potential exit from its position should it choose to deliver shares rather than cash upon conversion.
Baidu's stated use of proceeds for "repayment of certain existing indebtedness" signals a balance sheet restructuring rather than funding expansion or new initiatives. This refinancing move could potentially lower overall interest expenses and extend debt maturities, improving near-term financial flexibility.
The Frankfurt Stock Exchange listing rather than a US-based exchange potentially indicates targeting specific investor demographics or regulatory considerations, adding another layer to this complex financial maneuver.
The structure creates valuable optionality—Baidu maintains economic exposure to's potential upside while securing
The zero-coupon feature is particularly clever—it eliminates regular interest payments, improving reported earnings metrics and near-term cash flow, while the 7-year maturity provides substantial operating runway before any obligations come due. Bondholders accept the zero-coupon structure because of the embedded equity upside in shares.
Using proceeds primarily for debt repayment suggests a defensive refinancing strategy rather than aggressive expansion. This points to Baidu prioritizing financial stability and balance sheet optimization in the current economic environment.
The restricted transferability provisions regarding shares indicates regulatory considerations are at play, which Baidu has navigated through this structured approach. Overall, this transaction demonstrates how Baidu is leveraging financial engineering to optimize its capital structure while preserving strategic flexibility.
The Bonds will not bear regular interest, and the principal amount of the Bonds will not accrete. The Bonds will mature on March 12, 2032, unless repurchased, redeemed, or exchanged in accordance with their terms prior to such date. Holders of the Bonds may not exchange their Bonds prior to the first anniversary of the issue date of the Bonds. If an event of default has occurred and is continuing, holders of the Bonds may exchange the Bonds at any time. Between the first anniversary of the issue date and the date falling 6 months prior to the maturity date of the Bonds, holders of the Bonds may exchange the Bonds into cash only upon the satisfaction of certain contingencies. Thereafter and until the second scheduled trading day preceding the maturity date, holders may exchange the Bonds into cash at any time. Subject to certain conditions, the Company may elect to deliver ordinary shares of Group Limited that are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Hong Kong Stock Exchange") (HKEX: 9961) (" Shares") held by the Company in lieu of cash or a combination of cash and Shares.
The initial exchange ratio of the Bonds will be 1,107.0457 Shares per
The Company intends to use the net proceeds from the Bonds Offering for repayment of certain existing indebtedness, payment of interest and general corporate purposes.
The Bonds have not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act or any state securities laws. They may not be offered or sold in
The Company has received approval for listing from the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and the Bonds have commenced trading on the Open Market segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
This announcement shall not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any securities, in
About Baidu
Founded in 2000, Baidu's mission is to make the complicated world simpler through technology. Baidu is a leading AI company with strong Internet foundation, trading on Nasdaq under "BIDU" and HKEX under "9888". One Baidu ADS represents eight Class A ordinary shares.
Safe Harbor Statement
This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the
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SOURCE Baidu, Inc.