ADP National Employment Report: Private Sector Employment Increased by 77,000 Jobs in February; Annual Pay was Up 4.7%
ADP's February 2025 National Employment Report shows private sector employment increased by 77,000 jobs, marking the smallest gain since July. The report reveals annual pay growth remained stable at 4.7% for job-stayers, while job-changers saw a slight decrease from 6.8% to 6.7% year-over-year.
Key sector changes include: goods-producing sectors added 42,000 jobs, while service-providing sectors gained 36,000. Notable shifts occurred in leisure/hospitality (+41,000), professional/business services (+27,000), and financial activities (+26,000). However, trade/transportation/utilities (-33,000), education/health services (-28,000), and information (-14,000) experienced losses.
Regionally, the Northeast (+55,000) and Midwest (+56,000) showed growth, while the South (-12,000) and West (-27,000) declined. By establishment size, small businesses lost 12,000 jobs, while medium and large establishments gained 46,000 and 37,000 jobs respectively.
Il Rapporto Nazionale sull'Occupazione di ADP di febbraio 2025 mostra che l'occupazione nel settore privato è aumentata di 77.000 posti di lavoro, segnando il guadagno più piccolo da luglio. Il rapporto rivela che la crescita salariale annuale è rimasta stabile al 4,7% per coloro che hanno mantenuto il lavoro, mentre i cambiatori di lavoro hanno registrato una leggera diminuzione dal 6,8% al 6,7% su base annua.
I principali cambiamenti settoriali includono: i settori produttivi hanno aggiunto 42.000 posti di lavoro, mentre i settori dei servizi hanno guadagnato 36.000. Trasferimenti significativi si sono verificati nel tempo libero/ospitalità (+41.000), nei servizi professionali/aziendali (+27.000) e nelle attività finanziarie (+26.000). Tuttavia, commercio/trasporti/utilità (-33.000), servizi educativi/sanitari (-28.000) e informazioni (-14.000) hanno subito perdite.
A livello regionale, il Northeast (+55.000) e il Midwest (+56.000) hanno mostrato crescita, mentre il Sud (-12.000) e l'Ovest (-27.000) hanno registrato un calo. Per quanto riguarda la dimensione degli stabilimenti, le piccole imprese hanno perso 12.000 posti di lavoro, mentre gli stabilimenti medi e grandi hanno guadagnato rispettivamente 46.000 e 37.000 posti di lavoro.
El Informe Nacional de Empleo de ADP de febrero de 2025 muestra que el empleo en el sector privado aumentó en 77,000 empleos, marcando la ganancia más pequeña desde julio. El informe revela que el crecimiento salarial anual se mantuvo estable en 4.7% para quienes se quedaron en el trabajo, mientras que los que cambiaron de empleo vieron una ligera disminución del 6.8% al 6.7% interanual.
Los cambios clave por sector incluyen: los sectores productivos añadieron 42,000 empleos, mientras que los sectores de servicios ganaron 36,000. Se produjeron cambios notables en ocio/hospitalidad (+41,000), servicios profesionales/empresariales (+27,000) y actividades financieras (+26,000). Sin embargo, comercio/transporte/utilidades (-33,000), servicios educativos/sanitarios (-28,000) e información (-14,000) experimentaron pérdidas.
A nivel regional, el Noreste (+55,000) y el Medio Oeste (+56,000) mostraron crecimiento, mientras que el Sur (-12,000) y el Oeste (-27,000) declinaron. Por tamaño de establecimiento, las pequeñas empresas perdieron 12,000 empleos, mientras que los establecimientos medianos y grandes ganaron 46,000 y 37,000 empleos respectivamente.
ADP의 2025년 2월 국가 고용 보고서에 따르면 민간 부문 고용이 77,000개 일자리 증가하여 7월 이후 가장 작은 증가폭을 기록했습니다. 보고서에 따르면 연간 급여 성장률은 직장을 유지한 사람들에게 4.7%로 안정적으로 유지되었고, 직장을 바꾼 사람들은 6.8%에서 6.7%로 소폭 감소했습니다.
