Aemetis Biogas Starts Production From Tenth Dairy Digester With Additional Digesters in Final Stages of Commissioning and Construction

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Aemetis Biogas has commenced production from its tenth dairy digester, processing waste from a dairy in Stanislaus County, California. Five additional digesters are nearing commissioning, expanding operations to twelve digesters processing waste from sixteen dairies. This will increase Aemetis' renewable natural gas (RNG) production capacity by 80% to 550,000 MMBtu per year by 2025. This month, Aemetis expects to generate $11.5 million from investment tax credits from previous projects, with an additional $10 million expected from new digesters. Seven existing digesters are in the final verification process for California Air Resources Board (CARB) pathway approval under the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS), which could double LCFS credit revenues. Aemetis has agreements with 49 dairies to supply waste for its Central Dairy Project, funded by $50 million in USDA loans, with another $75 million in loans pending. When fully operational, the project is expected to produce over 1.6 million MMBtu per year of RNG, generating $250 million in annual revenues.

Aemetis Biogas ha avviato la produzione dal suo decimo digestore di derivati lattiero-caseari, elaborando rifiuti provenienti da una latteria nella Contea di Stanislaus, California. Cinque digestori aggiuntivi stanno per essere messi in servizio, ampliando le operazioni a dodici digestori che trattano rifiuti di sedici latterie. Questo aumenterà la capacità di produzione di gas naturale rinnovabile (RNG) di Aemetis dell'80%, raggiungendo 550.000 MMBtu all'anno entro il 2025. Questo mese, Aemetis prevede di generare 11,5 milioni di dollari da crediti fiscali per investimenti su progetti precedenti, con ulteriori 10 milioni previsti dai nuovi digestori. Sette digestori esistenti sono in fase di verifica finale per l' sotto lo Standard di Combustibile a Basso Carbonio (LCFS), il che potrebbe raddoppiare i ricavi dai crediti LCFS. Aemetis ha accordi con 49 latterie per fornire rifiuti per il suo Progetto Centrale per i Latticini, finanziato con 50 milioni di dollari in prestiti USDA, con altri 75 milioni di dollari in prestiti in attesa. Quando sarà completamente operativo, si prevede che il progetto produrrà oltre 1,6 milioni di MMBtu all'anno di RNG, generando 250 milioni di dollari di entrate annuali.

Aemetis Biogas ha comenzado la producción de su décimo digestor de lácteos, procesando residuos de una lechería en el Condado de Stanislaus, California. Cinco digestores adicionales están cerca de ser comisionados, ampliando las operaciones a doce digestores que procesan residuos de dieciséis lecherías. Esto incrementará la capacidad de producción de gas natural renovable (RNG) de Aemetis en un 80%, alcanzando 550,000 MMBtu por año para 2025. Este mes, Aemetis espera generar 11.5 millones de dólares a partir de créditos fiscales de inversión de proyectos anteriores, con otros 10 millones esperados de nuevos digestores. Siete digestores existentes están en el proceso de verificación final para la aprobación del camino de la California Air Resources Board (CARB) bajo el Estándar de Combustible de Baja Emisión de Carbono (LCFS), lo que podría duplicar los ingresos por créditos LCFS. Aemetis tiene acuerdos con 49 lecherías para suministrar residuos para su Proyecto Central de Lácteos, financiado con 50 millones de dólares en préstamos de USDA, con 75 millones de dólares en préstamos pendientes. Cuando esté completamente operativo, se espera que el proyecto produzca más de 1.6 millones de MMBtu por año de RNG, generando 250 millones de dólares en ingresos anuales.

