CleanCore Solutions, Inc. (ZONE) Announces Successful Launch of Revenue Generating Pilot Program with One of the World’s Leading International Logistics Companies

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CleanCore Solutions, Inc. (NYSE American: ZONE) has successfully launched a revenue-generating pilot program with one of the world's leading international logistics companies. The program involves using CleanCore's Power Caddies and other cleaning solutions in a portion of the client's million-plus square-foot facility. This Fortune 50 logistics company has a vast international presence, including warehouse facilities, aircraft, and ground transportation vehicles, along with over 500,000 employees globally.

CEO Clayton Adams expressed confidence that the initial purchase order will lead to significant, long-term, enterprise-wide contracts, citing early positive feedback, high customer satisfaction, and meaningful cost savings. The client intends to deploy CleanCore products throughout its organization following a successful pilot, aligning with their focus on safer cleaning solutions and internal sustainability goals.

CleanCore Solutions, Inc. (NYSE American: ZONE) ha lanciato con successo un programma pilota generatore di entrate con una delle principali aziende internazionali di logistica al mondo. Il programma prevede l'utilizzo dei Power Caddies di CleanCore e di altre soluzioni di pulizia in una parte della struttura del cliente, che supera il milione di piedi quadrati. Questa azienda di logistica Fortune 50 ha una vasta presenza internazionale, comprendente strutture di magazzino, velivoli e veicoli per il trasporto a terra, insieme a oltre 500.000 dipendenti in tutto il mondo.

Il CEO Clayton Adams ha espresso fiducia sul fatto che l'ordine di acquisto iniziale porterà a contratti significativi e a lungo termine a livello aziendale, citando un riscontro positivo iniziale, un'elevata soddisfazione del cliente e significativi risparmi sui costi. Il cliente intende implementare i prodotti CleanCore in tutta la sua organizzazione dopo un pilota di successo, allineandosi al loro obiettivo di soluzioni di pulizia più sicure e di sostenibilità interna.

CleanCore Solutions, Inc. (NYSE American: ZONE) ha lanzado con éxito un programa piloto generador de ingresos con una de las principales empresas de logística internacional del mundo. El programa implica el uso de los Power Caddies de CleanCore y otras soluciones de limpieza en una parte de las instalaciones del cliente, que superan el millón de pies cuadrados. Esta empresa de logística Fortune 50 tiene una vasta presencia internacional, que incluye instalaciones de almacenamiento, aeronaves y vehículos de transporte por tierra, junto con más de 500,000 empleados a nivel global.

El CEO Clayton Adams expresó confianza en que el pedido inicial se traducirá en contratos significativos a largo plazo en toda la empresa, citando comentarios positivos tempranos, alta satisfacción del cliente y ahorros de costos significativos. El cliente tiene la intención de implementar los productos de CleanCore en toda su organización tras un piloto exitoso, alineándose con su enfoque en soluciones de limpieza más seguras y con sus metas de sostenibilidad interna.

CleanCore Solutions, Inc. (NYSE American: ZONE)는 세계적인 물류 회사 중 하나와 수익 창출이 가능한 파일럿 프로그램을 성공적으로 출시했습니다. 이 프로그램은 고객의 백만 평방피트를 초과하는 시설의 일부에 CleanCore의 Power Caddies 및 기타 청소 솔루션을 사용하는 것입니다. 이 포춘 50 물류 회사는 창고 시설, 항공기 및 육상 운송 수단을 포함한 광범위한 국제적 존재를 갖추고 있으며, 전 세계에 500,000명 이상의 직원을 두고 있습니다.

CEO 클레이튼 아담스는 초기 구매 주문이 상당히 의미 있는 장기 계약으로 이어질 것이라는 확신을 표명했으며, 초기 긍정적인 피드백, 높은 고객 만족도, 그리고 의미 있는 비용 절감 등을 언급했습니다. 고객은 성공적인 파일럿 후 CleanCore 제품을 조직 전반에 배치할 계획이며, 이는 보다 안전한 청소 솔루션과 내부 지속 가능성 목표에 대한 집중과 일치합니다.

CleanCore Solutions, Inc. (NYSE American: ZONE) a réussi à lancer un programme pilote générateur de revenus avec l'une des principales entreprises de logistique internationales au monde. Le programme implique d'utiliser les Power Caddies de CleanCore et d'autres solutions de nettoyage dans une partie des installations de plus d'un million de pieds carrés du client. Cette entreprise de logistique Fortune 50 a une vaste présence internationale, comprenant des installations d'entrepôts, des avions et des véhicules de transport terrestre, ainsi que plus de 500 000 employés dans le monde.

