Autolus Therapeutics Presents Clinical Data Updates at the 2025 Tandem Meetings

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Autolus Therapeutics (AUTL) announced multiple presentations at the 2025 Tandem Meetings, showcasing new data for their AUCATZYL® therapy. The presentations include an updated health economic cost model comparing adverse events costs versus other CAR-T therapies, demonstrating reduced healthcare costs due to shorter duration and lower incidence of CRS and ICANS.

Key findings include: a risk-stratification model for hematotoxicity to identify patients likely to benefit from obe-cel treatment; economic advantages of obe-cel over brexu-cel due to lower Grade 3/4 adverse events; superior outcomes of obe-cel versus standard of care therapies in matched External Control Arm studies; and strong correlation between deep molecular remission and better clinical outcomes, with 84% of responders achieving MRD <10-6 leukemic cells.

Autolus Therapeutics (AUTL) ha annunciato numerose presentazioni durante il 2025 Tandem Meetings, presentando nuovi dati sulla terapia AUCATZYL®. Le presentazioni includono un modello economico sanitario aggiornato che confronta i costi degli eventi avversi rispetto ad altre terapie CAR-T, dimostrando costi sanitari ridotti grazie a una durata più breve e a una minore incidenza di CRS e ICANS.

I risultati principali includono: un modello di stratificazione del rischio per laematotossicità per identificare i pazienti che potrebbero beneficiare del trattamento con obe-cel; vantaggi economici di obe-cel rispetto a brexu-cel grazie a minori eventi avversi di Grado 3/4; risultati superiori di obe-cel rispetto alle terapie standard nei studi con braccio di controllo esterno abbinato; e una forte correlazione tra remissione molecolare profonda e migliori risultati clinici, con l'84% dei rispondenti che raggiunge MRD <10-6 cellule leucemiche.

Autolus Therapeutics (AUTL) anunció múltiples presentaciones en las Reuniones Tandem 2025, mostrando nuevos datos sobre su terapia AUCATZYL®. Las presentaciones incluyen un modelo actualizado de coste económico en salud que compara los costos de eventos adversos frente a otras terapias CAR-T, demostrando costos de atención médica reducidos debido a una menor duración y menor incidencia de CRS e ICANS.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen: un modelo de estratificación de riesgo para la hematotoxicidad para identificar a los pacientes que probablemente se beneficiarán del tratamiento con obe-cel; ventajas económicas de obe-cel sobre brexu-cel debido a un menor número de eventos adversos de Grado 3/4; resultados superiores de obe-cel frente a terapias estándar en estudios de brazo de control externo emparejados; y una fuerte correlación entre la remisión molecular profunda y mejores resultados clínicos, con el 84% de los respondedores alcanzando MRD <10-6 células leucémicas.

Autolus Therapeutics (AUTL)는 2025년 Tandem Meetings에서 AUCATZYL® 치료에 대한 새로운 데이터를 선보였으며, 여러 발표를 했습니다. 발표 내용에는 CRS 및 ICANS의 발생률이 낮고 지속 기간이 짧아 의료 비용이 줄어드는 것을 보여주는 사건 발생 비용과 다른 CAR-T 치료법을 비교한 업데이트된 건강 경제 비용 모델이 포함되어 있습니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다: obe-cel 치료로 혜택을 받을 가능성이 있는 환자를 식별하기 위한 혈액 독성의 위험 층화 모델; Grado 3/4의 사건의 낮은 발생률로 인한 obe-cel이 brexu-cel보다 경제적 이점; 외부 대조군 연구에서 표준 치료법에 대한 obe-cel의 우수한 결과; 및 깊은 분자 관해와 더 나은 임상 결과 사이의 강한 상관관계, 응답자의 84%가 MRD <10-6 백혈병 세포를 달성했습니다.

Autolus Therapeutics (AUTL) a annoncé plusieurs présentations lors des Tandem Meetings 2025, mettant en avant de nouvelles données sur leur thérapie AUCATZYL®. Les présentations incluent un modèle économique de santé mis à jour comparant les coûts des événements indésirables par rapport à d'autres thérapies CAR-T, démontrant une réduction des coûts de santé grâce à une durée plus courte et une incidence plus faible de CRS et ICANS.