Aemetis Biogas는 캘리포니아 주 스타니스라우스 카운티에 있는 한 유제품 공장에서 발생하는 폐기물을 처리하는 열 번째 유제품 소화기에 대한 생산을 시작했습니다. 추가로 다섯 개의 소화기가 가동 준비 단계에 있으며, 총 열두 개의 소화기가 열여섯 개 유제품 공장에서 발생하는 폐기물을 처리할 예정입니다. 이를 통해 Aemetis의 재생 가능한 자연가스(RNG) 생산 능력이 2025년까지 80% 증가하여 연간 550,000 MMBtu에 이를 것입니다. 이번 달 Aemetis는 이전 프로젝트로부터의 투자 세금 공제로 1,150만 달러를 생성할 것으로 기대하고 있으며, 새로운 소화기로부터 1,000만 달러의 추가 수익을 예상하고 있습니다. 기존의 일곱 개 소화기는 저탄소 연료 기준(LCFS) 하의 캘리포니아 공기 자원 위원회(CARB) 경로 승인을 위한 최종 검증 과정에 있습니다. 이는 LCFS 신용 수익을 두 배로 늘릴 수 있습니다. Aemetis는 49개의 유제품 공장과 연계하여 $5,000만의 USDA 대출로 자금 지원된 중앙 유제품 프로젝트를 위해 폐기물을 공급하기 위한 계약을 체결하였으며, 추가로 7,500만 달러의 대출이 대기 중입니다. 프로젝트가 완전히 가동되면 연간 1.6백만 MMBtu 이상의 RNG를 생산하고, 연간 2억 5천만 달러의 수익을 창출할 것으로 기대됩니다.

Aemetis Biogas a commencé la production de son dixième digesteur laitier, traitant les déchets d'une laiterie dans le comté de Stanislaus, Californie. Cinq digesteurs supplémentaires sont en phase de mise en service, élargissant les opérations à douze digesteurs traitant les déchets de seize laiteries. Cela augmentera la capacité de production de gaz naturel renouvelable (RNG) d'Aemetis de 80 % pour atteindre 550 000 MMBtu par an d'ici 2025. Ce mois-ci, Aemetis prévoit de générer 11,5 millions de dollars grâce à des crédits d'impôt sur les investissements provenant de projets précédents, avec un montant supplémentaire de 10 millions de dollars attendu des nouveaux digesteurs. Sept digesteurs existants sont en cours de validation finale pour l'approbation du chemin par la California Air Resources Board (CARB) dans le cadre de la norme de carburant à faibles émissions de carbone (LCFS), ce qui pourrait doubler les revenus des crédits LCFS. Aemetis a passé des accords avec 49 laiteries pour fournir des déchets pour son projet Central Dairy, financé par 50 millions de dollars de prêts USDA, avec 75 millions de dollars de prêts supplémentaires en attente. Lorsque le projet sera entièrement opérationnel, il devrait produire plus de 1,6 million de MMBtu de RNG par an, générant 250 millions de dollars de revenus annuels.

Aemetis Biogas hat die Produktion aus seinem zehnten Milchvergasungsreaktor aufgenommen, der Abfälle von einer Molkerei im Stanislaus County, Kalifornien, verarbeitet. Fünf weitere Vergasungsreaktoren stehen kurz vor der Inbetriebnahme, wodurch die Betriebsaktivitäten auf zwölf Vergasungsreaktoren ausgeweitet werden, die Abfälle von sechzehn Molkereien verarbeiten. Dies wird die Produktionskapazität von erneuerbarem Erdgas (RNG) von Aemetis bis 2025 um 80 % auf 550.000 MMBtu pro Jahr erhöhen. In diesem Monat erwartet Aemetis, 11,5 Millionen US-Dollar durch Investitionssteuergutschriften aus vorherigen Projekten zu generieren, wobei zusätzlich 10 Millionen US-Dollar von neuen Vergasungsreaktoren erwartet werden. Sieben bestehende Vergasungsreaktoren befinden sich im endgültigen Verifizierungsprozess für die Genehmigung des California Air Resources Board (CARB) gemäß dem Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS), was die Einnahmen aus LCFS-Gutschriften verdoppeln könnte. Aemetis hat Vereinbarungen mit 49 Molkereien zur Lieferung von Abfällen für sein zentrales Molkereiprojekt, das mit 50 Millionen US-Dollar USDA-Darlehen finanziert wird, wobei weitere 75 Millionen US-Dollar an Darlehen ausstehen. Wenn das Projekt vollständig betriebsbereit ist, wird erwartet, dass es über 1,6 Millionen MMBtu RNG pro Jahr produziert und jährlich 250 Millionen US-Dollar Einnahmen generiert.