Le PDG Clayton Adams a exprimé sa confiance que la commande initiale se traduira par des contrats significatifs et à long terme à l'échelle de l'entreprise, en citant des retours positifs précoces, une haute satisfaction client et des économies de coûts significatives. Le client prévoit de déployer les produits de CleanCore dans toute son organisation après un pilote réussi, s'inscrivant dans son orientation vers des solutions de nettoyage plus sûres et des objectifs de durabilité interne.

CleanCore Solutions, Inc. (NYSE American: ZONE) hat erfolgreich ein umsatzgenerierendes Pilotprogramm mit einem der weltweit führenden internationalen Logistikunternehmen gestartet. Das Programm umfasst die Nutzung von CleanCores Power Caddies und anderen Reinigungslösungen in einem Teil der über eine Million Quadratfuß großen Einrichtung des Kunden. Dieses Fortune 50 Logistikunternehmen hat eine umfassende internationale Präsenz, einschließlich Lagerhäuser, Flugzeuge und Transportfahrzeuge, sowie über 500.000 Mitarbeiter weltweit.

CEO Clayton Adams äußerte das Vertrauen, dass der erste Kaufauftrag zu bedeutenden, langfristigen Verträgen auf Unternehmensebene führen wird, und verwies auf frühes positives Feedback, hohe Kundenzufriedenheit und erhebliche Kosteneinsparungen. Der Kunde beabsichtigt, die Produkte von CleanCore nach einem erfolgreichen Pilotprojekt in der gesamten Organisation einzusetzen, was mit seinem Fokus auf sicherere Reinigungslösungen und interne Nachhaltigkeitsziele übereinstimmt.

  • Successful launch of a revenue-generating pilot program with a major international logistics company
  • Potential for significant, long-term, enterprise-wide contracts if the pilot is successful
  • Early positive feedback from the client
  • Alignment with client's focus on safer cleaning solutions and sustainability goals
  • None.

The successful launch of CleanCore Solutions' pilot program with a major international logistics company marks a significant milestone for the company's market penetration strategy. This development could have far-reaching implications for ZONE's future revenue streams and market position.

Key points to consider:

  • The client is described as a Fortune 50 logistics company with a global workforce exceeding 500,000 employees. This suggests an enormous potential market for CleanCore's products if the pilot proves successful.
  • The pilot program is starting in one million-plus square-foot facility, indicating the scale of potential deployment. Logistics companies often operate numerous such facilities worldwide, presenting a substantial opportunity for expansion.
  • The client's intention to deploy CleanCore products throughout its organization post-pilot suggests a high-stakes test that could lead to a significant, long-term contract.
  • The mention of the client's aircraft and ground transportation vehicles hints at diverse application possibilities for CleanCore's technology beyond just warehouse facilities.

While the initial purchase order's value isn't disclosed, the potential for enterprise-wide adoption by a Fortune 50 company could dramatically alter CleanCore's market position. Investors should monitor the progress of this pilot closely, as its success could serve as a powerful proof of concept for other large-scale clients in the logistics sector and beyond.

This pilot program launch represents a potentially transformative opportunity for CleanCore Solutions (ZONE). While specific financial details are not provided, the implications for future revenue growth are substantial.

Key financial considerations:

  • Revenue Potential: If successful, this pilot could lead to a significant, long-term contract with a Fortune 50 company. The scale of such a client suggests the potential for multi-million dollar annual revenues.
  • Market Validation: Securing a contract with a major logistics company could serve as a strong endorsement of CleanCore's technology, potentially opening doors to other large enterprise clients.
  • Scalability: The client's global presence and diverse operations (warehouses, aircraft, ground transport) demonstrate the scalability of CleanCore's solutions, which could translate to higher margins as production scales up.
  • Cost Savings: The mention of "meaningful cost savings" for clients is crucial. In the current economic climate, solutions that offer substantial cost reductions are likely to see increased demand.

Investors should note that while this news is promising, it's important to temper expectations. The pilot's success is not guaranteed and even if successful, the timeline for full-scale implementation and revenue realization could be extended. Additionally, the lack of specific financial projections or the size of the initial purchase order suggests caution in making immediate valuation adjustments.

