Astria Therapeutics Chooses Ypsomed’s YpsoMate as the Injection Device for STAR-0215 for the Treatment of Hereditary Angioedema

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Astria Therapeutics (NASDAQ:ATXS) has chosen Ypsomed as its partner to develop an autoinjector for STAR-0215, a therapy for Hereditary Angioedema (HAE). The collaboration aims to support Astria's goal of offering patients a choice between infrequent three- and six-month administration options. Astria plans to launch STAR-0215 with both the Ypsomed YpsoMate autoinjector and a pre-filled syringe, pending regulatory approval. The autoinjector is considered ideal for STAR-0215 due to its ease of use, needle shielding feature, and quick injection with low risk of pain. This partnership aligns with Astria's vision of providing effective HAE attack protection while minimizing treatment burden.

Astria Therapeutics (NASDAQ:ATXS) ha scelto Ypsomed come partner per sviluppare un autoiniettore per STAR-0215, una terapia per Angioedema Ereditario (HAE). La collaborazione mira a sostenere l'obiettivo di Astria di offrire ai pazienti una scelta tra opzioni di somministrazione poco frequenti ogni tre e sei mesi. Astria prevede di lanciare STAR-0215 sia con l'autoiniettore Ypsomed YpsoMate sia con una siringa pre-riempita, in attesa dell'approvazione normativa. L'autoiniettore è considerato ideale per STAR-0215 grazie alla sua facilità d'uso, alla protezione dell'ago e all'iniezione rapida con un basso rischio di dolore. Questa partnership è in linea con la visione di Astria di garantire una protezione efficace contro gli attacchi di HAE, riducendo al contempo l'onere del trattamento.

Astria Therapeutics (NASDAQ:ATXS) ha elegido a Ypsomed como su socio para desarrollar un autoinyector para STAR-0215, una terapia para Angioedema Hereditario (HAE). La colaboración tiene como objetivo apoyar la meta de Astria de ofrecer a los pacientes una opción entre opciones de administración infrecuentes cada tres y seis meses. Astria planea lanzar STAR-0215 tanto con el autoinyector Ypsomed YpsoMate como con una jeringa precargada, sujeto a la aprobación regulatoria. Se considera que el autoinyector es ideal para STAR-0215 debido a su facilidad de uso, característica de protección de aguja y rápida inyección con bajo riesgo de dolor. Esta colaboración se alinea con la visión de Astria de proporcionar una protección eficaz contra los ataques de HAE, minimizando al mismo tiempo la carga del tratamiento.

Astria Therapeutics (NASDAQ:ATXS)가 HAE(유전성 혈관부종) 치료를 위한 STAR-0215의 자가 주입기를 개발하기 위해 Ypsomed를 파트너로 선택했습니다. 이번 협력은 Astria가 환자에게 3개월 및 6개월 간의 드문 투여 옵션을 제공하는 목표를 지원하기 위한 것입니다. Astria는 규제 승인 여부에 따라 Ypsomed YpsoMate 자가 주입기와 미리 채워진 주사기를 사용하여 STAR-0215를 출시할 계획입니다. 자가 주입기는 사용 용이성, 바늘 보호 기능 및 빠른 주사로 인해 STAR-0215에 이상적이라고 여겨집니다. 이 파트너십은 HAE 공격에 대한 효과적인 보호를 제공하면서 치료 부담을 최소화하려는 Astria의 비전과 일치합니다.

Astria Therapeutics (NASDAQ:ATXS) a choisi Ypsomed comme partenaire pour développer un autoinjecteur pour STAR-0215, une thérapie contre l'Angio-Œdème Héréditaire (HAE). La collaboration vise à soutenir l'objectif d'Astria d'offrir aux patients un choix entre des options d'administration peu fréquentes tous les trois et six mois. Astria prévoit de lancer STAR-0215 avec à la fois l' et une seringue pré-remplie, sous réserve de l'approbation réglementaire. L'autoinjecteur est considéré comme idéal pour STAR-0215 en raison de sa facilité d'utilisation, de sa protection de l'aiguille et de son injection rapide avec un faible risque de douleur. Ce partenariat s'inscrit dans la vision d'Astria de fournir une protection efficace contre les attaques de HAE tout en minimisant le fardeau du traitement.

Astria Therapeutics (NASDAQ:ATXS) hat Ypsomed als Partner gewählt, um einen Autoinjektor für STAR-0215, eine Therapie gegen Hereditäres Angioödem (HAE), zu entwickeln. Die Zusammenarbeit soll Astrias Ziel unterstützen, den Patienten eine Wahl zwischen seltenen Verabreichungsoptionen alle drei und sechs Monate zu bieten. Astria plant, STAR-0215 sowohl mit dem Ypsomed YpsoMate Autoinjektor als auch mit einer vorgefüllten Spritze auf den Markt zu bringen, vorbehaltlich der behördlichen Genehmigung. Der Autoinjektor wird aufgrund seiner Benutzerfreundlichkeit, der Schutzfunktion für die Nadel und der schnellen Injektion mit geringem Schmerzrisiko als ideal für STAR-0215 angesehen. Diese Partnerschaft stimmt mit Astrias Vision überein, einen effektiven Schutz gegen HAE-Attacken zu bieten und gleichzeitig die Behandlungsbelastung zu minimieren.