  • RNG production capacity projected to increase by 80% to 550,000 MMBtu per year.
  • $11.5 million expected from investment tax credits this month.
  • Additional $10 million in tax credits anticipated from new digesters in Q1 2025.
  • Potential doubling of LCFS credit revenues with CARB pathway approval.
  • Agreements with 49 dairies ensure steady waste supply.
  • Project funded by $50 million in USDA loans, with $75 million pending.
  • No immediate negative aspects reported.


This operational update marks significant revenue growth potential for Aemetis. The expansion to 10 operational digesters with 5 more in final stages will increase RNG production capacity by 80% to 550,000 MMBtu annually. The immediate financial impact includes $11.5 million in tax credits this month and an additional $10 million expected in Q1 2025. The anticipated CARB pathway approval could double LCFS credit revenues through improved carbon intensity scores. With $50 million in USDA loans secured and $75 million more in process, the company has strong funding for expansion. The projected $250 million annual revenue at full capacity represents substantial growth from current operations.

The environmental impact metrics are compelling, with carbon intensity scores expected to improve from -150 to -380, significantly enhancing the project's value under California's LCFS program. The 20-year qualification for avoided methane credits through 2045 provides long-term regulatory certainty. With 49 dairies committed to supply waste, this project demonstrates scalable methane capture infrastructure. The expansion from 300,000 to 550,000 MMBtu annually represents meaningful progress in renewable natural gas production, with further growth potential to 1.6 million MMBtu. This aligns perfectly with California's aggressive climate goals and positions Aemetis as a key player in agricultural methane reduction.

Renewable Natural Gas Production Capacity Expected to Increase by 80% to 550,000 MMBtu of RNG per Year From Twelve Digesters Processing Waste From Sixteen Dairies

CUPERTINO, CA, Dec. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aemetis, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMTX), a renewable natural gas and renewable fuels company focused on low and negative carbon intensity products, announced today that its Aemetis Biogas subsidiary started producing renewable natural gas (RNG) from its tenth anaerobic digester built to process waste from a dairy in Stanislaus County, California.  The newly constructed digesters for five additional dairies are in final stages of commissioning and construction, which is scheduled to expand the total Aemetis Biogas operations to twelve digesters processing waste from sixteen dairies.  Combined, the digesters are designed to produce an estimated 550,000 MMBtu per year of RNG in year 2025, an 80% increase from the current production capacity of 300,000 MMBtu per year.

This month, Aemetis also expects to generate an estimated $11.5 million from the sale of investment tax credits from the construction of dairy digesters and other projects earlier this year. The new digester completed today and the additional digesters under construction are expected to generate additional investment tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act currently estimated at approximately $10 million of additional proceeds from tax credits to be sold during Q1 2025.

Separately, seven of the company’s existing operating dairy digesters are now in the final verification process for California Air Resources Board (CARB) pathway approval under the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS).  The temporary pathway for dairy biogas under the LCFS is -150 carbon intensity.  Aemetis expects the approved pathways will average -380 carbon intensity, resulting in approximately a 100% increase in LCFS credit revenues from the generation of additional LCFS credits.  LCFS Pathway approval from CARB is expected in the first half of 2025.  In the recent adoption by CARB of air emissions mandates through year 2045, Aemetis RNG production is expected to qualify for 20 years of avoided methane credits under the Low Carbon Fuel Standard in California.

“Aemetis Biogas is on track to increase RNG production by about 80%, including the dairy digester that began operation today and those projects nearing completion,” stated Eric McAfee, Chairman and CEO of Aemetis. “We are pleased with the rapid acceleration of revenue growth from new digesters, which generate revenues from LCFS credits and Renewable Fuel Standard D3 RINs.”