CleanCore Solutions' pilot program with a major logistics company underscores a growing trend in the adoption of sustainable cleaning technologies in large-scale operations. This development is significant from an environmental technology perspective for several reasons:

  • Sustainability Goals: The mention of the client's internal sustainability goals aligns with the broader industry shift towards environmentally friendly practices. CleanCore's technology, as a safe and low-cost replacement for traditional cleaning chemicals, directly addresses this need.
  • Chemical Reduction: Traditional cleaning chemicals often have significant environmental impacts. CleanCore's solutions could substantially reduce the chemical footprint of large-scale cleaning operations.
  • Worker Safety: With over 500,000 employees globally, the adoption of safer cleaning solutions could have a meaningful impact on worker health and safety, potentially reducing incidents related to chemical exposure.
  • Resource Efficiency: While not explicitly stated, many alternative cleaning technologies also offer water and energy savings. If CleanCore's solutions provide these benefits, it could further enhance the environmental appeal of their products.

The potential large-scale adoption by a Fortune 50 company could serve as a catalyst for industry-wide change. If successful, this pilot could accelerate the adoption of environmentally friendly cleaning technologies across the logistics sector and beyond. However, it's important to note that the environmental benefits will need to be quantified and verified as the pilot progresses to fully understand the technology's impact.

Pilot program to utilize CleanCore’s solutions within the first of the client’s million-plus square-foot facilities

Omaha, NE, July 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CleanCore Solutions, Inc. (NYSE American: ZONE) (“CleanCore” or the “Company”), developer of patented technology that works as a safe and low-cost replacement for traditional cleaning chemicals, today announced the successful launch of a pilot program with one of the world’s largest international logistics companies pursuant to an initial purchase order. The pilot program will include the utilization of CleanCore’s Power Caddies and other cleaning solutions in a portion of the first of the client’s million-plus square-foot facilities. Following the pilot, and assuming continued positive feedback, the client intends to deploy CleanCore products throughout its organization.

Clayton Adams, Chief Executive Officer of CleanCore commented, “We are pleased to announce the successful commencement of this pilot program in collaboration with a Fortune 50 logistics company. This customer has an enormous international footprint, consisting of warehouse facilities, as well as aircraft and ground transportation vehicles. Furthermore, this client boasts a workforce of over five hundred thousand employees globally, emphasizing the importance of safer cleaning solutions and the achievement of internal sustainability goals. Given the early positive feedback, our track record of high customer satisfaction and meaningful cost savings, we are highly confident this initial purchase order will translate into significant, long-term, enterprise-wide contracts.”

About CleanCore Solutions

CleanCore Solutions, Inc. (NYSE American: ZONE) is dedicated to revolutionizing cleaning and disinfection practices by harnessing the power of its patented aqueous ozone technology. The Company’s mission is to empower its customers with cost-effective, sustainable solutions that surpass traditional cleaning methods. Through innovation and commitment to excellence, CleanCore strives to create a healthier, greener future for generations to come.

For more information, please visit

Forward Looking Statements

This press release may contain information about our views of future expectations, plans and prospects that constitute forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements are based on the management’s beliefs, assumptions, and expectations of CleanCore’s future economic performance, taking into account the information currently available to it. These statements are not statements of historical fact. Although CleanCore believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that its expectations will be attained. CleanCore does not undertake any duty to update any statements contained herein (including any forward-looking statements), except as required by law. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of factors, risks, and uncertainties, some of which are not currently known to us, that may cause CleanCore’s actual results, performance or financial condition to be materially different from the expectations of future results, performance or financial position. Actual results may differ materially from the expectations discussed in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations include general industry considerations, regulatory changes, changes in local or national economic conditions and other risks set forth in “Risk Factors” included in our filings with the SEC.

Investor Relations:
Crescendo Communications, LLC
Tel: (212) 671-1020


What is the new pilot program announced by CleanCore Solutions (ZONE)?

CleanCore Solutions (ZONE) has launched a revenue-generating pilot program with one of the world's leading international logistics companies, utilizing their Power Caddies and cleaning solutions in a portion of the client's million-plus square-foot facility.

Who is the client for CleanCore Solutions' (ZONE) new pilot program?

The client is described as one of the world's largest international logistics companies, a Fortune 50 company with over 500,000 employees globally and an extensive network of warehouse facilities, aircraft, and ground transportation vehicles.

What are the potential outcomes of CleanCore Solutions' (ZONE) pilot program?

If the pilot program is successful and continues to receive positive feedback, the client intends to deploy CleanCore products throughout its organization, potentially leading to significant, long-term, enterprise-wide contracts for CleanCore Solutions (ZONE).

How does the pilot program align with the client's goals?

The pilot program aligns with the client's focus on safer cleaning solutions and the achievement of internal sustainability goals, which are important considerations for a company with a large global workforce and extensive facilities.

CleanCore Solutions Inc.


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