  • Partnership with Ypsomed for autoinjector development
  • Planned launch of STAR-0215 with both autoinjector and pre-filled syringe options
  • Potential for infrequent three- and six-month administration of STAR-0215
  • Autoinjector features ease of use and needle shielding
  • None.

The selection of Ypsomed's YpsoMate autoinjector for STAR-0215 is a strategic move by Astria Therapeutics. This decision aligns with the company's goal of developing a patient-centric treatment for Hereditary Angioedema (HAE). The key advantages include:

  • Potential for infrequent dosing (three- to six-month intervals), which could significantly reduce the treatment burden for HAE patients
  • Ease of use and needle shielding feature, enhancing patient comfort and safety
  • Quick injection with low pain risk, thanks to STAR-0215's proprietary formulation

While this news doesn't guarantee regulatory approval or market success, it does indicate Astria's commitment to improving the patient experience. The flexibility of offering both autoinjector and pre-filled syringe options could be a differentiating factor in the competitive HAE treatment landscape. Investors should monitor the progress of STAR-0215's clinical trials and regulatory submissions to assess its potential market impact.

Astria Therapeutics' partnership with Ypsomed for STAR-0215's delivery system is a positive development that could enhance the drug's market potential. Key considerations for investors include:

  • The HAE treatment market is competitive, with several established players. A user-friendly delivery system could be a crucial differentiator.
  • The potential for infrequent dosing (every 3-6 months) could give STAR-0215 a significant advantage over competitors requiring more frequent administration.
  • Offering both autoinjector and pre-filled syringe options demonstrates a patient-centric approach, which could boost adoption rates if approved.

However, it's important to note that STAR-0215 is still in development and success hinges on clinical trial results and regulatory approval. Investors should closely monitor these milestones to assess the drug's commercial viability and potential impact on Astria's market position.

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Astria Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:ATXS), a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing life-changing therapies for allergic and immunological diseases, today announced that it has chosen Ypsomed as its partner for the development of an autoinjector for STAR-0215.

“With STAR-0215's profile, our goal is to develop a therapy that allows patients to choose an approach that works best for their lives with the option of infrequent three- and six-month administration,” said John Ruesch, Senior Vice President, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technical Operations. “Our partnership with Ypsomed, a leading developer and manufacturer of injection systems, supports this goal through the planned development of an autoinjector that enables our vision for STAR-0215 to be a therapy that can effectively protect against HAE attacks while also having a very low burden of treatment and administration.”

Assuming regulatory approval, Astria plans to launch STAR-0215 with both the Ypsomed YpsoMate autoinjector and a pre-filled syringe, which would allow patients to choose the administration regimen that would work best for their lives. Astria believes that an autoinjector option is a great choice for STAR-0215 due to its ease of use, needle shielding feature, and STAR-0215's proprietary formulation that enables a quick injection with low risk of pain.

About Astria Therapeutics:

Astria Therapeutics is a biopharmaceutical company, and our mission is to bring life-changing therapies to patients and families affected by allergic and immunological diseases. Our lead program, STAR-0215, is a monoclonal antibody inhibitor of plasma kallikrein in clinical development for the treatment of hereditary angioedema. Our second program, STAR-0310, is a monoclonal antibody OX40 antagonist in preclinical development for the treatment of atopic dermatitis. Learn more about our company on our website,, or follow us on X and Instagram @AstriaTx and on Facebook and LinkedIn.

About YpsoMate:

The YpsoMate is a user-friendly two-step autoinjector. To inject, the cap is removed and then the device is firmly pushed on the patient’s skin. Visual and audible cues notify the patient of the start and end of the injection, and the needle is covered before and after the injection by a safety mechanism that protects against needle-stick injuries and ensures that patients do not see the needle. Furthermore, the autoinjector is based on Ypsomed’s carbon footprint reduction NetZero Program, which reflects a company-wide commitment to sustainability.

About Ypsomed AG:

Ypsomed is the leading developer and manufacturer of injection and infusion systems for self-medication and a renowned diabetes specialist. The company will celebrate its 40th anniversary in 2024. As a leader in innovation and technology, it is a preferred partner of pharmaceutical and biotech companies for pens, autoinjectors and pump systems for administering liquid medications. Ypsomed presents and markets its product portfolios under the umbrella brand mylife Diabetescare directly to patients, pharmacies, and hospitals as well as under Ypsomed Delivery Systems in business-to-business operations with pharmaceutical companies. Ypsomed is headquartered in Burgdorf, Switzerland. The company has a global network of production facilities, subsidiaries, and distribution partners. Ypsomed has around 2,500 employees worldwide.