주요 산업 변화에는: 상품 생산 부문이 42,000개의 일자리를 추가한 반면, 서비스 제공 부문은 36,000개를 증가시켰습니다. 여가/환대 (+41,000), 전문/사업 서비스 (+27,000), 금융 활동 (+26,000)에서 주목할 만한 변화가 있었습니다. 그러나 무역/운송/유틸리티 (-33,000), 교육/보건 서비스 (-28,000), 정보 (-14,000) 분야는 손실을 겪었습니다.
지역적으로는 북동부 (+55,000)와 중서부 (+56,000)가 성장을 보였고, 남부 (-12,000)와 서부 (-27,000)는 감소했습니다. 사업체 규모별로 소기업은 12,000개의 일자리를 잃었고, 중대형 사업체는 각각 46,000개와 37,000개의 일자리를 추가했습니다.
Le Rapport National sur l'Emploi d'ADP de février 2025 montre que l'emploi dans le secteur privé a augmenté de 77 000 emplois, marquant le plus petit gain depuis juillet. Le rapport révèle que la croissance salariale annuelle est restée stable à 4,7% pour les travailleurs qui restent en poste, tandis que les travailleurs qui changent d'emploi ont vu une légère diminution de 6,8% à 6,7% d'une année sur l'autre.
Les principaux changements sectoriels incluent : les secteurs de production de biens ont ajouté 42 000 emplois, tandis que les secteurs de services ont gagné 36 000. Des changements notables se sont produits dans les loisirs/hôtellerie (+41 000), les services professionnels/entreprises (+27 000) et les activités financières (+26 000). Cependant, le commerce/transport/utilités (-33 000), les services éducatifs/sanitaires (-28 000) et l'information (-14 000) ont subi des pertes.
Régionalement, le Nord-Est (+55 000) et le Midwest (+56 000) ont montré une croissance, tandis que le Sud (-12 000) et l'Ouest (-27 000) ont décliné. En fonction de la taille des établissements, les petites entreprises ont perdu 12 000 emplois, tandis que les établissements de taille moyenne et grande ont gagné respectivement 46 000 et 37 000 emplois.
Der nationale Beschäftigungsbericht von ADP für Februar 2025 zeigt, dass die Beschäftigung im privaten Sektor um 77.000 Stellen gestiegen ist, was den kleinsten Anstieg seit Juli markiert. Der Bericht zeigt, dass das jährliche Lohnwachstum für Beschäftigte stabil bei 4,7% blieb, während Jobwechsler einen leichten Rückgang von 6,8% auf 6,7% im Jahresvergleich verzeichneten.
Wichtige sektorale Veränderungen umfassen: Die Güter produzierenden Sektoren haben 42.000 Stellen hinzugefügt, während die Dienstleistungssektoren 36.000 Stellen gewonnen haben. Bedeutende Verschiebungen fanden im Freizeit-/Gastgewerbe (+41.000), in den professionellen/geschäftlichen Dienstleistungen (+27.000) und in den finanziellen Aktivitäten (+26.000) statt. Allerdings erlitten Handel/Transport/Versorgungsunternehmen (-33.000), Bildungs-/Gesundheitsdienste (-28.000) und Informationen (-14.000) Verluste.
Regional wiesen der Nordosten (+55.000) und der Mittlere Westen (+56.000) Wachstum auf, während der Süden (-12.000) und der Westen (-27.000) einen Rückgang verzeichneten. Nach Unternehmensgröße verloren kleine Unternehmen 12.000 Stellen, während mittelgroße und große Unternehmen jeweils 46.000 und 37.000 Stellen hinzugewannen.