Les principales conclusions comprennent : un modèle de stratification des risques pour l'hématotoxicité permettant d'identifier les patients susceptibles de bénéficier du traitement par obe-cel ; des avantages économiques d'obe-cel par rapport à brexu-cel en raison d'un nombre réduit d'événements indésirables de Grade 3/4 ; des résultats supérieurs d'obe-cel par rapport aux thérapies standards dans les études de bras de contrôle externe appariées ; et une forte corrélation entre la rémission moléculaire profonde et de meilleurs résultats cliniques, avec 84 % des répondants atteignant un MRD <10-6 cellules leucémiques.

Autolus Therapeutics (AUTL) hat mehrere Präsentationen auf den Tandem Meetings 2025 angekündigt und neue Daten zu ihrer AUCATZYL®-Therapie präsentiert. Die Präsentationen umfassen ein aktualisiertes Gesundheitsökonomie-Kostenmodell, das die Kosten von unerwünschten Ereignissen im Vergleich zu anderen CAR-T-Therapien vergleicht und zeigt, dass die Gesundheitskosten aufgrund der kürzeren Dauer und der geringeren Inzidenz von CRS und ICANS reduziert werden.

Wesentliche Ergebnisse sind: ein Risiko-Stratifizierungsmodell für Hämatotoxizität zur Identifizierung von Patienten, die voraussichtlich von einer Behandlung mit obe-cel profitieren; wirtschaftliche Vorteile von obe-cel gegenüber brexu-cel aufgrund geringerer Grade 3/4 unerwünschter Ereignisse; überlegene Ergebnisse von obe-cel im Vergleich zu Standardtherapien in abgeglichenen externen Kontrollarm-Studien; und eine starke Korrelation zwischen tiefer molekularer Remission und besseren klinischen Ergebnissen, wobei 84 % der Antwortenden MRD <10-6 leukämische Zellen erreichen.

  • Economic model shows lower healthcare costs for AUCATZYL® compared to other CAR-T therapies
  • 84% of responders achieved deep molecular remission (MRD <10-6)
  • Obe-cel demonstrated higher Overall Response Rate and longer Overall Survival versus standard of care
  • Lower rates and faster resolution of Grade 3/4 adverse events compared to other treatments
  • Patients not achieving MRD <10-6 showed poorer outcomes
  • High-risk hematotoxicity score patients showed worse treatment outcomes


This clinical data update from FELIX trial showcases several critical findings for AUCATZYL® (obe-cel) that strengthen its competitive position in the CAR-T therapy landscape. The health economic analysis reveals lower cytokine release syndrome (CRS) and immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome (ICANS) related costs compared to competing therapies - a important differentiator for market adoption and payer acceptance.

The deep molecular remission data is particularly compelling, with 84% of responders achieving MRD <10-6, correlating with superior event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS). This level of disease clearance is exceptional for R/R B-ALL patients and suggests potential for durable responses. The comparative analysis versus standard of care demonstrates statistically significant improvements in overall response rate (ORR) and survival metrics, establishing clear clinical superiority.

The risk stratification model for hematotoxicity represents an important advancement in patient selection and management, potentially improving the therapy's risk-benefit profile and real-world outcomes.

The economic modeling comparing adverse event costs between AUCATZYL® and other CAR-T therapies (particularly ZUMA-3's brexu-cel) represents a significant commercial advantage. Lower rates of grade 3/4 adverse events and faster resolution translate directly to reduced hospitalization costs, ICU stays and supportive care requirements.

From a market access perspective, this cost advantage strengthens AUCATZYL's® value proposition to healthcare payers and could support favorable reimbursement decisions. The combination of improved efficacy and lower toxicity-related costs presents a compelling health economics case that could accelerate market penetration and potentially lead to expanded coverage.

For investors, this data suggests potential for stronger profit margins and market share gains, as reduced toxicity-related costs could allow for competitive pricing while maintaining profitability. The comprehensive economic analysis will likely be instrumental in negotiations with payers and hospital systems.

LONDON, Jan. 17, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Autolus Therapeutics plc (Nasdaq: AUTL), a commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company developing, manufacturing and delivering next-generation programmed T cell therapies, announces an oral presentation and three poster presentations accepted to the 2025 Tandem Meetings | Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Meetings of ASTCT and CIBMTR, being held from February 12-15, 2025, in Hawai'i Convention Center, Honolulu, HI.