For more information, please visit

Forward Looking Statements:

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws and regulations including, but not limited to, statements regarding: our plans to launch STAR-0215 and the expected administration frequency; our plans to launch STAR-0215 with both the Ypsomed YpsoMate autoinjector and a pre-filled syringe, and the potential benefits thereof; the potential for STAR-0215 to reduce the burden of disease of HAE patients and certain other benefits of STAR-0215, and our vision and goals for the program; and the goal of bringing life changing therapies to patients and families affected by allergic and immunological diseases. The use of words such as, but not limited to, “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “goals,” “intend,” “may,” “might,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “should,” “target,” “will,” “would,” or "vision," and similar words expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based on Astria’s current beliefs, expectations and assumptions regarding the future of its business, future plans and strategies, future financial performance, results of pre-clinical and clinical results of the Astria’s product candidates and other future conditions. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, including the following risks and uncertainties: changes in applicable laws or regulations; the possibility that we may be adversely affected by other economic, business, and/or competitive factors; risks inherent in pharmaceutical research and development, such as: adverse results in our drug discovery, preclinical and clinical development activities, the risk that the results of preclinical studies may not be replicated in clinical trials, that the preliminary or interim results from clinical trials may not be indicative of the final results, that the results of early stage clinical trials, such as the results from the STAR-0215 Phase 1a clinical trial and initial results from the ALPHA-STAR trial may not be replicated in later stage clinical trials, including the additional results from the ALPHA-STAR trial and our planned Phase 3 program for STAR-0215 , the risk that we may not be able to enroll sufficient patients in our clinical trials on a timely basis, and the risk that any of our clinical trials may not commence, continue or be completed on time, or at all; decisions made by, and feedback received from, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other regulatory authorities on our regulatory and clinical trial submissions and other feedback from potential clinical trial sites, including investigational review boards at such sites, and other review bodies with respect to STAR-0215 and devices that would administer STAR-0215, including the Ypsomed YpsoMate autoinjector and pre-filled syringe; our ability to manufacture sufficient quantities of drug substance, drug product and devices for STAR-0215 on a cost-effective and timely basis, and to develop dosages and formulation for STAR-0215 that are patient-friendly and competitive; our ability to develop biomarker and other assays, along with the testing protocols therefore; our ability to obtain, maintain and enforce intellectual property rights for STAR-0215; our potential dependence on collaboration partners; competition with respect to STAR-0215; the risk that survey results and market research may not be accurate predictors of the commercial landscape for HAE, the ability of STAR-0215 to compete in HAE and the anticipated position and attributes of STAR-0215 in HAE based on clinical data to date, its preclinical profile, pharmacokinetic modeling, market research and other data; our ability to manage our cash usage and the possibility of unexpected cash expenditures; our ability to obtain necessary financing to conduct our planned activities and to manage unplanned cash requirements; and general economic and market conditions; as well as the risks and uncertainties discussed in the “Risk Factors” section of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the period ended December 31, 2023 and in other filings that we may make with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

New risks and uncertainties may emerge from time to time, and it is not possible to predict all risks and uncertainties. Astria may not actually achieve the forecasts or expectations disclosed in our forward-looking statements, and investors and potential investors should not place undue reliance on Astria’s forward-looking statements. Neither Astria, nor its affiliates, advisors or representatives, undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Astria’s views as of any date subsequent to the date hereof.

Astria Contact:

Investor Relations and Media:

Elizabeth Higgins

Source: Astria Therapeutics, Inc.


What is the purpose of Astria Therapeutics' partnership with Ypsomed for STAR-0215?

Astria Therapeutics (NASDAQ:ATXS) has partnered with Ypsomed to develop an autoinjector for STAR-0215, aiming to provide patients with Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) an easy-to-use option for infrequent three- and six-month administration of the therapy.

What administration options will be available for STAR-0215 upon launch?

Upon regulatory approval, Astria Therapeutics (NASDAQ:ATXS) plans to launch STAR-0215 with two administration options: the Ypsomed YpsoMate autoinjector and a pre-filled syringe, allowing patients to choose their preferred method.

What are the advantages of using an autoinjector for STAR-0215?

The autoinjector for STAR-0215 offers several advantages, including ease of use, a needle shielding feature, and the ability to provide a quick injection with low risk of pain, thanks to STAR-0215's proprietary formulation.

How often will patients need to administer STAR-0215 for HAE treatment?

Astria Therapeutics (NASDAQ:ATXS) aims to develop STAR-0215 with the option for infrequent administration, potentially allowing for three- and six-month intervals between doses for Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) treatment.

Astria Therapeutics, Inc.


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Pharmaceutical Preparations
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