Aemetis digesters are connected to an existing 36-mile Aemetis biogas pipeline, feeding the central RNG production facility located at the Aemetis Keyes ethanol plant near Modesto. To date, 49 dairies have signed agreements with Aemetis Biogas to supply waste to existing and planned dairy digesters in the Aemetis Biogas Central Dairy Project.

The buildout of the dairy digesters and other facilities in the Aemetis Biogas project has been funded by $50 million of USDA guaranteed loans with 20-year repayment terms under the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP).  An additional $75 million of USDA guaranteed loans are currently in process.

Prior to the additional dairy digester started today, Aemetis generated biogas from nine anaerobic digesters fed by ten dairies with a production capacity of approximately 300,000 MMBtu per year of RNG. After upcoming completion of three new digesters processing waste from six additional dairies, Aemetis expects to produce approximately 550,000 MMBtu of RNG per year from 12 digesters processing waste from 16 dairies.

When fully operational, the dairies in the Aemetis Biogas Central Dairy Project are expected to produce more than 1.6 million MMBtu per year of RNG and generate annual revenues of $250 million.

About Aemetis

Headquartered in Cupertino, California, Aemetis is a renewable natural gas, renewable fuel and biochemicals company focused on the operation, acquisition, development and commercialization of innovative technologies that replace petroleum-based products and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Founded in 2006, Aemetis is operating and actively expanding a California biogas digester network and pipeline system to convert dairy waste gas into Renewable Natural Gas. Aemetis owns and operates a 65 million gallon per year ethanol production facility in California’s Central Valley near Modesto that supplies about 80 dairies with animal feed. Aemetis owns and operates a 80 million gallon per year production facility on the East Coast of India producing high quality distilled biodiesel and refined glycerin for customers in India and Europe. Aemetis is developing the sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and renewable diesel fuel biorefinery in California to utilize renewable hydrogen, hydroelectric power, and renewable oils to produce low carbon intensity renewable jet and diesel fuel. For additional information about Aemetis, please visit

Safe Harbor Statement

This news release contains forward-looking statements, including statements regarding assumptions, projections, expectations, targets, intentions or beliefs about future events or other statements that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements include, without limitation, projections of financial results in 2024 and future years; statements relating to the development, engineering, financing, construction and operation of the Aemetis ethanol, biogas, SAF and renewable diesel, and carbon sequestration facilities; and our ability to promote, develop and deploy technologies to produce renewable fuels and biochemicals. Words or phrases such as “anticipates,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “believes,” “estimates,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “predicts,” “projects,” “showing signs,” “targets,” “view,” “will likely result,” “will continue” or similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on current assumptions and predictions and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties. Actual results or events could differ materially from those set forth or implied by such forward-looking statements and related assumptions due to certain factors, including, without limitation, competition in the ethanol, biodiesel and other industries in which we operate, commodity market risks including those that may result from current weather conditions, financial market risks, customer adoption, counter-party risks, risks associated with changes to federal policy or regulation, and other risks detailed in our reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our Annual Reports on Form 10-K, and in our other filings with the SEC. We are not obligated, and do not intend, to update any of these forward-looking statements at any time unless an update is required by applicable securities laws.

External Investor Relations
Kirin Smith
PCG Advisory Group
(646) 863-6519

Company Investor Relations/
Media Contact:
Todd Waltz
 (408) 213-0940


What is the expected increase in Aemetis' RNG production capacity?

Aemetis expects to increase its RNG production capacity by 80% to 550,000 MMBtu per year by 2025.

How much revenue is Aemetis expecting from investment tax credits this month?

Aemetis expects to generate $11.5 million from investment tax credits from previous projects this month.

What is the significance of CARB pathway approval for Aemetis?

CARB pathway approval under the LCFS could result in a 100% increase in LCFS credit revenues for Aemetis.

How many dairies have agreements with Aemetis Biogas?

Aemetis Biogas has agreements with 49 dairies to supply waste for its Central Dairy Project.

What are the funding sources for Aemetis' biogas project?

The project is funded by $50 million in USDA loans, with an additional $75 million in loans currently pending.

Aemetis, Inc. (DE)


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