“Building on our data presented at ASH in December, we come to Tandem with an updated health economic cost model directly comparing the cost of adverse events of AUCATZYL® versus other CAR-T cell therapies, which demonstrates that the shorter duration and lower incidence of CRS and ICANS contributes to a reduction in healthcare costs,” said Dr. Christian Itin, Chief Executive Officer of Autolus. “We also show the effectiveness of AUCATZYL® versus non CAR-T standard of care therapies, and have an oral presentation update on the hematotoxicity model and poster presentation on the impact of deep molecular remissions on clinical outcomes, which were both announced in December.”

Title: Risk Factors Associated with Sub-Optimal Outcomes and Hematotoxicity Following Obecabtagene Autoleucel (obe-cel) for Relapsed/Refractory B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (R/R B-ALL)
Session Name: Oral Abstract - Session A - Leukemia and Relapse
Session date and time: Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 3:15 PM

Presenting Author: Karamjeet S. Sandhu, MD

Summary: Risk-stratification for hematotoxicity, using pre-LD clinical parameters together with disease burden, has potential use for identifying patients more likely to benefit from obe-cel treatment and experience reduced toxicity. Patients with low-risk hematotoxicity scores had consistently better outcomes than patients with high-risk hematotoxicity scores.

Abstract 24949 - Poster:
Title: An Economic Model Comparing the Costs Associated with Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS) and Immune Effector Cell-Associated Neurotoxicity Syndrome (ICANS) Among Patients Treated with Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Therapies for Relapsed/Refractory B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (R/R B-ALL)
Session Name: Engineered Immune Cells (CAR-T, NK, TCR): Clinical - Immune Effector Cells for Heme Malignancies
Session date and time: Thursday, February 13, 2025, 6:45 PM
Presenting Author: Aaron C. Logan, MD

Summary: A decision tree economic model was developed using rates and median durations of AEs reported in the FELIX (NCT04404660; n=127) and ZUMA-3 (NCT02614066; n=55) trials. Obe-cel was associated with lower CRS- and ICANS-related healthcare costs versus brexu-cel, primarily due to lower rates of Gr 3/4 AEs and faster resolution of these events. These results suggest that obe-cel improves resource utilization and reduces healthcare costs versus other CAR T-cell therapies for R/R B-ALL.

Abstract 26113 – Poster:
Title: Comparison of Obecabtagene Autoleucel (obe-cel) Versus an External Control Arm (ECA) in Adult Patients (pts) with Relapsed/Refractory B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (R/R B-ALL) 
Session Title: Acute and Chronic Leukemia (AML, MDS, MPD ALL, CML,) - Clinical
Session date and time: Thursday, February 13, 2025, 6:45 PM
Presenting Author: Karamjeet S. Sandhu, MD

Summary: The study was designed to report efficacy and safety outcomes of obe-cel in FELIX patients vs. patients treated with non-CAR T-cell standard of care (SOC) therapies in a matched External Control Arm. Obe-cel demonstrated higher ORR and longer OS and EFS vs. SOC in matched ECAs. Safety was comparable between treatment groups, demonstrating a positive benefit-risk profile of obe-cel for treatment of adult R/R B-ALL.

Abstract 26366 – Poster:
Title: Deep Molecular Remission Predicts Better Clinical Outcomes in Adults with Relapsed/Refractory B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (R/R B-ALL) Treated with Obecabtagene Autoleucel (obe-cel)
Session Name: Engineered Immune Cells (CAR-T, NK, TCR): Clinical - Immune Effector Cells for Heme Malignancies
Session date and time: Thursday, February 13, 2025, 6:45 PM

Presenting Author: Aaron C. Logan, MD

Summary: Among obe-cel responders for whom measurable residual disease (MRD) by next-generation sequencing could be analyzed, 84% achieved MRD <10–6 leukemic cells, which was associated with more durable responses, and higher EFS and OS rates than patients with MRD ≥10–4 and MRD between 10–4 and 10–6 leukemic cells. Patients who did not achieve MRD <10–6 had poorer outcomes.

