CleanCore Solutions, Inc. (ZONE) to Ring NYSE Opening Bell Today

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CleanCore Solutions (NYSE American: ZONE) is set to ring the NYSE Opening Bell today, celebrating its progress and listing on the New York Stock Exchange. The company, which develops patented technology for safe and low-cost cleaning chemical alternatives, began trading under the ticker symbol 'ZONE' on April 26, 2024.

CEO Clayton Adams expressed pride in the company's achievements since listing, emphasizing their goal to revolutionize cleaning and disinfection using aqueous ozone technology. CleanCore aims to eliminate harmful chemicals, reduce environmental impact, and provide sustainable, cost-effective solutions that outperform traditional methods.

The company also disclosed that its audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, included an audit report with a going concern opinion from its independent registered public accounting firm, as required by NYSE American Company Guide Section 610(b).

CleanCore Solutions (NYSE American: ZONE) è pronta a suonare la campana di apertura della NYSE oggi, festeggiando i suoi progressi e la quotazione alla Borsa di New York. L'azienda, che sviluppa tecnologie brevettate per alternative sicure e a basso costo ai prodotti chimici per la pulizia, ha iniziato a essere scambiata con il simbolo borsistico 'ZONE' il 26 aprile 2024.

Il CEO Clayton Adams ha espresso orgoglio per i risultati ottenuti dall'azienda dalla sua quotazione, sottolineando il loro obiettivo di rivoluzionare la pulizia e la disinfezione utilizzando la tecnologia dell'ozono acquoso. CleanCore mira ad eliminare sostanze chimiche nocive, ridurre l'impatto ambientale e fornire soluzioni sostenibili e economicamente vantaggiose che superano i metodi tradizionali.

L'azienda ha inoltre reso noto che i suoi bilanci finanziari auditati per l'anno fiscale conclusosi il 30 giugno 2024, includevano un rapporto di revisione con un parere di continuità da parte del suo studio di revisione contabile pubblico indipendente, come richiesto dalla Sezione 610(b) della Guida alle aziende NYSE American.

CleanCore Solutions (NYSE American: ZONE) está lista para sonar la campana de apertura de la NYSE hoy, celebrando su progreso y su inclusión en la Bolsa de Nueva York. La compañía, que desarrolla tecnología patentada para alternativas de productos químicos de limpieza seguras y de bajo costo, comenzó a cotizar bajo el símbolo bursátil 'ZONE' el 26 de abril de 2024.

El CEO Clayton Adams expresó su orgullo por los logros de la compañía desde su listado, enfatizando su objetivo de revolucionar la limpieza y desinfección utilizando tecnología de ozono acuoso. CleanCore busca eliminar productos químicos dañinos, reducir el impacto ambiental y proporcionar soluciones sostenibles y rentables que superen los métodos tradicionales.

La empresa también reveló que sus estados financieros auditados para el año fiscal terminado el 30 de junio de 2024, incluían un informe de auditoría con un informe de continuidad de su firma de contabilidad pública registrada independiente, según lo requiere la Sección 610(b) de la Guía de Empresas de NYSE American.

CleanCore Solutions (NYSE American: ZONE)은 오늘 뉴욕 증권거래소 개장 종을 울리며, 자사의 진전을 축하하고 뉴욕 증권거래소 상장 소식을 알립니다. 안전하고 저렴한 청소 화학 대체 제품을 위한 특허 기술을 개발하는 이 회사는 2024년 4월 26일부터 'ZONE'이라는 종목 코드로 거래를 시작했습니다.

CEO 클레이턴 아담스는 상장 이후 회사의 성과에 대한 자부심을 표명하며, 수용성 오존 기술을 이용해 청소 및 소독의 혁신을 목표로 하고 있다고 강조했습니다. CleanCore는 해로운 화학물질을 없애고, 환경 영향을 줄이며, 기존 방법보다 뛰어난 지속 가능하고 비용 효과적인 솔루션을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

회사 측은 또한 2024년 6월 30일로 종료된 회계연도의 감사 재무제표에 대해 NYSE American Company Guide 610(b)항에 따라 독립 등록 회계법인으로부터의 재무 지속성 의견이 포함된 감사를 받았다고 발표했습니다.

CleanCore Solutions (NYSE American: ZONE) est prête à sonner la cloche d'ouverture de la NYSE aujourd'hui, célébrant ses progrès et sa cotation à la Bourse de New York. L'entreprise, qui développe une technologie brevetée pour des alternatives de produits chimiques de nettoyage sûres et à faible coût, a commencé à être échangée sous le symbole boursier 'ZONE' le 26 avril 2024.

Le PDG Clayton Adams a exprimé sa fierté pour les réalisations de l'entreprise depuis son introduction en bourse, en soulignant leur objectif de révolutionner le nettoyage et la désinfection en utilisant la technologie à base d'ozone aqueux. CleanCore vise à éliminer les produits chimiques nocifs, à réduire l'impact environnemental et à fournir des solutions durables et rentables qui surpassent les méthodes traditionnelles.

L'entreprise a également révélé que ses états financiers audités pour l'exercice terminé le 30 juin 2024 comprenaient un rapport d'audit avec un avis sur la continuité de l'exploitation de son cabinet d'expertise comptable inscrit indépendant, comme l'exige la Section 610(b) de la Guide des entreprises NYSE American.