- Pay growth remained stable at 4.7% for job-stayers
- Job-changers continue to see higher wage growth at 6.7%
- Medium and large businesses showed job gains of 46,000 and 37,000 respectively
- Strong regional growth in Northeast (+55,000) and Midwest (+56,000)
- Overall job growth slowed to 77,000, lowest since July
- Multiple sectors showed job losses including trade/transportation (-33,000) and education/health (-28,000)
- Small businesses lost 12,000 jobs
- South and West regions showed employment declines
- Information sector shed 14,000 jobs
The February ADP National Employment Report revealed a significant slowdown in private sector job growth, with just
The report exposes concerning sectoral disparities. Trade/transportation/utilities (
Small businesses losing
From ADP's perspective, this report demonstrates the company's expanding data analytics capabilities – with pay insights now capturing nearly
While headline job growth decelerated sharply, wage data provides a more nuanced picture of labor market conditions. Annual pay growth remained steady at
The slight moderation in job-changer pay growth (from
Company size analysis reveals important structural shifts: employees at the smallest firms (1-19 workers) experienced markedly lower pay growth at just
Sector-level wage data shows financial activities leading with
The jobs report and pay insights use ADP's fine-grained anonymized and aggregated payroll data to provide a representative picture of the private-sector labor market. The report details the current month's total private employment change, and weekly job data from the previous month. Because the underlying ADP payroll databases are continuously updated, the report provides a high-frequency, near real-time measure of
"Policy uncertainty and a slowdown in consumer spending might have led to layoffs or a slowdown in hiring last month," said Nela Richardson, chief economist, ADP. "Our data, combined with other recent indicators, suggests a hiring hesitancy among employers as they assess the economic climate ahead."
February 2025 Report Highlights*
View the ADP National Employment Report and interactive charts at
Private employers added 77,000 jobs in February
Hiring slowed to the smallest level of gains since July, with trade and transportation, health care and education, and information showing job losses. Small business employment also fell.
Change in
Change by Industry Sector
- Goods-producing: 42,000
- Natural resources/mining -2,000
- Construction 26,000
- Manufacturing 18,000
- Service-providing: 36,000
- Trade/transportation/utilities -33,000
- Information -14,000
- Financial activities 26,000
- Professional/business services 27,000
- Education/health services -28,000
- Leisure/hospitality 41,000
- Other services 17,000
Change by
- Northeast: 55,000
- New England 34,000
- Middle Atlantic 21,000
- Midwest: 56,000
- East North Central 45,000
- West North Central 11,000
- South: -12,000
- South Atlantic -26,000
- East South Central 32,000
- West South Central -18,000
- West: -27,000
- Mountain -2,000
- Pacific -25,000
Change by Establishment Size
- Small establishments: -12,000
- 1-19 employees -17,000
- 20-49 employees 5,000
- Medium establishments: 46,000
- 50-249 employees 15,000
- 250-499 employees 31,000
- Large establishments: 37,000
- 500+ employees 37,000
Pay gains remained stable in February
For job-changers, year-over-year pay gains slowed slightly, from 6.8 percent in January to 6.7 percent. Pay gains for job-stayers were flat at 4.7 percent.
Median Change in Annual Pay (ADP matched person sample)
- Job-Stayers
- Job-Changers 6.
Median Change in Annual Pay for Job-Stayers by Industry Sector
- Goods-producing:
- Natural resources/mining
4.4% - Construction
4.9% - Manufacturing
- Service-providing:
- Trade/transportation/utilities
4.4% - Information
4.2% - Financial activities
5.1% - Professional/business services
4.5% - Education/health services
4.9% - Leisure/hospitality
4.8% - Other services
Median Change in Annual Pay for Job-Stayers by Firm Size
- Small firms:
- 1-19 employees
2.8% - 20-49 employees
- Medium firms:
- 50-249 employees
4.9% - 250-499 employees
- Large firms:
- 500+ employees
To see Pay Insights by
* Sum of components may not equal total due to rounding.
The January total number of jobs added was revised from 183,000 to 186,000. The historical data file and weekly data for the previous month are available at
To subscribe to monthly email alerts or obtain additional information about the ADP National Employment Report, including employment and pay data, interactive charts, methodology, and a calendar of release dates, please visit
The March 2025 ADP National Employment Report will be released at 8:15 a.m. ET on April 2, 2025.
About the ADP® National Employment Report™ The ADP National Employment Report is an independent measure of the change in
The ADP National Employment Report is broadly distributed to the public each month, free of charge, as part of the company's commitment to offering deeper insights of the
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The mission of ADP Research is to make the future of work more productive through data-driven discovery. Companies, workers, and policymakers rely on our finely tuned data and unique perspective to make informed decisions that impact workplaces around the world.
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How many jobs did ADP report for February 2025?
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