About Autolus Therapeutics plc
Autolus Therapeutics plc (Nasdaq: AUTL) is a commercial stage biopharmaceutical company developing, manufacturing and delivering next-generation T cell therapies for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune disease. Using a broad suite of proprietary and modular T cell programming technologies, Autolus is engineering precisely targeted, controlled and highly active T cell therapies that are designed to better recognize target cells, break down their defense mechanisms and eliminate these cells. Autolus has an FDA approved product, AUCATZYL, and a pipeline of product candidates in development for the treatment of hematological malignancies, solid tumors and autoimmune diseases. For more information, please visit

About obe-cel FELIX clinical trial
Autolus’ Phase 1b/2 clinical trial of obe-cel enrolled adult patients with r/r B-precursor ALL. The trial had a Phase 1b component prior to proceeding to the single arm, Phase 2 clinical trial. The primary endpoint in the pivotal cohort was overall response rate, and the secondary endpoints included duration of response, MRD negative complete remission rate and safety. The trial enrolled over 100 patients across 30 of the leading academic and non-academic centers in the United States, United Kingdom and Europe. [NCT04404660].

About AUCATZYL® (obecabtagene autoleucel, obe-cel, AUTO1)
AUCATZYL is a B-lymphocyte antigen CD19 (CD19) chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy designed to overcome the limitations in clinical activity and safety compared to current CD19 CAR T cell therapies. AUCATZYL is designed with a fast target binding off-rate to minimize excessive activation of the programmed T cells. AUCATZYL was approved by the FDA for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia on November 16, 2024. In the EU a regulatory submission to the EMA was accepted in April 2024, while in the UK, an MAA was submitted to MHRA in July 2024.


AUCATZYL® is a CD19-directed genetically modified autologous T cell immunotherapy indicated for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).


  • Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS) occurred in patients receiving AUCATZYL. Do not administer AUCATZYL to patients with active infection or inflammatory disorders. Prior to administering AUCATZYL, ensure that healthcare providers have immediate access to medications and resuscitative equipment to manage CRS.
  • Immune Effector Cell-Associated Neurotoxicity Syndrome (ICANS), including fatal and life-threatening reactions, occurred in patients receiving AUCATZYL, including concurrently with CRS or after CRS resolution. Monitor for neurologic signs and symptoms after treatment with AUCATZYL. Prior to administering AUCATZYL, ensure that healthcare providers have immediate access to medications and resuscitative equipment to manage neurologic toxicities. Provide supportive care and/or corticosteroids, as needed.
  • T cell malignancies have occurred following treatment of hematologic malignancies with BCMA- and CD19-directed genetically modified autologous T cell immunotherapies.


Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS)
Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS) occurred following treatment with AUCATZYL. CRS was reported in 75% (75/100) of patients including Grade 3 CRS in 3% of patients. The median time to onset of CRS was 8 days following the first infusion (range: 1 to 23 days) with a median duration of 5 days (range: 1 to 21 days). The most common manifestations of CRS included fever (100%), hypotension (35%), and hypoxia (19%).
Prior to administering AUCATZYL, ensure that healthcare providers have immediate access to medications and resuscitative equipment to manage CRS. During and following treatment with AUCATZYL, closely monitor patients for signs and symptoms of CRS daily for at least 14 days at the healthcare facility following the first infusion. Continue to monitor patients for CRS for at least 4 weeks following each infusion with AUCATZYL. Counsel patients to seek immediate medical attention should signs or symptoms of CRS occur at any time. At the first sign of CRS, immediately evaluate the patient for hospitalization and institute treatment with supportive care based on severity and consider further management per current practice guidelines.

Neurologic Toxicities
Neurologic toxicities including Immune Effector Cell-associated Neurotoxicity Syndrome (ICANS), which were fatal or life-threatening, occurred following treatment with AUCATZYL. Neurologic toxicities were reported in 64% (64/100) of patients, including Grade ≥ 3 in 12% of patients. The median time to onset of neurologic toxicities was 10 days (range: 1 to 246 days) with a median duration of 13 days (range: 1 to 904 days). Among patients with neurologic toxicities, the most common symptoms (> 5%) included ICANS (38%), headache (34%), encephalopathy (33%), dizziness (22%), tremor (13%), anxiety (9%), insomnia (9%), and delirium (8%).