CleanCore Solutions (NYSE American: ZONE) wird heute die NYSE Eröffnungsglocke läuten und damit ihren Fortschritt und die Listung an der New York Stock Exchange feiern. Das Unternehmen, das patentierte Technologien für sichere und kostengünstige Alternativen zu Reinigungschemikalien entwickelt, begann am 26. April 2024 unter dem Tickersymbol 'ZONE' zu handeln.

CEO Clayton Adams drückte seinen Stolz über die Erfolge des Unternehmens seit der Listung aus und betonte das Ziel, die Reinigung und Desinfektion mit wässriger Ozon-Technologie zu revolutionieren. CleanCore strebt an, schädliche Chemikalien zu eliminieren, den Umwelteinfluss zu reduzieren und nachhaltige, kosteneffiziente Lösungen anzubieten, die die traditionellen Methoden übertreffen.

Das Unternehmen gab außerdem bekannt, dass seine geprüften Finanzberichte für das zum 30. Juni 2024 endende Geschäftsjahr einen Prüfungsbericht mit einer Fortführungsprognose von seinem unabhängigen registrierten Wirtschaftsprüfer enthielten, wie es die NYSE American Company Guide Section 610(b) verlangt.

  • Listed on NYSE American under ticker 'ZONE'
  • Developed patented aqueous ozone technology for cleaning
  • Aims to provide sustainable and cost-effective cleaning solutions
  • Auditor's report includes a going concern opinion

Omaha, NE, Oct. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CleanCore Solutions, Inc. (NYSE American: ZONE) (“CleanCore” or the “Company”), developer of patented technology that works as a safe and low-cost replacement for traditional cleaning chemicals, today announced it will celebrate the Company’s progress and listing on the New York Stock Exchange by ringing the NYSE Opening Bell at the New York Stock Exchange Building, 11 Wall Street, New York City. CleanCore Solutions commenced trading on the NYSE under the ticker symbol “ZONE” on April 26, 2024.

The ceremony will begin at approximately 9:15 a.m. ET today and can be viewed live at

Clayton Adams, Chief Executive Officer of CleanCore, commented, “Ringing the NYSE opening bell is an honor and we believe it is a reflection of the important progress we’ve made since our listing less than six months ago. At CleanCore, our goal is to revolutionize cleaning and disinfection by leveraging our patented aqueous ozone technology. We are committed to eliminating harmful chemicals, reducing environmental impact, and providing our customers with sustainable, cost-effective solutions that outperform traditional methods. This milestone represents our dedication to innovation and excellence, and we’re excited about the future as we continue to drive meaningful change. Together, we strive to build a healthier, greener world for generations to come.”

As required by Section 610(b) of the NYSE American Company Guide, the Company also discloses that its audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, included in the Company’s Annual Form on 10-K, contained an audit report from its independent registered public accounting firm with a going concern opinion. This information does not represent any change or amendment to any of the Company’s filings for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024.

About CleanCore Solutions

CleanCore Solutions, Inc. (NYSE American: ZONE) is dedicated to revolutionizing cleaning and disinfection practices by harnessing the power of its patented aqueous ozone technology. The Company’s mission is to empower its customers with cost-effective, sustainable solutions that surpass traditional cleaning methods. Through innovation and commitment to excellence, CleanCore strives to create a healthier, greener future for generations to come. For more information, please visit

Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains information about our views of future expectations, plans, and prospects with respect to CleanCore’s business, financial condition, and results of operations that constitute or may constitute forward-looking statements. Any and all forward-looking statements are based on the management’s beliefs, assumptions, and expectations of CleanCore’s future economic performance, taking into account the information currently available to it. These statements are not statements of historical fact. Although CleanCore believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that its expectations will be attained. CleanCore does not undertake any duty to update any statements contained herein (including any forward-looking statements), except as required by law. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of factors, risks, and uncertainties, some of which are not currently known to us, that may cause CleanCore’s actual results, performance or financial condition to be materially different from the expectations of future results, performance or financial position. Actual results may differ materially from the expectations discussed in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations include general industry considerations, regulatory changes, changes in local or national economic conditions and other risks set forth in “Risk Factors” included in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Investor Relations:
Crescendo Communications, LLC
Tel: (212) 671-1020


When did CleanCore Solutions (ZONE) start trading on the NYSE American?

CleanCore Solutions (ZONE) commenced trading on the NYSE American on April 26, 2024.

What is the main technology developed by CleanCore Solutions (ZONE)?

CleanCore Solutions (ZONE) has developed patented aqueous ozone technology that serves as a safe and low-cost replacement for traditional cleaning chemicals.

What concern was raised in CleanCore Solutions' (ZONE) latest audit report?

The audit report for CleanCore Solutions' (ZONE) fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, included a going concern opinion from its independent registered public accounting firm.

What event is CleanCore Solutions (ZONE) celebrating on October 18, 2024?

CleanCore Solutions (ZONE) is celebrating its progress and NYSE listing by ringing the NYSE Opening Bell on October 18, 2024.

CleanCore Solutions Inc.


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Pollution & Treatment Controls
Specialty Cleaning, Polishing and Sanitation Preparations
United States of America