Immune Effector Cell-associated Neurotoxicity Syndrome (ICANS)
ICANS events occurred in 24% (24/100) of patients, including Grade ≥ 3 in 7% (7/100) of patients. Of the 24 patients who experienced ICANS, 33% (8/24) experienced an onset after the first infusion, but prior to the second infusion of AUCATZYL.
The median time to onset for ICANS events after the first infusion was 8 days (range: 1 to 10 days) and 6.5 days (range: 2 to 22 days) after the second infusion, with a median duration of 8.5 days (range: 1 to 53 days).
Eighty-eight percent (21/24) of patients received treatment for ICANS. All treated patients received high-dose corticosteroids and 42% (10/24) of patients received anti-epileptics prophylactically. Prior to administering AUCATZYL, ensure that healthcare providers have immediate access to medications and resuscitative equipment to manage ICANS.
Counsel patients to seek medical attention should signs or symptoms of neurologic toxicity/ ICANS occur. At the first sign of Neurologic Toxicity /ICANS, immediately evaluate patients for hospitalization and institute treatment with supportive care based on severity and consider further management per current practice guidelines.

Effect on Ability to Drive and Use Machines
Due to the potential for neurologic events, including altered mental status or seizures, patients receiving AUCATZYL are at risk for altered or decreased consciousness or coordination in the eight weeks following AUCATZYL infusion or until resolution of the neurological event by the treating physician. Advise patients to refrain from driving and engaging in hazardous occupations or activities, such as operating heavy or potentially dangerous machinery, during this initial period.

Prolonged Cytopenias
Patients may exhibit cytopenias including anemia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia for several weeks after treatment with lymphodepleting chemotherapy and AUCATZYL. In patients who were responders to AUCATZYL, Grade ≥ 3 cytopenias that persisted beyond Day 30 following AUCATZYL infusion were observed in 71% (29/41) of patients and included neutropenia (66%, 27/41) and thrombocytopenia (54%, 22/41). Grade 3 or higher cytopenias that persisted beyond Day 60 following AUCATZYL infusion was observed in 27% (11/41) of patients and included neutropenia (17%, 7/41) and thrombocytopenia (15%, 6/41). Monitor blood counts after AUCATZYL infusion.

Severe, including life-threatening and fatal infections occurred in patients after AUCATZYL infusion. Non-COVID-19 infections of all grades occurred in 67% (67/100) of patients. Grade 3 or higher non-COVID-19 infections occurred in 41% (41/100) of patients. AUCATZYL should not be administered to patients with clinically significant active systemic infections. Monitor patients for signs and symptoms of infection before and after AUCATZYL infusion and treat appropriately. Administer prophylactic antimicrobials according to local guidelines.
Grade 3 or higher febrile neutropenia was observed in 26% (26/100) of patients after AUCATZYL infusion and may be concurrent with CRS. In the event of febrile neutropenia, evaluate for infection and manage with broad-spectrum antibiotics, fluids, and other supportive care as medically indicated.
Viral reactivation, potentially severe or life-threatening, can occur in patients treated with drugs directed against B cells. There is no experience with manufacturing AUCATZYL for patients with a positive test for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or with active hepatitis B virus (HBV) or active hepatitis C virus (HCV). Perform screening for HBV, HCV and HIV in accordance with clinical guidelines before collection of cells for manufacturing.

Hypogammaglobulinemia and B-cell aplasia can occur in patients after AUCATZYL infusion. Hypogammaglobulinemia was reported in 10% (10/100) of patients treated with AUCATZYL including Grade 3 events in 2 patients (2%).
Immunoglobulin levels should be monitored after treatment with AUCATZYL and managed per institutional guidelines including infection precautions, antibiotic or antiviral prophylaxis, and immunoglobulin replacement.
The safety of immunization with live viral vaccines during or following treatment with AUCATZYL has not been studied. Vaccination with live viral vaccines is not recommended for at least 6 weeks prior to the start of lymphodepleting chemotherapy treatment, during AUCATZYL treatment, and until immune recovery following treatment with AUCATZYL.

Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis/Macrophage Activation Syndrome (HLH/MAS)
HLH/MAS including fatal and life-threatening reactions occurred after treatment with AUCATZYL. HLH/MAS was reported in 2% (2/100) of patients and included Grade 3 and Grade 4 events with a time of onset at Day 22 and Day 41, respectively. One patient experienced a concurrent ICANS events after AUCATZYL infusion and died due to sepsis with ongoing HLH/MAS that had not resolved. Administer treatment for HLH/MAS according to institutional standards.

Hypersensitivity Reactions
Serious hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, may occur due to dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), an excipient used in AUCATZYL. Observe patients for hypersensitivity reactions during and after AUCATZYL infusion.
Secondary Malignancies
Patients treated with AUCATZYL may develop secondary malignancies. T cell malignancies have occurred following treatment of hematologic malignancies with BCMA- and CD19-directed genetically modified autologous T cell immunotherapies. Mature T cell malignancies, including CAR-positive tumors, may present as soon as weeks following infusion, and may include fatal outcomes. Monitor lifelong for secondary malignancies. In the event that a secondary malignancy occurs, contact Autolus at 1-855-288-5227 for reporting and to obtain instructions on the collection of patient samples for testing.

Adverse Reactions
The safety of AUCATZYL was evaluated in the FELIX study in which 100 patients with relapsed or refractory B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) received AUCATZYL at a median dose of 410 × 106 CD19 CAR-positive viable T cells (range: 10 to 480 × 106 CD19 CAR-positive viable T cells with 90% of patients receiving the recommended dose of 410 × 106 +/- 25%).
The most common serious adverse reactions of any Grade (incidence ≥ 2%) included infections-pathogen unspecified, febrile neutropenia, ICANS, CRS, fever, bacterial infectious disorders, encephalopathy, fungal infections, hemorrhage, respiratory failure, hypotension, ascites, HLH/MAS, thrombosis and hypoxia. Nine patients (9%) experienced fatal adverse reactions which included infections (sepsis, pneumonia, peritonitis), ascites, pulmonary embolism, acute respiratory distress syndrome, HLH/MAS and ICANS. Of the 9 patients, five patients who died from infections had pre-existing and ongoing neutropenia prior to receiving bridging therapy, lymphodepletion chemotherapy treatment and/or AUCATZYL.

Please see full Prescribing Information, including BOXED WARNING and Medication Guide.

Forward-Looking Statements  
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts, and in some cases can be identified by terms such as "may," "will," "could," "expects," "plans," "anticipates," and "believes." These statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding Autolus’ development and commercialization of its products and product candidates. Any forward-looking statements are based on management's current views and assumptions and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance, or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risks that Autolus’ preclinical or clinical programs do not advance or result in approved products on a timely or cost effective basis or at all; the results of early clinical trials are not always being predictive of future results; the cost, timing and results of clinical trials; that many product candidates do not become approved drugs on a timely or cost effective basis or at all; the ability to enroll patients in clinical trials; and possible safety and efficacy concerns. For a discussion of other risks and uncertainties, and other important factors, any of which could cause Autolus’ actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements, see the section titled "Risk Factors" in Autolus' Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or the SEC, on March 21, 2024 as well as discussions of potential risks, uncertainties, and other important factors in Autolus' subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All information in this press release is as of the date of the release, and Autolus undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by law. You should, therefore, not rely on these forward-looking statements as representing Autolus’ views as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release.   


Amanda Cray 
+1 617-967-0207 

Olivia Manser 
+44 (0) 7780 471 568 


What are the cost benefits of AUTL's AUCATZYL compared to other CAR-T therapies?

AUCATZYL demonstrates lower healthcare costs compared to other CAR-T therapies due to shorter duration and lower incidence of CRS and ICANS adverse events, particularly showing lower rates of Grade 3/4 events and faster resolution.

What percentage of patients achieved deep molecular remission with AUTL's obe-cel therapy?

84% of obe-cel responders achieved deep molecular remission (MRD <10-6 leukemic cells), which was associated with more durable responses and higher Event-Free Survival and Overall Survival rates.

How does AUTL's obe-cel compare to standard of care treatments in R/R B-ALL?

Obe-cel demonstrated higher Overall Response Rate (ORR) and longer Overall Survival (OS) and Event-Free Survival (EFS) compared to standard of care therapies in matched External Control Arm studies.

What is the significance of the hematotoxicity risk model for AUTL's obe-cel treatment?

The hematotoxicity risk model helps identify patients more likely to benefit from obe-cel treatment and experience reduced toxicity, with low-risk patients showing consistently better outcomes than those with high-risk scores.



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